Biographical Sketch of John W. Thompson

It is always a pleasure to outline the career of an honest, upright and progressive man, who has left the more thickly settled portions of the country, pressing out into the regions of wildness to bring them under the sway of civilization’s uplifting influences, spending, meanwhile, sturdy effort and drawing upon an exhaustless store of courage and determination to accomplish this worthy end and so we turn with zest to chronicle the events in the life of the capable and worthy citizen, whose name initiates this paragraph, since he has displayed qualities that are priceless, and manifested virtues and abilities … Read more

Biographical Sketch of John Martin

Among the agricultural population of Wallowa county who have wrought faithfully for the development and substantial progress of the same, mention must be made of the patriotic, loyal and estimable citizen, of whom we now have the pleasure to write, and who was numbered among that noble body of men who fought courageously for the defense of the Union and when need called he shed blood for the honor of the flag that headed the supporters of freedom. During his long career, fraught with noble deeds and manifestation of sound principles, our subject has ever demonstrated the real moral worth … Read more

Biographical Sketch of John B. Lent

When there is to be mention of the leading men of Wallowa County, men who have wrought for its up building and advancement, the name of the subject of this appear in prominence in the list, and we are pleased to note the capabilities of the man, manifested in his skillful and wise manipulation of business affairs, as well, also, do we see his uprightness, integrity and probity in his entire career, and the chronicling of these items is ever a pleasure to be desired. John B. was born in Des Moines county, Iowa, on December 27, 1854, being the … Read more

Biographical Sketch of John A. Endicott

As the older men step aside from the excellent work that they have accomplished in this western country, there are younger ones with fresh vigor and commendable zeal to take up the burdens and prosecute the industries in a manner becoming the foundations that have been laid deep and wide by the worthy pioneers. To this class of younger men belongs the subject of this article, and we are pleased to record concerning him that he has manifested abilities that have stamped him as one of the strong stock men of the county and able to handle successfully the enterprises … Read more

Biographical Sketch of James Henry

One of the members of the thrifty and intelligent agricultural population of Wallowa County is mentioned at the head of this article and to him we are pleased to accord a representation in this work that chronicles the events of Wallowa and Union counties, together with the careers of the leading men of both sections. Mr. Henry is eminently fitted to be classed with this number, since he has manifested uprightness, good wisdom, sound judgment and excellent industry and energy in all of his undertakings in the county and elsewhere, while his integrity, sound principles and untarnished reputation are manifest … Read more

Biographical Sketch of James A. Alford

The subject of this article is one of the pioneers of the west and labored faithfully in many sections for its opening and has made a record for frontier work that demonstrates him both a capable and courageous man. He was born in Missouri, on November 19, 1854, being the son of John and Sallie Alford. He remained in his native state until he had reached seventeen years of age and then he went to Utah and engaged in mining, being the second man in the noted Bingham gulch there. He worked there for one year and then came to … Read more

Biographical Sketch of J.T. Willett

Among those who have toiled and continuously wrought for the development of the resources of Wallowa county in the agricultural portion of the population, we may mention the capable and intelligent subject of this sketch, who has demonstrated in the years in which he has been domiciled in our county his fitness to be classed with the representative men of the county and to take rank among the leading ones whose names appear in this compendium of the builders and pioneers of Wallowa County. In Union County, Kentucky, on May 3, 1856, J.T. was born to James M. and Mattie … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Hector McDonald

The gentleman whose name appears above is one of the stock kings of Wallowa county, as well as holding great distinction in the county as a promoter of industrial interests, while his steadfastness and stanch and true character make him one of the most valued, and highly respected men in this section of our state, and his excellent capabilities have place him in a distinguished position of prestige that is justly merited. Hector McDonald is a native of northeastern Oregon, having been born in the Grande Ronde valley, on December 24, 1868. His parents, John and Jane (Grant) McDonald, reside … Read more

Biographical Sketch of George H. Furgason

Among the heavy property owners of Wallowa County, mention must be made of the esteemed subject of this sketch, whose career has manifested steadfastness of purpose and capabilities that have wrought out his present prominent place in the agricultural and stock raising population of our county, while his qualities of uprightness and truth have given him the happy prestige that is his to enjoy, and it is due to such men as Mr. Furgason that Wallowa county owes her development and prominence today. George H. was born in Stevens Point, Wisconsin, on August 13, 1959, being the son of Alexander … Read more

Biographical Sketch of George E. Miller

Wallowa county has her full quota of stock men, among whom are some of the ablest in the state, but there are none in our county who stand better among the people generally, being well liked and esteemed, than the capable gentleman whose name initiates this paragraph and whose life has been one of uprightness and guided by sound and sagacious principles, while he is possessed of an unswerving integrity, that stamps him the man under all circumstances and in all relations. Mr. Miller is a native Oregonian, being born to John and Louisa (Schulle) Miller, on October 28, 1868, … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Frank W. Heskett

