G Surnames – Walpole Massachusetts Marriage Records to 1850

GANNETT,      John M. and Hannah Kingsbury, Apr. 2, 1837. GARDNER,      Betsey C., 26, and Pelig [publishment of intention of marriage, Peleg] Griffin, widower [publishment of intention of marriage, omits widower], July 15, 1849. GARSIDE,      John and Susan C. Carroll, May 2, 1837. GATES,      Charles E. and Harriett S. Wales, publishment of intention of marriage, Sept. 19, 1839. GAY,      Abigail and Francis Cole, Apr. 15, 1827.      Albert C., 20, s. Leonard and Pamelia, and Almira Smith, Sept. 24, 1844, in Framingham.      Almira and Phinehas Ellis, publishment of intention of marriage, Mar. 3, 1822.      Benjamin and Sarah Coney, Nov. 21, 1771.      Benjamin … Read more

G Surnames – Walpole Massachusetts Death Records to 1850

GANNETT,      _____, w. Jno. M., May 6, 1839. GAY,      Ann, w. Jacob, Oct. 23, 1792.      Catharine, w. Jacob, “(mother of 11 ch.ren),” Oct. 19, 1843, age 42.      Isaac, s. Josep and Susanah, June 7, 1753.      Isaac, s. Joseph, Jan. 21, 1780.      Jacob, s. Benjamin and Sarah, June 7, 1795.      Jacob, Mar. 6, 1801.      Jacob, Apr. 27, 1845.      Jemime, d. Joseph and Susannah, Oct 27, 1757.      John, July 3, 1836.      Lucy, Miss, Apr. 23, 1839.      Matilda, widow Jacob, old age, June 23, 1847, age 85 year 7 m. 19 d.      Meribah, w. Nathaniel, Sept. 13, 1736.      Meribah, d. Joseph and Susannah, … Read more

G Surnames – Walpole Massachusetts Birth Records to 1850

GADBOLD,      Nancy, d. Horatio N. and Nancy, Mar. 17, 1848. GALLET,      Marie Adelaide, d. Augustan [and] Marie Catherine      Victoi[r]e Chambry, Oct. 7 [torn] [recorded after July 30, 1795].      Marie Catherine Josephine, ch. Augustine and Desvergin Chambry, July 26, 1806.      Marie Louis Augustine, ch. Augustine and Desvergin Chambry, Sept. 9, 1800.      Marie Louise Melanie Henriette, ch. Augustine and Desvergin Chambry, Aug. 25, 1804. GAY,      Abigail, d. Joel and Priscilla, Jan. 28, 1799.      Albert, s. Jacob and Catharine, Mar. 26, 1832.      Benjamin, s. Joseph and Susanna, Nov. 16, 1747.      Benjamin, s. Jacob and Ann, Mar. 5, 1783.      Benjamin Newil, s. Benjamin and … Read more

F Surnames – Walpole Massachusetts Marriage Records to 1850

FAIRBARK (see Fairbanks),      George [publishment of intention of marriage, Fairbanks] of Dedham, and Polly [publishment of intention of marriage, Polley] Bragg, July 22, 1813.      Mary of Dedham, and Seth Ellis, publishment of intention of marriage, Mar. 30, 1806.      Sophia H. of W. Boylston, and Seth Chenery, publishment of intention of marriage, May 13, 1838. FAIRBANKS (see Fairbank),      Abner and Polley Tilden, publishment of intention of marriage, Oct. 25, 1818.      David of Deadham, and Lydia Fales, publishment of intention of marriage, Sept. 10, 1780.      Hannah of Wrentham, and Jacob Clap, publishment of intention of marriage, Jan. 30, 1774.      Ira and Susan … Read more

F Surnames – Walpole Massachusetts Death Records to 1850

FAIRFIELD,      _____, Miss, May 24, 1842. FALES,      Benjamin, s. Ebenezer and Sarai, Apr. 22, 1731.      David, s. Ebenezer and Mary, Feb. 23, 1755.      Deborah, Mar. 4, 1801.      Ebenezer, Dea., July 19, 1755.      Hannah, Aug. 29, 1793.      Irena, d. Aaron and Abigail, Mar. 16, 1786.      James, s. Ebenezer and Mary, July 22, 1759.      James, May 20, 1793.      Jonathan, s. Jonathan and Elizabeth, Sept. 23, 1765.      Maria, w. Silas, Dec. 30, 1833.      Mary, w. Eben[eze]r, Mar. 22, 1760.      Peter, Aug. 10, 1725.      Peter, Mar. 28, 1774.      Plyna, May 4, 1836.      Sarah, w. Dea. Fales, July 14, 1755.      Sarah, w. Peter, Apr. 30, … Read more

