Biographical Sketch of Green Paige

Paige, Green, Lincoln, was born on March 5, 1832. He was a son of Moses G. and Abigail (Kenyon) Paige, and was born in Kensington, N. H., on April 3, 1795. His wife, Abigail, was born in Ware, N. H., on July 22, 1798. Their children were as follows: Ezra, born in Pittsfield, N. H., on December 8, 18–; John O., born on April 30, 1825; Ruth, born in Ware. N. H., on March 3, 1828; Sarah, born in Lincoln, Vt., on March 5, 1830; Green M., born on March 5, 1832; Alice (deceased), born on January 13, 1834. Green … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Gilman Caldwell

Caldwell, Gilman, Bristol, was born in the town of Ware, N. H., on August 26, 1812. He was a son of Isaac J. and Sarah (Richards) Caldwell. His father was one of the prominent men of the town of Ware, N. H., and was a son of James Caldwell, who was a Revolutionary patriot, participating in the battles of Bunker Hill and Bennington, and was a resident of New Boston, N. H. Gilman’s parents settled in Lincoln, Vt., about 1839. He has been engaged in the manufacture of shingles, and also in the lumber business in general. He made the … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Giles T. Hatch

Hatch, Giles T., Ferrisburgh, Panton p. o., was born in 1848. He was married in 1871 to Sarah Stimpson, who was born in Essex county, N. Y., in 1849. They have had five children born to them, two of whom are now living — Westley T. and William I. Sarah was a daughter of John and Ann Stimpson. John was born in county Stoe, England, and died in 1871, leaving one son and four daughters. Mrs. Stimpson lives with her daughter, Mrs. Hatch. Giles T. Hatch was a son of Isaac and Ursula (Kenyon) Hatch, of Hinesburg, Vt. Mrs. Hatch … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Gideon Carpenter

Gideon Carpenter, from Bennington, Vt., located in 1802 upon the farm now occupied by his son Isaiah. He had four children, viz. Ruth, who married Daniel Jackson ; Roxana, who married Erasmus Gulley Truman, a resident of Vergennes, and Isaiah. Gideon died in 1803 or ’04, aged eighty-four years.

Biographical Sketch of George Washington Porter

Porter, George Washington, Ferrisburgh, Vergennes p. o., was born in Ferrisburgh, Vt., in 1810. He was married in March, 1834, to Julia Harris, who was born in Pennsylvania in 1809. They had ten children born to them, three of whom are now living — George (who enlisted in the Eleventh Vermont Regiment, served three years and was detailed as musician), Ursilla (who married William Bard), and Louisa (who was married to Austen Booth). George Washington Porter was a son of Noah and Polly (Pangburn) Porter. Mrs. Porter was born in Champlain, N. Y., and Mr. Porter was born in Ferrisburgh, … Read more

Biographical Sketch of George W. Cobb

Cobb, George W., Weybridge, was born in the town of Starksboro, Addison county, Vt., September 9, 1844. His parents were Harvey and Amanda (Bryant) Cobb. George Cobb was educated in the common schools; enlisted in June, 1862, in Company F, Ninth Vermont Volunteers. During the engagement at Harper’s Ferry he was in the hospital at Winchester, Va., suffering from sunstroke, and while there was taken prisoner; when able was paroled and sent north through the rebel lines to Camp Chase, Columbus, where he had a relapse of fever, and was discharged from the service; returned home supposing that he had … Read more

Biographical Sketch of George W. Abbott

Abbott, George W., Middlebury, was born in Bristol, Addison county, Vt., on May 18, 1832. His parents were Aretus and Miranda (Cobb) Abbott. Aretus Abbott was born in New Hampshire, and came with his father, Elisha Abbott, to Addison county, Vt., about 1824, and settled in the town of Weybridge, Vt. Elisha Abbott was a blacksmith by trade. Aretus worked in Rutland at nail making, and also at the blooming business, in which business he engaged in Bristol, Addison county, Vt. He came to East Middlebury in 1836. He had a family of three daughters and one son, three of … Read more

