Biographical Sketch of Starr Cadwallader

Cadwallader, Starr; settlement worker; born, Howard, N. Y., June 11, 1869; son of Joseph Shepard and Anne E. (Starr) Cadwallader; A.. B., Hamilton College, 1893, A. M., 1896; graduate Union Theological Seminary, 1896; married Harriet E. Gomph, of Utica, N. Y., July 30, 1896; was engaged in Y. M. C. A. work, 1887, 1888 and 1890; teacher in private schools, 1892-1895; ordained Presbyterian ministry, 1896; head worker Goodrich Social Settlement, Cleveland, 1896-1903 (trustee since 1903, sec’y since 1906); school director of Cleveland, 1902-1905; sec’y board of trustees, Cleveland School of Art, 1905-1908; supt. of sanitation, 1908-1910; pres. Social Service Club; … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Starke Seibert Saffold

Saffold, Starke Seibert; insurance; born, Mobile, Ala., March 15, 1852; son of Judge Milton J. and Martha Harrison Saffold; educated by private instructor, Graylock and Emerson Institutes; married, Philadelphia, Pa., Sept. 1, 1881, Harriet Webb; issue, one daughter, Mrs. Wm. C. Young, of Texas, and one son, J. Webb Saffold, Cleveland; has occupied official position in eight or ten professional and business concerns, from secretary to president; from which since retired; gen. agt., since 1886, Provident Life & Trust Co.; pres. Acme Eng. & Stamps Co.; director Chippewa Lake Co.; Los Seros Copper Co.; Gold Bug Mining Co.; Ohio Lemon … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Spencer Marcus Duty

Duty, Spencer Marcus; brick business; born, Cleveland, Sept. 28, 1878; son of Daniel and Sarah L. Cozad Duty; common and High School education in Cleveland; married, Cleveland, Dec. 12, 1905, Mabel Cummer; one son, Spencer Cummer Duty; pres. The Deckman-Duty Brick Co.; director The National Belting Co.; The F. D. Cummer & Son Co.; member The National Paving Brick Mnfg. Ass’n, Chamber of Commerce and Athletic Club.

Biographical Sketch of Solon L. Severance

Severance, Solon L.; banker; born, Cleveland, Sept. 8, 1834; son of Solomon Lewis and Mary H. Long Severance; educated in district and private schools; married, Kinsman, O. Oct. 10, 1860, Emily C. Allen; issue, three children; Julia, now Mrs. B. L. Millikin; Prof. Allen D. Severance, and Miss Mary Severance; one of the organizers of the Euclid Ave. National Bank; its first cashier and last pres.; later it became the Euclid Park, and later the First National Bank; still interested in the banking business; member Union Club, Chamber of Commerce, Second Presbyterian Church. Recreation: Travel, twice visited China and Japan, … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Sidney Rose Badgley

Badgley, Sidney Rose; architect; born at Ernestown, Ont., Can., May 28, 1850; son of William Edwin and Nancy (Rose) Badgley; educated, public schools and academy; studied architecture under R. C. Windeyer, Toronto, Can.; married Alma A. Clark, 1872 (died 1874); Charlotte J. Gilleland, of St. Catherine’s, Ont., Sept. 21, 1876. Came to U. S., 1887; specialist in church architecture, has built churches and other buildings in various parts of U. S. and Canada; vice pres. Equity Savings & Loan Co.; member Cleveland Chamber of Commerce; Republican; Methodist.

Biographical Sketch of Samuel Walter Kelley

Kelley, Samuel Walter; physician, surgeon; born, Adamsville, Muskingum County, O., Sept. 15, 1855; son of Walter and Selina Catherine (Kaemmerer) Kelley; preparatory education, public schools, Zanesville, O., and St. Joseph, Mich.; M. D., Western Reserve University, Cleveland, 1884; also studied in hospitals in London; married Amelia Kemmerlein, of Wooster, O., July 2, 1884; chief dept. of diseases of children, Polyclinic, Western Reserve University, 1886-1893; prof. diseases of children, Cleveland College Physicians and surgeons (Med. Dept. Ohio Wesleyan University), since 1893; pediatrist City and St. Luke’s hospitals; pediatrist and orthopedist St. Clair Hospital; surgeon-in-chief Holy Cross Home for Crippled and Invalid … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Samuel Thomas Wellman

