Biography of Captain George B. Hester

The name of Captain George B. Hester figures prominently on the pages of Oklahoma’s history. About the middle of the nineteenth century he became a resident of the Indian Territory and from that time forward left the impress of his individuality and ability upon the history of this great region which is now known as the state of Oklahoma. He was born in North Carolina on the 26th of March, 1832, and was a young man of but twenty-three years when in 1855 he came to the Indian Territory, settling at Tishomingo, in what is now Johnson County, then the … Read more

Biography of C. O. Davis

C. O. Davis, one of the enterprising and progressive young agriculturists of northeastern Oklahoma, residing five miles north-east of Dewey, devotes his attention to the pursuits of farming and stock raising with excellent success. He was born in Chicago, Illinois, on the 7th of December, 1889, and there pursued his education. It was in 1909, when a young man of twenty years, that he came to Oklahoma, locating in Dewey, where he was placed in charge of the gas department of the W. F. Cowen Cement, Oil & Gas Company and laid all of their pipe lines here. Subsequently he … Read more

Biography of C. H. Little

For thirty years C. H. Little has made his home in Oklahoma and he is now the owner of a well improved-and highly developed farm in Washington County, in which connection he is contributing to the agricultural development of his part of the state. A native of Kansas, he was born in Cherokee County on the 19th of November, 1878, his parents being T. A. and Frona (Hanks) Little, who came to Oklahoma in 1891, purchasing the Bill Weber farm in Dewey township, on which they resided for four years. They then moved to the Black Wing place, which the … Read more

Biography of C. F. Reid

C. F. Reid, who has devoted much of his life to public service, is now acceptably filling the office of county treasurer and his thorough reliability and efficiency have won for him the confidence and respect of his fellow townsmen, who have found him faithful to every trust reposed in him. He was born in Bowling Green, Pike county, Missouri, and his parents were Alexander Finley and Anna M. (Blaine) Reid, the former a native of Kentucky, while the latter was born in Missouri. The ancestors of the subject of this review in both the paternal and maternal lines participated … Read more

Biography of C. C. Culver

One of the prominent residents of Nowata is C. C. Culver, proprietor of the Westview Jersey Farm and a breeder of registered stock. He was born at Girard, Erie County, Pennsylvania, on the 11th of March, 1876, and received his education in Crawford County, putting his textbooks aside after completing a business course. From that time until 1907 he engaged in the oil business, achieving substantial success, but in 1907 determined to dispose of his interests and come west. He had had some dairying experience in his early youth, his father, Si Culver, having been engaged in the dairy business … Read more

Biography of C. B. Reinheardt

C. B. Reinheardt, one of the representative agriculturists of Nowata County, who is farming four hundred acres of valuable land, one and one half miles east of Coodys Bluff, was born at Coodys Bluff on the 18th of January, 1893, a son of C. H. and Kennie (Couch) Reinheardt. His father is numbered among the pioneer citizens of this community and was for some time engaged in the oil producing business in Nowata county, achieving gratifying success. His fine farm here is now being operated by his brother, W. A. Reinheardt, it being located some four miles south of Coodys … Read more

Biography of C. B. Mitchell

Although one of the more recent additions to the Miami bar, Charles B. Mitchell has already demonstrated his ability to cope with the intricacies of the law and is building up a good practice. He is also well known as a writer of ability and has contributed many interesting articles to leading magazines. He was born at Brunswick, Maine, on the 9th of October, 1870, his parents being George E. and Agnes E. Mitchell, also natives of the Pine Tree state, the former born at Brunswick, August 3, 1850, while the birth of the latter occurred at Oldtown in 1854. … Read more

Biography of Browning E. Lewis

Browning E. Lewis is identified with one of the representative business interests of Strang, Mayes county, as president and manager of the Cherokee Grain & Mercantile Company. He was born near Clinton, Henry County, Missouri, on the 11th of January, 1884, a son of Joe L. and Elizabeth (Wilson) Lewis. The father was born in Ohio and the mother in Kentucky. They both went to Missouri at an early age, with their respective parents, and their marriage was celebrated in Clinton, that state. In 1886 they came to Fairland, Oklahoma, and the father was active in the conduct of a … Read more

Biography of Bert Edward Nussbaum

Muskogee has every reason to be proud of her bench and bar. The representatives thereof have, on the whole, been men of high character and of marked capability in the field of their chosen profession. In a calling where advancement depends entirely upon individual merit and ability Bert Edward Nussbaum has made for himself a creditable position and by reason of this his life’s story is an interesting one. He was born in La Porte, Indiana, February 16, 1875, and is a son of L. and Bettie (Fleishel) Nussbaum. The father was a merchant who long conducted a saddlery hardware … Read more

Biography of Benjamin Martin

Benjamin Martin, who has been actively engaged in law practice at Muskogee for more than a quarter of a century, has also been a prominent factor in financial circles of the city as vice president and director of and attorney for The Commercial National Bank, which he has thus represented during almost the entire period of its existence, his efforts contributing largely to the continued growth and success of the institution. His birth occurred on a southern plantation near Allendale, in Barnwell county, South Carolina, on the 7th of July, 1873, his parents being Benjamin and Catherine M. (Maner) Martin. … Read more

Biography of Benjamin Franklin DeVan

One of the well known citizens of Nowata County is Benjamin Franklin DeVan, farmer and County commissioner, residing three miles northeast of Delaware. A native of Indiana, he was born in the central part of the state on the 10th of April, 1863. His father, John W., was a native of Kentucky and died when Benjamin Franklin was four years old. His mother, Nancy A. Childs, was born in Indiana, and is now living with a son, Sydney Little. He is a half brother of Mr. DeVan and is residing three and one-half miles southeast of him on the Verdigris … Read more

Biography of B. F. Rowland, M. D.

