Biography of G. W. McDowell

This gentleman is one of the oldest and most reliable merchants of Yellville, and is in every way deserving the large patronage which he commands. He has been a resident of the town since 1868, but owes his nativity to the Old Dominion, where he first opened his eyes upon the light April 12, 1832, his parents being Thomas and Rebecca (Lytle) McDowell, the former of whom was born on the Isle of Erin, and came with a brother to the United States about 1800. He-settled in Virginia and his brother in one of the Carolinas, and he became a … Read more

Biography of G. T. B. Perry

G. T. B. PERRY. The practical value of shrewdness and discrimination combined with strict probity is exemplified in the prosperous condition of those who transact business on these principles. Mr. G. T. B. Perry, a prominent general merchant of Ozark, has a reputation for honorable dealing built up out of the practice of these invaluable principles. He is a product of the Blue Grass soil of Kentucky, Logan County, near Russellville, and is a son of John T. and Mary E. (Ewing) Perry, both natives of Kentucky. The grandfather, Samuel Perry, was a native of Virginia, and the family came … Read more

Biography of G. C. Sowder

G. C. SOWDER. There is something essentially American in the life and character of the gentleman who is the subject of this sketch. The United States has given rare opportunities to men with courage, honesty of purpose, integrity and energy, to achieve success. The bulk of the men who have legitimately achieved fortune have been men with the above characteristics, and Mr. Sowder is surely one of that stamp. He is the owner of a magnificent farm of 400 acres where he is now living, on which he has lived since he came to the county in 1868, and 165 … Read more

Biography of G. B. Thomas

G. B. THOMAS is manager of the large establishment of S. H. Henry & Co., dealers in sash, doors, blinds and lumber. This company was established in 1882 by S. H. Henry, and two years later B. T. Henry, son of S. H., entered the business. The elder Henry is the pioneer lumber dealer of this city. He came here in 1857 from Tennessee where his birth occurred, and first branched out as a carpenter when a young man. Mr. Henry has taken a prominent part in city improvements, is interested in many of the prominent business enterprises, and is … Read more

Biography of Franklin Marion Chapin

FRANKLIN MARION CHAPIN. This prominent citizen of Winona, Missouri, owes his nativity to Overton County, Tennessee, where he first saw the light in 1837, his parents being Paul Stillman and Sarah (Harrison) Chapin (for parents’ history see sketch of John A. Chapin and John W. Garrett). He was the tenth of twelve children born to them, the other members of the family being: Mary (Garrett), of Howell County; Hiram, who died in Los Angeles, Cal.; Paul Stillman, who died in Hopkins County, Tex.; Elias H., who died in Howell County; Martha, who died in Overton County, Tennessee; John A., of … Read more

Biography of Frank Pace

FRANK PACE is one of the youngest, but none the less one of the ablest, attorneys of northwest Arkansas. He has improved every opportunity for gaining knowledge and has availed himself of every chance for the betterment of his condition and reputation, and more than this cannot be said of the most successful man who has ever lived. He owes his nativity to Boone County, Arkansas, born here, he first saw the light July 25, 1871, being a son of the well-known attorney, Capt. W. F. Pace. Frank Pace, after receiving his initiatory training in the public schools of his … Read more

Biography of Frank Kentling

FRANK KENTLING. In the midst of the failures and disasters of life it is a real pleasure to review the career of a man whose efforts have been crowned with success and whose life has been honorable in every particular, as has that of Frank Kentling. He is now a general merchant, farmer and stock dealer at Highlandville, Missouri, and is one of the foremost business men of his section. He possesses all the thrift and perseverance of his Teutonic ancestors and has met with the success that is sure to follow. Mr. Kentling was born in 1841 in North … Read more

Biography of Francis Marion Youngblood

FRANCIS MARION YOUNGBLOOD. There is something essentially American in the life and character of the gentleman who is the subject of this sketch. The United States has given rare opportunities to men with courage, honesty of purpose, integrity and energy to secure success. Francis Marion Youngblood has all the above characteristics, and his success as an agriculturist and citizen has come as his devotion to right and his tenacity of purpose. Mr. Youngblood was born in DeKalb County, Missouri, about 1838, son of Ambrose and Martha (Fanning) Youngblood, who resided for many years in Tennessee. From that State they moved … Read more

Biography of Francis M. Henson

FRANCIS M. HENSON, who lives on the old homestead of the Henson family on Flat Creek, about a mile from the Barry County line, is a native of Stone County, Missouri, and the seventh in order of birth of twelve children born to Zachariah and Armala (Williams) Henson, both natives of Tennessee. Grandfather Thomas Henson and family came to Stone County, Missouri, in 1835, when there were very few settlers, and located on land now owned by our subject. The Williams family came here at the same time and on the way the father of our subject, who was then … Read more

Biography of Fenton T. Stockard

Fenton T. Stockard

In this country where so many young men are thrown upon their own resources at an early age and are often obliged, while yet inexperienced and unfamiliar with their own tendencies and inclinations, to choose their occupation in life, it can not be expected that the most suitable or congenial pursuit will be selected. Consequently it should be impressed upon the minds of youth that they ought to begin at an early age to practice introspection and seriously study the famous Delphic oracle, ” Know thyself.” They will thus find as suitable an occupation as did Fenton T. Stockard, who … Read more

