Biography of Frank R. Woodward

Frank R. Woodward, a widely known manufacturer and a prominent resident of Hill, was born in the town of Salisbury, February 9, 1845, son of Daniel S. Woodward, of that place. Ancestors of his Woodward, the first representative of the family in this country, who came here from Ireland in the first half of the last century, and settled in Maine, fought in the war of the Revolution; and his sons, Stephen and Jesse, fought in the second war with England. Daniel Woodward, a son of Jesse, married Dorcas, daughter of Enoch Adams, of Salisbury, who fought in the war … Read more

Biography of Frank L. Johnson

Frank L. Johnson, an influential farmer of Cornish and the owner of one of the old picturesque farms on the banks of Blow-me-down Brook, was born September 24, 1852, son of William P. Johnson. William, who was born in Cornish in November, 1815, son of Nathaniel Johnson, was educated in the town schools. He became a farmer, and has since followed that occupation. He has been essentially a home man, not caring for public life, though well fitted for it in point of energy and ability. He has been much interested in the educational affairs of the town, and has … Read more

Biography of Frank J. French

Frank J. French, who owns a dairyfarm in Northfield, and supplies a large milk route, was born in Gilmanton, N.H., March 30, 1855, son of Sylvester F. and Mercy E. (Hayes) French. The father, a native of Gilmanton, in early life was a shoemaker, and resided in Dover, Rochester, and Haverhill, Mass., for some years. He finally returned to Gilmanton, and is now occupying a farm on Shepard’s Hill. His wife, Mercy, who was born in Strafford, N.H., has had three children-Frank J., Jeremiah S., and Eliza O. Jeremiah S. married Ida Locke, and is a carpenter in Gilmanton. Eliza … Read more

Biography of Frank Henry Carr

Frank Henry Carr, one of the patriotic men who periled his life in the cause of the Union during the late Civil War, now an enterprising mill-owner of West Hopkinton, was born in West Hopkinton, February 8, 1841, son of Thomas W. and Caroline (Connor) Carr. The grandfather, John Carr, removed from West Newbury, Mass., to Concord, N.H., where he kept an inn for a short time. From Concord he came to West Hopkinton about the year 1821, making his residence on a farm which had been presented to his wife by her brother, Thomas Williams. While a carriage-maker by … Read more

Biography of Frank H. Sargent, M.D.

Frank H. Sargent, M.D., a rising young medical practitioner of Pittsfield, was born in this town, October 31, 1861, son of Charles H. and Almira (Ring) Sargent. His great-grandfather, Benjamin Sargent, served under General Washington in the Revolutionary War. He later became a Baptist minister, and preached in Pittsfield from 1808 to 1818. He died March 19, 1818, at the age of fifty-eight years. His wife, in maidenhood Eunice Lindell, reared a family of seven children. Moses L. Sargent, grandfather of Frank H., was born in Bow, N.H., May 12, 1793. He resided most of his life in Pittsfield, and … Read more

Biography of Frank H. Chapman

Frank H. Chapman, a leading druggist of Franklin Falls, was born in Lowell, Mass., May 29, 1848, son of Eben L. Chapman, of New Market, N.H. The father, who was born in 1807, removed to Lawrence, Mass., and was there a successful grocer for forty-one years, retiring from active business in 1860. He married for his first wife a Towle, of New Market, who died leaving no children. For his second wife he married Mrs. Martha J. Hilton Hanscomb, and their children were: Frank H., the subject of this sketch; and Charles, who died at the age of six years. … Read more

Biography of Frank Gilman Edgerly

Frank Gilman Edgerly, the efficient High Sheriff of Merrimack County, N.H., was born in Meredith, N.H., on February 19, 1853. His parents were William M. and Lydia (Fogg) Edgerly. His ancestors, paternal and maternal, were of English extraction. Thomas Edgerly, the emigrant progenitor on his father’s side, came to America in 1664, settling near what is now known as Durham, N.H. Thomas Edgerly was a well-educated man, prominent in the early history of New Hampshire, being one of the Justices before whom were tried many important cases involving the civil and religious rights of citizens. Frank G. Edgerly acquired a … Read more