Biographical Sketch of George L. Porter

Porter, George L., Middlebury, was born in Middlebury, Vt., on January 28, 1837. His parents were Cyrus and Mary O. (Wilcox) Porter. Cyrus Porter was born in Farmington, Conn., on February 21, 1795. He was married in Connecticut. His first wife was Susan Trowbridge, by whom he had three children. She died in 1833. He had eight children by his second wife. He came to Addison county, Vt., in 1829, and settled on the site of his son’s present home. The house which the deacon occupied was a fine one, and was built in 1803, by a Mr. Andrus. Cyrus … Read more

Biographical Sketch of George F. O. Kimball

Kimball, George F. O., Vergennes, was born in Burlington, Vt., in 1841. He has served as deputy sheriff and constable for nine years, and chairman of the board of listers for nine years, and a member of the board of water commissioners for three years; represented his town in the Legislature in 1882 and 1883, and was appointed postmaster in 1885, a position which he now fills. He was married in 1862 to Roxey C. Champion, of Vergennes, Vt. They have had three children born to them — George F., Chas. P., and Mary A. Chas. P. died June 3, … Read more

Biographical Sketch of George E. Ball

Ball, George E., Ferrisburgh, North Ferrisburgh p. o., one of the prominent farmers of this town, was born in Ferrisburgh, Vt., in 1851. He now occupies a homestead of 300 acres and is a general farmer and dairyman. He was married in 1872 to Flora Webb, of Ferrisburgh Vt. They have had two children born to them — Dora M. and Benedict C. George E. Boll was a son of Michael and Delia (Champlin) Ball. Delia died in 1857, leaving a family of five children three of whom are now living — Ezra, George, and Emma. Mr. Ball then married … Read more

Biographical Sketch of General Ezekiel Dunton

General Ezekiel Dunton, from Dorset, settled upon the farm now owned by Ezra Knowles, of New Haven. He held a commission as brigadier-general in the Vermont militia, and was at the battle of Plattsburgh. He served the town for many years as selectman, constable, representative and justice of the peace, and died here February 13, 1824, aged fifty-six years. He left two sons, Thaddeus, who went West, and Ezekiel K., who died September 20, 1837, aged thirty-four years. The latter was the father of Walter C. Dunton, ex-judge of the Supreme Court of Rutland, and William H. Dunton, also of … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Garrett Coursey Jr.

Coursey, Jr., Garrett, Panton, Vergennes p. o., was born in Ireland in 1822. He was married in 1856 to Catherine Butler. They have had a family of eight children born to them, of whom only two are now living, Edwin and Margaret (who was married to John O’Donnell). Garrett, jr., was a son of Garrett, sr., and Margaret (Ring) Coursey, who were married in Ireland. Four of their children came to America and settled in Addison county, Vt., and in 1852 Garrett and Margaret, with their other two children, came to Vermont by way of Montreal, and settled in Monkton, … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Gardner C. Cady

Cady, Gardner C., Middlebury, was born in New Haven, Addison county, Vt., on April 26, 1823. His parents were Isaac and Mary (Winter) Cady, Isaac Cady was a native of Stafford, Conn., and was born in 1777. He was married in Connecticut, and came to Addison county, Vt., in 1799 and settled in that town, and cleared a place there. He afterwards moved to Windsor, Windsor county, Vt., and resided there for six years, engaged in farming and the following of his trade, that of moulder, after which he returned to New Haven, Vt., where he resided until coming to … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Frederick S. Woodbridge

