Biography of Charles W. Holder

Charles W. Holder, a well known and successful automobile dealer of Coweta, has the local agency for the Ford cars and tractors, in which connection he has built up a gratifying business. His birth occurred in Parkersburg, West Virginia, on the 24th of November, 1892, his parents being Walter W. and Virginia F. Holder, the former a native of Indiana, while the latter was born in West Virginia. Walter W. Holder came to the Indian Territory in 1888 and secured land three and a half miles from Stroud, where he devoted his attention to farming until 1899. In that year … Read more

Biography of Charles W. Childers

One of the representative citizens of Nowata county is Charles W. Childers, who is residing on the old family homestead eight miles southeast of Lenapah. He was born in Henry county, Missouri, on the 18th of May, 1867, a son of Benjamin F. and Mary Susan (Webster) Childers, the former a native of Henry county and the latter of North Carolina. In the acquirement of his education Charles W. Childers attended the schools of El Dorado, Kansas, and came to Indian Territory with his parents in 1884. They located at Coodys Bluff in Nowata county, where they lived for one … Read more

Biography of Charles Squirrel

Among the progressive and capable young business men of Bartlesville is numbered Charles Squirrel, a native son of the state, who is the owner of a good farm in Washington county and also has valuable oil interests. He was born at Matoka, September 11, 1896, his parents being Mr. and Mrs. William Squirrel, both of whom were Cherokees. When but a year old he was left an orphan and was adopted by Mrs. Walter Brown when eight years of age, his education being acquired at St. Joseph, Muskogee, Oklahoma, in the Webb school at Bellbuckle, Tennessee, and in Kemper Academy … Read more

Biography of Charles Rudolph Nesbitt

Although one of the younger representatives of the legal fraternity of Miami, his years seem no bar to the progress of Charles Rudolph Nesbitt, who has already attained a clientele and a reputation that many an older practitioner might well envy. He was born at Colony, Kansas, May 24, 1892, his parents being Frank W. and Mary (Halley) Nesbitt, both natives of Ohio. They removed from that state to Kansas, in which the father followed the occupation of farming. In religious faith he was a Methodist and his demise occurred in 1892. The youngest in a family of five children, … Read more

Biography of Charles R. Freeman

Since 1902 Charles R. Freeman has been practicing law in Checotah, and he is numbered among the representative members of the legal profession in the state. He was born in Clay county, Mississippi, on the 8th of November, 1875, a son of John P. and Anna (Lyon) Freeman, the former a native of North Carolina and the latter of Mississippi. For some time the father followed agricultural pursuits in his native state and upon the outbreak of the Civil war continued to reside there until the last year of the war, when he enlisted for active service. At the close … Read more

Biography of Charles O. McClure

Charles McClure, who is engaged in general farming and stock raising one mile west of Delaware, was born on the 17th of September, 1870, in Illinois, a son of George and Mattie (Powers) McClure. Both parents were born in Illinois and the father farmed there until 1879, when he removed to Kansas, locating near Liberty. He was active in agricultural pursuits there until a few days previous to his death, which occurred in 1908. Mrs. McClure died when Charles O. was but an infant. In the family were eight sons Harvey G., Edward A., Bert, John, Mead, Clyde, Claude and … Read more

Biography of Charles Long

Charles Long, one of the well known farmers in Nowata County, was born on the Grand River, Indian Territory, on the 3d of October, 1869. His father, William Long, was of Wyandotte Indian extraction and his demise occurred when Charles was but a baby. The mother, Katie Ketchum, died when her son was but four years of age. In the acquirement of an education Charles Long attended the Haskell Institute at Lawrence, Kansas, and after putting his text-books aside engaged in farming near his boyhood home. His sons own one hundred acres, one mile east and one-half north of Coodys … Read more

Biography of Charles J. Shawnee

Charles J. Shawnee, prominently identified with farming interests at one time but now practically living retired, making his home in Ramona, was born near Alluwe, in Coowescoowee in the Cherokee Nation, December 9, 1875. The name Shawnee was conferred upon his father during the Civil war but this was not really the family name, it being French. The father was John French, who was born at Spring River, near Seneca, Missouri, and he was of French, Shawnee and Delaware extraction. His people came originally from Sandusky, Ohio, and removed thence to Illinois and afterward to Arkansas. Still later they came … Read more

Biography of Charles H. Tully

Charles H. Tully, attorney at law in Eufaula, has not only gained an enviable position in the legal circles of the state but is prominently known in business and political circles as well. He has won the success he now enjoys as the result of his own intelligently directed efforts and is rightly entitled to the proud American title of self-made man. He was born in Russellville, Logan county, Kentucky, on the 19th of November, 1865, a son of Henry B. and America (Angell) Tully, also natives of that state. His father was one of the successful men of his … Read more

Biography of Charles F. Armstrong

For many years Charles F. Armstrong has been farming in the vicinity of Coodys Bluff and is readily conceded to be one of the progressive farmers and stockmen in this section of the state. A native of Oklahoma, he was born at one of the first post office stations in Indian Territory, at that time known as Cooscoowie district, on the 27th of February, 1872. His father, Henry Armtrong, a pioneer citizen and registered Delaware, was a son-in-law of Chief Journeycake. For thirty years he was engaged in the mercantile business at Coodys Bluff and Nowata. He suffered a severe … Read more

