Biography of William Grant Rogers

William Grant Rogers, a member of one of the honored pioneer families of Oklahoma, has the distinction of being the oldest settler in Dewey, coming here long before the establishment of the town. He has been called to public positions of honor and trust and for many years has been engaged in general farming and stock raising in this section of the state but is gradually retiring from the more arduous cares of business, devoting his attention to the supervision of a well improved ranch lying adjacent to the town. He was born April 13, 1865, in the neutral land … Read more

Biography of William Edward Delehant

William Edward Delehant, organizer and promoter of the Cardinal Drug Company of Muskogee, conducting both a whole-sale and retail business, has long been recognized as a dynamic force in the commercial circles of Muskogee. Starting in business here with an extremely limited capital, he has steadily developed his interests and the scope of his activities until his position in commercial circles is one of prominence and leadership. He has ever been a man of broad vision in relation to business affairs and his life record should serve as a source of encouragement and inspiration to others, showing what can be … Read more

Biography of William Davidson Hume

William Davidson Hume, conducting a real estate, loan and insurance business and also closely identified with the oil industries through the handling of oil and gas leases, was born November 12, 1864, in Jefferson county, Tennessee, a son of David Patterson and Rebecca (Thomas) Hume. The father devoted his life to the occupation of farming and William D. Hume remained on the home farm to the age of twenty years, gaining intimate knowledge of farm life and methods through actual experience in the work of the field. He supplemented a public school education by study in the business college at … Read more

Biography of William Carnahan

It is an old and trite saying that great oaks from little acorns grow but it embodies the truth which is in evidence throughout the world. From humble beginnings have sprung the great enterprises that figure in trade and commerce and from humble clerkships have come many of the leading merchants of the country. It is the man who recognizes, seizes and utilizes his opportunities that makes progress and with determination and courage he pushes steadily forward toward his goal. Such has been the record of William Carnahan, who is the President of the Carnahan Grocery Company of Ramona and … Read more

Biography of Willard H. Voyles

Willard H. Voyles, a leading representative of the Craig County bar and a member of the firm of Voyles & Rye, practicing at Vinita, has followed in the professional footsteps of his father and is worthily sustaining the traditions of the family in this respect. He was born at Salem, Indiana, September 13, 1874, of the union of Samuel B. and Maude H. (Huston) Voyles, the former also a native of that place while the latter was born at Macomb, Illinois. The father was reared on a farm and after completing his public school course became a student at a … Read more

Biography of Wiley Terry Wisdom

Wiley Terry Wisdom, Vice President of the Exchange National Bank of Muskogee, was born in Jackson, Tennessee, February 22, 1875. His father, Colonel Dew M. Wisdom, was born at Medon, Madison County, Tennessee, February 3, 1836, and was a son of William S. and Jane (Anderson) Wisdom. The grandfather was born in Rockingham county, North Carolina, in 1796, and when Colonel Wisdom was still an infant he was taken by his parents to McNairy county, Tennessee. He completed his education in the Cumberland University at Lebanon and is numbered among its alumni of 1857. He early took up the study … Read more

Biography of Wiley Hollopeter

Wiley Hollopeter, a progressive agriculturist residing near Dewey, is also devoting considerable attention to teaming and conducts both branches of his business capably and successfully. He was born near Des Moines, Iowa, March 18, 1868, of the marriage of Simon and Maria (Jackson) Hollopeter, the former a native of Pennsylvania and the latter of Indiana. They were pioneers of Iowa and removed from that state to Kansas, where they resided until 1873, when they came to Indian Territory. The father homesteaded a tract of one hundred and sixty acres at the mouth of the Walnut River but at the end … Read more

Biography of Webb Littlefield

Webb Littlefield, treasurer of the Guaranty Trust. Company of Muskogee, was born March 12; 1884, in Knobnoster, Missouri, a son of Charles B. and Theodosia (Webb) Littlefield, who were at one time residents of Kentucky and afterward established their home in Johnson county, Missouri. The father engaged in banking in Missouri for thirty years and in 1906 came to the Indian Territory, settling at Claremore. Webb Littlefield pursued a public school education in Missouri and afterward attended the Teachers’ College at Warrensburg, that state. He started out in the business world as a clerk in the employ of the National … Read more

Biography of Washington Grayson

Washington Grayson, prominently identified with the tribal government of the Creek Nation and closely associated with many public interests of importance to community and state, makes his home in Eufaula, where he is held in high respect and honor by all who know him. Mr. Grayson was born at Eufaula, Oklahoma, on the 15th of May, 1882, and is a son of George W. and Annie (Stidham) Grayson, both of whom are half-blood Creeks. The former was reared in and near Eufaula and was closely associated with public events in that section of Oklahoma then a part of the Indian … Read more

Biography of Warren Butz

Warren Butz, chief deputy clerk of the United States courts at Muskogee, was born in Hope, Illinois, August 1, 1872, a son of J. K. and Rebecca (Tillotson) Butz. He matriculated in the Union Christian College, after completing his public school course and thus studied at Merom, Indiana, for a time, while later he became a student in the University of Illinois, his liberal educational training well qualifying him for life’s practical and responsible duties: He started out in the business world in connection with the engineering department of the Missouri, Kansas & Texas Railroad and in 1899 he conducted … Read more