Wellman, Samuel Thomas; mechanical engineer; born, Wareham, Mass., Feb. 5, 1847; son of Samuel K, and Mary L. Besse Wellman; educated, Norwich University, Vermont, B. S. and C. E. (hon.); married, Stoneham, Mass., Sept. 3, 1868, Julia A. Ballard; issue, Mina Bessie, Aug. 11, 1870, Addle Lena, June 1, 1872, Wm. S., Nov. 1, 1874, Holley G., May 19, 1881, Frederick S., Dec. 8, 1887; served as corporal Co. F, 1st New Hampshire Heavy Artillery, 18641865; built first open hearth furnace in United States to make steel commercially, Bay State Works, Boston, 1870; engineer and supt. Otis Steel Co., 18731889, … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Samuel Rockwell

Rockwell, Samuel; civil engineer; born, Brooklyn, N. Y., Feb. 20, 1847; son of William and Susan Lawrence Prince Rockwell; educated, Yale College and Sheffield Scientific School, 1873; Ph. B.; married, St. Joseph, Mo., June 7, 1881, Cordelia Ann Geiger; issue, four sons and one daughter; business career, 1873-1877, resident engineer D. L. & W. R. R., Hoboken, N. J.; built tunnel through Bergen Hill and other changes of line and separation of grade work; 1877-1881, contractor; 1881-1882, asst. city engineer, Kansas City, Mo.; 1882-1884, principal asst. engineer, St. Paul Water Works; 1884-1887, locating and constructing engineer, St. Paul & M. … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Samuel Miller

Miller, Samuel; Towel Supply Co.; born in Russia, 1879; son of Abraham and Rachel Siegel Miller; married, Cleveland, June 25, 1907, Miss Ida Berkovitz; started in business fifteen years ago on Bank St., then on St. Clair near 12th St., then in Whitney Power Block; present location Brownell Court, occupying three-story building built for their purpose; all modern equipment and latest machinery for exclusive towel service business, largest concern of its kind in the state; gem mgr. Independent Towel Supply Co.; pres. and treas. The Miller Bros. Realty Co.; treas. The Standard Apron Supply Co.; three brothers associated with him … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Samuel Mather

Mather, Samuel; financier; born, Cleveland, O., July 13, 1851; son of Samuel Livingston and Georgianna Pomeroy (Woolson) Mather; educated in the public schools of Cleveland, and St. Mark’s School, at Southboro, Mass.; married, Cleveland, Oct. 19, 1881, Miss Flora Stone (died Jan. 19, 1909); issue, Samuel Livingston, Amasa Stone, Phillip Richard, and Constance; took up business life when a young man; associated with his father, and at the latter’s death, became his successor in the Pickands-Mather Co.; interested officially in many other corporations, prominently connected with the iron and steel trade of the country; deeply interested in and a large … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Samuel Henry Needs

Needs, Samuel Henry; sec’y and treas. Ohio-Pennsylvania Coal Co.; born, Tiverton, Devonshire, Eng., Sept. 30, 1859; educated in the common schools of England; with the L. S. & M. & R. R. for five years; since then has been engaged as a coal operator; pres. Enterprise Printing Co.; Past Exalted Ruler, Past District Deputy, G. A. R., Past Grand Treas., B. P. O. Elks; Mater Mason, Iris Lodge, Webb Chapter; member Al Sirat Grotto No. 17; Republican; member Oriental Commandery, Knights Templars, and Al Koran Shrine.

Biographical Sketch of Samuel Douglas Dodge

Dodge, Samuel Douglas; lawyer; born, Cleveland, Aug. 25, 1885; son of George C. and Lucy A. Burton Dodge; educated private schools of Cleveland, Graylock Institute, at South Williamstown, Mass.; graduated from Williams College with degree of B. A. in 1877; law course at Columbia University, LL. B., 1879; married, Cleveland, Oct. 25, 1882, Miss Jeanette Groff; issue, Henry Groff Dodge, born, Oct. 24, 1883, and Miss Janet Dodge; entered active law practice in the office of Virgil P. Kline, and later in the office of Judge E. J. Blandin; has devoted his time to general practice and real estate law; … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Samuel D. Latty

Latty, Samuel D.; sec’y and gen. mgr. The Kirk-Latty Mnfg. Co.; born, Boston, Mass., Sept. 12, 1864; educated in the public schools; began career in the tack business with A. Fields & Son, Taunton, Mass., 1881-1883; Tack Dept., Cincinnati, O., 1883-1885; came to Cleveland and worked for the W. Bingham Co., 1885-1887; took charge of the Sales Dept. of the National Screw & Tack Co., 1887-1895; one of the organizers of the Kirk-Latty Mnfg. Co., and when the Company was incorporated, was elected sec’y and gen. mgr.; still serving; pres. the Buckeye Box Co., and interested in other corporations; member … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Samuel Cooper Blake

