Biography of Davison L. Youmans

Occupying public office ins Muskogee and previously in Kansas through a number of years, Davison L. Youmans has ever been found loyal to the trust reposed in him and has labored earnestly and effectively to advance public welfare and municipal progress. While born in the east the greater part of his life has been spent west of the Mississippi and he has ever been imbued with the spirit of western enterprise and progress which has been a dominant factor in the up building of this section of the country. A native of Pennsylvania, his birth occurred in Freemansburg, that state, … Read more

Biography of David Nicholas Fink

David Nicholas Fink, banker and oil man of Muskogee, was born August 4, 1868, in Russia, Shelby county, Ohio. His father, Henry David Fink, now eighty-four years of age, is residing in Spokane, Washington. His mother, Mrs. Clara Elizabeth Fink, nee Work, passed away in Vernon County, Missouri, in August, 1876. The educational advantages of David Nicholas Fink were only such as the common schools afforded. He never had the opportunity of attending college and his life is a verification of the fact that no matter what the advantages of education one may enjoy he must essentially formulate and determine … Read more

Biography of David Lee Stokes

For forty-one years David Lee Stokes has been a resident of Oklahoma and after many years of activity as an agriculturist he is now living retired in Bartlesville in the enjoyment of a good income, gained through untiring industry, perseverance and intelligently directed effort during his earlier years. He was born in Marshfield, Missouri, January 12, 1866, his parents being Granville and Pheobia (Haymes) Stokes, who established their home in the Indian Territory, in what is now Washington county, Oklahoma, in 1880, becoming early settlers of this region. The father leased a tract of land four miles northwest of Bartlesville, … Read more

Biography of David Hester Cotten

David Hester Cotten, a native son of Oklahoma who represents the third generation of the family in this state, is numbered among the rising young attorneys of Miami, where since 1918 he has engaged in practice, and he has already won a well established position in the ranks of the profession. He was born near Ardmore, in that part of Indian Territory occupied by the Chickasaw Nation, on the 28th of January, 1894, his parents being David Oscar and Cora J. (Nesmith) Cotten, the former born at Tishomingo, Indian Territory, while the latter was a native of Birmingham, Alabama. The … Read more

Biography of David Adam Kline

David Adam Kline, member of the Muskogee bar engaged in the general practice of law, was born in Marion county, Iowa, June 4, 1874, a son of Lloyd Thomas and Magdalena (Vicinus) Kline. The father was a contractor and builder, devoting his life to that pursuit in order to provide for his family. He moved with his family from Marion county to Des Moines, Iowa, in 1882, and to Chicago, Illinois, in 1887. David A. Kline after completing his high school education and work in the University Academy, later engaged in the study of law. He pursued his studies at … Read more

Biography of Daniel H. Coodey

Although one of the younger representatives of journalistic interests in northeastern Oklahoma, Daniel H. Coodey has already won a well established position in newspaper circles of this part of the state as publisher of the Porum Journal, which he is making an up-to-date paper, carefully edited and devoted to the welfare of the district. He is a native son of Oklahoma, his birth having occurred in Porum on the 21st of July, 1901, and his parents are Daniel R. and Ella E. (Hodgins) Coodey, the former also a native of this state, while the latter was born in Mississippi. The … Read more

Biography of Dale B. Whybark

Dale B. Whybark who originated from Kansas, was born at Lane, in August, 1887, and is a son of George S. and Mary R. (Walters) Whybark, both natives of that state. The father, who has always followed railroading, is now Superintendent of the Arkansas Central Railroad at Fort Smith, which responsible position he has held for many years. Dale B. Whybark was reared and educated in Fort Smith and after graduating from the high school there, accepted a position with the Drew Hardwood Lumber Company at De Kalb, Texas, remaining in their employ until 1908, when he came to Eufaula. … Read more

Biography of D. C. Hampton

Coming to Oklahoma during the territorial period in its development, D. C. Hampton is thoroughly familiar with the early history of the state and his memory forms a connecting link between the primitive past with its hardships and privations and the present with all of the advantages and comforts of present-day civilization. He is numbered among the progressive merchants of Bartlesville and his business interests are capably and successfully conducted. He was born in Moultrie County, Illinois, April 30, 1858, of the marriage of Roland Thomas and Ruhama (Howe) Hampton, and in 1866 was taken by his parents to Neodesha, … Read more

Biography of Cyprian Tayrien

Fifty years or more have been added to the cycle of the centuries since Cyprian Tayrien took up his abode on the farm which is still his home and through all these years he has contributed to the agricultural development of the region, thus utilizing the natural resources of the state and adding to the general prosperity of the community, as well as to his individual fortunes. Mr. Tayrien is a native of Missouri. He was born in Clay County, in 1836, his parents being Enoch and Mary Louise (Borboney) Tayrien. The father was a French-Canadian, while the mother was … Read more

Biography of Colonel S. M. Barrett

Colonel S. M. Barrett, commandant of the Oklahoma Military Academy at Claremore and an author of note, is one of the most prominent men in northeastern Oklahoma. He is a native of Nebraska, his birth having occurred in Nebraska City on the 3rd day of March, 1865, a son of Robert W. Barrett, his father being an old plainsman. S. M. Barrett spent his early life in Nebraska but in youth he removed with his parents to Jackson County, Missouri, (near Kansas City) and at the age of twenty-one years went to Tulare County, California, where he became a freighter … Read more

