Biographical Sketch of Hiram Wheeler

Wheeler, Hiram, New Haven, was born in New Haven, Vt., on March 19, 1823, and where, with the exception of eighteen years, he has lived. He was married in 1849 to Ann E. Hard, a daughter of Lansing and Aurilla (Marsh) Hard, of Ferrisburgh, Vt., and by whom he had two children — Hermina (Mrs. W. L. Whittier) and Sophronia (Mrs. C. B. Drake). His parents were Orrin and Huldah (Field) Wheeler. Orrin Wheeler was born on February 3, 1799, and was married in 1822 to Huldah Field, a daughter of Stephen Field, of Ferrisburgh, Vt., by whom he had … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Hiram Thompson

Thompson, Hiram, New Haven, was born in Hector, Tompkins county, N. Y., on October 1, 1830. He was married December 28,1858, to Electa S. Young, a daughter of Heman and Sally (Camp) Young. They have had three children — Leslie H. and Volnie J., both deceased, and one daughter, Ettie A., now living. Hiram was a son of James and Abigail (Eldred) Thompson, who had a family of nine children — Emma (Mrs. A. B. Rose); M. Jane (Mrs. R. T. Bristol); Abigail (Mrs. Abel Bristol); Julia A. (now the widow of Dr. Hathaway, of Milton, Vt.); Rhoda A. (Mrs. … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Hiram F. Kingsland

Kingsland, Hiram F., Ferrisburgh, North Ferrisburgh p. o., was born in Addison, Vt., in 1828, and settled in Ferrisburgh, Vt., in 1844, and purchased his present homestead farm in 1873. He was married in 1863 to Rhoda Wing, a daughter of Isaac and Fanny (Barnes) Wing. Rhoda was born in 1840. They have a family of five children — Herbert H., Jessie, Franklin, Hiram, jr., and Howard S. Hiram F. Kingsland was a son of Abraham and Ann (Vanderhoof) Kingsland, who were born and married in New Jersey; settled in Addison, and died in Ferrisburgh, Vt. They had a family … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Hiram F. Hurlbut

Hurlbut, Hiram F., Ferrisburgh, Lynn, Mass, p. o., was born in Ferrisburgh, Vt. He was married in 1860 to Roxy Satterly, who was also born in Ferrisburgh, Vt. They have had one son born to them — Byron S., who is a student at Harvard College. Hiram F. Hurlbut was a son of Lewis and Philomelia (Fuller) Hurlbut, who were natives of Ferrisburgh, Vt. Roxy Hurlbut was a daughter of Captain Isaac and Sophia (Marsh) Satterly, who were married in 1826. Mrs. Satterly died in 1856, leaving four children — Ralph M., Mary, Charlotte, and Roxy. Captain Isaac Satterly died … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Hiram C. Johnson

Johnson, Hiram C., Vergennes, was born in Rome, Oneida county, N. Y., in 1825, and settled in Vergennes, Vt., in 1855. He published the Vergennes Vermonter twenty-five years, and is still engaged as a journalist. He was appointed postmaster in 1871, and held the office fourteen years. He has been twice married. He had five children by his first, and two by his second, wife.

Biographical Sketch of Herbert W. Clifford

Clifford, Herbert W., Monkton, Monkton Ridge p. o., was born in Starksboro, Vt., in 1862. He is a general merchant at Monkton Ridge, and settled here in March, 1885, dealing in a full line of goods of all descriptions. He was married in 1883 to Elsie L. Ray, of Monkton, Vt. They have had one daughter born to them, Carrie. Elsie (Ray) Clifford was a daughter of Byron and Carrie V. Ray. Herbert W. Clifford was a son of Richard and Clarinda (Hill) Clifford, of Starksboro, Vt. Richard is a son of Ebenezer Clifford, who was born in New Hampshire, … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Henry Rogers

