Biographical Sketch of Patrick Rodger Sweeney

Sweeney, Patrick Rodger; carpenter and builder; born, Ohio, May, 1852; son of Ferdinand and Mary Adams Sweeney; educated, High School, La Grange, O.; married, Grafton, O., August, 1883 Catherine Meskal; issue, four daughters; twice elected assessor, Carlisle Township, Lorain County, O., once township trustee, Newburg, O.; as building foreman, had full charge of construction and alterations on Hotel Euclid; first and second floors, Meyer & Marks Block, Standard Foundry additions and alterations, block for Continental Jewelry Co., three stores for the P. C. O’Brien Co.; business agt. Sweeney & Schully, two terms Carpenter Brotherhood; chairman Carpenter Committee to pass on … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Patrick F. Hayes

Hayes, Patrick F.; cement contractor; born, Limerick, Ireland, Oct. 6, 1857; son of Patrick and Ellen Fitzgerald Hayes; educated, Parochial schools; married, Cleveland, July 9, 1889, Bridget Dennig, three children, Mary, James and Florence; gunner in Royal Artillery, British Army, for six years; for the last twelve years, has been in the business of a cement contractor; member Catholic Order of Foresters, Loyal Order of Moose, Cleveland, No. 63. Recreation: Baseball.

Biographical Sketch of P. R. Putnam

Putnam, P. R.; teaming contractor; born, Hinckley, O., June 7, 1854; son of Russell and Deborah Moody Putnam; educated, Hinckley High School; married, Cleveland, Dec. 31, 1879, Mary A. Randolph; six children; member of Astria Court, No. 64, of the Tribe of Ben Hur; also of Chapter No. 50, of the American Insurance Union, of Columbus, and the Grand Fraternity Club of Cleveland.

Biographical Sketch of P. J. Probeck

Probeck, P. J.; butchers’ supplies; born, Cleveland, Feb. 23, 1857; son of George L. and M. M. Deisinger Probeck; educated, Cleveland grammar schools; married, Cleveland, Dec. 31, 1879, Miss E. E. Gaeckley; issue, three daughters, and two sons; has been in business twenty-three years; previous to that, traveling salesman seven years for Glick Bros., until firm retired from business; proprietor meat market for seven years, at 149 Franklin Ave.; pres. and treas. Probeck Co.; 32nd degree Mason, Scottish Rite; member Chamber of Commerce, and Lakewood Tennis Club.

Biographical Sketch of P. H. Roach

Roach, P. H.; florist; born, Cleveland, Feb. 27, 1866; son of Patrick and Elizabeth Harris Roach; educated, Cleveland Parochial School; two years with the Malleable Iron Works; janitor St. Edwards Church, for ten years; entered florist business, and has been in one location ever since starting; pres. and treas. of the company.

Biographical Sketch of Owen N. Wilcox

Wilcox, Owen N.; attorney; born, Cleveland, Jan. 29, 1880; son of Frank N. and Jessie F. Snow Wilcox; educated, Cleveland public schools and Central High School, Adelbert College, Western Reserve University Law School; Bachelor of Letters, Adelbert, 1902; Bachelor of Laws, Western Reserve University Law School, 1905; married, Cleveland, Oct. 24, 1905, Margaret Knowlton; issue, two sons; pres. and treas. The Gates Legal Publishing Co.; member Delta Tau Delta (College) Fraternity, and Phi Delta Phi (Law School) Fraternity. AN, N. R.; commercial paper; born, Pitchur, N. Y., Sept. 1, 1879; son of Elijah and Elsie Newton Wildman; educated, public schools, … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Otto Miller

Miller, Otto; bond business; born, Cleveland, July 1, 1874, son of James H. and Sophia M. (Hensch) Miller; educated, University School and Yale University, graduating in 1896, with degree of Ph. B.; spent a year in travel abroad; married, Cleveland, Dec. 4, 1901, Elizabeth Clark Tyler; issue, two sons, Otto, Jr., and Washington Tyler; at outbreak of the Spanish-American War, enlisted as a member of Troop C, 1st O. V. C., and became quartermaster sergeant; member firm of Hayden, Miller & Co.; director Bank of Commerce; treas. University School; director of Troop A Riding Academy; member Burdeck Camp, U. S. … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Otto Konigslow