Biography of Colonel Jacob H. Bartles

Time is the perspective which places the individual in his true position in relation to the history of the community with which he has been identified and time serves but to heighten the fame and brighten the good name of Colonel Jacob H. Bartles, in whose honor the town of Bartlesville was named and who was also the founder of Dewey. He was ever a man of most progressive spirit, of which many tangible evidences may be cited, including the fact that he was the first man to establish electric light and waterworks plants in the state. He was also … Read more

Biography of Clyde C. Cantrell

Clyde C. Cant. a native son of Oklahoma and a representative of one of the pioneer families of the state, is an alert, energetic and enterprising young man who is making wise use of his time, his talents and his opportunities. He is now serving as postmaster of Haskell and is proving a popular and efficient public official. He was born near Pryor, in Mayes County, Oklahoma, January 12, 1894, and is a son of Walter A. and Cora D. (Gortney) Cantrell, the former a native of Illinois and the latter of Indiana. When fourteen years of age the father … Read more

Biography of Claude Luman Steele

Claude Luman Steele, who for two decades was an active and prominent business man, of Muskogee, dealing in real estate and farm lands, was born at Paines Point, Illinois, and was the youngest son of John Roland and Adelaide (Grant) Steele, the latter a representative of the same branch of the family as General U. S. Grant. John Roland Steele was born in Edinburgh, Scotland, and was brought to America when but three years of age, the family home being established in Rochester, New York. After attaining adult age he wedded Adelaide Grant, a native of the Empire state. Removing … Read more

Biography of Claude J. Dodge

Claude J. Dodge, a native son of Oklahoma and a member of one of the honored pioneer families of the state, is now serving as postmaster of Boynton and is proving a most capable incumbent in the office, being efficient and trustworthy in the discharge of his duties. He was born in Porum, Muskogee County, June 3, 1898, a son of Thomas and Jane (Chambers) Dodge, natives of Tennessee, who came to Indian Territory at the time, the Cherokees were transferred from Tennessee to this state. The father settled near Porum, in Muskogee County, where he spent his remaining years, … Read more

Biography of Claude A. Niles

One of the prominent attorneys of Checotah is Claude A. Niles, senior member of the firm of Niles & Staley. A native of Missouri, he was born near Rolla, on the 5th of November, 1882, a son of Asa S. and Nettie E. (Burns) Niles, the former a native of New York and the latter of Nebraska. The father went to Rolla, Missouri, about 1865, when sixteen years of age, and subsequently engaged in the real estate business, which he has followed for the past thirty years. He has won gratifying success in that connection and is one of the … Read more

Biography of Clark Nichols

Clark Nichols, attorney at law in Eufaula and a member of the State senate from McIntosh, Muskogee and Haskell counties, was born in Elk County, Kansas, on the 16th of November, 1880, a son of John A. and Mary C. (Conover) Nichols, both natives of Illinois. The father removed to Kansas at an early age and acquiring land in Elk County, farmed there until 1889, in which year he, removed to Joplin, Missouri. There he engaged in mining but in 1911 he disposed of his interests and came to Hanna, Oklahoma. He bought land near here, which he still operates. … Read more

Biography of Clarence William Turner

From the pioneer epoch in the history of Oklahoma’s development along industrial and commercial lines the name of Turner has been associated with mercantile interests. It has been inseparably interwoven with the annals of trade that stands for a dominant progressiveness, resulting largely in the up building of Muskogee. Clarence William Turner, whose name introduces this review, was born in Cleveland, Ohio, June 18, 1857, and comes of English ancestry, the founder of the family in the new world being John Turner, who crossed the Atlantic from England and became a resident of Canandaigua, Ontario county, New York, where in … Read more

Biography of Clarence Graves

Since 1914 Clarence Graves has been engaged in the conduct of a mercantile business in Talala and is readily conceded to be one of the leading merchants of the community. A native of Kansas, he was born in Wyandotte County, on the 30th of September, 1864, a son of Charles and Albora (Gutherie) Graves. His parents came to Indian Territory in 1875 and located on a farm on Russell creek. The father was born in Maryland but upon the outbreak of the Civil war, his sympathies being with the south, he enlisted in the Confederate army, serving throughout that conflict … Read more

Biography of Chester Lee Hill, M.D.

The medical fraternity of Haskell finds a prominent representative in Dr. Chester Lee Hill, who is an exponent of all that is highest, best and most advanced in the, practice of medicine and surgery, and of all that is most worthy and honorable in his relations toward his fellowmen. He was born in Canton, Cherokee county, Georgia, May 1, 1876, and is a son of Andrew H. and Maria (Phillips) Hill, the former a native of Virginia and the latter of South Carolina. The father was one of the early planters of Georgia, becoming the owner of fourteen hundred acres … Read more

Biography of Charles W. Vowell, M. D.

Dr. Charles W. Vowell, a leading representative of the medical fraternity of Washington County, has followed his profession in Porum since 1906 and his pronounced ability has won for him an extensive practice. He was born in Collinsville, Grayson County, Texas, in January, 1870, and is a son of James J. and Josephine (Choate) Vowell, both of whom were natives of Missouri. The father was a veteran of the Civil war, serving for three years with a Missouri regiment as a member of the Confederate army under General Robert E. Lee. He devoted his life to the occupation of farming … Read more