Biographical Sketch of Ralph W. Hickox

Hickox, Ralph W., capitalist; born, Cleveland, O., 1850; A. B., Harvard, 1872; engaged in mfg. until 1885, when he retired from active business; first vice pres. Hocking Valley Ry. Co.; director Toledo & Ohio Central By., Kanawha &Mich. Ry. N. Y., C. & St. L. Ry.; officer and director other corporations. Clubs; Union, University, Roadside, Tavern (Cleveland), Union League, University, Metropolitan (New York).

Biographical Sketch of Ralph Martin Hulett

Hulett, Ralph Martin; architect; born, Cleveland, March 28, 1873; son of Martin Paul and Esther Fawcett Hulett; graduated from the Cleveland public schools in 1891, then took up the study of architecture under special tutors; married, Bradford, Pa., Aug. 28, 1895, Clara C. Goodyear; one boy, Coulter Townsend Hulett, age 15; was architect for numerous buildings in Cleveland, such as high class apartments and residences, The Farmers & Mechanics Bank Bldg., the lodge rooms of Brooklyn Lodge, F. & A. M., The Richmond Hotel, Akron and several school buildings for the centralized school districts adjacent to Cleveland and Akron; since … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Ralph M. Drucker

Drucker, Ralph M.; business broker, born New York City, Jan. 11, 1876; son of Louis and Augusta Drucker; educated, Bronnell and Rockwell schools, Cleveland; married, Cleveland, 1900, Miss Carrie Reilly; director The Crooks-Whigam Co.; member The Cleveland Automobile and Automobile Country Clubs. Recreations: Motoring, Baseball and Golf.

Biographical Sketch of Ralph H. Ellsworth

Ellsworth, Ralph H.; pres. The Arnold Wooden Ware Co.; born, Sept. 18, 1874, West Richfield, O.; high school and Spencerian Business College; married, Cleveland, Oct. 16, 1896, Emily H. Oviatt; traveling salesman Arnold Wooden Ware Co. eighteen years; elected pres. of company, 1911; member Chamber of Commerce, Cleveland Commercial Travelers, Halcyon Lodge, F. & A. M.; Thatcher Chapter, Forest City Commandery, K. T.

Biographical Sketch of Ralph D. Mitchell

Mitchell, Ralph D.; lake transportation; born. Marine City, Mich., Dec. 5, 1878; son of John and Mary Rowell Mitchell; educated, University School, 1902-1908, Phillips Academy, Andover, Mass., 1908-1909, Yale University; married, Hillsboro, 0.; June 20, 1907, Helen Boyd; one son and two daughters; since 1902, engaged in vessel business on the lakes with his father; vice pres. Cleveland. Steamship Co.; pres. Gathwick Steamship Co.; sec’y Miller Ore Co., and Winston Coal Co.; director Sedalia Coal & Mining Co., and Edward Mnfg. Co.; member Union, Tavern, and Euclid Clubs, and Chamber of Commerce.

Biographical Sketch of Phillip James Pickett

Pickett, Phillip James; plumbing business; born, Buffalo, June 18, 1866; son of Michael and B. Elizabeth Rogers Pickett; educated, Cleveland public schools and St. Joseph’s College; at the age of 17, left college to learn the plumber’s trade; served four years as an apprentice; traveled through the United States, working as a journeyman plumber; at the end of eight years, returned to Cleveland; eighteen years ago, started his own business; has been very successful and credit it to perseverance, honesty and good workmanship; member of the Knights of Columbus; member Master Plumber’s Club. Recreations: All Outdoor Sports, and Reading along … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Phillip J. Bauer

Bauer, Phillip J.; florist, born, Dec. 15, 1861; son of Simon and Mary Brester Bauer; educated, Cleveland Parochial School; married, Feb. 27, 1891, Clara Seger; in the employ of Jas. Eadie, 1876 to 1879; then started in business on Ansel Ave. in 1894; proprietor of firm; designer and decorator; member C. M. B. A., St. Thomas Aquanas Church.

Biographical Sketch of Philip Frankel

Frankel, Philip; sec’y Manufacturers Ass’n and Employers Ass’n of Cleveland; born, Cleveland, Feb. 27, 1882; educated, Cleveland public schools and business college; began career with mnfg. concern; with them till 1901, then became connected with the Manufacturers Ass’n; elected sec’y in 1905; formed large Employers Ass’n; see’y of that; much interested in labor questions.

Biographical Sketch of Peter Stilber

Stilber, Peter; florist; born, Austria-Hungary, Jan. 13, 1871; son of Peter and Catherine Miller Stilber; educated, public schools, Hungary; married, Hungary, Jan. 13, 1897, Erma Collen; issue, two children; 1906-1910, with Fred Burger, florist; owner of own business and is in the same location where he first started; decorator and designer; member Home Guards of America, No. 44; Metropolitan; member Limberger Bicycle Club, and Hungarian Church.

Biographical Sketch of Peter Samman

Samman, Peter; general contractor; born, Germany, July 30, 1866; son of Peter and Anna Kroeger Samman; public school and business college education; married, Cleveland, June 24, 1890, Augusta Hoyer; issue, four children; a firm believer in Progressive principles, and a member of the Progressive Party; pres. Alliance Brewing Co.; Advance Construction Co.; director American Portable Seating Co.; member Chamber of Commerce, Forest City Lodge, Free Accepted Masons, CIeveland Chapter, Royal Arch Masons, Cleveland Council Royal Select Masters, Holyrood Commandery, K. T., AI Koran Temple, Mystic Shriners; member Locust Point Shooting Club. Recreations: Hunting and Fishing.

