Biography of Ellen Frances Evans

Ellen Frances Evans, of Franklin, whose intelligence and worth command the highest esteem of her large circle of friends and acquaintances, was born June 27, 1845, in Sanbornton, N.H., daughter of Edward and Phœbe (Morrison) Evans. Her ancestors were prominent among the pioneers of Belknap County. Miss Evans’s father, a native of Sanbornton, generally known as Master Evans, for a number of years successfully taught schools in Andover and Sanbornton; and many of his pupils have attained prominence in business and professional life. For thirty-seven years Mr. Evans resided at the Morrison farm in his native town. He died of … Read more

Biography of Elisha Hatch Carr

Elisha Hatch Carr, a well-known business man of Newport, was born in Hillsborough, November 17, 1842, son of Robert and Cleora (Goodale) Carr. The grandfather, Robert Carr, who was among the early settlers of Hillsborough, cleared his land, and became a successful farmer, living to be more than eighty years old. He fought in the war of the Revolution. Of his five children Robert, one of the elder, became the owner of the farm, spent his life there following the occupation of general farmer throughout his active period, represented his district in the State legislature, and died at the age … Read more

Biography of Elias W. Pike

Elias W. Pike, of Goshen, an ex-member of the New Hampshire legislature and a veteran of the Civil War, was born in this town, October 12, 1838, son of Wilson S. and Julia G. (Martin) Pike. His grandfather, Jarvis Pike, who resided in Newport, N.H., was a prosperous farmer. Wilson S. Pike, who was reared to farm life in Newport, removed when about twenty-one years old to Goshen, where he was engaged in agricultural pursuits for the greater part of his active period, and died in September, 1866. The maiden name of his first wife was Harriett Currier. Her five … Read more

Biography of Eli A. Boutwell

Eli A. Boutwell, a farmer and lumberman of Hopkinton, N.H., son of Samuel P. and Lydia A. (Allen) Boutwell, was born in Barre, Vt., February 25, 1833. His lineage has not been traced; but a little research would probably show that he belongs to the old New England family of Boutwells, of which the Hon. George S. Boutwell, ex-Secretary of the Treasury, is a representative. Its founder, James Boutwell, said to have been made a freeman in Lynn, Mass., in 1638 or 1639, died in 1651, leaving a wife Alice, sons James and John, and a daughter Sarah. The sons … Read more

Biography of Elder John G. Hook

Elder John G. Hook, of Concord, N.H., was born in Chichester, this State, February 13, 1820, the son of Jacob Hook. Elder Hook’s grandfather, Francis Hook, was born in Salisbury, Mass. He was a fisherman by occupation, and he also ran a horseback express from his native town to Newburyport. He finally bought a large tract of land in Chichester, and started all his five sons in life with a comfortable farm. Jacob Hook, father of Elder Hook, was the eldest of the family. He was educated in the Salisbury public schools, and was engaged in farming all his life. … Read more

Biography of Elbridge G. Little

Elbridge G. Little was born August 5, 1807. He obtained his preliminary education at Exeter, N.H., and graduated from the Medical College at Cleveland, Ohio. He attained eminence in his profession, and in New Lisbon, Wis., where his last years were passed, he was one of the wealthiest and most prominent citizens. His wife, who was born November 4, 1809, was a daughter of Thomas and Judith (Dodge) Peabody, of the part of old Danvers, Mass., now known as Peabody. She was a sister of George Peabody, the wealthy and benevolent banker, who died in London, and who bequeathed to … Read more

Biography of Edwin A. Tyrrell

Edwin A. Tyrrell, a highly esteemed citizen of Hookset, Merrimack County, prominent in town affairs, has been station agent and Postmaster at Martin Depot since 1887, a continuous service of ten years in the two positions, an honorable record which speaks for itself. He was born May 15, 1851, in Paxton, Mass., a son of Jesse D. Tyrrell. His grandfather, Jesse Tyrrell, was of Massachusetts birth, but removed from that State to Vermont, settling in the town of Waterville, where he carried on general farming until his death, which occurred at a ripe old age. Jesse D. Tyrrell was born … Read more