F Surnames – Walpole Massachusetts Birth Records to 1850

FAIRBANKS,      Benjamin, s. Timothy M. and Lucy, Jan. 12, 1791.      Isabel H., d. Benjamin and Eliza, Jan. 12, 1848.      John, s. Timothy Metcalf and Lucy, Sept. 17, 1794.      Lucy Ann, d. Jesse and Barridill, Mar. 18, 1826.      Samuel, s. Timothy Metcalf (Fairbank) and Lucy, Oct. 28, 1788. FALES,      Aaron, s. Moses and Rebec[torn], Sept. 9, 1751.      Aaron Clark, s. Amaziah and Mary, July 6, 1756.      Abiather, s. Moses and Rebeckah, June 22, 1754.      Abiather, s. Abiather and Sarah, Dec. 19, 1795.      Abigail, d. Benj[a]m[in] and Rachel, May 6, 1762.      Abijah, s. Abiather and Sarah, May 18, 1788.      Abner, s. Abiather … Read more

E Surnames – Walpole Massachusetts Marriage Records to 1850

EAGER,      Dwight F. of Woburn, and Rebecca Boyden, Oct. 8, 1834. EARL,      Elisha and Judith Eastea, publishment of intention of marriage, Apr. 17, 1831. EARLEY,      John and Mary W. Otis, Jan. 24, 1841. EASTEA (see Easty, Estes, Estey, Esty),      Judith of Sharon, and Elisha Earl, publishment of intention of marriage, Apr. 17, 1831. EASTMAN,      Eliza and Oliver C. Morse, Nov. 28, 1833. EASTY (see Estea, Estes, Estey, Esty),      Lucy and Joshua Lord, Nov. 4, 1804.      Samuel of Sharon and Elisabeth Hartshorn, Feb. 8, 1797. EATON,      Isaac of Wrentham, and Mrson Ruth Patridg, publishment of intention of marriage, May 30, 1776. … Read more

E Surnames – Walpole Massachusetts Death Records to 1850

ELLIS,      Abagial, w. Jacob, Jan. 20, 1773.      Almira, born Franklin, d. Daniel and Anna, dropsy, July 23, 1848, age 52 year 7 m.      Ann, w. Enoch, Apr. 9, 1838.      Catharine, d. Aaron, Feb. 5, 1834.      Daniel, Mar. 16, 1837.      Eliphalet, Oct. 12, 1798.      Enoch, s. Enoch and Julia, Sept. 28, 1775.      Enoch, Nov. 6, 1794.      Enoch, Jan. 12, 1842.      George P., Capt., June 25, 1837.      Harriett, d. Hartford, scarlet fever, Mar. 10, 1837, age 3.      Harriot, (Elli[s]) d. Harford and Mary, Mar. 10, age 2.      Ichabod, May 22, 1833.      Jacob, June 9, 1752.      Jacob, s. Jacob and Abigail, Dec. 31, … Read more

E Surnames – Walpole Massachusetts Birth Records to 1850

EARLEY, James Howland, s. John and Mary W., Sept. 22, 1847. John Edwin, s. John and Mary W., Dec. 31, 1841. Mary Elizabeth, d. John and Mary W., Dec. 19, 1845. Sarah Cushing, d. John and Mary W., Aug. 19, 1843. ELICE (see Ellese, Ellice, Ellis), Elefelet, s. Jacob and Mehetable, Nov. 5, 1733. ELLESE (see Elice, Ellice, Ellis), Jacob, s. Jacob and Mehettabel, July 3, 1729. ELLICE (see Elice, Ellese, Ellis), Enoch, s. M[torn] and Sarai, Oct. 3 [?], 1735. Mehetable, d. Jacob and Mehetable, July 12, 1731. Phenas, s. Moses and Saray, Feb. 11, 1734. ELLIS (see Elice, … Read more

D Surnames – Walpole Massachusetts Marriage Records to 1850

DAGGETT,      Ebenezer, Dr., and Susannah Metcalf, publishment of intention of marriage, Nov. 20, 1757.      Susanna of Wrentham, and Ichabod Clap, publishment of intention of marriage, Apr. 28, 1782. DAMAN,      Samuel and Abigail Peniman, publishment of intention of marriage, Apr. 18, 1779. DANA,      Harriot of Foxborough, and John Gilbert, May 5, 1816. DANELESE (see Daniels),      Elesabeth of Medway, [and] Wil-liame Fisher, publishment of intention of marriage, Mar. 29, 1729. DANIELS (see Danelese),      Charles and Abigail Corbett, publishment of intention of marriage, Sept. 23, 1832.      Elisabeth of Medway, and Zebina Kingsbury. publishment of intention of marriage, Apr 25, 1799.      Lewis G. of … Read more

