Biographical Sketch of James H. Weldon

James H. Weldon. This gentleman is a native of the county whose annals this volume sets forth, and was here born on the 28th of February, 1858. He is the son of James B. and Elizabeth T. Weldon, both of whom are now dead. The father, James B. Weldon, was also a native of DaViess county, the date of his birth being December 26, 1828. In about 1852, he left this county and went to California, and engaged a year or two in mining. He returned to Daviess county about 1854, and became somewhat extensively engaged in farming and stock-growing. … Read more

Biographical Sketch of James H. Carter

The subject of this sketch was born in Jasper County, Missouri, July 11, 1843. His parents were Salathiel and Charity Cook Carter; the former died in 1871, but the latter still resides in this County. James was but nine years of age when he accompanied his parents in their removal from Jasper County to this County, of which he has been a resident ever since, growing to manhood and receiving his education here. In 1861 be enlisted for six months in the Missouri State Militia, and at the expiration of that time reenlisted and served until the close of the … Read more

Biographical Sketch of James H. Barngrover

James H. Barngrover. The subject of this sketch was born in Ohio, February 12, 1825, and lived there until he was twelve years old, when his parents moved to Indiana, bringing him with them, and in the latter State he grew to manhood and completed his education. He began farming in Indiana, and continued there until the fall of 1853, when he went to Greene county, Iowa, and remained two years. In 1855 he moved to Daviess county, this State, and settled in Lincoln township, where he has ever since been engaged in farming and stock-growing. His splendid farm contains … Read more

Biographical Sketch of James Forth

James Forth was born in Virginia, February 14, 1844. When he was six years old his. parents moved to Grundy county, this State, remaining two years, and then moved to Arkansas. His father died on that trip, in September, 1852, and was buried on the way out. The family, however, continued on the road until they reached their destination, and remained in Arkansas about two years. They then returned to Grundy county, Missouri, and there James. lived until the war came on. In 1861 he enlisted, as a volunteer, in. Company H, Twenty-third Missouri, and served three years, when he … Read more

Biographical Sketch of James Critten

The subject of this sketch was born in Putnam County, Ohio, March 26, 1840. His father, Isaac Critten, is a native of Ohio, as was also his mother, Mary Nichols Critten; they are now residents of Daviess County, having left Ohio when our subject was but fifteen years of age, and settled in this County where the father is a well-to-do and respected farmer. James was reared on a farm and received his education in the common schools of this County. He enlisted in the Missouri State Militia in 1861, for six months, which time lie served and then reenlisted … Read more

Biographical Sketch of James C. Harrah

James C. Harrah was born in Daviess county, Missouri, November 29, 1844. He is the son of Robert H. Harrah a native of Greenbrier county, West Virginia. His father came to Missouri in 1840, and died in Holt county in February, 1865. His mother’s maiden name was Elizabeth Nation, and she was a native of East Tennessee. Our subject was reared and educated in his native county and has spent his life thus far here. He began farming on his own account at an early age and continued (except during the war) in that avocation until the winter of 1872 … Read more

Biographical Sketch of James B. Trosper

James B. Trosper is the son of John H. and Elizabeth E. Trosper, the latter being a daughter of Benedict and Charity Weldon, and born in Missouri, March 10, 1826, where she grew up and was educated, and married Mr. Trosper, July 9, 1846. They were the parents of five children, named James B., Mary C., Charity E., Elijah T., and an unnamed infant, all of whom are dead except the first two mentioned. James B. Trosper was born in this county, January 25, 1855, and here received his education. He began life as a farmer, and is still engaged … Read more

Biographical Sketch of James A. Meadows

James A. Meadows, the subject of this sketch, is a descendant of one of the pioneer families of Daviess county. Over forty years ago his parents, John and Nancy Meadows, settled in the neighborhood known as the “Virginia Settlement.”‘ They reared a family of eight children: Mary E., Sylvester S., Joseph T., Martha B., Hudson C., James A., Susan P. and. William J. His father died in 1880; his mother is now living on the old homestead. James A. Meadows was born in Benton township, Daviess county, Missouri, February 26, 1843. He lived with his parents until May 24, 1863, … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Jacob Tingler

This highly esteemed resident of Daviess County was born in Guerusey County, Ohio, January 30, 1823. He received the usual education and on completing his studies served three years at the boot and shoe trade. Mr. Tingler at the end of that time went on a farm and remained in Ohio until the fall of 1849, when he removed with his wife to Steuben County, Indiana, having married in Hancock County, Ohio, two years before he left that State. His wife was Miss Elizabeth J. Sailor, and they were joined in wedlock October 14, 1847. They resided there seventeen years … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Jacob Mettel

Jacob Mettel was born in Hesse, Hamburg, Germany, August 12, 1845. His parents removed from the “Faderland” while he was an infant, and crossed the broad ocean to the “Land of the free,” settling in Franklin county, Indiana, where he was reared and attended school. When eighteen years of age he left home and went to Harrison, Ohio, where he learned the shoemaking trade with Frederick Fisher, remaining with him two years and nine months. In 1866 he went to Cincinnati, worked for Paul Shauner for two years and a half, and, at the expiration of that time, was employed … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Jacob Kaufman