Biography of Frank E. Randall

Frank E. Randall, Postmaster of Pittsfield and an ex-member of the New Hampshire legislature, was born in this town, May 5, 1842, son of Thomas B. and Mary G. (Pickering) Randall. His grandfather, Robert Randall, a prosperous farmer of Lee, N.H., died in that town at a good old age. Robert’s wife, who reached the age of eighty years, was the mother of two sons, neither of whom is living. Thomas B. Randall, the elder of Robert’s sons, was born in Lee. When a young man he learned the blacksmith’s trade, which he afterward followed in Pittsfield for some years. … Read more

Biography of Frank E. Dimond

Frank E. Dimond, a well-known business man of West Concord, was born on the estate he now occupies about thirty-six years ago, son of Elbridge and Jennett (Hoit) Dimond. His immigrant ancestor came from England, and was among the first settlers of this section of the State. Nearly all the descendants of the immigrant are still living in this region. His son, Ezekiel Dimond, was great-great-grandfather of Frank E. Ezekiel had seven sons. Reuben, the great-grandfather of the subject of this sketch, was born in Concord, N.H., on what is now known as Dimond’s Hill. He was a farmer, and … Read more

Biography of Frank De Forrest Baker

Frank De Forrest Baker, a well-known farmer and lumber dealer of Plainfield, belongs to a family that came of English yeomanry stock, and has been known for centuries in England for industry, sturdiness, and reliability. The name denotes the occupation of the founder of the family. In the fifteenth century the Bakers possessed considerable property in the north of England, and were known as being thrifty, industrious, and very tenacious of their rights. In 1650 there were many of the name at Aylesbury, County of Bucks, who became followers of George Fox, the Quaker, and with him suffered imprisonment by … Read more

Biography of Frank B. Kenney

Frank B. Kenney, a prominent farmer of Loudon and a son of Bradley H. and Nancy (Young) Kenney, was born in Loudon, December 19, 1854. His father, who was a native of New Hampshire, and a cooper by trade, settled in Loudon after his marriage, was thereafter occupied in farming, and died May 24, 1882, on the farm where the subject of this sketch now lives. The first of the father’s two marriages was contracted with Miss Pease, who bore him four children. These were: Mary Ann, who married Joseph A. Foster, and lives in Manchester, N.H.; Clarissa, now deceased; … Read more

Biography of Frank A. Jordan

Frank A. Jordan, a veteran of the Civil War, who is carrying on a thriving business as a stone cutter in Plainfield, N.H., was born in this town, April 19, 1840, son of Anthony W. and Mercy (Root) Jordan. It is known that some of his ancestors served in the Revolutionary War. His grandfather was James Jordan, who died May 10, 1860, aged eighty-two years. He was a native of Plainfield and a son of the first member of the family to settle here. James Jordan was a contractor for the construction of roads and bridges, and also carried on … Read more

Biography of Francis W. Blake

Francis W. Blake, one of Pittsfield’s successful farmers, was born in Hampton Falls, N.H., September 3, 1837, son of Enoch and Lydia (Smith) Blake. The family is of English origin. Its founder, Jasper Blake, who came from England in 1640 and settled at Hampton, N.H., was a relative of Robert Blake, the famous British admiral of that period. The great-grandfather of Francis W. was Jeremiah Blake, son of Joshua. He was a native of Hampton Falls, and a farmer by occupation. He was the father of five children, of whom Enoch (first), the grandfather, was the eldest. Enoch Blake (first) … Read more