Biography of F. S. Baker

F. S. BAKER. This gentleman has been one of the wide-awake and enterprising citizens of Harrison, Arkansas, since 1873, but first saw the light of day in Smith County, Virginia, May 22, 1842, a son of Andrew and Mary (Hash) Baker, who were also Virginians. They came with their family to Fulton County, Arkansas, and there the father was successfully engaged in farming and merchandising up to the breaking out of the great Civil War, and they then moved to Jasper, Newton County. In 1862 the father enlisted as a lieutenant in the Confederate service, with which he served until … Read more

Biography of F. M. Richards

F. M. RICHARDS. The calling of the merchant is one of the utmost importance in any community, and one of its most successful followers at Rome, Douglas County, Missouri, is F. M. Richards, who has been a resident of the county since 1867. He was born in Monroe County, Tennessee, March 31, 1836, a son of Frederick and Elizebeth (Renfro) Richards. the former of whom was born in Kentucky, a son of John Richards. Mrs. Richards was also born on Blue Grass soil and was a daughter of William Renfro. The subject of this sketch was but two years old … Read more

Biography of F. M. Garvin

F. M. GARVIN. The American bank is the synonym of dignity, respectability and safety; the medium of exchange between cities and foreign countries and the great sustainer of the various business enterprises of the country, The bank is the teacher of method and system and is a check upon reckless and indiscriminate speculation, the spirit of which is too prevalent in the country. The Harrison Bank, of Harison, Arkansas, of which F. M. Garvin is the efficient and trustworthy cashier, was established in November , 1887, with a capital stock of $30,000, the stockholders of which were largely residents of … Read more

Biography of Evan D. Roberts

EVAN D. ROBERTS, a prominent citizen of Jobe Township, Oregon County, Missouri, was born in Hamilton County, east Tennessee, June 19, 1847, and was third in order of birth of an old-fashioned family of twelve children born to Joseps M. and Mary (Davis) Roberts, natives, respectively, of east Tennessee and North Carolina. The parents made their home in east Tennessee until 1870, and then came to Missouri and located in Texas County, near Houston, where they reside at the present time. For the most part he has been engaged in the blacksmith’s trade, and many years ago he was postmaster … Read more

Biography of Elisha E. Frazier

ELISHA E. FRAZIER, the subject of this sketch is one of the prominent farmers and stockraisers of Lincoln Township. He is the son of Dr. Lorenzo Lowe and Hannah (Bryant) Frazier, natives probably of North Carolina and Tennessee, respectively, the former born July 11, 1819, and the latter March 3, 1821. When a boy Dr. Frazier went with his parents to Tennessee, and received a moderate education, but a rather liberal one for that day. On the 9th of July, 1839, he was married to Miss Bryant and later emigrated to Missouri, where he taught school for some time. He … Read more

Biography of Elijah Friend

ELIJAH FRIEND. The estate of which this progressive tiller of the soil is the owner comprises 190 acres advantageously located near Theodocia, Missouri, on which he has resided for the past fifteen years, and which he has put in an excellent state of cultivation. Mr. Friend inherits many of the most sterling traits of his Scoth and Irish ancestors and is a man on whose word one can rely at all times. He was born in Marion County, Arkansas, about sixty-three years ago, but his parents James and Mary Jane (Millwood) Friend, were born in Maryland. The father removed with … Read more

Biography of Elihu C. Beckham

ELIHU C. BECKHAM. The requirements necessary for the successful filling of the office of assessor are accuracy, faithfulness and energy, and all these requirements are possessed by Mr. Beckham, who is universally pronounced to be one of the most capable assessors Stone County has ever had. He was born in Hardin County, near the Wayne County, Tennessee, line, July 13, 1840, a son of Joshua M. and Catherine (Hinkle) Beckman, the former of whom was born in Orange County, N. C., May 14, 1816, and died in Stone County, Arkansas, February 3, 1888. The mother was born in Alabama, December … Read more

Biography of Elias Keesee

ELIAS KEESEE. This gentleman is one of the leading agriculturists of Franklin Township, Marion County, Arkansas, and has followed this calling from his earliest boyhood, being initiated into its mysteries by his worthy sire. He was born about fifteen miles from his present place of abode in 1824. His parents, Payton and Nancy (Graham) Keesee, were born in Virginia in 1800, and in Kentucky in 1797, respectively. While in their youth they became residents of the Territory of Arkansas, and in 1818 were married in what is now Marion County, but very shortly afterward removed to what is now Ozark … Read more

Biography of Elias A. Richardson

ELIAS A. RICHARDSON. The self-made man is entitled to respect, and he gets it in America. He represents all that is vigorous and substantial in our American institutions, and is deserving of all praise. Elias A. Richardson is a native of Henderson County, West Tennessee, where he was born in 1851, a son of William and Mary E. (Seaton) Richardson, who became residents of Independence County, Arkansas, in 1853, but later came to Stone County, and here the father breathed his last October 10, 1892, in his sixty-eighth year. The mother is still living and resides on the old home … Read more

Biography of Elbert H. Butler

ELBERT H. BUTLER. Neely Butler, the grandfather of our subject, was a native of North Carolina, where he grew to mature years and married Miss Amy Osier, also a native of that State, where he lived for several years until he moved to Tennessee, from where he came West with his family, locating in Stone County, Missouri, some years prior to the Civil War. Subsequently he moved to Carroll County, Arkansas, where he remained until the secession of the State from the Union. Being substantially in favor of the Union of States it became necessary for the protection of his … Read more