Traditions and Legends along the Saco

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Nancy Barton is supposed to have been the first white woman who passed through the Notch of the White Hills voluntarily. She was employed to keep a boarding-house for lumbermen in Jefferson; was industrious, faithful, and toiled early and late for small wages. Her employer was taken captive by the Indians and she served them liquor until they were all helpless; then cut the thongs with which he was bound and secured his liberty. She carefully husbanded her earnings, and in time had laid down a handsome sum. She was engaged to be married to one of the workmen and … Read more

The Sokokis Indians along the Saco River

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The best authorities now attribute to our North American aborigines an Asiatic origin. In physical appearance, language, and traditions, the western tribes resemble the northeastern Asiatics, while the Eskimo and his cousin on the Asiatic side understand each other perfectly. The Mongolian cast of features is much more marked in the tribes on the Pacific than in those on the Atlantic coast, while the earliest traditions handed down from time immemorial by the ancient fathers, and held by the chiefs of the eastern tribes, indicate that they came by stages from the westward; and those of the western tribes, that … Read more

The Saco River

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Here, in the deep primeval forest, the brave aboriginal inhabitants searched for those medicinal treasures stored in the pharmacy of nature, and from these compounded the curative preparations for which the tribe has long been renowned. Here, upon the Saco river bank, the Sokokis built his bark wigwam, upon these waters he propelled his beaded canoe of birch with noiseless pad, die of ash, and in the pellucid depths saw the reflection of his dusky form. The adventuresome Vikings, reared in a land indented with intersecting voes, when they discovered our rivers upon which the tide ebbed and flowed, supposed … Read more

Lovewell’s Defeat in the Saco Valley

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Our grandfathers have related this old fireside story with much animation and circumstantiality. It has been handed down to us upon the historic page attended with many inconsistent, and some contradictory, statements. We have not found one published account of the march, battle, and retreat that would stand the first shock of intelligent criticism. Successive authors have followed the beaten track; if they discovered inharmonies, and encountered insuperable difficulties, they have been content to repeat the same unreasonable statements formulated by their predecessors without criticism or comment. Some writers have ignored geography; others, the cardinal points. The tradition about John … Read more

Garrisons, Block-Houses, and Forts in the Saco Valley

Saco Fort in 1699

During the Indian wars various kinds of fortifications were built by the settlers along the Saco river. Some of these were put up by individuals for the better protection of their own families, and others were built by authority of the Provincial Government and paid for from appropriations voted “for the defense of the frontier.” When the Indians threatened the settlement along the coast the people importuned the Great and General Court for funds to erect forts and blockhouses. These were to be built of stockades, or square timber, in such places as would best accommodate the inhabitants in each … Read more

First Settlements in the Saco Valley

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The pioneers who contemplated permanent settlement were sometimes squatters on the soil for several years before a title to their claim could be secured, as old letters relating to such transactions, now at hand, clearly prove. When the newcomer “pitched” upon a lot some distance from the cabins of those who had preceded him in settlement, a rude puncheon-and-bark camp was built. The woodman felled a goodly number of straight spruces, or chestnut trees, and cut them into sections, some eight feet in length. These were split into halves and set in a narrow trench, two feet in depth, excavated … Read more

Benton Family of Oxford County Maine

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Dr. Joseph Benton came from Westmoreland, Conn. , to Fryeburg with his family and practiced medicine there several years. He removed to Denmark previous to 1806, and after continuing in practice there nearly a quarter of a century he removed into Baldwin, near the Hiram line, where he d. Aug. 21, 1838, aged 76 years. He was a very skillful physician and took high rank among the practitioners of his day. Note: Dr. Benton was once called to New Hampshire during the ravages of a malady of a very fatal nature and was successful in healing those who were seized … Read more

Bean and Bane Family Genealogy of Saco Valley Maine

Gen. Daniel Bean and Wife

Tradition makes the ancestor of this family who first came to our shores a native of the Isle of Jersey, but I doubt the truth of the statement. I have not found the name, or one resembling it, in any record or book relating to Jersey. The surname Bain, and Bane, are derived from the Gaelic word bane which signified white or fair complexion, as Donald Bane, who usurped the Scottish throne after the death of his brother, Malcolm Canmore. An ancient branch of the family in Fifeshire, Scotland, have spelled the surname Bayne. The Highland MacBanes were a branch … Read more

Barrons Family Genealogy of Cornish Maine

Abraham Barrons, b. January 17, 1756, probably in Wells, Me., came to Cornish about the time of leaving the Revolutionary army, say, 1778. I find the name of Abram Barnes in a list of soldiers from Wells, and think the two identical. He m. Margaret Stackpole (who was b. Nov. 12, 1755) and d. Oct. 24, 1819, aged 63. Wife d. May 22, 1846, aged 91. These had nine children named as follows: Lydia Barrons, b. Jan. 22, 1779; d. Jan. 23, 1830. Abigail Barrons, b. May 23, 1782; d. 1800. Polly Barrons, b. Aug. 4, 1784; d. Oct. 12, … Read more

Ayer Family Genealogy of Buxton Maine

The ancestors of the Ayer families in the state, were early settled at Haverhill, Mass., and from that town came the Ayers of Biddeford and Buxton. John was at Salisbury, 1640; at Ipswich, 1648; died at Haverhill, 1657, leaving numerous descendants. Peter Ayer was admitted freeman at Haverhill, 1666; chosen representative, 1683-85-89-90. Robert and Thomas were admitted freemen at Haverhill, 1668. Maj. Ebenezer Ayer was with Arnold in the Canada expedition through the wilderness of Maine, and displayed consummate courage and great determination. He is said to have sawed off the pickets upon the enemy’s breastworks to enable the soldiers … Read more

Atkinson Family Genealogy of Saco Valley

The Atkinsons were English, and the ancestors of the New England families came from Bury, in County Lancaster, in 1634. Theodore Atkinson, the emigrant, settled in Boston and was owner of a good estate there. Atkinson street, where he had land, was named for him, and Berry street, for the place of his nativity. Hon. Theodore Atkinson, a grandson, settled on Great island, in Portsmouth harbor, and engaged in trade and fishing. He was appointed clerk of the Superior Court of Judicature for the province; was a man of great fidelity, held in high esteem. John Atkinson, son of the … Read more

Appleton Family Genealogy of Saco Valley Maine

The Appleton family were residents at Great and Little Waldingford, in Suffolk, England, from a remote period. A John Appleton died at the former place in 1436. Samuel Appleton, descended from this race, came to New England in 1635, and settled at Ipswich; was admitted freeman in May, 1636, and was representative at the May and September sessions of the General Court, in 1637. He was born at Little Waldingford in 1586; died in Ipswich in June, 1670, leaving John, Samuel, Judith, and Martha. John Appleton, b. at Little Waldingford, in 1622, was representative for Ipswich for nineteen years. He … Read more