Biographical Sketch of C.M. Dexter

Among the younger men who have found homes in Wallowa County and are giving their energy and vigor to build up and develop the resources of the same in a manner becoming the noble work that the pioneers did in laying the foundations here, is to be mentioned the industrious and intelligent and capable citizen, whose name is at the head of this article, and who has manifested stanch qualities of moral worth and integrity that are uncompromising and upright.

C. M. Dexter was born on March 18, 1877, in Clinton County, Michigan, where also he spent the earlier years of his life, receiving a good education in the public schools and training in various industries. In 1891 he accompanied his father to this country, the latter taking up a homestead. Our subject remained here from three years, being engaged in different occupations, including a service in mechanical lines, and then he repaired to his native place in Michigan. There he remained for two and one-half years and then returned to Wallowa County and took a homestead four miles northeast from Wallowa and gave his attention to farming and raising stock. He has doubled the acreage of his homestead and manifest marked skill and capabilities in his agricultural work.

On July 10,1898, Mr. Dexter married Miss Laura, daughter of H. C. and Sarah (Conners) Cramer, natives respectively of Illinois and Missouri. To this happy union there have been born two children: Earl, born July 25, 1900: Effie D., born February 5, 1901. Mrs. Dexter was born February 19, 1880. Her father was a farmer in Cedar County, Missouri, and came to the west in 1880. For five years he gave himself to exploration of different parts of the west, and then in 1885 settled in Wallowa County. His home is near that of our subject, and Mr. Cramer is sheriff of the county. Mr. Dexter has made a commendable record for one of the young men of the county and he is considered one of its substantial and enterprising citizens, manifesting ever those qualities that insure success in his undertakings and that are concomitant to the typical man.



An Illustrated history of Union and Wallowa Counties: with a brief outline of the early history of the state of Oregon. Western Historical Pub. Co., 1902.

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