Biographical Sketch of S. H. Weis

Weis, S. H.; architect; born, New York City, September, 1888; educated in the grammar and High Schools of Cleveland, and University of California; married in Cleveland in 1911; pres. and treas. Esplanade Realty Co.; member Chamber of Commerce.

Biographical Sketch of Russell S. Hartzell

Hartzell, Russell S.; rubber business; born, Alliance, O., July 19, 1887; son of D. H. and Lois A. Skinner Hartzell; Mount Union College; manager Cleveland Branch, Goodyear Tire & Rubber Co.; member Signia Nu Fraternity; belongs to Athletic and Automobile Clubs.

Biographical Sketch of Russell Emmett Burdick

Burdick, Russell Emmett; merchant; born, Alfred, N. Y., May 28, 1848; son of Russell W. and Malvina A. (Middaugh) Burdick; educated, Alfred University; married, Ashland County, O., May 24, 1874, Mary H. McCutchen; two daughters and one son; captain commanding Troop A, O. N. G., 1895; capt. 1st Ohio Vol. Cavalry, war with Spain, 1898; aid-de-camp to Gen. Horace Porter, 1897; to Gen. G. M. Dodge, 1897; to Gen. J. F. Bell, 1909; pres. and treas. the Bowler & Burdick Co., jewelers; established, 1873.

Biographical Sketch of Rudolph Carl Engel

Engel, Rudolph Carl; physician and surgeon; born, Cleveland, June 19, 1879; son of Fred C. and Mary C. Heimberger Engel; educated, Cleveland public schools, Cleveland College of Physicians and Surgeons, and Medical Dept. Ohio Wesleyan University, Doctor of Medicine, 1902; married, Cleveland, June 11, 1902, Miss Mary Sheka; two sons, Walter Alfred and Alvin Ralph Engel; surgeon to River Furnace Co. and River Steel Mill, special examiner Police and Fire Depts., January, 1912; surgeon-in-chief, Uniform Rank, Knights of Pythias of Cuyahoga County; medical examiner, Cuyahoga Lodge, K. of P.; member Cleveland Academy of Medicine and Ohio State Medical Ass’n. Recreations: … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Rudolph C. Koblitz

Koblitz, Rudolph C.; merchant; born, Austria, May 15, 1863; son of Moses and Julis Miller Koblitz; educated in Tabor, Austria, and Cleveland public schools; married, Cleveland, Jan. 16, 1888, Tillie B. Smitz; one son, born Oct. 21, 1888, after attending school for three months, the English language was so hard to master in proportion to his advancement, that he became discouraged, and left school to learn cigar making, when 14 years old, he started in business for himself, and later broadened out into other lines; vice pres. The Koblitz-Kohn Co., real estate holdings; treas. The Euclid-Prospect Investment Co.; receiver The … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Rudolph A. Koch

Koch, Rudolph A.; merchant, church supplies; born, Germany, March 19, 1870; son of John and Ann E. Gipperich Koch; educated, public schools of Germany and Parochial schools in Ohio; married, Youngstown, Aug. 16, 1893, Susanna Kleeh; issue, nine children, seven living; started in as dry goods clerk at $2 per week; after five years work and advancement, became traveling salesman in church supplies; in 1894, purchased his present business, developing same and adding department of Society goods, especially embroidered flags and banners; the firm is incorporated as The R. A. Koch Co., and is the largest of its kind in … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Roy Wright MacDiarmid

MacDiarmid, Roy Wright; candy merchant; born, Detroit, Mich., Jan. 31, 1889; son of Alex. A. and Hester L. Wright MacDiarmid; after finishing the public schools, was in a banking position for a time; then with Marks, wholesaler of Ladies’ Furs, as cashier and office mgr.; there five years; in 1905, entered with his family into making and retailing their homemade candies, retaining his position with Marks until 1909, resigning then to devote his entire time to the MacDiarmid’s candy business; came to Cleveland in 1910, and established three retail stores and a complete department for making candies; treas. and mgr. … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Rowland Thomas Meacham

Meacham, Rowland Thomas; broker, stocks and bonds; born, Parma, O., July 21, 1875; son of Levie and Rosaline Biddulph Meacham; educated, Cleveland public and West High Schools, Adelbert College, 1898, A. B.; married, Cleveland, June 12, 1913, Evelyn Mae Thipbaugh; member Alpha Delta Phi Fraternity, and Alpha Delta Phi Club of New York City.