Rogers, Henry, Ferrisburgh, was born in Ferrisburgh, Vt., in 1804, and died on September 16, 1876. He was prominent in establishing the post-office at the Center, and was its first postmaster. He was a large dealer in, and shipper of butter and cheese, and an active man in all town affairs. He was married in 1835 to Susan Martin. They had one daughter born to them — Phebe Holmes, born in 1836. Henry Rogers was a son of Joseph and Jemima (Holmes) Rogers. who were natives of Danby, Rutland county, Vt. Susan Martin was born in 1814, and was a … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Henry R. Baldwin

Baldwin, Henry R., Monkton, was born in Monkton, Vt., in 1836. He represented his town in 1872 and 1873 at Montpelier, Vt.; has been constable and collector for twenty-four years; was a justice of the peace fourteen years, and held other minor offices of the town. He is a general farmer. He was married on October 13, 1868, to Mary Mathewson, of Monkton, Vt. She was a daughter of Daniel Mathewson. Henry R. Baldwin was a son of Roderick and Lydia (Lawrence) Baldwin. She was born in Monkton, Vt., in 1807, he was born in 1801, and they were married … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Henry McLaughlin

Henry McLaughlin, who figured extensively in the early transactions of the settlers, was born in Ireland, and came to America with Burgoyne, serving as drummer boy, and remaining with the army till it marched from Ticonderoga. For a few years following he engaged in teaching school at Williamstown, Mass. He married Mary Dunton, of Dorset, Vt., sister of Ezekiel Dunton, and soon after, in March, 1787, came to Bristol, and located upon the farm now owned by Dorus S. Parmelee. He was the first proprietors’ clerk, first town clerk, and one of the committee for laying out the first division, … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Henry Brevoort

Henry Brevoort came from West Haven, Vt., in 1811, and located upon the farm now owned by his son Henry F. He was a tanner and shoemaker by trade, and a very public-spirited man. He represented the town in the Legislature in 1825-26; was a justice of the peace thirty years, and died here in 1880, aged ninety-two years.

Biographical Sketch of Heman R. Bull

Bull, Heman R., Ferrisburgh, North Ferrisburgh p. o., was born in Charlotte, Chittenden county, Vt., in 1814, and settled in Ferrisburgh, Vt., in 1833. He is a farmer and owns 300 acres. He was married in 1837 to Rachel M. Palmer, of Ferrisburgh, Vt. She was a daughter of Peter Palmer, and died in 1884, aged seventy-two years, and leaving six children, Aurilla Mrs. Edward Keeler), Celia (Mrs. James Barton), Melvia Ann (Mrs. Albert Boardman), Elmer H. (who married Mary Cole), Peter P., and Watson W. Heman R. Bull was a son of Jeremiah and Phebe (Palmer) Bull. She was … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Heman L. Lovett

Lovett, Heman L., Middlebury, was born in Middlebury, Vt., on August 23, 1837. His parents were David and Betsey (Huston) Lovett. David was a son of Joseph and Sally Lovett, and was born in Pittsfield, Rutland county, Vt., on October 10, 1808; was educated in the common schools, and with his brother, Isaac, came to Addison county in 1825, where they engaged in the shoemaking trade; purchased a place together, where he lived with his brother until shortly before his marriage, which occurred in 1835; the residence is now owned by his son, Heman L. After his marriage he bought … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Heman Hallock

Hallock, Heman, Panton, Vergennes p. o., was born in Hinesburg, Vt. In 1826 he came to Bristol. He was a son of Anson and Polly (Sweet) Hallock. They had a family of eleven children born to them — Isaac, Lucy, Anson, Ira, Chester, Heman, Sarah, Hyman, Ovett, Charles, and Stephen. Heman was married in 1851 to Mehitable Norton, who died in 1852, leaving one daughter, Hattie, who married William Siples. Heman then married Mrs. Emily Eastman Stewart in 1855. She had one daughter by a previous marriage — Sylvia Stewart, who married Erwin Carpenter in 1877. Heman had a family … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Harvey Munsill

