1850 Gazetteer of Newton Ferrers England

Last Updated on March 1, 2013 by Dennis

NEWTON FERRERS is a pleasant scattered village, on rising ground, at the head of a small creek from the estuary of the Yealm, 7 miles S.E. by E. of Plymouth, and 2 miles from the sea-coast. Its parish contains 778 souls, and 2991 acres of land, extending two miles northward along the east side of the estuary, and including the small hamlet of Torr, and a number of scattered farms. There are oyster-beds in the estuary, belonging to companies in London and Southampton; and a variety of other fish are taken here. The manor of Newton anciently belonged to the Ferrers family, whose co-heiress carried it in marriage to Lord St. John. It afterwards passed to the Bonville, Coplestone, Hele, and other families. It now belongs in moieties to H. R. Roe and John Holberton, Esqrs., the latter of whom has a pleasant seat, called Torr House, where his family has resided many generations. Gnaton Hall, the seat of H. R. Roe, Esq., was long the residence of the Heles, and was rebuilt about twenty years ago. It is now a handsome mansion, with extensive and well-wooded grounds. The manor of Postlinch, or Puslinch, was given by one of the Ferrers to the De Pustlinch family, from whom it passed to the Mohuns, and from the latter to the Uptons. It passed with an heiress of the latter, in 1709, to Jas. Yonge, M.D., of Plymouth, and now belongs to his great-grandson, the Rev. Jno. Yonge, who resides at Puslinch House, a large and handsome mansion, which was built by Dr. Yonge, soon after he came to the estate, at the cost of about £9000. The house has tasteful grounds, and commands a fine view of the vale of the Yealm. Torr Villa, the delightful residence of J. B. Yonge, Esq., was built about 25 years ago, and is shut in on the east and west by high tors and woody acclivities. E. R. P. Bastard, Esq., and a few smaller owners, have estates in the parish. The Church (Holy Cross,) is an ancient structure, with a tower and five bells, and was repaired and new seated about 60 years ago. Near Puslinch House stood the ancient chapel of St. Toly (Olave,) but its remains were removed some years ago. The rectory, valued in K.B. at £45. 2s. 1d., and in 1831 at £533, is in the patronage and incumbency of the Rev. John Yonge, B.A., whose ancestor, the above-named Dr. Yonge, purchased the advowson of the Duke of Leeds in 1728. The glebe is 88A. 3R. 6P., and the tithes were commuted in 1839 for £440 per annum. An Almshouse, supposed to have been founded by Sir Warwick Hele, in 1625, was rebuilt by the parishioners about thirty-five years ago, but has no endowment. The poor have 10s. a year, left by Walter Carkeete. The National School is supported chiefly by the rector.

Gazetteer, History,

White, William. History, gazetteer, and directory of Devonshire. William White Publisher, 1850.

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