D Surnames – Walpole Massachusetts Death Records to 1850

DANIELS,      Abigail, w. W[illia]m, consumption, Nov. 6, 1847, age 38. DAY,      Abigail, w. Joseph, Feb. 25, 1773.      Addaline, d. Eben[eze]r and Adda, July 3, 1812.      Benj[amin], ch. John and w., Nov. 1, 1775.      Jeremiah Jr., Apr. 1, 1752.      Jeremiah, s. John and Mary, Apr. 15, 1777.      Jeremiah, “A Revolutionary Pensioner,” May 28, 1839.      John [duplicate entry, husband Mary], “kild at Rhoad Island” [duplicate entry, R.I.], Oct. 19, 1777.      Mary, w. Jeremiah, Feb. 17, 1774.      Mary, w. John [dec’d], Apr. 15, 1789.      Rebeca, w. Ebenezer, May 2, 1795.      Sarah, ch. fohn and w., Nov. 20, 1775.      _____, wid-.Joseph, Oct. 27, 1836. … Read more

D Surnames – Walpole Massachusetts Birth Records to 1850

DAGETT (see Daggett), Eunas, d. Dr. Ebenezer and Susannah, Dec. 10, 1760. DAGGETT (see Dagett), Ebenezer, s. Ebenezer and Susanna, Sept. 30, 1762. Herman, s. Dr. Ebenezer and Susannah, Sept. 11, 1766. Olive, d. Dr. Eben[eze]r and Susannah, Feb. 10, 1765. Susannah, d. Ebenezer and Susannah, May 13, 1759. [torn]iny, s. Ebenezer and Susanna, July 5, 1770. DANIELS, George Fisher, s. Seth and Huldah, Aug. 9, 1821. DAY, Abigail, d. Joseph and Abigail, May 29, 1764. Abigail, d. Eben[eze]r and Ada, May 6, 1802. Addaline, d. Ebenreze]r and Adda, Dec. 10, 1811. Alfred Augustus, s. Herbert Augustus and Lydia, Sept. … Read more

C Surnames – Walpole Massachusetts Marriage Records to 1850

CADY,      Jonathan [of] Killingly, Conn., and Jerusha Messenger, Jan. 24, 1796. (Intention not recorded.) CAIN,      Bridget and Francis Boudine, publishment of intention of marriage, Mar. 1, 1845.      Mary and John Lincoln, Dec. 6, 1821. CALEF,      Mahitable Milla [publishment of intention of marriage, Mehitable M. Colef] and Arnold [publishment of intention of marriage, Arnolde] William Marie Copenhagen [publishment of intention of marriage, Coppenhagen], Mar. 17, 1831.      Sarah G. and Charles Little Senter, publishment of intention of marriage, Sept. 12, 1835. CAMPERNELL,      Mary of Ipswich, and Thomas Nason, int May 27, 1749. CAP (see Clap, Clapp),      Mary and Phinehas Everitt, publishment of … Read more

C Surnames – Walpole Massachusetts Death Records to 1850

CARREL (see Carril, Carroll),      Benjamin, Mar. 16, 1769.      Hannah, widow, Jan. 31, 1795.      Mary, w. Joseph, Nov. 21, 1756. CARRIL (see Carrel, Carroll),      Abigail, Mar. 26, 1775. CARROLL (see Carrel, Carril),      Hannah, w. Nathan, Nov. 19, 1847, age 68.      Martha Elizabeth, youngest ch. Joseph, Sept. 1, 1834.      Nathan, m., s. Joseph and Esther, apoplexy, Feb. 22, 1849, age 71. CARVER,      Hannah, widow, Nov. 13, 1798. CHAMBERLIN (see Chambrlin, Chamerlin),      Benjamin, s. Moses and Deborah, June 14, 1734.      Deborah, d. Moses and Deborah, Apr. 5, 1728.      Deborah, widow, Feb. 17, 1778.      Mary, w. Moses, July 27, 1725.      Moses, s. Moses Jr. … Read more

C Surnames – Walpole Massachusetts Birth Records to 1850

CAPRIN, _______, s. Rice Caprin (born Cumberland), of Cumberland, and Maria Joslin (born Cumberland), May 17, 1849. CAREL (see Carral, Carrel, Carrell, Carrol, Carroll), Benjamin, s. Benjamin and Margret, Apr. 8, 1737. Margrey, d. Benjamian and Margre[t], Nov. 18, 1735. Rachel, d. Benjamian and-Margret, Dec. 7, 1740. CARNES, Andrew Jackson, Oct. 6, 1806, in Bath, Me. Andrew Taylor [duplicate entry, Canes], s. Andrew (born Bath, Me.) and Nancy, Aug. 27, 1849. Francis [sic] Matilda, Apr. 22, 1843. Nancy Ann (Canes), Mar. 23, 1812. CARPENTER, Lewis, s. Amos and Sarah, Jan. 12, 1784. CARRAL (see Carel, Carrel, Carrell, Carrol, Carroll), Marieret, … Read more