Judge Harvey Munsill, one of Captain Gordon Munsill’s eight children, long and favorably known in Bristol as a man of honor and ability, received his education in the district schools of Bristol, and at the Addison County Grammar School at Middlebury, and studied law with Hon. Daniel Chipman, of that town. Although reared a farmer, he inclined to the study and use of books. He succeeded to the ownership of the homestead, which he retained until about 1840. After the year 1820 he became prominently identified with the public affairs of the town, and his career as a public officer … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Harvey Farr

Farr, Harvey, Lincoln, was born in Lincoln, Vt., on January 26, 1828. He was a son of Jesse B. Farr, of Bristol, Vt. Harvey Farr has always resided in the town of Lincoln, Vt., with the exception of two years, which he spent in another part of the State. He has been one of the most successful farmers of his town, and is a much respected citizen. He has been married twice. His first wife was Mariette Palmer, a daughter of Simeon and Fannie Palmer, to whom he was married on November 27, 1853, and by whom he had a … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Harvey F. Cram

Cram, Harvey F. (physician and surgeon), Ferrisburgh, was born in the town of Ferrisburgh, Vt., in 1833. He was graduated from the Burlington University in 1853, and from the Burlington Medical College in 1858, after which he spent two years in the Kings County Hospital, New York. He settled in Ferrisburgh, Vt., in the practice of his profession in 1860. He also carries on a large farm interest in connection with his extensive practice. He represented his town in the Legislature in 1874 and 1875. He was a son of Dr. Jonathan and Fanny (Tupper) Cram. She was born in … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Harvey C. Munsill

Harvey C. Munsill was born in Bristol June 22, 1824. He hired his father’s estate, and has been somewhat prominently identified with the civil affairs and business growth of the town. He married, October 1, 1851, Charlotte M. Holley, daughter of John D. Holley, of Bristol, and they have three children: Newcomb H., born July 14, 1852, fitted for college at Bristol Academy, entered Middlebury College, and graduated from that institution in the class of 1877, taught in the graded school of Wallingford, Vt., four terms, studied law with Veazey & Dunton, of Rutland, later with Judge Albert Hobbs, of … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Harvey C. Martin

Martin, Harvey C., Ferrisburgh, was born in Ferrisburgh in April, 1835. He is a general farmer, stock grower, and dairyman. He represented his town in the Legislature in 1878 and ’79, and was constable and collector of his town from 1875 to 1885. He was married, in 1882, to Maria Martin. They had two children born to them — Jennie E. (who married Weller N. Prindle, who died in 1877) and Calvin C. Maria was a daughter of Medad and Eliza (Newell) Martin. Medad was born in 1803 and Eliza was born in 1804, and died in 1841. They had … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Harry W. Carter

Carter, Harry W., New Haven, was born in the town of Monkton, Addison county, Vt., on May 4, 1813, where he resided until 1869, when he moved to New Haven, on the farm on which he now resides. He was married on April 4, 1842, to Eliza Beers, who was a daughter of Elnathan B. and Sally (Capron) Beers, of Ferrisburgh, Vt. They have had one child born to them, Ovanda C., now Mrs. George Russell, who also has one child, Leroy. Harry W. was a son of Solomon C. and Lawrence (Peck) Carter; had a family of four children … Read more

Biographical Sketch of H. Kirk Smith

Smith, H. Kirk, of Vergennes, Vt., was born in Ohio. He was a graduate of Marietta College and also a graduate of a college at Munich, Germany, and on his return to America he engaged in the naval service as secretary until the close of the war, after which he became connected with the commissary department, from which he resigned in 1879, retiring from active life at that time, and settling in Vergennes, Vt. Doctor H. Kirk Smith was a son of Rev. Henry Smtih, D. D., and Hannah (Bates) Smith, a daughter, of Prof. Bates, of Middlebury College, Vt. … Read more