Biography of Walter A. Long

Among the bright and promising young attorneys of Christian County, Missouri, is Walter A. Long, who has secured a satisfactory degree of worldly success by reason of his personal traits and the exercise of unmistakable business ability. His natural acumen, added to the thorough education he received in his youth, makes him judicious in law, and his desire to reach the highest possible position in the profession keeps him ever on the alert to add to his knowledge by observation and study. For the past six years he has practiced his profession in this and other counties of the State, … Read more

Biography of W. W. Scott

W. W. SCOTT. W. W. Scott who is one of the oldest pioneers of Christian County, Missouri, has attained the advanced age of four-score years and five, for his birth occurred in Tennessee, December 21, 1809. Honorable and upright in every walk of life, his career has been without blot or blemish, and he is one of the best-preserved, physically and mentally, of the men who have reached his age. His father, Thomas Scott, was a native of that grand old State, Virginia, but at an early day migrated to Kentucky, where he married Elizabeth Jones, a native of North … Read more

Biography of W. W. Moore

W. W. MOORE. He who is careful of small things, and who earns a reputation for honesty and reliability by observing the promises he has made, is already on the high road to a consummation of his hopes. Such an one is W. W. Moore, who is a prominent general merchant of Protem, Missouri He was born in Hardin County, Kentucky, in 1844, a son of Henry and Nancy (Litsey) Moore, who were born in Kentucky, in which State the father spent his life in the occupation of farming, his death occurring in 1867. His father, George Moore, was a … Read more

Biography of W. R. Jones

The subject of this sketch was born in Wayne County, Illinois, December 1, 1861. His father and mother were born in Illinois; both his grandfathers were born in Kentucky, and his great-grand-father, Cadwaledar Jones, was born in South Carolina. His ancestors took a prominent part in the Revolutionary War, one of them, Robert Anderson, being a chieftain along with Marion and Sumter. The Jones family originally came from Wales. The Anderson family, into which the grandfather of the subject of this sketch married, came from Ireland. The Staten family, into which the father of the subject of this sketch married, … Read more

Biography of W. Q. Seawel

This gentleman has for years devoted his attention to mercantile pursuits, is a practical, experienced man, thoroughly conversant with the business in all its branches, and his establishment is a most reliable one at which to deal. He was born in Cannon County, Tennessee, January 3, 1844, and since 1869 has been a resident of Yellville, whither he came from Buffalo City, Arkansas, where he had located in 1867. His parents were Francis M. and Anna E. (Bates ) Seawel, who were born, reared and married in Tennessee. They removed to Arkansas in 1856, and here the father engaged in … Read more

Biography of W. P. Hodges

W. P. HODGES. Probably there is not a man better known in Searcy and adjoining counties than W. P. Hodges, the efficient sheriff and collector of this county. He is an intelligent man of affairs, keeps abreast of the times and has the reputation of being one of the most enterprising and progressive men, as well as one of the most trustworthy and capable county officials, being especially fitted for the offices of sheriff and collector. He was born in the county in which he now resides July 31, 1857, and therefore it is not to be wondered at that … Read more

Biography of W. L. Stowers

W. L. STOWERS. A popular resort for the traveling public and people of this city is the West Plains Hotel, which was first opened in 1883, and is conducted by W. L. Stowers, one of the prominent business men in the city. Mr. Stowers, who is a most genial and obliging host, was born in Marion County, Missouri, August 2, 1843, son of Samuel and America (Whaley) Stowers. Samuel Stowers was born in Virginia in 18O5 to the union of Colman and Nancy (Conway) Stowers, natives of the Old Dominion. The grandfather came to Ralls County, Missouri, as early as … Read more

Biography of W. K. Johnson

W. K. JOHNSON. The public services of Mr. Johnson, the efficient and capable treasurer of Christian County, Missouri, have been characterized by a noticeable devotion to the welfare of his county, and his ability and fidelity in his present position have been seen and appreciated by all. He is a native of Tennessee, born in Grainger County September 22, 1837. He is a son of Joshua and Sarah (Dent) Johnson, both natives of Tennessee, the father born in Hawkins and the mother in Grainger County. They came to Christian County, Missouri, in 1868, and here both passed the remainder of … Read more

Biography of W. J. Hornbarger

W. J. HORNBARGER, M. D. The value to any community of a professional man is not marked merely by his learning and skill, his proficiency in medical and surgical practice, but also by his character, both private and professional, his honorable adherence to medical ethics and his personal integrity and benevolence of purpose. These characteristics are combined in Dr. W. J. Hornbarger of Heber, Arkansas, and it is with pleasure that a short sketch of his life is here given. He was born near Quitman, Cleburne County, Arkansas, January 25, 1860, his parents being Washington and Jane (Hood) Hornbarger who … Read more

Biography of W. J. Cooper

W. J. COOPER. The gentleman whose name heads this sketch is well known throughout the section in which he resides as a man of unblemished reputation, whose energy, perseverance and integrity have placed him in an independent financial position and has won for him the respect of his fellow-citizens. The fine farm on which he resides comprises 178 acres of land, but he is also the owner of real estate in other parts of the county which amounts to some 500 acres. He has ever been an enterprising, thorough and practical farmer, and his valuable property is looked after in … Read more

