Biographical Sketch of Manly B. Boardman

Manly B. Boardman, Justice of the Peace, insurance, loan and real estate agent, was born in Geneva, N. Y., in 1830. His parents moved to Vienna, N. Y., when he was an infant. When fourteen years old, he began clerking in a general store in Genesee County, N. Y., remaining there four years; he then went to Buffalo, where he obtained employment as clerk in a wholesale and retail store two years; he was afterward employed in other towns in New York, and finally obtained employment in a wholesale house in New York City, afterward becoming a partner and continuing … Read more

Biographical Sketch of M. Olinger

M. Olinger, farmer, Section 1, P. O. Tekamah, was born in Shenandoah County, Va., and raised in Montgomery County. In the fall of 1855, he came to Tekamah, there being then but six families in this county. He pre-empted and homesteaded 160 acres of land, which he has since improved. He now owns 332 acres, also improved. He has held the office of Deputy County Treasurer. His son, William G., enlisted, 1863 in Company B, Second Nebraska Cavalry, and served eleven months.

Biographical Sketch of M. M. Harney

M. M. Harney, farmer, Section 3, P. O. Tekamah, is a native of Jacksonville, Ill.; in 1857, came to De Soto, Neb.; in 1858, removed to Cuming City; in 1863, he enlisted in Company B, Second Nebraska Cavalry; served eleven months; in 1864, came to Arizona Precinct; the following year removed to Harrison County, Iowa; followed farming; in 1870, returned to Burt County and settled on this farm. He owns 400 acres of land. One hundred and eighty acres of this is under improvement. He is feeding forty-three head of cattle, and carrying through about seventy head; also about eighty … Read more

Biographical Sketch of M. J. Thompson

M. J. Thompson Postmaster, St. Edward, was born in Nelson, Portage Co., Ohio, August 27, 1845. He lived there until 1867, when he came to Nebraska, locating in the western part of Douglas County, where he resided four years, engaged in farming. He married at Fremont, October 16, 1869, Miss Lydia E. Collins, who was born at Camden, Maine. They have two children–George M. and Luella Blanche. In the spring of 1871, he removed to Boone County, taking a claim adjoining the present site of St. Edward; a portion of the town is built on his original homestead. Of this … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Luther Clark

Luther Clark, of the firm of Loran Clark & Co., Albion, was born in Franklin County, Vt., in 1832; his parents moved to Wisconsin in 1841; he engaged in dealing in grain, produce, etc., at Mazomanie, Wis., in 1854, and carried on that business until 1872; he then carried on a dairy farm until July, 1878, when he moved to Nebraska, locating at Albion; in December of that year, he became associated in the hardware and agricultural implement business with J. W. Riley under the firm name of Riley & Clark; in the spring of 1881, they sold out to … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Loran Clark Sr.

Loran Clark, Sr., member of the firm of Loran Clark & Co., was born in Franklin County, Vt., in 1830, living there until ten years old, when his parents moved to Waukesha County, Wis.; he remained in Wisconsin engaged in farming with his father until he attained his majority; in 1859, he went to Colorado, engaged in mining which he followed until 1862, when he went to Nevada, engaging in the same business until 1868, when he returned to Colorado; he there engaged in stock raising until the fall of 1871; he then went to Nebraska, locating in Boone County, … Read more

Biographical Sketch of L. Kryger

L. Kryger, druggist, manager for C. F. Goodman, is a native of Buffalo, N. Y. The past twenty-one years, he has been engaged in this business. In 1871, he opened a drug store at West Point, Neb.; continued there about nine years; June, 1880, came to Lyons; has since had charge of this business.

Biographical Sketch of L. J. Malmsten

L. J. Malmsten, of the firm of Morell & Malmsten, dealers in general merchandise, is a native of Sweden, and came to Oakland in 1869, and engaged in farming. In 1875, he became a member of this firm, and now personally manages the business; is also Deputy Postmaster. He was married, in 1874, to Miss Mary Morell, of Sweden. They have four children, two sons and two daughters.

Biographical Sketch of L. H. Burpee

L. H. Burpee, farmer, Section 22, P. O. Tekamah, is a native of Worcester County, Mass.; came to Nebraska in 1857; located in Arizona Precinct, where he has since resided. He entered 160 acres of land; now owns 200 acres most of which is under cultivation. He has been twelve years Treasurer of the School Board.

Biographical Sketch of Judge I. N. Taylor

Judge I. N. Taylor, real estate, is a native of Ross County, Ohio. In the spring of 1842, came to Jay County, Ind.; engaged in teaching, lecturing and other educational enterprises; in 1860, removed to Washington County, Ill.; in 1862, came to Columbus, Neb., engaged in surveying and real estate. There he held the office of County Judge and County Surveyor, and represented Platte County one term in the Legislature. In 1871 was Secretary of the Nebraska State Emigration Society, with headquarters at Omaha; was also agent of the Omaha & Northwestern Railroad lands in Elkhorn Valley. He is one … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Joseph Wysong