Biography of Francis Morrill Cutting

Francis Morrill Cutting, who died on November 15, 1888, was a valued citizen of Newport, Sullivan County. He was born in the neighboring town of Croydon, November 28, 1825, a son of Francis and Keziah (Hudson) Cutting. His grandfather, Benjamin Cutting, who enlisted in the Continental army when a young man, Croydon. Francis Cutting, son of Benjamin, was born in Croydon, and there spent his life of seventy-eight years. He owned about five hundred acres of land, and was extensively engaged in farming and stock-raising. His first wife, Keziah Hudson, a native of Goshen, N.H., died at the age of … Read more

Biography of Francis L. Quimby

Francis L. Quimby, a Selectman and a thriving farmer of Unity, was born in this town, December 25, 1827, son of Benjamin Quimby (second) and Percis (Gee) Quimby. His grandfather, Benjamin Quimby (first), the first of the family to settle in Unity, was engaged in agriculture here for the rest of his life. The maiden name of the grandfather’s wife was Otis. Benjamin Quimby (second), born in Unity in the year 1800, tilled the soil with success during his active years; and his death occurred in the spring of 1859. Percis Gee, his wife, who was a native of Marlow, … Read more

Biography of Ezra Taft Sibley

Ezra Taft Sibley, a retired manufacturer of Newport, Sullivan County, was born in Auburn, Mass., February 3, 1817, son of Ezra and Marcia (Taft) Sibley. His grandfather, Reuben Sibley, who was also a Massachusetts man, and is said to have been born in Sutton of that State, carried on general farming for a time. Reuben went to Maine and settled in the town of Jay, Franklin County, where he conducted a ferry on the Androscoggin River during the remainder of his life. His son, Ezra, born in Sutton, September 21, 1787, was a scythe maker-a trade which he learned when … Read more

Biography of Erastus H. Bartlett

Bartlett Brothers, comprising Erastus H. and Ai J. Bartlett, are the proprietors of the Excelsior Mills at Warner. The plant was first established by these gentlemen in 1872 as a pail, butter tub, and sap bucket factory. The original mill was destroyed by fire in 1873, entailing a loss of three hundred and fifty dollars beyond their entire assets, a grievous blow to the two young men just started in business. Nothing daunted, however, they commenced again on borrowed money. This time they engaged in the manufacture of excelsior for mattresses and furniture, in which they have since built up … Read more

Biography of Ephraim P. Goss

Ephraim P. Goss, a prosperous farmer, fruit-grower, and dairyman of Henniker, was born November 27, 1844, on Pork Hill, in the northern part of this township. He is a son of Luther Goss, whose father, Ephraim Goss, when he was a young man, came here from Lancaster, Mass. Ephraim was one of the first in complying with the call to arms that resounded through the colonies after the fights at Concord and Lexington, and subsequently rendered the services of one good man in the war of independence. Mrs. Robert D. Rice. Afterward he bought the property on Pork Hill known … Read more

Biography of Enoch Couch

Enoch Couch was a prominent farmer of Webster in his time. He was born in Webster, April 12, 1793, son of Joseph and Sarah (Pillsbury) Couch. His grandfather, Joseph Couch (first), who emigrated from Wales in 1748, settled in Newburyport, Mass. In 1768 the grandfather moved to Webster, and there improved the farm now owned and occupied by his great-grand-daughter. He resided here for the rest of his life, and died in 1784. The first of his three marriages was made with Elsie Rowell, the second with Mary Webster, and the third with Mrs. Muzzey. Born of the first were … Read more

Biography of Emmet S. Robinson

Emmet S. Robinson, an ex-member of the legislature and the owner of a large farm in Goshen, was born in Orange, Vt., August 2, 1859, son of Alexander and Sarah (Moore) Robinson, both natives of Plainfield, Vt. The father, who is a stone mason by trade, about the year 1862 moved to Newport, Vt., where he resided for fifteen years. From there he went to Newport, N.H.; and there he has since been engaged in agricultural pursuits. Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Robinson have reared ten children, namely: Captain Frank Robinson, who follows the sea, and is a ship-master; Henry C., … Read more