Biography of Edward S. Barrett

Edward S. Barrett, a prosperous farmer of West Concord, was born February 17, 1824, at Ashburnham, Mass., the son of Benjamin and Nancy (Stone) Barrett. The paternal grandfather, also named Benjamin, who was a native of Ashby, Mass., followed the occupation of farmer, spent the latter part of his life in New York State, and ended his days in Aurelius, N.Y. Benjamin Barrett, who was also born in Ashby, after having learned shoemaking, worked at that trade for a number of years. He then followed farming in Ashburnham for a time. Subsequently he removed to Fitchburg, Mass., and later to … Read more

Biography of Edward Plummer Paige

Edward Plummer Paige, a former legislative Representative of the town of Dunbarton, was born in Bradford, N.H., in 1857, son of Bayard P. and Louisa S. Paige. The father of Edward Plummer, who was born in Dunbarton, subsequently removed to Hopkinton, N.H., where he acquired his education. At the age of fourteen years he returned to Dunbarton, and entered the general merchandise store of his brother Jeremiah as clerk. Three or four years later they moved the business to Bradford, where he continued to work for some time. He next engaged in stove-making, turning out some of the first stoves … Read more

Biography of Edward Payson Skinner, Jr.

Edward Payson Skinner, Jr., a well-known business man of Windsor, Vt., a dealer in fish and groceries, was born in that town, February 8, 1856, son of Edward P., Sr., and Rebecca (Moody) Skinner. His paternal grandfather, John P., was a son of Captain Benjamin and Sarah C. (Manning) Skinner. Captain Benjamin Skinner was a soldier in the Revolutionary War, and while he was in the army his wife was left at home to take care of the farm and cattle. He died of spotted fever at fifty years of age; and she, long surviving him, died about fifty years … Read more

Biography of Edward O. Day

Edward O. Day, an influential citizen of Cornish, Sullivan County, N.H., is a native of this town. He was born June 21, 1838, his parents being Hiram and Louisa (Wyman) Day. The Day family is an old one in this country, and the name has been borne by several generations of upright men and women. The first representative in America was Anthony Day, of Gloucester, Mass., who died there in 1717, at the age of ninety-four years. His son Nathaniel and the next two in line, Benjamin and Benjamin, Jr., were born in Attleboro, Mass. Peletiah, who came next and … Read more

Biography of Edward H. Sturtevant

Edward H. Sturtevant, Treasurer of the Franklin Needle Company, manufacturers of solid riveted latch needles at Franklin, N.H., was born in Craftsbury, Vt., April 27, 1845, son of Hiram and Eliza S. (Corey) Sturtevant. His paternal grandfather was Ezra T. Sturtevant, a mill man and wool-carder, also a manufacturer of coffins. He married Lucy Merryfield. Hiram Sturtevant was a farmer early in life; but in 1866 he sold his farm, and went into the manufacture of sashes, doors, blinds, and furniture, in Lebanon, N.H., continuing in this business for about three years, when he sold out to his partners. Then … Read more

Biography of Edward Dimick Baker

Edward Dimick Baker was an able advocate and lawyer of Claremont. He was born April 21, 1827, at Meriden, N.H., son of Dimick and Hannah (Colby) Baker. He was a descendant in a direct line from Joseph Baker, who was born April 13, 1678. Joseph’s son, Hernon, by his wife, Abigail Bissel Baker, married Lois Gilbert, who had a son Oliver, a physician, who married Dorcus Dimick, and became the father of Dimick Baker. Dimick Baker was born March 18, 1793, in Plainfield, N.H., where he resided throughout his life. He was a prosperous merchant and farmer, and one of … Read more

Biography of Edward Bryant

Edward Bryant, a prominent resident of Cornish, was born in this town, February 7, 1837, son of Daniel and Cloe (Hildreth) Bryant. His grandfather, Israel Bryant, born in Connecticut, came to Cornish when a young man. Israel and his wife were the parents of nine children. Of these Daniel, a native of Cornish, born in 1815, was educated in the public schools of his native town. After completing his education he engaged in farming. Subsequently for many years he was foreman of the stock farm of Ebenezer Pike, having charge of the best blooded cattle in the country. His reputation … Read more

