Biography of Walter Wesley Tucker

Walter Wesley Tucker, a native son of Oklahoma and a member of a family that has been active in promoting the agricultural development of the state for the past thirty-six years, is the owner of a well improved farm near Ramona, in Washington county, and in its cultivation he employs the most progressive and up-to-date methods, productive of gratifying financial returns. His life has been spent in this section of the state, for he was born on Double creek, in Washington County, February 16, 1887, his parents being Daniel and Dadie (Hoff) Tucker. They formerly resided in Texas, but in 1886 left that state and settled on Double creek, where the father engaged in farming and stock raising until his demise, which occurred in 1895. Subsequently the mother became the wife of Jacob Newport, a well known farmer of Osage county. Mr. and Mrs. Tucker became the parents of six children: Thomas; Walter Wesley; Monroe; Nellie, who is now the wife of W. O. Jones; Viola, who married John Strome; and Esther.

Walter W. Tucker, who is of Osage extraction, acquired his education in the public schools of Washington county and when fifteen years of age began his career as an agriculturist in this locality. In 1913 he received from the government an allotment of seventy acres of land situated on Double creek, two miles north of Ramona, in Washington County, and took up his abode thereon, subsequently adding to his holdings by the purchase of fifty acres. He cultivates fifty-five acres, raising large crops of wheat, Kaffir and Indian corn and also some alfalfa, and the remainder of the land serves as pasture for his cattle and hogs. He has thirty head of cows and calves and two fine teams of horses and has surrounded his farm with well kept, fences, also adding many other improvements, which have greatly increased its value and attractiveness. Broad experience has given him a comprehensive knowledge of his chosen occupation and success is rewarding his unwearied industry and intelligently directed labors. His place is now under lease for oil and it is expected that drilling operations will be started in the near future.

On the 23d of December, 1911, Mr. Tucker was united in marriage to Miss Lulu Miller, a daughter of Eli and Fannie (Mishler) Miller, natives of Pennsylvania, who removed from that state to Kansas, where the birth of their daughter Lulu occurred. For the past seven years they have been residents of Cotton county, Oklahoma. Mr. and Mrs. Tucker have four children: Paul, who is nine years of age; Ralph, aged seven; and Mildred and Melvin, who are four and six years of age, respectively.

Mr. Tucker is an enterprising, alert and progressive young farmer, who is making wise use of his time and opportunities, and that his life has been an exemplary one in all respects is indicated in the fact that those who have known him from boyhood to the present time entertain for him the highest regard and esteem.



Benedict, John Downing. Muskogee and Northeastern Oklahoma: including the counties of Muskogee, McIntosh, Wagoner, Cherokee, Sequoyah, Adair, Delaware, Mayes, Rogers, Washington, Nowata, Craig, and Ottawa. Chicago: S.J. Clarke Pub. Co., 1922.

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