Joseph Wysong, manager of Allerton’s Ranch, P. O. Dayton, was born in Urbana, Ill., December 2, 1858. He was left an orphan, and lived with his aunt in Peoria County, Ill., until six years old. After that time, he lived in Fulton County, Ill., until the spring of 1880. He then came to Nebraska to act as manager of the ranch owned by his uncle, Samuel W. Allerton, a well-known member of the Board of Trade of Chicago. He married, at Dayton, Boone Co., Neb., September 14, 1881, Miss Nora E. Mitchell, who was born in Canada. The Allerton ranch … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Joseph Rittel

Joseph Rittel, senior partner of the firm, was born in Lebanon County Penn., July 10, 1828. He then married, October 23, 1850, Miss Susanna Gard, who was born in Dauphin County, Penn. They have one child, Agnes, who is the wife of Peter Laudeman, junior partner in the firm. Mr. Rittel learned the carpenter’s trade in Pennsylvania, following it there until 1861. He then removed to Peru, Ind., living there one year. He resided in other towns in Indiana until the spring of 1874, when he removed to Nebraska, engaging in merchandising at St. Edward, where he has since continued … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Joseph Hon. Hamilton

Hon. Joseph Hamilton, real estate, loan and collection agent, was born in New York City July 14, 1826. He resided in his native city until 1849, when he removed to Milwaukee, Wis., to take charge of the mechanical department of the Milwaukee Daily Sentinel. In 1850, he started a job printing office, and shortly afterward he started, with W. D. Wilson, the Milwaukee Daily Journal. In 1852, he sold his interest in the Journal to his partner. In 1857, he again connected himself with the Daily Sentinel, and remained with that institution until 1863, when failing health compelled him to … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Jonathan Lydick

Jonathan Lydick, farmer, Section 2, P. O. Arizona, is a native of Knox County, Ohio. In 1845, came with his parents to Jefferson County, Iowa. Assisted on their farm. September 1856, came to this farm, where he made a claim, consisting of 320 acres. He now owns about 1,000 acres, and has one of the best-improved farms in this locality. He has from five to six miles of hedge fence, which he planted himself. He has just completed a new barn, which occupies the site of one that was destroyed by fire about three years ago.

Biographical Sketch of John S. Lemmon

John S. Lemmon, dealer in agricultural implements, was born in Fountain County, Ind.; raised in Parke County; in 1854, came to Council Bluffs; in 1856, removed to Fontanelle, Neb., where his father owned a steam saw-mill; worked in this mill till 1861, when he enlisted, November 10, in Company D, Fifth Iowa Cavalry; was taken prisoner August 10, 1864, near Atlanta; remained in prison till April 17, 1865; was mustered out of the service June 5, 1865. In 1868, he came to Oakland Precinct, located on a farm in Section 13, which he has improved. In August 1879, he came … Read more

Biographical Sketch of John Riesche

John Riesche, farmer, Section 36, P. O. Lyons, is a native of Hanover, Germany. In 1866, came to Minnesota; came to Burt County in 1870; worked for Mr. Yeaton in 1871. He removed to this farm, which he owns, consisting of 160 acres of land, well-improved, with a good house and barn, and other outbuildings. This property he has made since coming to Nebraska. Married, in 1873, Emily Hendricks, of Hanover, Allamakee Co., Iowa. They have six children, two sons and four daughters. Yeaton, Joel S.

Biographical Sketch of John Peters

John Peters, County Clerk, Albion, was born at Alton, Ill., in 1844, living there, engaged in the business of house and carriage painting, paper hanging, etc., until 1872, when he removed to Albion. He then engaged in the real estate business, and has located the homesteads of settlers in Boone County. He is also the land agent of the B. & M. R. R., and has sold for it nearly all the land sold by it in Boone County. He has been very energetic and indefatigable in his efforts to direct emigration to Boone County. In this he has been … Read more

Biographical Sketch of John P. Rosen

John P. Rosen, of the firm of Rosen, Olander & Co., dealers in general merchandise, is a native of Sweden. In 1869, he came to Oakland Precinct; in 1878, he formed a company known as J. P. Rosen & Co., who bought out the stock of Samuel Fried, carrying on this business till the fall of 1879. He then bought out his former partners and formed the company of Rosen, Olander & Co., which has since continued. He was married, in 1880, to Clara E. Peel, of Des Moines, Iowa. They have one daughter.

Biographical Sketch of John P. Anderson

John P. Anderson, farmer, Section 30, P. O. Oakland, is a native of Sweden; in 1857, came to Moline, Ill.; afterward removed to Richland Grove; in 1861, came to Rock Island; there married Miss Matilda Shenstrom, who was born in Sweden; came with her parents to Illinois when a child of two years; they have two children–one son and one daughter. In the spring of 1866, they came to Menona County, Iowa; in June, 1866, they removed to Nebraska and located on the farm, consisting of 160 acres; they boarded with John Oak while he was erecting a cabin, which … Read more

Biographical Sketch of John L. Nelson

John L. Nelson, of the firm of Lund & Nelson, furniture and undertaker, is a native of Sweden. In 1867, he came to Galesburg, Ill.; in 1869, came to Rock Island, Ill., and there worked at this business till September 1, 1881, when he came to Oakland and engaged in this business. He was married, in 1872, to Caroline Chillstrum, of Henry County, Ill. They have four children, one son and three daughters.