Biographical Sketch of Samuel George

SAMUEL GEORGE. – Mr. George was born in England in 1835, and in 1858 went to Australia, and in 1861 to New Zealand. From this antipodal region he came to British Columbia and mined for years at Caribou. In 1867 he brought his wanderings to a close by selecting a home in Umatilla county, Oregon, where he engaged in cattle raising on Butter creek in company with James Webb. They were partners for two years. Since their separation, he has conducted the business alone to the present time, keeping an average of about five hundred cattle on the range. Grass … Read more

Biography of Dudley Farlin

DUDLEY FARLIN THE RECORDS of American biography furnish numerous instances of persons rising to high and honorable stations in life, commanding the respect and admiration of the public and performing many noble deeds in the interests of humanity. Among the causes which operate to produce this grand result are natural talents, constant industry, strict economy, high moral principle, with Che many golden opportunities afforded by our free institutions for the encouragement and development of material and intellectual greatness. Albany has its fair share of representative men of this class; and among the list we have one who is now a … Read more

Biography of James R. Daniel

JAMES R. DANIEL. – The subject of this sketch was born in 1826, and has lived a life that might well be described in poetry as succinct as that in which Othello related his own. The son of a machinist and shipbuilder of Philadelphia, Mr. Daniel early learned naval craft on the schoolship North Carolina in New York harbor, and on the brig Washington of the Coast Survey, and was then transferred to the Independence and Potomac. After his honorable discharge from the United States navy, he made voyages as able seaman to Havre and Liverpool, and to the West … Read more

1787 Convicts Sent to New South Wales

A list of 784 Convicts sent to New South, 1787.  Lists name, where convicted, date of conviction, and number of years to serve. A Surname Name, Where, Convicted, Date Of Conviction, Years Abel, Robert London 23 Feb. 1785. 7 Abrams, Henry Abrahams, Esther London 30 August, 1786 7 Abell, Mary, alias Tilley Worcester 5 March, 1785 7 Acres, Thomas Exeter 14 March, 1786 7 Adams, John London 26 May, 1784 7 Adams, Mary Ditto 13 Decem. 1786 7 Agley, Richard Winchester 2 March, 1784 7 Allen, John Hertford 2 March, 1786 7 Allen, William Ormskirk 11 April, 1785 7 Allen, … Read more

Biography of Charles H. Prescott

CHARLES H. PRESCOTT. – The subject of this sketch is second vice-president of the Northern Pacific Railroad. He was born in Boston, Massachusetts, on the 22d of June, 1839, and is the son of Harrison and Sarah Harris Prescott. His father was a native of Massachusetts, and can date back for three generations as members of New England families. Harrison Prescott died when his son was yet in infancy; and at the age of six he suffered the loss of his mother. So under the care of guardians he was educated in the common and high schools of Boston. At … Read more

An Australian clan: the Nivisions of New England

An Australian clan: the Nivisions of New England

“An Australian Clan: The Nivisions of New England” by Jillian Oppenheimer and Bruce Mitchell chronicles the lives of Abraham and Mary Nivison, a Scottish couple who immigrated to Australia in the late 1830s. The book explores their establishment of a pastoral legacy in the New England region of New South Wales, detailing the family’s adaptations and contributions through 150 years marked by agricultural challenges, economic shifts, and social transformations. This narrative provides insight into the enduring impact of one family’s journey and their continuous influence on Australian pastoral practices and regional history.

Biographical Sketch of Luther C. Mitchell

Luther C. Mitchell, farmer and stock-raiser; P. O. Charleston; a son -of James A. and Esther (Collom) Mitchell; was born in Washington Co., Tenn., June 2, 1830; in 1833, his father’s family removed to Charleston; he was raised on the farm, and at 19, started for himself; after farming two years, he made the trip to California, where he spent eight months in mining; going thence to Australia; there he remained seven years, and, returning in 1860, he resumed farming and dairying; he removed in 1871 to his present farm on Sec. 19, where he owns eighty acres of land. … Read more

O’Farrell, Margaret – Obituary

Mrs. Margaret O’Farrell, aged 56 years, died at one of the city hospitals last evening [March 7, 1904]. She had been a well-known resident of Orting, coming there from Australia with her husband 34 years ago. A husband and five sons and a daughter survive her. The cause of her death was cancer, from which she had been suffering for more than a year. The funeral arrangements are not yet complete. Contributed by: Shelli Steedman