Important and varied interests claim the time and attention of Dr. B. F. Rowland, a leading druggist of Ochelata, who also figures prominently in financial circles as Vice President of the Ochelata State Bank, and he is likewise the owner of a good farm in this vicinity, his business affairs being most judiciously managed. He was born in Moniteau County, Missouri, June 7, 1866, his parents being Powhatan and Mary W. (Longdon) Rowland, the latter a daughter of a circuit rider in Missouri, who was one of the well known ministers of the early days. B. F. Rowland’s father engaged … Read more

Biography of August Ferdinand Krumrei

August Ferdinand Krumrei, a Muskogee contractor whose extensive patronage is at once proof of his skill and of his ability, was born in Germany, October 17, 1862, and acquired his education in the schools of his native land. He there remained to the age of twenty years, when in September, 1882, he bade adieu to friends and family and crossed the Atlantic to the new world, making his way first to Ann Arbor, Michigan. He had previously acquainted himself with the trade of masonry and carpentering and he became identified with building construction in that city, working for others for … Read more

Biography of Arthur Leslie Gregory, M. D.

Dr. Arthur Leslie Gregory, engaged in the general practice of medicine at Muskogee but largely specializing in surgery, was born in Luzerne County, Pennsylvania, July 24, 1877, his parents being Benjamin and Amy (Muehler) Gregory. The father was a merchant and gave to his son excellent educational opportunities. The latter attended the Wyoming Seminary at Kingston, Pennsylvania, from which he was graduated with the class of 1893. He afterward determined upon the practice of medicine as a life work and entered the College of Physicians and Surgeons at St. Louis, Missouri, in which he completed a course with the class … Read more

Biography of Arthur C. Wallace

Since 1908 Arthur C. Wallace has been identified with the Miami bar and in the intervening period of thirteen years he has become well known throughout Oklahoma as an authority on mining, railroad and corporation law, having been entrusted with much important litigation along those lines. He was born upon a farm near Grace Hill, in Washington County, Iowa, February 20, 1882, his parents being Dr. George C. and Mary E. (Miksch) Wallace, both of whom were natives of Ohio. As a young man the father removed to Iowa, and his professional training was acquired in a medical college at Keokuk, … Read more

Biography of Arthur C. Trumbo

The development and success of the Muskogee National Bank is attributable in no small measure to Arthur C. Trumbo, an alert, energetic and farsighted business man, who in financial circles has made a most creditable name and place for himself. He was born on a farm in Allen county, Ohio, on the 6th of August, 1866, and attended the country schools until he reached the age of seventeen, when he began teaching and soon afterward was made principal of the Columbus Grove high school at Columbus Grove, Ohio. Desirous of enjoying still further educational advantages himself, he later became a … Read more

Biography of Art Harris

Art Harris, president of the Art Harris Transfer & Storage Company of Muskogee, was born in McDonald county, Missouri, December 31, 1876, and is a son of M. A. and Rhoda A. (Richardson) Harris, the former a native of New York and the latter of Tennessee. The father went to Texas with his parents when a boy and later became a resident of Missouri, settling in Pineville, where he engaged in contracting and building. Later his work of this character took him into Arkansas and Kansas and he continued his contract work in those states and in Missouri until the … Read more

Biography of Archie Earle Carder, M. D.

Dr. Archie Earle Carder, a successful physician and surgeon of Coweta, with offices in the First State Bank building, has been a representative of the medical profession here for the past two decades and is the oldest practitioner of Wagoner County. He was born at Marshall, Texas, on the 29th of May, 1864, a son of George W. and Ellen M. (McDaniel) Carder, who were natives of Beverly, Virginia, and of North Carolina respectively. The father made his way to Arkadelphia, Arkansas, in 1849 and became a merchant there. At the outbreak of the Civil war he enlisted for service … Read more

Biography of Anthony Kerns Douglas

One of the pioneer farmers of Rogers county is Anthony Kerns Douglas, who was born Caldwell county, Missouri, on the 29th of August, 1858, a son of Arnett Patrick and Emily (McGee) Douglas, and of Scotch-Irish decent. Mr. Douglas was named in honor of the family physician in Missouri. His father was born in Ohio and went to Missouri with his parents, when eight years of age. They located in Caldwell county and A. P. Douglas engaged in farming there until his demise about ten years ago. He achieved gratifying success in that connection and was one of the representative … Read more

Biography of Andrew Jackson Edmondson

Andrew Jackson Edmondson, who since 1919 has had the agency for the Studebaker cars at Muskogee, was born in Memphis, Tennessee, September 16, 1872, and is a son of Edmond A. and Ann (Murell) Edmondson. The father was a planter, devoting his life to the management and development of his agricultural interests. His grandfather served as a soldier in the War of 1812 and kept a complete history of the struggle, being with Andrew Jackson in his operations in the south and at the battle of New Orleans. The manuscript which he prepared, however, was burned when the family residence … Read more