Among the builders of Wallowa county there must be honorable mention of the esteemed subject of this brief review, who practically is a product of northeastern Oregon, having come here when a small boy and receiving here the training and education that have fitted him to hold the position of prominence and prestige that is his to enjoy in our county, while also he has manifested commendable zeal in the labor of advancing the interests of the county and in general progress. Mr. Frank W. Heskett was born in Wayne County, Iowa, on December 1, 1856, being the son of … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Frank E. Vaughan

Vaughan, Frank E. was born in Madison, Wisconsin, on August 6, 1865, being the son of Enoch G. and Roxie (Thompson) Vaughan, natives also of the Badger state, and tillers of the soil in the southern part of the state. In 1872 the parents with our subject removed to Nebraska, remaining there until 1881, during which time the son received his educational training in the public schools. In 1881 they took the long and weary trip overland to Wallowa county and sought out a home place in the Imnaha country, taking a preemption in the valley four and one-half miles … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Elzie O. Makin

Any volume that purports to give the salient points in the careers of the leading and prominent citizens of Wallowa County would be open to serious criticism were there failure to incorporate there-in an epitome of the life of the esteemed gentleman whose name is at the head of this article, and who has labored for the building and development of Wallowa County for years, displaying meanwhile a vigor, energy, and sagacity, coupled with other capabilities of a high order, while also his sound principles, unswerving integrity and strict adherence to the ways of uprightness have given him the meed … Read more

Biographical Sketch of David W. Kuhn

Among those who have comparatively recently taken up their residence in Wallowa County and have brought with them pristine vigor and energy to assist materially in promoting the welfare of the county and in developing its resources, is the estimable gentleman whose name appears at the head of this article, and who is granted a representation in this volume with pleasure, since he has demonstrated himself a proper person to be thus listed with the prominent men of the county, both because he has wrought with faithfulness and assiduity, and because he has maintained an uprightness and untarnished reputation in … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Clinton W. Mumford

One of the leading merchants of Wallowa county, the subject of this sketch is justly entitled to honorable mention in this portion of our work and because of his excellent achievements, which he has accomplished in a life of activity and enterprise, and because of his ability that has been brought into requisition in these endeavors, and because of the sound principles that dominate him and the broad public spirit that characterizes him, we are pleased to grant this to him, while also it is but right to mention that he is esteemed by all and is the recipient of … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Charles W. Meek

Without dispute some of our most worthy and progressive and thrifty citizens have come to us from England whence also sprang the subject of this sketch whose life of commendable activity and successful enterprise in business relations, coupled with stanch and unswerving integrity and high moral qualities of intrinsic worth, justly entitle him to a representation in this volume of Wallowa’s abiding chronicles, and it is with pleasure that we incorporate his name here with a brief review of his eventful career. Charles W. was born to Charles and Sarah (Sparks) Meek in Hertfordshire, England, in the year 1850. There … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Charles L. Hartshorn

It takes brain as well as brawn to make a success in the enterprises that come to the hand of the business man of Wallowa County and it is noteworthy that the subject of this article has accomplished one of the most brilliant successes that has been wrought out in Wallowa County, which demonstrates the mettle of which he is made and also the capabilities which he has brought into play in that commendable career. It is with pleasure that we place this name among the leaders of our county, for who should receive title of leader if it is … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Charles H. Zurcher

It is ample cause for joy, that the places of the worthy pioneers who have done such a noble work in these sections, are being, as they drop out one by one and go hence to their final rewards, filled with young men of courage and ambition and ability, and whose desire is to build super structures on the foundations so well laid by these frontiersmen, that will in every way do credit to the stanch predecessors, and as the age advances will keep pace with the rapid march of civilization. The subject of this sketch is a gentleman whose … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Charles C. Beggs

No grander monument can be placed at the head of the grave of any man than the noble work that the pioneers did in this section of the country, when they fought back the bloodthirsty hordes of savages and invaded the wilds of nature, to reclaim for homes and civilization’s abode these regions which was done at the expense of much trying labor, great hardships, perils of serious nature and self-denial all the way through. Among this worthy class and deserving of special honor for his faithful life and excellent achievements, is the esteemed subject of this memoir, to whom … Read more

Biographical Sketch of C.M. Dexter

Among the younger men who have found homes in Wallowa County and are giving their energy and vigor to build up and develop the resources of the same in a manner becoming the noble work that the pioneers did in laying the foundations here, is to be mentioned the industrious and intelligent and capable citizen, whose name is at the head of this article, and who has manifested stanch qualities of moral worth and integrity that are uncompromising and upright. C. M. Dexter was born on March 18, 1877, in Clinton County, Michigan, where also he spent the earlier years … Read more