Konigslow, Otto; manufacturer; born, Cleveland, April 16, 1860; son of Herman and Charlotte Brunna Konigslow; studied public schools, Cleveland, till 10 years old; went to Germany, and studied in Hamburg, until 14; attended technical school and served apprenticeship in machine shop; married, Cleveland, Jan. 11, 1879, Lena Kalliker; issue, four children; business career, Lake Shore Shops, White Sewing Machine Co., asst. in Experimental Dept. later became a designer; three years chief inspector; organized the Otto Konigslow Machinery Co.; incorporated in 1894, as the Otto Konigslow Manufacturing Co.; pres. of the Company; special attention given to making automobile parts; an expert … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Otto J. Kuenhold

Kuenhold, Otto J.; heating business; born, Cleveland, Dec. 9, 1879; son of August and Katherine Greeve Kuenhold; educated, public schools, Y. M. C. A. night schools and correspondence schools, in mechanical drawing; married, Cleveland, March 6, 1906, Miss Rosine A. Kaercher; issue, two sons, Jack and Robert; began work in machine shops, foundries and pattern shops; at the age of 22, entered the draughting rooms of the MacBeth Iron Co.; became designing draughtsman; later went with The National Cash Register Co., as chief draughtsman of Invention Department; after several years, came to The Wellman-Seaver-Morgan Co.; as designing and estimating engineer; … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Otto A. Wilhelmy

Wilhelmy, Otto A.; florist; born, New York City, May 29, 1889; son of Curt A. and Marie Holoechter Wilhelmy; educated, Cleveland public schools and Prag, Germany, High School; married, Cleveland, June 29, 1911, Emily Witting; 1905-1907, at greenhouses of The Cleveland Cut Flower Co.; 1908-1909, at Long Island private place, gardening and hot house work; 1909-1911, landscape work in the south near Jacksonville and Tampa, Fla.; 1912, landscape work in Cleveland; 1912-1913, florist, decorator and designer.

Biographical Sketch of Otis Richmond Cook

Cook, Otis Richmond; automobile tire business; born, Cleveland, Oct. 16, 1875; son of Colonel Benton and Jennie Shattuck Cook; educated, Cleveland public schools; married, Cleveland, Feb. 20, 1896, Gertrude Ione Bacon; one son, Joseph Arthur Cook; for 13 years general representative The B. F. Goodrich Co., Akron, O.; two years general representative of The Firestone Tire & Rubber Co.; at present manager The Kelly-Springfield Tire Co., and director of factory sales for same company; member Tyrian Lodge, F. & A. M., No. 370, Holyrood Commandery, Knights Templar, 32& Scottish Rite Mason, Al Koran Temple, Mystic Shrine; member Masonic and Athletic … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Oscar Textor

Textor, Oscar; chemist; born, Sandusky, O., March 10, 1860; son of Albert and Anna Rhode Textor; educated, University of Michigan, degree Pharmaceutical Chemist; two years instructor in chemistry; married, Cleveland, June 3, 1886; Minnie A. Dunbar; one son, born Oct. 26, 1888; member American Chemical Society, American Institute Mining Engineers.

Biographical Sketch of Oscar Richard Schmidt

Schmidt, Oscar Richard; dealer and mnfg. violins; born, Markneukirchen, Oct. 3, 1887; son of E. Reinhold and Augusta Lederer Schmidt; educated, first grade public schools in Markneukirchen, and business college in Meissen; 1902-1904, clerk in the employ of F. Louis Reilich, Meissen; 1904-1906, E. Rheinhold Schmidt, Markneukirchen, as salesman; 1907-1909, bookkeeper, Wm. Frankfurth Hardware Co., Milwaukee, Wis.; 1910, started in violin business with his brother, as the Schmidt Bros. Co., in Philadelphia, Pa.; moved to Cleveland, December, 1910; partner Schmidt Bros. Co.; member of Germania Turnverein Vornvarts.

Biographical Sketch of Orlof T. Brown

Brown, Orlof T.; insurance; born, Cambridge, O., Aug. 16, 1870; son of Joshua and Annie E. Tingle Brown; common school education; married, Columbus, O., Aug. 16, 1904, Alberta E. Fowler; one son and one daughter; observer United States Weather Bureau; state examiner, Ohio; chief deputy State fire marshal, Ohio; examiner city of Cleveland; bookkeeper Ohio National Bank, Washington, D. C.; sec’y Cleveland National Fire Insurance Co.; member Loyal Legion, Sons of Veterans, Modern Woodmen of America, Loyal Order of Moose, Woodmen of the World, Brooklyn Lodge, No. 454, F. & A. M.; member Tippecanoe Club.