Woodbridge, Frederick S., Vergennes, was born in Addison county, Vt., in 1818. He was a graduate of the University of Vermont in 1841, and admitted to the bar in 1843. He has represented his district in the Legislature for four years, and represented the same in the Senate for three terms; he has also been State auditor, prosecuting attorney for the State, a member of Congress for several years, and president pro tem. of the Senate for three years, and served on judiciary committee at Washington. He was married in 1846 to Mary Halsey, a daughter of Major Halsey. They … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Frederick H. Dean

Dean, Frederick H., Monkton, was born in Monkton, Vt., in 1850. He was brought up to farming, but in 1879 he embarked in the general merchandise business as a successor to Hon. Harrison 0. Smith, of Monkton Borough, Vt. He was appointed postmaster in 1879, and town clerk from 1878. He was married on November 30, 1875, to Halcyone Adele Smith (a daughter of Hon. Harrison 0. and Melissa (Cooks) Smith. Frederick H. Dean was a son of Carlton S. and Celestia (French) Dean. Carlton represented his town in 1862 and 1863, and in early life was a hotel proprietor, … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Franklin K. Haven

Haven, Franklin K., Vergennes, was born in Bethel, Vt., in 1826; settled in Vergennes, Vt., as a clerk in 1849, and in 1850 engaged in the mercantile business, in which he still continues, dealing largely in gents’ clothing and furnishing goods, boots, shoes, and groceries. He was married in 1852 to Eliza H. Strong, daughter of Solomon Strong. They have a family of three children — Charles S., Foster S., and Martha E. Franklin K. Haven was a son of Rev. K. and Ruth (Harrison) Haven. She was born in New Jersey in 1794, and died in 1865; he was … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Franklin A. Goss

Goss, Franklin A., Vergennes, was born in Waterbury, Washington county, Vt., in 1850. He is now engaged in the manufacture of kaolin, under the firm name of Goss & Gleason, and have their office at Vergennes, Vt. He was married on June 3, 1873, to Ruth C. Keeler, of Vergennes, Vt,, and a daughter of Charles D. and Elizabeth A. Keeler. Franklin A. has had four children born to him — three daughters and one son. Franklin Goss was a son of Benjamin F. and Mary J. (Witherell) Goss, who settled in Vergennes, Vt., in 1864, where Benjamin F. died … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Frank T. Nash

Nash, Frank T., New Haven, was born in Racine county, Wis., on February 2, 1851; is one of the prominent farmers of his town, and represented his town in the Legislature in 1884 and 1885. His parents were Fordyce and Eliza A. (Thayer) Nash. His paternal grandparents were William and Mary P. (Wright) Nash, and his paternal great-grandfather was William Nash, who was born in Farmington, Conn., in February 1743, and settled in New Haven, Vt., in 1799, where he died on August 2, 1821. William Nash, jr., was a successful business man and a prominent citizen, and represented his … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Frank H. Bacon

Bacon, Frank H., Waltham, Vergennes p. o., was born in Waltham on May 11, 1857. He was married on September 29, 1885, to Hattie C. Bingham, a daughter of Hiram and Marion (Ford) Bingham, of Cornwall, Vt. His parents were Oscar A. and Julia A. (Stewart) Bacon. Mrs. Bacon was a daughter of Helem and Eleanor (Humphrey) Stewart, of Weybridge, Vt. Her paternal grandfather was Brazilla Stewart, who settled in Bridport, Vt., in 1790, and was a son of James Stewart, who was a native of Connecticut, and settled in Addison, Vt., at an early day. Oscar Bacon has had … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Francis M. Strong

Strong, Francis M., Vergennes, was born in Pittsford, Rutland county, Vt., in 1829, and settled in Vergennes, Vt., in 1852, as a practical moulder and machinist; in 1856 he invented and manufactured what is now known as the Howe scales, and in 1864 he sold his interest to the Messrs. Howe & Co., and purchased the island mill; in 1868 sold the same to N. G. Norton. He then purchased his foundry and machine shop, and engaged in the manufacture of hubs. He is also engaged with Charles E. Parker in the manufacture of a road machine known as the … Read more