Biographical Sketch of Peter Jensen

Jensen, Peter; baker; born Denmark; son of Jens Larsen and Johanne Anderson Jensen; educated, Denmark public schools, and took preliminary examination for University of Copenhagen; married, Cleveland, Dec. 20, 1900. Rosina Mae Donald; one child; in 1890, came to Cleveland from Copenhagen, Denmark; was occupied in various ways until five years ago, when he started a bakery and confectionary store in the East End; his business grew so rapidly that he moved to 2810 W. Madison Ave., for baking alone, disposing of his East End location; started a branch at 15611 Detroit Ave.; maintains a retail delivery in the neighborhood; … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Percie D. Crane

Crane, Percie D.; pres. Meech Foundry Co.; born, Michigan, Jan. 9, 1874; son of A. T. and Clara Dunham Crane; educated in Saranac, Mich., schools; married, Milwaukee, 1897, Melia A. Parsons; issue, one son; president the P. D. Crane Co.; member Cleveland Whist Club, Acme Club.

Biographical Sketch of Per Lee Alvin Lieghley

Lieghley, Per Lee Alvin; lawyer; born, Navarre, Ohio, March 9, 1872; son of Frank B. and Barbara R. Lonas Lieghley; educated, district school, Marshalls Business College, Delaware, Ohio; special course of study in Ohio Wesleyan University, Delaware, Ohio, law course in Cincinnati Law School, and Kent College of Law, Chicago, Illinois, graduating from there in 1896, LL. B.; married, Marysville, Ohio, Jan. 17, 1895, Clara Marie Alexander; issue, two children, Helen and Phyllis; practiced law in Chicago for three years; health failed, returned to Ohio, and accepted principalship of the Strasburg, Ohio schools for three years, doing some law practice … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Paul Scott Crampton

Crampton, Paul Scott; attorney-at-law; born, St. Clair, Mich., March 6, 1886; son of Benjamin Franklin and Emeline Jenks Crampton; educated, University of Michigan, LL. B., class of 1908; married, St. Clair, Mich., Sept. 18, 1912, Mary Rummels Fayram; color sergt. 5th Regiment, O. N. G.; commenced practicing law in Cleveland in July, 1908; treas. University of Michigan Alumni Ass’n; member Euclid Ave. Presbyterian Church, and City Club. Recreations: Walking and (formerly) Football.

Biographical Sketch of Paul Kunze

Kunze, Paul; florist; born, Germany, March 29, 1866; son of Samuel and Czernonwski Kunze; educated, Government schools, Germany; married, Cleveland, Jan. 28, 1893, Ellen Schultz; one child; served three years in German Army; with City Water Works, Cleveland, 1889 to 1890; eighteen months with Empire Plant Co.; 1892, started the florist business; pres. and treas. of the firm; decorator and designer; member Odd Fellow, No. 295, Cleveland Fraternal Order of Eagles, No. 135, American Insurance Union, No. 50, Cleveland W. O. W., American Camp; member Florist Clubs. Recreation: Hunting.

Biographical Sketch of Paul J. Brown

Brown, Paul J.; automobile business; born, Zanesville, O., Nov. 10, 1864; public school education; started with The Jacob Smith Carriage & Wagon Co., 1875-1879; then went to Pittsburgh in various carriage and wagon shops; came to Cleveland in 1890; foreman for The Jacob Hoffman Wagon Co., 1890-1898; then went to Cincinnati with The O. Armleder Co. until 1901; returned to Cleveland and formed partnership with firm of Broc Carriage & Wagon Co.; upon incorporation of firm, in 1903, elected vice pres. and gen. mgr.; in 1908, sold his interest and retired to the farm; in 1909, formed the Brown Auto … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Paul Howland

Howland, Paul; congressman; born, Jefferson, O., Dec. 5, 1865; son of W. P. and Esther Elizabeth Leonard Howland; A. B., Oberlin College, 1887, A. M., 1894; LL. B., Harvard, 1890; married, Jessie F. Pruden, of Burghill, O., Jan. 18, 1905; practiced at Jefferson, 1890-1894; at Cleveland, since 1894; senior member law firm of Howland, Moffet & Niman; member 60th, 61st, and 62d Congresses (1907-1913), 20th Ohio Dist.; Republican; 2d lieut., 1st Ohio Cav. in Spanish-American War.

Biographical Sketch of Paul H. Anthony

Anthony, Paul H.; contractor; born, Pennsylvania, 1876; son of William M. and Sarah Chambers Anthony; educated, public and high school, supplemented by private tutors, also experimental and research work; married, Allegheny, Pa., 1901, Gertrude E. Cox; issue, three children; military service in the Philippines during the Spanish-American War and Philippine insurrection; pres. The Standard Structural Co., Cleveland, and same Co., Canada; pres. The Hindman-Henderson Co. of Penn.; manager or director in allied contracting companies covering various fields of construction; member American Society Engineering Contractors.

Biographical Sketch of Paul G. Luekens

Luekens, Paul G.; builder; born, Cleveland, Sept. 2, 1873; son of Gerhard H. Luekens; educated German Lutheran Trinity Parochial school; married, Cleveland, Sept. 2, 1903, Anna Klosterman; two children; Republican in National Elections.

Biographical Sketch of Paul D. Jones

Jones, Paul D.; treas. The Guarantee Title & Trust Co.; born, East Bangor, Pa., April 30, 1876; son of William D. and Linda A. Weidman Jones; educated, Cleveland public schools; married, Cleveland, June 28, 1900, Georgia A. Hauxhurst; one child; member Chamber of Commerce, and Keswick Golf Club.