Biographical Sketch of Orlando Hall

Hall, Orlando; mngr. of estates; born, Summit county, O., Sept. 28, 1855; son of Orlando and Sophia Towne Hall; educated, private schools, Cleveland Academy, Greylock Institute, Williamstown, Mass.; graduated from Yale in 1877, B. A.; studied law with Judge R. P. Ranney; took a course of law lectures for one year, and completed law studies in Columbia Law School, New York City; admitted to the bar in 1880, and began the practice of law in Cleveland; withdrew from the practice of law to devote time to private interests; owner of large property in Akron, which has been allotted; Republican; member … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Oriel D. Eshelman

Eshelman, Oriel D.; lawyer; born, Ashland, O.; son of David and Harriett Landis Eshelman; educated, Cleveland and country public schools, West High, German Wallace College and Ohio Northern University, B. S. and LL. B.; admitted to the bar, June, 1909; began practice in Cleveland, August, 1909; not connected with any law firm; director Cleveland Tie Binder; sec’y City Moving & Transfer Co.; director Motor Van Delivery Co.; treas. Interstate Adjustment Co.; member Dover Lodge, F. & A. M., Mount Olive Chapter, Geyer Lodge, K. of P., West Side Chamber of Industry, West End Business Mens’ Ass’n; general practice and commercial … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Oliver N. Chamberlain

Chamberlain, Oliver N.; architect; born, Portsmouth, O., Oct. 10, 1882; son of Irwin and Mary J. Finy Chamberlain; educated, common schools, Portsmouth, O., and private instructor at Columbus, O.; married, Sandusky, July 22, 1905, Carrie Iona Richards; one child; ten years work at practical construction work; two years in the general contracting business, in Cleveland; six years a practicing architect, in Cleveland, doing a general line of work; member Lakewood Chamber of Commerce. Recreations: Baseball and Bowling.

Biographical Sketch of Oliver Farrar Emerson

Emerson, Oliver Farrar; university professor; born, Traer, Ia., May 24, 1860; son of Oliver and Maria Farrar Emerson; A. B., Iowa College, 1882, A. M., 1885; Ph. D., Cornell University, 1891; married, Annie L. Logan, of St. Louis, Sept. 24, 1891; supt. schools, Grinnell, Ia., 1882-1884, Muscatine, Ia., 1884-1885; prin. Academy of Iowa College, 1885-1888; Goldwin Smith fellow in English, 1888-1889, instru. in English, 1889-1891; asst. prof. rhetoric and English philology, 1892-1896, Cornell University; prof. English, Western Reserve University, since 1896; member Modern Language Ass’n America, American Dialect Society (pres., 1905). Author: History of the English Language, 1894; A Brief … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Olin Witmer Broadwell

Broadwell, Olin Witmer; attorney-at-law; born, Dalton, O., Feb. 14, 1855; son of Rev. John Sherman and Catherine S. Morrow Broadwell; educated, Baldwin University, Berea, O., graduating with the class of 1877, with the degree of B. S.; married, Cleveland, Jan. 5, 1882, Belle B. Brown; one son, Edwin Sherman Broadwell, and Mrs. Myrtle May Masters; served as special assistant prosecuting attorney for some time, under the administrations of Hon. W. B. Neff, Hon. T. L. Stremple and Hon. Harvey R. Keeler; admitted to the Bar, April 4, 1879, at Norwalk, O.; came to Cleveland in September, 1881, and became associated … Read more

Biographical Sketch of O. C. Saum

Saum, O. C.; real estate; born, Virginia, March 8, 1872; son of James W. and Sarah E. Maphis Saum; educated, public schools, Shenandoah County Virginia, and business College, Lynchburg, Va.; married, Springfield, O., December, 1899, Vesta Josephine Rupert; issue, two daughters, 12 and 5 years of age; came to Cleveland in October, 1895; business for himself since 1900; specializing in real estate service; primarily to the buyer, for past two years; handled business for out-of-town investors; has done much to promote real estate interests of Cleveland, and is enthusiastic upon real estate organization; has been vice pres. and sec’y of … Read more