N Surname
Name, Where, Convicted, Date Of Conviction, Years
Nettleton, Robert Kingston upon Hull 12 October, 1784 7
Newland, John London 21 April, 1784 7
Neal, John Ditto 26 May, 1784 7
Neal, James Bristol 10 Feb. 1785 7
Needham, Elizabeth London 19 July, 1786 7
Nicholls, John Ditto 21 April, 1784 7
Norton, Phebe Ditto 25 Oct. 1786 7
Nunn, Robert Ditto 7 July, 1784 7
O Surname
Name, Where, Convicted, Date Of Conviction, Years
O’Craft, John Exeter 24 May, 1784 7
Ogden, James Manchester 20 Jan. 1785 7
Okey, William Gloucester 24 March, 1784 7
Oldfield, Thomas Manchester 20 July, 1786 7
Oldfield, Isabella Ditto 20 July, 1786 7
Opley, Peter Maidstone 13 March, 1786 7
Orford, Thomas London 7 July, 1784 7
Osborne, Thomas Ditto 14 Decem. 1784 7
Osborne, Elizabeth, alias Jones Ditto 30 August, 1786 7
Owles, John Croydon 20 July, 1785 7
Owen, John London 10 Septem. 1783 7
Owen, Joseph Shrewsbury 12 March, 1785 14
P Surname
Name, Where, Convicted, Date Of Conviction, Years
Page, Paul Lincoln 11 March, 1786 7
Pane, William Nottingham 10 March, 1785 7
Parry, Edward Stafford 27 July, 1785 7
Parr, William Liverpool 17 Jan. 1785 7
Palmer, John Herry London 10 Jan. 1786 7
Parker, John Ditto 1 April, 1784 7
Parish, William Ditto 20 Oct. 1784 7
Partridge, Richard Ditto 10 Sep. 1783 Life
Parris, Peter Exeter 17 March, 1783 7
Paget, Joseph Ditto 10 Jan. 1786 7
Parkinson, Jane, alias Partington, alias Ann Marsden Manchester 21 July, 1785 7
Parker, Elizabeth Gloucester 23 March, 1785 7
Parsley, Ann London 21 Feb. 1787 7
Parker, Mary Ditto 26 April, 1786 7
Partridge, Sarah, alias Roberts Ditto 23 Feb. 1785 7
Parry, Sarah Ditto 10 Jan. 1787 Life
Perrot, Edward Bearcroft Bristol 3 Feb. 1785 7
Petrie, John London 14 Jan. 1784 7
Peyton, Samuel Ditto 26 May, 1785 7
Percival, Richard Ditto 7 July, 1784 7
Pettitt, John Ditto 21 April, 1784 7
Peaulet, James Ditto 7 July, 1784 7
Peet, Charles Ditto 23 Feb. 1785 Life
Peck, Joshua Exeter 20 March, 1786 7
Perkins, Edward Plymouth 26 Jan. 1785 7
Petherick, John Plymouth 26 Jan. 1785 7
Penny, John 7
Phillimore, William London 10 Sept. 1783 7
Phillips, Richard Ditto 10 Decem. 1783 7
Phillips, Mary Taunton 30 March, 1786 7
Phyfield, Roger, alias Twyfield Shrewsbury 12 March, 1785 7
Phyn, Mary London 14 Septem. 1785 7
Pigott, Samuel Exeter 20 March, 1786 7
Pinder, Mary Lincoln 13 Jan. 1787 7
Pipkin, Elizabeth London 7
Piles, Mary Ditto 6 April, 1785 7
Pope, David Southwark 16 Feb. 1785 7
Power, John London 14 Decem. 1786 7
Pontie, John Ditto 23 Feb. 1785 Life
Poole, Jane Wells 19 August, 1786 7
Power, William
Powley, Elizabeth
Powell, Ann London 13 Decem. 1786 7
Price, John Southwark 16 Feb. 1785 7
Prior, Thomas Reading 16 Jan. 1784 7
Price, James Gloucester 13 July, 1785 7
Pritchard, Thomas
Pugh, Edward Gloucester 5 Oct. 1784 7