B Surnames – Walpole Massachusetts Marriage Records to 1850

BABBITT, Betsey and Samuel G. Clap, Mar. 8, 1843. Sarah P., 21, d. Willard and S., and Luther Hayward, widower [publishment of intention of marriage, omits widower], May 29, 1848. Sophia and George Copeland, Apr. 10, 1842. BACON, Alfred of Dover, and Harriett Perry, Nov. 27, 1834. Anna of Dedham, and William Kindall 1st, publishment of intention of marriage, Mar. 19, 1774. Betsy [publishment of intention of marriage, Betsey] and Jonathan Colbourn [publishment of intention of marriage, Coulbourn], May 23, 1797. Charlotte and George W. Thomas, May 28, 1840. Dean and Sybil C. Smith, publishment of intention of marriage, Nov. … Read more

B Surnames – Walpole Massachusetts Death Records to 1850

BABBITT,      Sophia, born Norton, widow Willard, small pox, Apr. 14, 1848.      Willard, June 1, 1838, age 51, in Boston. BABCOCK, _____, d. _____, [Aug.] 13, 1840. BACON,      Clarissa D., w. Elijah, consumption, May 14, 1848, age 28.      William, widower, June 28, 1847, age 83 year 4 m. 3 d.      _____, w. W[illia]m Sr., May 4, 1842.      _____, d. Warren, Sept. 21, 1842. BAKER,      Ebenezer, s. Ebenezer, July 29, 1[torn] [recorded between June, 1768 and Sept. 1769].      Ebenezer, Nov. 29, 1797.      Esther, w. Ebenezer, Apr. 13 [torn] [recorded after Mar. 16, 1769].      Lucy, widow Ebene[zer], consumption, Sept. 24, 1846, age 69 … Read more

B Surnames – Walpole Massachusetts Birth Records to 1850

BACKER (see Baker), Esther, d. Ebenezer and Esther, Aug. 20, 1739. BACON, Abigail, d. Dan[ie]l and Eunice, Feb. 19, 1796. Ellis, s. William Jr. and Orra, Sept. 10, 1820. Enoch, s. Dan[ie]l and Eunice, Feb. 7, 1799. Frances Mariah, d. William Jr. and Orra, Aug. 6, 1829. Hannah, d. William and Keziah, Nov. 9, 1772. Harriett Sophia, d. William Jr. and Orra, Sept. 28, 1822. Herbert Ellis, s. Ellis and Martha, Sept. 20, 1842. Isaac, s. Dan[ie]l and Eunice, May 30, 1801. Lewis, s. William and Sarah, Dec. 12, 1789. Lewis, s. William Jr. and Orra, Dec. 27, 1824. Metcalf, … Read more

A Surnames – Walpole Massachusetts Marriage Records to 1850

ADAMS,      Almira and Joshua Stetson Jr., Aug. 27, 1823.      Deborah [publishment of intention of marriage, Debroah] and Edward Cleaveland, May 14, 1760.      Experance of Franklin, and Darius Morse, June 23, 1791. (Intention not recorded.)      Experience [publishment of intention of marriage, of Wrentham] and Samuel Guild [publishment of intention of marriage, Guilde], Dec. 29, 1758 [sic, 1757].      George of Wrentham, and Sarah Cleaveland, publishment of intention of marriage, Apr. 29, 1769.      George and Mrson Rebecca Pettee, [recorded between Apr. 4 and Apr. 26, 1787]. (Intention not recorded.)      Jonathan of Wrentham, and Olive Smith, publishment of intention of marriage, July 16, 1836. … Read more

A Surnames – Walpole Massachusetts Death Records to 1850

AALLEN (see Allen),      Robbert, Oct. 13, 1778. ADAMS,      Jonathan, formerly of Wrentham, Sept. 3, 1837.      _____, ch. _____, “(at S. End) “, Oct. _____, 1838.      _____, ch. J. Q., Sept. 3, 1841. ALLEN (see Aallen),      Abel, s. Abel and Sarah, Nov. 4, 1796.      Abel, June 23, 1836.      Achsah, w. Lewis, Mar. 27, 1840.      Caty, widow Dea. Reuben, Sept. 7, 1838.      Daniel, s. Robert and Ruth, Oct. 8, 1762.      David, Capt., suddenly, Apr. 11, 1837.      Fisher, s. Lewis, Mar. 15, 1844, age 20.      Hannah, d. Abel and Sarah, Sept. 27, 1778.      Harriett, d. Warren, Nov. 6, 1834.      Henry W., ch. Oliver … Read more