Biographical Sketch of Roman W. Wascko

Wascko, Roman W.; florist; born, Germany, Dec. 3, 1887; son of Ernest and Emma Shmemgatzea Wascko; educated, Cleveland public schools; married, Cleveland, Feb. 12, 1903; Mary Pallyblank; issue, four children; from 1892 worked for J. W. Wilson as florist, till 1901, for Lyman Essex, florist; in 1902 started in business for himself, continuing in one location; member P. H. C. and Florist Club.

Biographical Sketch of Rollin Henry White

White, Rollin Henry; automobile mnfr.; son of Thomas H. White and Almira Greenleaf White; educated, Cornell University, ’94, M. E. and E. E.; married, Brooklyn, N. Y., Sept. 2, 1896, Katharine King; issue, Elizabeth, William King, Rollin Henry, Jr.; member Union, Country, and Chagrin Valley Hunt Clubs.

Biographical Sketch of Roland Edward Skeel

Skeel, Roland Edward; physician; born, Fulton, Oswego County, N. Y., Feb. 9, 1869; son of Francis Adelbert and Hattie(Butler) Skeel; educated, Cleveland public schools; M. D., University of Michigan, 1890; married Alva P. Boepple, of Cleveland, O., 1893; Dean Cleveland College Physicians and Surgeons, 1902-1910; prof. gynecology, Western Reserve University; gynecologist to St. Luke’s Hospital; consulting surgeon to Lutheran and Lakewood Hospitals; visiting gynecologist to City Hospital; member American Association Obstetricians and Gynecologists, A. M. A.; Republican.

Biographical Sketch of Roger C. Enwright

Enwright, Roger C.; broker; born, Bellevue, O., and educated in the public schools, formerly connected with the McIntosh-Huntington Co., wholesale hardware as treas. and credit man; after several years spent in New York City and Reading, Pa., as manufacturer’s agents, returned to Cleveland, in 1900, and engaged in the brokerage business with Borton & Borton; member Cleveland Stock Exchange and member Board of Governors; Chamber of Commerce, Euclid, Century, and Hermit Clubs; Republican.

Biographical Sketch of Robert Waller Deering

Deering, Robert Waller; university dean; born, Hogansville, Ga., June 27, 1865; son of Rev. John R. and Fannie (Covin) Deering; A. M., Vanderbilt University, 1885; A. M., Ph. D., University of Leipsiz, 1889; married Jessie Winn, of Mt. Sterling, Ky., Sept. 9, 1891; adj. prof. Germanic languages, Vanderbilt, 1890-1892; prof. Germanic languages since 1892, dean, Grad. Faculty, since 1893,. Western Reserve University. Editor: The Little Gipsy (translated from Cervantes La Jitanilla), 1891; Schiller’s Wilhelm Tell, 1894; Schiller’s Wilhelm Tell, spl. edit., 1900; Goethe’s Egmont, 1903; also monographs and reviews on philol. subjects.

Biographical Sketch of Robert Russell Rhodes

Rhodes, Robert Russell; born, Cleveland, Dec. 17, 1845; son of Daniel and Sophia L. Russell Rhodes; educated, Cleveland public schools; married, Cleveland, Sept. 30, 1868, Kate Newell Rhodes; issue, Fannie, Sophia, and William C. Rhodes (the latter two deceased); pres. United States Coal Co., Peoples Savings Bank Co.; director Cleveland Storage Co., Great Lakes Towing Co., National Commercial Bank; member Union, Country, and Clifton Clubs.