Biography of Walton Elan Bass

Walton Elan Bass, who came to Muskogee in April, 1916, and is here a prominent figure in connection with loan interests, holding the office of loan examiner in connection with the Farm & Home Savings & Loan Association of Missouri, was born in Murfreesboro, Tennessee, July 10, 1878. His parents were William Ambrose and Usa Dissa (Anderson) Bass, the former a dry goods merchant. Walton E. Bass pursued his early education in the public schools and afterward attended the Agricultural and Mechanical College of Texas, from which he was graduated with the class of 1899, having pursued a mechanical and … Read more

Biography of Walter Wesley Tucker

Walter Wesley Tucker, a native son of Oklahoma and a member of a family that has been active in promoting the agricultural development of the state for the past thirty-six years, is the owner of a well improved farm near Ramona, in Washington county, and in its cultivation he employs the most progressive and up-to-date methods, productive of gratifying financial returns. His life has been spent in this section of the state, for he was born on Double creek, in Washington County, February 16, 1887, his parents being Daniel and Dadie (Hoff) Tucker. They formerly resided in Texas, but in … Read more

Biography of Walter J. Pack

Walter J. Pack, a prominent figure in business circles in Muskogee, has also been a valuable contributing factor in the educational development of Oklahoma and has left the impress of his ability upon the lives of those who have come under his instruction. He represents a family whose members have largely consecrated their lives. to the spread of the gospel and who have proven most able workers in this great field of usefulness. It was in the capacity of preacher and teacher that Walter J. Pack became a resident of Tahlequah, being appointed head of the Baptist Mission Academy and … Read more

Biography of Walter George Gibbons

Walter George Gibbons, vice president and cashier of the Chestnut-Gibbons Grocery Company, a wholesale concern, doing business in Muskogee, has since 1908 been in charge of this establishment. The business was founded here in 1902 and since Mr. Gibbons took charge material advance has been made in the trade connections of the firm. This results from his close study of every phase of the business, his persistency of purpose and his thorough application. Mr. Gibbons was born in Tiskilwa, Illinois, October 1, 1868, and is a son of George and Mary (Cook) Gibbons, the former a harness manufacturer, devoting his … Read more

Biography of Wallace Buell Butz

Wallace Buell Butz, whose activities since coming to Muskogee have brought him in close connection with educational interests and with the abstract, real estate and insurance business, is now at the head of the Butz Agency, handling general insurance, and his clientage is extensive. A native of Illinois, he was born August 1, 1872, his parents being Jeremiah King and Rebecca (Tillotson) Butz. The father devoted many years to the occupation of farming and is now living retired at the advanced age of eighty-six. Wallace B. Butz pursued his early education in the public schools of Illinois and afterward attended … Read more

Biography of Wade Hampton Kornegay

For three decades Wade Hampton Kornegay has been a representative of the Vinita bar and with the passing years his clientele has steadily increased in volume and importance. as he has demonstrated his ability to cope with the intricate problems of the law, while he is also recognized as one of the most progressive agriculturists and stock raisers of Craig county. He was born in Duplin county, North Carolina, April 17, 1865, and was named for General Wade Hampton, the noted Confederate leader. His parents were Henry and Jeannette (Williams) Kornegay, who were also natives of North Carolina, the former … Read more

Biography of W. W. Wood

W. W. Wood, an enterprising and progressive agriculturist of northeastern Oklahoma, owns a farm of one hundred acres situated six and a half miles southeast of Delaware, in Nowata county, where he has made his home for the past twenty-eight years. His birth occurred in southern Texas on the 2d of February, 1882, his parents being Edward and Senna (Dickson) Wood, both of whom were natives of Missouri. In 1894 the family home was established in Nowata County, Indian Territory, and here the father spent his remaining days. The mother is still living at the age of seventy-two years and … Read more

Biography of W. W. Powell

For the past two years W. W. Powell has been city attorney of Pryor. He ranks high among the prominent lawyers of the Oklahoma bar and he has built up a large and distinctively representative clientage. He has concentrated his time, energies and attention upon his professional duties and the work that he has done as advocate and counselor indicates clearly his familiarity with the principles of jurisprudence and an analytical power that enables him to correctly apply those principles to the question under consideration. He was born in Black Jack Hill, Arkansas, on the 31st of December, 1865, a … Read more

Biography of W. W. Harnage

W. W. Harnage of Muskogee is now living retired from active business but for many years was closely identified with farming interests. A native of Texas, he was born in Rusk County, on the 8th of January, 1852, and is a son of George W. and Nancy (May-field) Harnage, both of whom were born and reared in the old Cherokee Nation in Georgia but were married in Oklahoma, where they resided until 1847. In that year they removed to Texas, where they spent their remaining days and in the Lone Star state they reared their family of four children, of … Read more

Biography of W. W. Fields

A native son of Oklahoma and a member of a family that has contributed in substantial measure to the agricultural development of the state from pioneer times to the present, W. W. Fields was to the time of his death the owner of a well improved and valuable farm near Dewey and he was also interested in oil development here, displaying marked enterprise and ability in the management of his business affairs. He was born on a farm twenty-five miles south of Muskogee on the 7th of March, 1890, his parents being Richard and Texanna Fields, and was of Cherokee … Read more