Biography of Washington Grayson

Last Updated on January 13, 2012 by

Washington Grayson, prominently identified with the tribal government of the Creek Nation and closely associated with many public interests of importance to community and state, makes his home in Eufaula, where he is held in high respect and honor by all who know him. Mr. Grayson was born at Eufaula, Oklahoma, on the 15th of May, 1882, and is a son of George W. and Annie (Stidham) Grayson, both of whom are half-blood Creeks. The former was reared in and near Eufaula and was closely associated with public events in that section of Oklahoma then a part of the Indian Territory.

George W. Grayson began his education in the district schools of the Creek Nation and later became a student in the Eufaula Boarding school. He afterward went to Webb City, Missouri, where he attended the Baptist school and at a later period became a student in a business college at Galveston, Texas. He next attended the West Texas Military Academy at San Antonio, Texas, for a period of four years and on completing his course there immediately received a commission as a Lieutenant in the Philippine Constabulary. Going to the Orient he served from August, 1903, until July, 1913, becoming familiar with all of the problems government.

At length resigning his position, Mr. Grayson returned to Eufaula and the next two years constituted a period of leisure in his life. He was afterward made official Creek tribal secretary but after America’s entrance into the World war in 1917, he resigned his position and went to the Officers’ Training Camp at Fort Logan H. Roots, near Little Rock, Arkansas. There he won a commission as captain of infantry and was assigned to the command of a company of the Three Hundred and Thirty-sixth Machine Gun Battalion. In August, 1918, went overseas with this organization and shortly after his arrival in France was promoted to the position of major in command of his battalion. There he served with the battalion throughout the period in which the American troops were held overseas, being discharged with the rank of major in August, 1919.

When the country no longer needed his military aid, Major Grayson returned to his home in Eufaula and at the request of the sheriff of McIntosh county he accepted the position of under sheriff, serving in that capacity for a year. On the 26th of February, 1921, he was appointed principal chief of the Creek Nation by President Wilson, succeeding his father in the office.

On the 5th of October, 1920, Mr. Grayson was united in marriage to Miss Anna Lee Price of Jay, Delaware county, Oklahoma, a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Dan Price, the former a merchant. Mr. and Mrs. Grayson are consistent members of the Episcopal Church and Mr. Grayson is a Consistory Mason, having attained the thirty-second degree of the Scottish Rite. He is a man of liberal culture, speaking Spanish fluently and he has made two trips around the world.

Mr. and Mrs. Grayson occupy an enviable social position and Mr. Grayson has ever commanded the respect and confidence of the Creek Nation and of the general public, by reason of the capability which he has displayed in conducting tribal affairs. His vision is broad, his sagacity keen and upon all vital problems he brings to bear judicial qualities. His entire life has been passed in Oklahoma with the exception of the period spent in the Philippines and with the development and progress of the state he has been closely associated.


Benedict, John Downing. Muskogee and Northeastern Oklahoma: including the counties of Muskogee, McIntosh, Wagoner, Cherokee, Sequoyah, Adair, Delaware, Mayes, Rogers, Washington, Nowata, Craig, and Ottawa. Chicago: S.J. Clarke Pub. Co., 1922.

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