Blake, Samuel Cooper; attorney-at-law; born, Euclid, O., Dec. 29, 1855; son of John M. and Harriet L. Cooper Blake; educated, public schools, Shaw Academy, preparatory dept. Oberlin College, and private school, law dept. University of Michigan, LL. B.; married, Euclid, O., June, 1889, Mary A. Camp; two children, Anna H. and Allan B. Blake; clerk of Euclid School Board for two terms, and township clerk two terms; taught in the Euclid schools for two years, admitted to the Ohio Bar, at Columbus, in 1883; practised in Cleveland since admission to the Bar; director and member financial committee, The Garfield Savings … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Samuel Butler Trescott

Trescott, Samuel Butler; salesman; born, Alliance, O., Jan. 26, 1842; son of Clark and Ann Butler Trescott; educated, Alliance High School, class 1859; married, Sept. 15, 1864, Elizabeth J. Crawford; issue, two sons, four daughters; Republican; served as school director; fifty years traveling salesman and sales manager, starting at the beginning of the profession; connected with Bancroft & Trescott; Trescott-Shook Co.; General Mdse. Co., and pres. Trescott Packing Co.; member I. O. O. F., and K. of P.

Biographical Sketch of Samuel Ball Platner

Platner, Samuel Ball; university prof.; born, Unionville, Conn., Dec. 4, 1863; son of William and Emily Childs (Ball) Platner; brother of John Winthrop Platner (q. v.); A. B., Yale, 1883, Ph. D., 1885; married Leonora Sayre, of Utica, N. Y., June 29, 1892; instructor Latin and French, 1885-1890; asst. prof. Latin, 1890-1892; prof. since 1892; Western Reserve University, sec’y mngr. cont. 1897-1911; professor, 1899-1900; American School Classical Studies in Rome; pres. American Philological Assn, 1900-1901. Editor: Greek and Roman Versification (from German of Lucian Muller), 1892; Selected Letters of the Younger Pliny, 1894. Author: Topography and Monuments of Ancient Rome, … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Sam W. Emerson

Emerson, Sam W.; contracting engineer; born, Cleveland, O.; educated, Case School of Applied Science, B. S. and C. S.; married, Cleveland, Florence J. Taylor; two children; contracting engineer engaged in reinforced concrete work; pres. and treas. Sam W. Emerson Co., Emerson Realty Co.; pres. Ohio Epsilon Co.; member Cleveland Engineering Society, Phi Kappa Psi, Tau Beta Phi Fraternities; member Cleveland Athletic Club, Chamber of Commerce and Builders’ Exchange.

Biographical Sketch of Salmon Portland Halle

Halle, Salmon Portland; merchant; born, Cleveland, Aug. 6, 1866; son of Moses and Rebecca Weil Halle; public school education in Cleveland; married, Cleveland, Dec. 3, 1893, Carrie B. Moss; issue, Marion R., Feb. 26, 1896, Salmon Portland, IL, Jan. 13, 1909; pres. Halle Bros. Co.; director Mutual Building & Loan Co., Service Recorder Co.; Sheriff St.; member Cleveland Athletic, Excelsior, Oakwood Clubs, Cleveland; Aldine Club, New York.

Biographical Sketch of S. Marshall Weaver

Weaver, S. Marshall; dentist; born, Dayton, O., Dec. 13, 1875; son of W. J. and Mary E. Marshall Weaver; educated, Ravenna High School and Western Reserve University (D. D. S.) ; married, Cleveland, April 17, 1896; two sons; pres. Weaver Dental Specialty Co.; vice pres. Cleveland Vending Co.; director Realty Building-Renting Co.; member National, Ohio State, Northern Ohio and Cleveland Dental Societies, Delta Sigma Delta, Colonial and Cleveland Athletic Clubs; pres. Cleveland Dental Society, 1913-1914.

Biographical Sketch of S. Lewandowski

Lewandowski, S.; steamship, foreign exchange, etc.; born, Poland, Nov. 16, 1864; son of Joseph and Miss Koszucka Lewandowski; educated, public schools, Bay City, Michigan; married, Posen, Nebraska, Aug. 16, 1885, Anna Kahinowska; issue, three sons and five daughters; for over twenty-one years an employee of the United States Government in the Cleveland post office; handling all cash postage for second class and permit matter, under the title of supt. of second class matter; in 1901, opened, on Sowinski Ave., Cleveland, an office, doing a steamship, foreign exchange and real estate business; one of the organizers and founders of the first … Read more