Biography of Dr. John Bolinger

DR. JOHN BOLINGER. In pursuing the very important and noble calling of medicine, Dr. John Bolinger has met with a degree of success that is flattering in the extreme. He has not only shown that he is well posted in his profession, but that he can practically apply his knowledge. As a natural consequence his services have been greatly in demand, and he is kept busy most of the time. The great-grandfather on the father’s side was of German origin and was one of the first settlers of Madison County, Arkansas His son, Frederick Bolinger, grandfather of our subject, came … Read more

Biography of Dr. James W. York

DR. JAMES W. YORK. This prominent physician has been a close student of his profession and in his mission of “healing the sick,” his generous treatment of his patients, his liberality and kindness of heart, have won for him not the respect alone, but the earnest regard of the large clientele, he has gathered around him. For thirteen years be has resided in Billings and is known as a man of untarnished integrity of character and of high moral standing. His birth occurred at Richland, Keokuk County, Iowa, March 27, 1851, and he is a son of James M. and … Read more

Biography of Dr. James Snider

DR. JAMES SNIDER. This prominent old pioneer of Carter County, Missouri, was born in Blount County, Tennessee, September 14, 1808, a son of Rev. George and Polly (Walker) Snider, who were born in Virginia and North Carolina January 1, 1769 and October 11, 1768, respectively. They were married in Tennessee and spent their lives in Blount and Monroe Counties. The father was a Baptist minister for over thirty-five years, and went with the Missionary wing of that church when it divided. His father, George Snidcer, was born in Pennsylvania, but later moved to Virginia, and in a very early day … Read more

Biography of Dr. James M. Robinson

DR. JAMES M. ROBINSON. This successful old medical practitioner is well known for his genial personality, his ready and kindly sympathy with those who come to him as invalids, and for this reason his clientele is perhaps even larger than would have been attracted by his recognized ability and the success which has attended his efforts. He belongs to that class of physicians who recognize the fact that there is something more than a barren ideality in “ministering to a mind diseased,” or, in other words, that the mental condition of the patient has in many cases much to do … Read more

Biography of Dr. J. E. Andrews

DR. J. E. ANDREWS. Of late years it has been discovered that the profession of dentistry has been practiced from the earliest ages, but the knowledge of this science has become so perfected that it is now an art. One of the ablest exponents of this branch of human endeavor is Dr. J. E. Andrews, who is the only prominent practicing dentist of Harrison, in which city he has a well-appointed office and a large and lucrative clientele. He was born in Memphis, Tennessee, November 16, 1862. His father, W.H. Andrews, having been a North Carolinian, born in 1827 or … Read more

Biography of Dr. J. C. B. Dixon

DR. J. C. B. DIXON. One of the old and honored medicine men and citizens of Howell County, Missouri, is Dr. C.B. Dixon. This gentleman was born in Tennessee, August 20, 1823, and is a son of Thomas and Ann (Maybury Dixon. The grandfather, Edam Dixon, was a soldier in the Revolutionary War. He moved from North Carolina to Tennessee while the Indians were still in that section, and was one of the nine pioneers in East Tennessee. The father of our subject was born in North Carolina, became a substantial farmer, and died in Tennessee, as did also his … Read more

Biography of Dr. Hiempsal S. Dodd

DR. HIEMPSAL S. DODD. Totheperson who closely applies himself to any occupation which he has chosen as his calling in life, there can only come one result, that of success and a high place in the esteem of those among whom his lot has been cast. Dr. Dodd is no exception to this rule, and he has also at all times manifested much interest in the building up of the sections in which he has made his home, and has given liberally of his means to this end. He is a native of Wooster, Ohio, born in 1828, a son … Read more

Biography of Dr. H. C. Shuttee

DR. H. C. SHUTTEE. One of the old and honored men in medicine by citizens of Howell County, Missouri, was Dr. C. H. E. Shuttee, deceased, who was the father of the gentleman whose name heads this sketch. The elder Shuttee was a native of Hamburg, Germany, and was educated in that country. When a young man he came to the United States and took up his home in the State of Indiana, at Huntington. Later he became a soldier in the Union Army, served during the latter part of the war, and took part in some hard fought battles. … Read more

Biography of Dr. George W. Thompson

DR. GEORGE W. THOMPSON. Dr. George W. Thompson is a successful follower of Aesculapius at Cave Creek, Arkansas, and through ability and well merited success has built up a practice that is eminently satisfactory. He is a product of Caldwell County, Kentucky, born in 1836, and the son of William R. Thompson who was born in Claiborne County, Tennessee, in 1807. The father was liberally educated in his native State and was there married to Miss Elizabeth Wells, also of Tennessee, and a lady of more than ordinary intelligence. She was born in Knox County in 1809. About 1834 the … Read more

Biography of Dr. George W. Floyd

DR. GEORGE W. FLOYD. The noble profession of medicine affords to the student in that science a never-ending source of investigation and experiment. It is perhaps one of the most trying on brain and body of any in the field of science, for it absorbs the attention of him who practices it conscientiously, both day and night, and brings into play the most versatile powers of his being. Among the prominent physicians and surgeons of Western Grove, Arkansas, stands the name of Dr. George W. Floyd, whose kindly nature instinctively turned to that broad field of human suffering for his … Read more