Biography of W. H. H. Miller

W. H. H. MILLER. Among the men who early cast their fortunes in what is now Christian County, Missouri, was one whose memory is treasured by the few remaining pioneers of a rapidly passing age, a man of honest integrity and sterling worth, we refer to Jesse Miller, the father of the subject of this sketch. He was born in North Carolina about 1800, and when but a boy went with his parents to Tennessee, where he met and married Miss Eunice Vanzandt, a native of Georgia, born about 1809. Until 1852 this worthy couple made their home in Tennessee, … Read more

Biography of W. G. Holland

W. G. HOLLAND. When a grain of wheat is cut across the middle and examined under a glass the central parts are found to be composed of a white substance; if the grain is dry this interior readily becomes a pearly powder. Near the outside of the kernel the texture is more compact, and at the surface it becomes horny. This added firmness is produced by the increasing quantity of gluten as the analysis advances from center to circumference. Under-standing the structure of the grain, it has been the object of the miller to separate the various parts, so as … Read more

Biography of W. F. Ryan

W. F. RYAN, another of the proprietors of the The Harrison Roller Mill Company, has been a resident of the county since 1885, having come thither from Kansas, but was born in Clark County, Illinois, February 12, 1858. His father, Jacob M. Ryan, was born in Ohio, but at an early day became a resident of Clark County, Illinois, later moved to Kansas, and in 1882 came to Boone County, Arkansas, where he died in June, 1893, having been an extensive lumber dealer of Harrison. He was a soldier in Company G, Fifty-fourth Regiment of Volunteers, during the war, belonged … Read more

Biography of W. F. Cook

W. F. COOK. In looking over a comparative statement of the institutions of a financial character doing business in Willow Springs, we find them, in comparison with the same class of organizations elsewhere, solvent, prosperous and useful in the highest degree. The Willow Springs Bank adds no little to this, and is one of the best and most substantial of its kind in the county. Mr. W. F. Cook, its well-known cashier, was born in Lewis County, Missouri, February 2, 1868. Son of Dr. J. F. Cook, who is president of La Grange College, at La Grange, a position he … Read more

Biography of W. C. McBee

There are lines of business in which good management is everything, and to this essential merit, coupled with large experience and accurate judgment, is due the success which has attended the mercantile business of W. C. McBee, of McBee’s Landing, Marion County, Arkansas This wide-awake man of affairs is a native of Mississippi County, Missouri, where he was born August 25, 1848, to S. E. and Lucy (Blackburn) McBee, both of whom were born on Kentucky soil, the former being of Irish lineage, and descended from one who fought for the Colonial cause in the Revolutionary War. S. E. McBee … Read more

Biography of W. A. Greever

W. A. GREEVER. The name of Greever is one of the most influential in Boone County, Arkansas, and is one of the most respected in the community. Mr. Greever deserves special notice for his public spirit and enery, and is now a prominent trader and speculator, and one of the largest land owners in the State. He is a native of the Blue Grass State, born in Adair County in 1836, and is a son of John and Sarah (Williams) Greever, both natives of Virginia. The father was born in the year 1807, and when but a small boy went … Read more

Biography of V. C. Bratton

V. C. BRATTON. This gentleman is the owner of a well-conducted mercantile establishment at Marshall, and is an enterprising and wide-awake man of affairs. He was born at Wiley’s Cove, Searcy County, July 19, 1860, being the eldest of a family of eight children born to James and Dicy A. (Hatchett) Bratton, who arc still residents of Wiley’s Cove, where they are well respected and have a wide circle of friends and acquaintances. The youthful days of V. C. Bratton were passed in learning the details of farming and in attending the common schools of the vicinity, where he secured … Read more

Biography of Thomas W. Storey

THOMAS W. STOREY. The responsible position of sheriff and collector of Stone County, Arkansas, is filled by Thomas W. Storey, who is one of the most energetic, enterprising and intelligent of men. He is a native of Jackson County, Ga., born September 22, 1841, a son of William H. and Elizabeth (Garner) Storey, who were also born in Georgia, he in Franklin County and she in Gwinnett County. In 1869 they went from Georgia to Arkansas and after one year’s residence in Izard County the father died, in his fifty-seventh year, the mother’s death occurring in 1885. Mr. Storey was … Read more

Biography of Thomas W. Fancher

THOMAS W. FANCHER, a prominent farmer of Carroll County, Arkansas, was born in Overton County, Tennessee, on January 24, 1833. He is a son of James and Elizabeth (Carlock) Fancher, natives of North Carolina and Tennessee, respectively. When twelve years of age James Fancher removed from his native State to Tennessee. After his marriage in the latter State he located on a farm and resided there until 1838, when he came to Carroll County, Arkansas Locating on a farm, he spent the remainder of his life here, and died on June 8, 1866. His widow is still living (1888). James … Read more

Biography of Thomas S. Barnes

THOMAS S. BARNES, merchant and farmer of Barnesville, Reynolds County, Missouri, and one of the representative men of the county, was born January 11, 1835, in Wilkes County, N. C. His father, Thomas Barnes, was born in North Carolina, but his grandfather, Edward Barnes, although born in the United States, was of Irish parentage, his father and mother coming to America prior to the Revolutionary War. Thomas Barnes, father of subject, was reared and married in his native State and there remained until about 1835, when he started for the West, coming through by wagon. He brought his family and … Read more