Biography of Charles E. Vann

Charles E. Vann, one of the well known residents of Muskogee county, living at Webbers Falls, has long been identified with farming interests in this section of the state. He is a native son of Oklahoma, his birth having occurred near Preston, Texas, in Chickasaw Nation, on the 12th of November, 1863. He is a son of John S. and Elizabeth (Fields) Vann, both of whom were members of the Cherokee Nation. They had a family of five children, but Charles E. is the only one now living. In what is now Muskogee county Charles E. Vann spent the period … Read more

Biography of Charles C. Ketchum

Agricultural interests of Washington county find a leading representative in Charles C. Ketchum, who is the owner of a desirable farm in the Wayside district and is also engaged in teaming in the oil fields, both enterprises being capably and successfully conducted. He is one of Oklahoma’s native sons, his birth having occurred near Nowata, on the Verdigris river, on the 13th of March, 1894. His father, a member of the Delaware tribe, removed from Kansas to Indian Territory in an early day, first locating on Lightening creek, about fifteen miles southeast of Nowata, whence he removed to the present … Read more

Biography of Charles A. Looney

Charles A. Looney, editor and general manager of the Muskogee Times-Democrat, with which he has been identified for more than two decades, is a well known and influential factor in journalistic circles of northeastern Oklahoma. His birth occurred in Shelbyville, Missouri, on the 27th of April, 1877, his parents being William Thomas and Annie B. Looney. After acquiring his preliminary education he pursued a course of study in the high school at Eldorado Springs, Missouri, and subsequently entered the University of Missouri, thus being well qualified by liberal educational training for life’s practical and responsible duties. When his textbooks were … Read more

Biography of Charles A. Knipe

Charles A. Knipe, a pioneer farmer of Oklahoma, who is residing near Bartlesville, was born in Jackson county, Kansas, August 24, 1864, his parents being William and Lucy Ann (Brennan) Knipe. The father was a pioneer of Kansas and died in May, 1920, at the advanced age of ninety-two. The mother is also deceased. Their son, Charles A. Knipe, came to Oklahoma the year before it was opened up for settlement; taking up his residence on the George Keeler farm, on Keeler creek, in Washington county, where he remained for a year and then removed to his present place of … Read more

Biography of Cecil K. Reiff

Cecil K. Reiff, principal of the Central high school at Muskogee, was born in Wabash county, Indiana, October 23, 1888, and is a son of Jacob and Catherine (Baer) Reiff, the former a native of Wurtemberg, Germany, while the latter was born in Ohio. The father was but thirteen years of age when he was brought to America by his parents, the family home being established in Ohio, where he completed his education and afterward took up the occupation of tilling the soil. During the period of the Civil war he served on guard duty near Washington, D. C., and … Read more

Biography of Casius M. Gay

Casius M. Gay, who is now serving his third term as sheriff of Sequoyah county, is one of the prominent citizens of Sallisaw. He is a southerner by birth, born near Jacksontown, Leslie county, Kentucky, on the 5th of February, 1889, a son of Henry and Arkie (Davidson) Gay, both natives of that state, who are now deceased. The Gay family located in Kentucky prior to the Civil war and was one of the well known families of that state. To the union of Mr. and Mrs. Gay five sons and one daughter were born, Casius M. being the second … Read more

Biography of Carter B. Tyner, Sr.

Carter B. Tyner, Sr., is a native son of Oklahoma and a representative in both the paternal and maternal lines of honored pioneer families of the state. He has reached the age of sixty-six years and is now living largely retired upon his ranch near Skiatook after many years of active connection with farming and stock raising interests of Washington county. He was born on Fourteen-Mile creek, near Tahlequah, October 17, 1855, his parents being Lewis C. and Sarah (Parris) Tuner, of Cherokee extraction, and natives of Indian Territory. During the Civil war the father took his family to the … Read more

Biography of Carl F. Mayer

In the sudden demise of Carl F. Mayer, which occurred at Joplin, Missouri, on the 19th of September, 1921, when he was fifty years of age, Miami lost one of its most progressive, public-spirited and highly respected citizens and the government a trusted official whose entire active life had been spent in its service. The place which he left vacant will be a difficult one to fill, for broad experience had given him a comprehensive understanding of Indian affairs, and the service which he rendered was one of great value to the nation. He was born at Leavenworth, Kansas, August … Read more

Biography of Carl E. Seastrand

Carl E. Seastrand, manager for the John Lumbard Tire & Supply Company of Muskogee, was born in Sweden on the 12th of April, 1877, and is a son of Carl A. and Christina Sjostrand, who were also natives of Sweden. The father was a shoe merchant in that country, devoting his entire life to the business. He also engaged in the manufacture of shoes, employing twelve men in that connection. He died in February, 1918, and is still survived by his widow, who yet makes her home in Sweden. Carl E. Seastrand was reared and educated in his native country, … Read more

Biography of Carl E. Kayser

Carl E. Kayser, son of Carl F. and Lillian P. (Eble) Kayser, was born May 20, 1889, in Newark, New Jersey. His father was born in the Grand Duchy of Baden, Germany, and his mother was born in the state of New Jersey. His father came to the United States at the age of eighteen years and has been in the teaching profession ever since, being now professor of Germanic languages in Hunter College, New York city. Carl E. Kayser attended the public schools in Newark, New Jersey, and in New York City, and from 1905 to 1909 he attended … Read more