Saco Valley Families

Ridlon, G. T., Sr. Saco Yalley Settlements And Families: Historical, Biographical, Genealogical, Traditional, and Legendary. Embracing the most important events on the Saco River, from their plantation to the present, with memorials of the families and individuals instrumental in their settlement, advancement and prosperity. Portland, ME: Published by the author. 1895.

The Sokokis Indians along the Saco River

Last Updated on July 4, 2023 by Dennis The best authorities now attribute to our North American aborigines an Asiatic origin. In physical appearance, language, and traditions, the western tribes resemble the northeastern Asiatics, while the Eskimo and his cousin on the Asiatic side understand each other perfectly. The Mongolian cast of features is much

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The Saco River

Last Updated on November 12, 2020 by Dennis Here, in the deep primeval forest, the brave aboriginal inhabitants searched for those medicinal treasures stored in the pharmacy of nature, and from these compounded the curative preparations for which the tribe has long been renowned. Here, upon the Saco river bank, the Sokokis built his bark

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Lovewell’s Defeat in the Saco Valley

Last Updated on June 4, 2020 by Dennis Our grandfathers have related this old fireside story with much animation and circumstantiality. It has been handed down to us upon the historic page attended with many inconsistent, and some contradictory, statements. We have not found one published account of the march, battle, and retreat that would

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