This gentleman is a Kentuckian by nativity, born September 10, 1834. He came with his parents to this State and County when he was eight years old, and here grew up and received his education. At the proper age of starting out for himself, Mr. Koger began farming for a livelihood, and is still engaged in that occupation, and stock-dealing. He owns a large, well improved farm of 500 acres in Liberty Township, on which he has a fine brick residence, beautifully located, and surrounded by fine forest and evergreen shade trees. During the Civil War Mr. Koger was Union in sentiment, and in 1852, enlisted in the State service on the Federal side, and served till the war closed. He has been twice married. First, in Daviess County he was wedded to Miss Elizabeth Netherton. Four children were born of this union, two of whom, Eunice E. and Franklin B., are still living, while two infants are deceased. His first wife died April 18, 1865, and he married Miss Lydick, of Livingston County. They have had six children, of whom only two, “Doc.” L. and Earl B., still survive. The other four are dead.