Sophia, born Norton, widow Willard, small pox, Apr. 14, 1848.
Willard, June 1, 1838, age 51, in Boston.
BABCOCK, _____, d. _____, [Aug.] 13, 1840.
Clarissa D., w. Elijah, consumption, May 14, 1848, age 28.
William, widower, June 28, 1847, age 83 year 4 m. 3 d.
_____, w. W[illia]m Sr., May 4, 1842.
_____, d. Warren, Sept. 21, 1842.
Ebenezer, s. Ebenezer, July 29, 1[torn] [recorded between June, 1768 and Sept. 1769].
Ebenezer, Nov. 29, 1797.
Esther, w. Ebenezer, Apr. 13 [torn] [recorded after Mar. 16, 1769].
Lucy, widow Ebene[zer], consumption, Sept. 24, 1846, age 69 year 11 m. 14 d.
Ziba, m., ch. Ebene[zer] and Esher, palsy, Aug. 15, 1846, age 89 year 11 m. 1 d.
Patty, w. _____ of Springfield, d. David Bruce and Mary, inflammation of bowels, Aug. 14, 1849, age 45 year 2 m. 5 d.
BARDEN (see Bardens),
Abigail, d. Elijah, Mar. 27, 1835.
Elijah, m., s. Phillip and Mary, old age, Jan. 13, 1849, age 89.
Jesse, Dec. 2, 1834.
Phillips, Nov. 3, 1802.
BARDENS (see Barden),
James Sr., Dec. 23, 1745.
Mary, widow, Apr. 5, 1804
Mehetabel, widow James, Apr. 16, 1758.
Stephen, s. James and Jerusha, Jan. 31, 1744.
[torn] s. Phillip and Mary, Nov. _____, 1765.
Thomas, Sept. 25, 1734, ” One y’ Come from England.”
George W., Oct. 9, 1836, age 24.
Mary, born Maine, typhus fever, Sept. 26, 1848, age 25.
Miranda, d. Rev. _____, Sept. 16, 1840, age 2.
Susannah, w. Ebenezer, Aug. 15, 1796.
Martha, eldest d. Nath[anie]l, June 5, 1841.
Rebecca, w. Francis W., Feb. 5, 1835, age 24.
Susan K., w. Cha[rle]s, _____, 1841 [recorded between Apr. and May 19].
Catharine, w. John H., consumption, Feb. 13, 1848, age 33.
Aaron, Apr. 10, 1796.
Eda, w. Ebene[zer], palsy, Mar. _____, 1846, age 67.
Ellis, s. Aaron and Elisabeth, Mar. 1, 1789.
Josiah, small pox, Feb. 19, 1843, at Alms House.
Mehitabel, widow, Oct. 29, 1798.
Sceneth, d. Aaron, Aug. 20, 1794.
Itorn]nah, d. Jeremiah and [torn]lly, Sept. 25, 1775.
_____, widow, Mar. 8, 1839.
Eli, Mar. 1, 1843.
W[illia]m B., s. Leavitt and Mary, inflamation of bowels, Jan. 21, 1849, age 14.
Lyman T., s. J. P., Nov. 2, 1839, age 20, in Boston.
BOYCE (see Boyse).
Aaron, ch Sam[ue]l and Mary, palsey, July _____, 1846, age 81 year 4 m.
Abigall, d. John and Hanah, June 9, 1729.
Anna, w. Jeremiah, May 19, 1842.
Betsey, d. Foster, Dec. 4, 1838.
Cinthia, d. Benja[min] and Hulday, Aug. 19, 1778.
C. L., d. Maynard B. and Mary A., Sept. 21, 1845, age 24 d.
Daniel, s. John and Thankful, Jan. 26, 1748-9.
Daniel, July 25, 1828.
David, Oct. 23, 1759.
Deborah, w. David, June 2, 1749.
Debrah, d. David and Deborah, Dec. 16, 1733.
Ebenezer, s. David and Deberoh, Oct. 22, 1756, “in ye Kings Service against Crown Point”
Ebenezer, s. David and Abigail, Dec. 9, 1775.
Else, widow, Dec. 26, 1807.
Hannah, w. John 3d, May 22, 1759.
Hannah, w. Jona[than], May 2, 1778.
James, Dea., June 19, 1839.
Jane, d. Dan[ie]l dec’d, Jan. 6, 1837.
Job, s. John and Hannah, May 21, 1759.
John, Capt., Dec. 24, 1754.
John, Dec. 2, 1834, age 84.
Jonathan, May 30, 1795.
Joseph, s. Jonathan and Mehitabel, Nov. 16, 1749.
Joseph, Jan. 27, 1791.
Luce, d. John and Thankfull, Aug. _____, 1771.
Lucinda, July 15, 1833, age 63.
Luman [in pencil], s. Jeremiah, Sept. 14, 1839.
Mary, widow, Oct. 7, 1800.
Mary, widow, Apr. 5, 1804.
Mehitable, widow, July 3, 1793.
Molley, d. Boyden [? Benjamin] and Huldy, July 8, 1777.
Nancy, widow Spencer, dropsy, Oct. 6, 1845, age 68.
Sibbel, d. Samuel and Mary, Oct. 22, 1753.
Silence, d. John and Thankfull, Mar. 17, 1740.
Spencer, Mar. 9, 1843.
Timothy, s. Samuel and Mary, Oct. 29, 1758.
_____, w. Samuel, Apr. 13, 1804.
_____, ch. Dea. James, Feb. 18, 1837.
_____, d. Jason, Feb. 6, 1838.
_____, ch. Otis, Aug. 29, 1838.
_____, ch. Foster, Sept. 2, 1838.
_____, ch. Maynard B., Oct.-, 1838
_____, Mrson, “(at S. End)”, Dec. 17, 1838.
_____, d. Dan[ie]l, dec’d, Apr. 26, 1840.
_____, s. Silas, drowned, [Dec.] 11, 1844, age 11.
Samuel, Apr. 24, 1752.
William, s. Samuel and Esther, Mar. 18, 1752.
BRACKET (see Brackett),
Susannah, Nov. 13, 1776.
BRACKETT (see Bracket), _____, w. Herman, June 7, 1842.
_____, ch. Herman, Sept. 8, 1842.
Charlotte, d. Edward and Silence, scrofula, May 7, 1849, age 31 year 11 m. 28 d.
David, May 12, 1835, age 68.
Rachael, Apr. 1, 1843.
Catherene, d. Maj. Seth and Joanna, May 6, 1776.
Eunice B., born Boylston, w. Lewis, dysentary, June 3, 1849, age 30 year 11 m. 19 d.
George, m., s. Isaac and Sally, internal injury, Aug. 6, 1849, age 6 year 0 m. 29 d.
Ichabod, s. William and Hannah, Sept. 6, 1792.
Irene, d. Lewis and Eunice B., dysentary, June 5, 1849, age 4 year 2 m. 13 d.
Isaac, Feb. 17, 1838.
Polly, d. Edward Bullard Jr. and Mary Hartshorn, Feb. 14, 1780.
Ruth, widow, Apr. 6, 1777.
Sarah, widow Isaac, June 16, 1842, age 62.
Solomon, Oct. 23, 1768.
William, s. William and Hannah, Apr. 27, 1776.
Eunice, born Wrentham, w. W[illia]m R., consumption, Sept. 15, 1845, age 39.