Biography of Dr. G. P. S. Brown

DR. G. P. S. BROWN. Prominent in the professional world of Christian County is the name of Dr. Brown, whose services to humanity are worthy of record in this volume, for the professional career of a skillful and devoted physician ever furnishes material of great interest to all readers, and the life narrative of Dr. Brown is no exception to this general statement. He is a native of Greene County, Missouri, born in 1853, and the son of John D. and Mary (Bray) Brown, both natives of the Old North State, the father’s birth occurring in Randolph County in 1798, … Read more

Biography of Dr. E. B. Brown

DR. E. B. BROWN. The gentleman, the salient points of whose history we shall endeavor to give below, is one of the most prominent physicians of Christian County, and his experience in civil life has been supplemented by the crucial one of witnessing death and the most terrible wounds with their attendant surgical operations. Dr. E. B. Brown commends himself most pleasantly to those with whom he comes in contact. He is a man of great force of character and one whose very presence would soothe a nervous and weakened patient. He is well read and informed, not only as … Read more

Biography of Dr. David Perry Martin

DR. DAVID PERRY MARTIN. The most important science bearing upon man’s happiness, comfort and welfare is that of medicine, and as Dr. Martin has ever been a close student, he has attained a wide reputation as a successful practitioner of the “healing art.” He owes his nativity to Maries County, Missouri, where he first saw the light in 1846, his parents being Madison and Anastasia (Perry) Martin, the former of whom was born in St. Louis County, Missouri, in 1812. He is still living and is a citizen of Maries County. His wife was also born in St. Louis County, … Read more

Biography of Dr. D. F. Hedgpeth

DR. D. F. HEDGPETH, a young but promising physician of Sparta Mo, although still in the dawn of the success which has attended his efforts in a professional way, has already given abundant evidence of the ability which qualifies him for a high place in the medical profession. Truly ambitious and with an ambition whose aim is high, there seemed no reason why his unquestioned ability should not find full scope to relieve the pains which a suffering world is heir to. He was born in Sparta, December 4, 1862, to the union of Emanuel I. and Lurannah J. (Farmer) … Read more

Biography of Dr. Calvin J. Floyd

DR. CALVIN J. FLOYD. He whose name heads this sketch has built up a large practice by steady devotion to duty and the constant exercise of energy and judgment, and, though he belongs to the younger class of physicians, he has already made an excellent reputation for himself in this most honorable, if laborious, line of human endeavor. The Doctor was born in Independence County, Arkansas, December 15, 1859, a son of E. N. and Martha (Russell) Floyd, the former of whom was born in Jackson County, Ala., and is now living on a farm on Crooked Creek in Boone … Read more

Biography of Dr. C. B. Elkins

DR. C. B. ELKINS. The noble profession of medicine affords to the student in that science a never-ending source of investigation and experiment. New remedies are constantly being discovered, steady progress is being made in surgery and new diseases are presenting themselves under varying forms of civilization. In the noble army of workers in this great field may be found the name of Dr. C. B. Elkins, who, since 1888, has resided in Ozark, Christian County, Missouri. He came from Cannon County, Tennessee, in 1870, and with his father settled in Christian County about three miles from Ozark. There his … Read more

Biography of Dr. Berry R. Tubbs

DR. BERRY R. TUBBS. In a comparatively short period Dr. Tubbs has met with unusual success in the practice of that most noble of callings-medicine–and has gained a substantial reputation as a general practitioner with the profession and the public. He was born near Jacksonport, Jackson County, Arkansas, October I. 1849, his parents being Frederick and Harriet (Flan-nery) Tubbs, who came from Wayne County., Tennessee, in their youth and met and married in Arkansas. Frederick Tubbs was a farmer and died when the subject of this sketch was a child, with whom his widow now makes her home. Berry R. … Read more

Biography of Dr. Abram P. Irvine

DR. ABRAM P. IRVINE. However well compensated a physician may be for his services, and the cases are very numerous in which he neither asks nor receives compensation, his profession must ever be regarded as the noblest and most beneficial to mankind. Dr. Abram P. Irvine has attained eminence in his profession and being of a cheerful disposition himself, he has the faculty of imparting courage to those who are despondent from illness, and his skill in the diagnosis and treatment of diseases is the cause of the success he has won in his profession. He was born in Boyle … Read more

Biography of Dr. A. J. Stephens

DR. A. J. STEPHENS. The profession of the physician and surgeon is one that has drawn to it, at all periods of its history, the brightest and most honorable men; for none but an intelligent, well-informed man could be a physician at all, and no physician unless a man of honor, could long retain a profitable practice. Howell County, Missouri, has always been fortunate in its physicians, and it is especially so, during recent years, in its younger generation of practitioners, who have contributed much to the enhancement of the city’s reputation as a center of medical knowledge. Conspicuous among … Read more

Biography of Dr. A. B. Davis

The humanizing influences of Christianity are shown in thousands of directions, but in none to a more marked degree than that of medicine, and although there are pretenders in every profession who for a time may overshadow those more worthy, yet they eventually reach their level and the deserving are then shown in their true light. One of the young but already prominent physicians of Marion County, Arkansas, is Dr. A. B. Davis, of Powell. He was born in Adairsville, Ga., April 18, 1857, a son of P. R. Davis (see sketch of J. F. Davis). He was about twelve … Read more