Was born in New York, on the 3d of November, 1847, and was reared and educated in the State of his nativity. He began life for himself by engaging in lumbering, which he followed till his coming to this State and County, in the spring of 1865. Here he engaged in farming, and owns a snug little farm of seventy-six acres in Liberty township, which affords ample support for himself and family. Mr. Kaufman was married, in New York, on January 3d, 1868, to Miss Elizabeth Weber, by which union they have four children; namely, Julia A., William H., Herbert … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Jacob Grove

Was born in Augusta County, Virginia, on the 19th of August, 1818.. He was taken to Indiana by his parents, who removed to that State when Jacob was three years old, and there lived until after he became of age. In 1834, he went to Mississippi, and after a sojourn there, went to Illinois, where he began farming, continuing there until the fall of 1857. That was the period of his coming to Daviess County, and he has resided here ever since. Mr. Grove was married, in Illinois, in February, 1841, to Miss Leah Kindig. They are the parents of … Read more

Biographical Sketch of J. W. Rupe

J. W. Rupe was born in Kosciusko county, Indiana, in 1852. At the age of three years he moved with his parents to Iowa City, Iowa, where he resided two years, and then moved with his parents to Bethany, Harrison county, Missouri, where he remained until August, 1877, when he removed to Salem, Daviess county, where he has since resided. Mr. Rupe received his education in the schools of Bethany, Missouri. While in Bethany he learned the trade of harness-making, which he has since followed. Mr. Rupe has been married twice. His first wife was Miss Alice Shockley, of Bethany, … Read more

Biographical Sketch of J. S. Rogers

Was born in North Carolina, but came to Kentucky with his parents when bat an infant. In that State he grew to manhood, and resided there till 1849, then came to this State and County and has ever since resided here, engaged in farming. He owns a good farm of 103 acres, in Liberty Township, which he has improved into a comfortable home and put into a high state of cultivation. Mr. Rogers was married, in this County, to Miss May J. Oxford. They have eight children, seven of whom still survive. Charles, Theophilus, Levi B., Josephine, Arizona E., Robert … Read more

Biographical Sketch of J. Koger

This gentleman is a Kentuckian by nativity, born September 10, 1834. He came with his parents to this State and County when he was eight years old, and here grew up and received his education. At the proper age of starting out for himself, Mr. Koger began farming for a livelihood, and is still engaged in that occupation, and stock-dealing. He owns a large, well improved farm of 500 acres in Liberty Township, on which he has a fine brick residence, beautifully located, and surrounded by fine forest and evergreen shade trees. During the Civil War Mr. Koger was Union … Read more

Biographical Sketch of J. B. Estes

This gentleman is a native of Daviess County, and was born on the 18th of July, 1847, and received his education wholly in this county. He was reared a farmer and began life for himself in this avocation, engaging in stock-raising and feeding and in breeding thoroughbred horses, of which he now has some very fine specimens on his farm in Marion township. Mr. Estes is a man of sound, practical views, and of a judgment well matured in the school of experience, and his reputation for honesty and integrity has won for him many friends.

Biographical Sketch of J. A. Stigers

Is a native of Pennsylvania, and was born in Fulton County, that State, on the 23d of October, 1838. When he was thirteen years old his parents moved to Ohio,’ where he completed his education and grew to manhood. He chose farming as a life calling, and engaged in that vocation in Ohio, and has followed it nearly ever since. In the spring of 1845 he went to Mahaska County, Iowa, and remained two years, then came to this State and County, and has been engaged in farming here ever since. He owns a good farm of 160 acres, situated … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Isaac W. Booram

Isaac W. Booram. This gentleman was born in Kanawha county, Virginia (now West Virginia), August 23, 1830. At about twelve years of age he came with his father to Grundy county, this State, and there received his education. On arriving at the proper age, he commenced farming for himself, and still continues in that worthy walk of life. In March, 1853, Mr. Booram moved to Lincoln township, this county, where he has ever since resided. He owns a well-improved farm of 200 acres, on which he has a good residence and barn, the entire place being well appointed in every … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Isaac M. McCue

The subject of this sketch was born in Nicholas County, Virginia, April 6, 1830. He is the son of David and Martha A. (McNull) McCue, both natives of Virginia. David McCue is still living, in Chariton County, Missouri. In 1844 Isaac M. McCue came with his parents to this County. He lived on his father’s farm until he grew to manhood. June 1, 1854, Mr. McCue was united in marriage to Miss Martha A. Livingston, daughter of Dr. Livingston, one of the first settlers of Grundy County, and a representative of the County for two terms. After his marriage Mr. … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Isaac J. Henderson

Was born in Marion Township, Daviess County, Missouri, May 12, 1851. His parents, David and Margaret Henderson, were natives of Kentucky. ‘They came to Missouri at an early day and after living a while in Clay and Gentry counties, in 1837 settled in Marion Township, Daviess County. The father, David Henderson, had served as County judge twelve years and was .a man held in high esteem by all who knew him; he died in September, 1865, and his loss was much mourned by the community and the family. Mrs. Henderson is. still living with her son, Isaac. Isaac attended school … Read more