Biographical Sketch of Robert Parker Miles

Miles, Robert Parker; lecturer; born, Burnley, Lancashire, Eng., July 11, 1866; son of Harrison and Sarah (Parker) Miles; St. Stephens College, Annadale, N. Y., 1885-1888; Union Theological Seminary, 1892; married Lena B. Coburger, of East Orange, N. J., Nov. 12, 1899; ordained Presbyterian ministry, 1892; asst. pastor Rutherford, N. J., 1892-1896; pastor Ravenswood Church, New York, 1896-1897; religious editor New York Evening Journal, 1897-1899; traveled extensively as newspaper and magazine correspondent; has lectured in U. S., Canada and English-speaking countries since 1901; prin. lectures “Tallow Dips,” “Sparks and Dawn”; Progressive Republican; member International Lyceum Ass’n; Eulexion Society (St. Stephens College). … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Robert Ogden Rote

Rote, Robert Ogden; railway engineering; born, Geneva, O., March 22, 1871; son of R. O. and Orra A. Blakeslee Rote; educated, Geneva Normal School, 1889; married, Ashtabula, June 6, 1893, Harriet Louise Lowe; one daughter, Charlotte Louise Hardway; entered service of Michigan Central R. R. in 1889, after three years, came to L. S. & M. S. R. R., and has been with the company since that time; now asst. chief engineer; member The American Railway Engineering Ass’n and The Cleveland Engineering Society; member Cleveland Tennis Club, and Euclid, and Shaker Heights Country Clubs.

Biographical Sketch of Robert Murray Kilgore

Kilgore, Robert Murray; dist. sales mgr. Jones & Laughlin Steel Co.; born, Pittsburg, June 14, 1877; son of Jesse B. and Mary Barker Kilgore; educated, public schools and Penn State College (B. A.); married, Pittsburg, 1900, Bertha Wallace; issue, two sons and three daughters, James, Jesse, Robert, EIizabeth and Ruth; with Jones & Laughlin Steel Co. since January, 1898 (no other employer); appointed mgr. of sales Cleveland district, January, 1908; member Kappa Sigma, Union, and Mayfield Clubs, Chamber of Commerce; Royal Arch Mason.

Biographical Sketch of Robert L. Ireland

Ireland, Robert L.; with M. A. Hanna & Co.; born, Stratford, Conn., Aug. 20, 1867; son of John B. and Adelia Duane Ireland; educated, Stamford, Conn., Newburgh, N. Y., and Yale, graduating in 1890; married, May 2, 1894, Kate Benedict Hanna; issue, Robert Livingston Ireland, Jr., born Feb. 2, 1895, and Elizabeth Ireland, born Oct. 30, 1898; business career, with the Cleveland Hardware Co., Hackney Bicycle Co., Globe Iron Works, Ship Owners Dry Dock Co., Cleveland Dry Dock Ca.; instrumental in the consolidation of the shipbuilding interests of the Great Lakes; organization being known as the American Ship Building Co.; … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Robert Johns Bulkley

Bulkley, Robert Johns; congressman; born, Cleveland, Oct. 8, 1880; son of Charles Henry and Roberta (Johns) Bulkley; A. B., Harvard, 1902, A. M., 1906; law student, Harvard, and at Cleveland; married Katharine Pope, of Helena, Mont., Feb. 17, 1909; admitted to bar, 1905, and began practice at Cleveland; member law firm of Bulkley & Inglis, Sept. 1, 1909-; member 62d Congress (1911-13); 21st Ohio Dist.; Democrat; trustee University School, Cleveland. Clubs: Union, Hermit, University, Tavern and Country (Cleveland), Harvard (New York), Montana (Helena).

Biographical Sketch of Robert James Frackleton

Frackleton, Robert James; manufacturer; born, Chandlorville, Ill., 1868; educated, Illinois College, Jacksonville, B. S.; married, New York City, 1907, Constance Louise Chandler; en-gaged in banking for six years and manufacturing for eighteen years; pres. The Chandler & Price C.; director Frackleton State Bank; director The Reliance Gauge Column Co.; director The Cleveland Folding Machine Co.; member the Union, University, and East End Tennis Clubs.