D Surnames – Walpole Massachusetts Death Records to 1850

     Abigail, w. W[illia]m, consumption, Nov. 6, 1847, age 38.

     Abigail, w. Joseph, Feb. 25, 1773.
     Addaline, d. Eben[eze]r and Adda, July 3, 1812.
     Benj[amin], ch. John and w., Nov. 1, 1775.
     Jeremiah Jr., Apr. 1, 1752.
     Jeremiah, s. John and Mary, Apr. 15, 1777.
     Jeremiah, “A Revolutionary Pensioner,” May 28, 1839.
     John [duplicate entry, husband Mary], “kild at Rhoad Island” [duplicate entry, R.I.], Oct. 19, 1777.
     Mary, w. Jeremiah, Feb. 17, 1774.
     Mary, w. John [dec’d], Apr. 15, 1789.
     Rebeca, w. Ebenezer, May 2, 1795.
     Sarah, ch. fohn and w., Nov. 20, 1775.
     _____, wid-.Joseph, Oct. 27, 1836.
     _____, widow, Sept. 27, 1839.

     Callah, d. John and Experience, Feb. 1, 1761.
     Experiance, w. John, July 19, 1[torn] [recorded between June, 1768
     and Sept. 1769].
     Hepsibah, d. Wid. Dexter, Sept. 14, 1793.
     Hermon, July 24, 1796.
     Peggy, July 29, 1840.
     Tilla, May 27, 1793.
     _____, widow, Aug. 17, 1800.

     Charles, s. Charles and Eliza, Sept. 28, 1849, age l1 m.

     Benjamin, Feb. 27, 1794.
     Edward, s. Shubaed, Dec. 24, 1794.

DUPEE (see Duppe),
     Cordelia, d. James and Esther, Aug. 6, 1785.
     Horace, [Dec.] 17, 1844, age 65.

DUPPE (see Dupee),
     Hannah, d. Charles and Hannah, July 13, 1758.

Death Records,

Town of Walpole, Mass. Vital records of Walpole, Massachusetts, to the year 1850. Boston: New-England Historic Genealogical Society at the charge of the Eddy Town-Record Fund. 1902.

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