Biography of J. A. Weatherman

J. A. WEATHERMAN. Among the prominent men of the county who have held the office of sheriff, none have filled it in a more efficient and satisfactory manner than has the subject of this sketch. He is an honored and respected citizen and, although young in years, is possessed of those advanced ideas and progressive principles which seem to be among the chief characteristics of the average Missourian. He is a product of Taney County, born December 7, 1859, and the eldest child born to the marriage of John and Matilda J. (Krithley) Weatherman. The grandfather, James Weatherman, was a … Read more

Biography of J. A. Weatherly

J. A. WEATHERLY. In this day and age of bustle and hurry very few people stop to consider what we can and how to select it, but the skillful housewife is very careful in her purchase of groceries, for she knows that on their purity and wholesomeness depends in a large measure the health and happiness of her family. J.A. Weatherly, dealer in fine groceries at Harrison, Arkansas, enjoys a reputation for courteous dealing and promptness in his line of business which any grocer might be proud to have and his goods have become noted for their excellence and purity. … Read more

Biography of J. A. Truex

J. A. TRUEX, editor of the Journal and postmaster of West Plains, was a native of the Buckeye State,and was born in Marion County, November,6, 1843. The Truex family is of Dutch origin and an old Colonial one. The father of our subject, Benjamin Truex, was a native of Pennsylvania, and a farmer and carpenter. He raised a family of eight children, of whom our subject was third in order of birth. The latter grew to mature years in his native country, received his primary education in the schools of the same, and subsequently entered the High School at Goshen, … Read more

Biography of Isaac Preston Looney

ISAAC PRESTON LOONEY. The subject of this biographical notice is an honorable and progressive farmer, and as such no name in the memorial department of this work is more worthy of mention. He was born in Roane County, Tennessee, in 1831, a son of John and Lucinda (Edrington) Looney, both of whom were natives of east Tennessee. The father was a carpenter and farmer by occupation, and when the subject of this sketch was a child removed with his family to Franklin County, Ala., and there made his home until 1853. They next located in Smith County, Tex., where both … Read more

Biography of Isaac H. A. Daniel

ISAAC H. A. DANIEL, a Union soldier during the Civil War, and now a prominent farmer and stockraiser of Washington Township, Stone County, Missouri, Isaac H. A. Daniel is a native of Franklin County, Tennessee, where he was born September 30, 1830. He is a son of Reuben and Susan (Watts) Daniel, natives of North Carolina and Franklin County, Tennessee, respectively. When a boy Reuben Daniel went with his parents from Georgia to Franklin County, Tennessee, and there he grew to manhood and was married. About 1839 he moved to Wayne County, Tennessee, and then to Washington County, Ark, where … Read more

Biography of Isaac Clinton Clark

ISAAC CLINTON CLARK. It gives us no little pleasure to be able to present our readers with a short biography of a Carter County boy. When starting in life it is a serious question if it is not better for a young man to begin at the bottom and depend entirely upon his own efforts to get along in the world. Isaac Clinton Clark, who is one of the successful farmers and stockraisers of Carter County, has accumulated all his property by his own efforts, thanks to a sturdy, honest and industrious ancestry from whom he inherited those characteristics. He … Read more

Biography of Isaac Adams

ISAAC ADAMS. Among the prominent business men of Christian County, Missouri, stands the name of Isaac Adams, who is a practical, experienced man thoroughly conversant with merchandising in all its branches and a most reliable one with whom to enter into commercial relations. He was born in Letcher County, Kentucky, in 1850, the youngest in order of birth of five children born to George and Sarah (Frazier) Adams. He was but four years of age when he was brought by his parents to Taney, now Christian County, Missouri, but owing to the breaking out of the Civil War his educational … Read more

Biography of Isaac A. Tyndall

ISAAC A. TYNDALL. The gentleman who occupies the honorable position of assessor of Christian County, Missouri, was first elected to that office in 1890, and reelected two years later. He is one of the most prominent citizens, and has held many official positions of trust. Mr. Tyndall was born in Christian (then Greene) County, May 10, 1856. His parents, William V. and Hannah (Huff) Tyndall, were natives of Georgia and Arkansas, respectively, the father born April 19, 1818, and the mother in Fulton County. Our subject’s great-grandfather came from England to this country at an early date, and settled at … Read more

Biography of I. C. Wilson

I. C. WILSON. This gentleman is one of the oldest pioneers of Marion County, and his name is so inseparably mixed with its progress and welfare that to leave it out of this work would be like the play of Hamlet with Hamlet left out. He was born in North Carolina February 2, 1814. Of that State his parents, James and Celia (Askew) Wilson, were also natives. In 1845 they turned their faces westward, eventually landed in Arkansas, and here they breathed their last, the father’s death occurring in Yellville at about the age of sixty-seven years, and the mother’s … Read more

Biography of Hugh K. Chapin

HUGH K. CHAPIN. The primitive occupation of man-farming-has many noble and successful votaries in Howell County, Missouri, but none who deserves more honorable mention than Hugh K. Chapin, who is also quite extensively engaged in stockraising in South Fork Township. He was born in the county in which he now lives September 10, 1852, a son of John A. and Sarah (Kyle) Chapin, and was the eldest of their five sons and two daughters, the other members being Paul Stillman, a farmer of Howell County; John O., also of this county; Hiram, who died at the age of twenty years, … Read more