Biography of Edmund Silver

Edmund Silver, a thriving farmer of Boscawen, N.H., was born in Bow, this State, September 10, 1834. His parents, Edmund and Sallie (Dow) Silver, who resided in Bow for the greater part of their lives, died when their son Edmund was quite young. They had nine children-Lewis, Laura, Cyrene, Leonard, Gideon, Sullivan, Daniel, Edmund, and George. Lewis died in March, 1897. Daniel is engaged in farming in Salisbury, N.H. George is in Penacook; and the others, except Edmund, the subject of our sketch, are deceased. Edmund Silver received his education in the district schools, remaining at home with his parents … Read more

Biography of Edgerton Raymond

Edgerton Raymond, a well-known resident of Boscawen, was born December 3, 1841, in Concord, N.H., son of Thomas P. and Permelia (Derby) Raymond, both natives of Vershire, Vt. His grandfather, Captain Liberty Raymond, of the Vermont militia, was a large land-owner and a prominent man in the latter town. Captain Raymond died at Vershire, and his wife, Mary, at Quechee, Vt. Their children were: Thomas, Lyman, and Liberty, all now deceased. The last named became a well-known builder and real estate dealer in Manchester, where he erected several large structures. He was also a pioneer of the shoe business, in … Read more

Biography of Edgar A. Churchill

Edgar A. Churchill, a prominent resident of Cornish, was born in this town, August 29, 1847. His parents were Barker B. Churchill, son of Lewis Churchill and Mary (Angier) Churchill, of Cornish. The latter, who was Barker’s first wife, had eight children, of whom Edgar A., Mary E., and Jennie reached maturity. Mary is now Mrs. Lovell B. George, of Newport, and has two children-Jennie and Albert. Jennie Churchill, who married William F. Waite, a pattern maker of Hubbardston, Mass., is now deceased. The father, a carpenter by trade, was in the late war, having enlisted at West Lebanon in … Read more

Biography of Ebenezer Loveren

Ebenezer Loveren, a practical farmer of Hopkinton, was born here, February 27, 1827, son of Captain Benjamin and Esther (Bartlett) Loveren, his parents being originally from Deering, Hillsborough County. His paternal grandparents were Ebenezer and Eunice (Hadlock) Loveren, who removed from Kensington, N.H., to Deering, where they settled. A separate sketch of Captain Benjamin Loveren appears on another page of this volume. Ebenezer Loveren was the only child of his parents, and was born on the farm where he now lives and where he has spent his life up 1844. It is the place in which Captain Benjamin Loveren passed … Read more

Biography of Ebenezer B. Sargent

Ebenezer B. Sargent, one of the best known farmers of Pittsfield and a veteran of the Civil War, was born in London, N.H., April 11, 1821, son of Ebenezer and Annie (Batchelder) Sargent. Benjamin Sargent, the father of Ebenezer, served as a scout under General Washington during the Revolutionary War, and later became a Baptist minister. He preached in Pittsfield from 1808 to 1819, and died at the age of fifty-eight years. The maiden name of his wife was Eunice Lindell. Of their seven children who reached maturity Ebenezer, the second son, was born in Bow, N.H., in 1789. He … Read more

Biography of Dr. Rufus Merrill Weeks

Dr. Rufus Merrill Weeks, who resides in the village of Suncook, and is a well-known dentist in the town of Pembroke, was born in Gilford, N.H., December 15, 1854, son of William and Lizzie (Hutchinson) Weeks. Benjamin Weeks, the grandfather of Dr. Weeks, in his younger days was a farmer. He later learned Gilford. He became prominent in business circles and in public affairs, holding various town offices; and he was connected with the old State militia. In politics he was a Whig. He married, and reared a family of seven children. Of the latter the only survivor is Mrs. … Read more