Biography of Hon. William L. Thompson

HON. WILLIAM L. THOMPSON. This gentleman affords in his life and its success another evidence that industry, economy and integrity constitute the keynote to honorable competency. His walk through life has been characterized by the strictest probity and he has at all times manifested exceptional business ability and foresight. Popular, efficient and faithful would be the verdict passed upon the character and the official standing of Mr. Thompson by any good citizen of Cleburne County of whom the question might be asked, and that he is deserving of these titles is well known. He is a native of the State … Read more

Biography of Hon. William H. Thomas

HON. WILLIAM H. THOMAS. Few families of Douglas County, Missouri, have a higher reputation in all matters of character, intelligence and liberality than the one represented by the name we have just given. For ten years Mr. Thomas has made his home in this county and he now has a fine tract of 160 acres located about eight miles from Willow Springs, and it is highly productive and valuable. He was born in Fayette County, Indiana, June 15, 1840, to the union of Howell and Mary A. (Adams) Thomas, natives of Kentucky and Pennsylvania, respectively. The father left his native … Read more

Biography of Hon. William B. Cothron

HON. WILLIAM B. COTHRON. This able and efficient probate and county judge of Stone County, Arkansas, was born in Greene County, this State, March 10, 1849, a son of Alexander and Jane B. (Hughes) Cothron, who were born in the Old North State and Tennessee, respectively. They became residents of Greene County, Arkansas, about 1847, and from there moved to Lawrence County, Arkansas, and finally to what is now Stone County in 1863, but the father died in Lawrence County in June, 1863, when about fifty years of age. The mother also died when about that age, in 1873, in … Read more

Biography of Hon. William Alexander Ramsey

HON. WILLIAM ALEXANDER RAMSEY. This able associate  the Shannon County Court, from the Western District, is a native of Stanley County, N. C., born in 1845, and a son of Sanders Taylor and Leah (Light) Ramsey, who were also born in the Old North State, where they lived until 1846, when they removed to Tennessee, and four years later to Alabama, and two years from that time to Iron County, Missouri, where Mr. Ramsey died in January, 1894, aged about seventy-five years, and his wife in 1866, both having been members of the Southern Methodist Church. Mr. Ramsey was a … Read more

Biography of Hon. William A. Pearce

HON. WILLIAM A. PEARCE. The practical value of shrewdness and discrimination combined with strict probity is exemplified in the prosperous condition of those who transact business on these principles. Mr. Pearce is a man who has kept fully abreast of the times in the matter of enterprise, and is considered one of the most substantial and useful citizens of the town of Doniphan, Missouri He is a native of the Prairie State, born in Vienna in 1861, and is the son of I. N. Pearce, formerly a prominent merchant of Vienna. The father came to Missouri in 1878, settled in … Read more

Biography of Hon. William A. Lawing

HON. WILLIAM A. LAWING. Within the limits of Christian County, Missouri, there is not a man of greater personal popularity than Hon. William A. Lawing, whose recognized worth and progressive spirit are well known. He was born at Murfreesboro, Tennessee, November 17, 1818, to the union of Robert and Mary Ann (Sublett) Lawing, natives, respectively, of North Carolina and Virginia. The parents were married at Murfreesboro, Tennessee, where Mrs. Lawing died in 1843. Afterward, the father married Miss Ellen Ward, who now resides in Jasper County, Missouri. While a resident of Tennessee the father followed the occupation of cotton planter … Read more

Biography of Hon. Thomas Mabrey

HON. THOMAS MABREY. The parents of this influential citizen, Frederick and Nancy (Mabrey) Mabrey, were natives of North Carolina and Tennessee, respectively. The father went to Williamson County, Tennessee, when a young man, married there, and in 1838 came to Cape Girardeau County, Missouri, where he was among the early settlers. All his life he had followed agricultural pursuits and was reasonably successful for that day and time. He died near Jackson, Cape Girardeau County, in 1848, when about seventy years of age. The mother died in 1837, when a comparatively young woman. Born to their marriage were nine children, … Read more

Biography of Hon. Thomas G. Mills

HON. THOMAS G. MILLS. This very successful farmer and stockraiser of Shannon County, Missouri, is a native of Rutherford County, N. C., where he was born in 1833 to Calvin and Margaret (Jackson) Mills, who were also born in that State and county. When the subject of this sketch was two or three years old they removed to Lumpkin County, Ga., where the father died in 1866, and the mother in 1867, the latter having long been a member of the Missionary Baptist Church. The paternal grandfather, John Mills, had been a soldier of the Revolutionary War, was of Irish … Read more

Biography of Hon. Steven L. Wiles

HON. STEVEN L. WILES. Mr. Wiles is a prominent citizen of Polk Township, and one whose constancy to the business in hand and whose thrift have added so greatly to the value of the agricultural region. He is a native of North Carolina, was born in Surry County in the year 1831, and is the son of Steven and Rachel (Steelman) Wiles, also natives of Surry County, N. C. Our subject’s paternal grandfather, Steven Wiles, was born in England and there reared and married. Prior to the Revolutionary War he came to the United States and located in Surry County, … Read more

Biography of Hon. Stephen C. Herndon

HON. STEPHEN C. HERNDON. During the seventy-two years that have passed over the head of the gentleman whose name stands at the head of this sketch he has been an active observer of the trend of events, but has been not merely a “looker on in Venice” but a citizen who has, through his enterprise, his integrity and his public spirit, contributed his full share to the magnificent development of the section in which he resides. He comes of an honored ancestry, for the well-known old pioneer, George Herndon, was his father, from whom he inherited many of his most … Read more