Biographical Sketch of Henry L. Valade

Henry L. Valade, proprietor of the City Hotel of Canyon City, has had a number of years of experience in his chosen calling, namely, with the Norton House, of Ellensburg, Washington, and the Rainier Grand and Arlington hotels of Seattle, since taking charge of his present property he has made a number of desirable improvements, having added a first-class bar, over which is dispensed high grade wines and liquors, making a specialty of case goods. His wife, formerly Mrs, Ella Rau, of this county, has personal charge of the culinary department which is sufficient guarantee of the service rendered their … Read more

Biographical Sketch of George W. Dart

George W. Dart is one of John Day’s most honored citizens. He is operating a large general merchandise establishment there, and through courteous and fair treatment has gained the esteem of the entire community. Born in Maryland in 1858, he came to Canyon City, Oregon. In 1879, and was engaged in mining and stock rising until 1883. Moving then to John Day he became engaged in merchandising first under the firm name of Haptonstall & Dart, and later with Phil. Metschan, F. C. Sels and J. H. Blake as Haptonstall, Dart & Co. In 1890, in connection with C. E. … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Dr. V. C. Balkans

A well known and popular physician of Prairie City, and one whose kind, attentive treatment of the sick, and geniality of manner towards the well have made hint deservedly the favorite of all classes, was born near Corvallis, Ore, in 1871. He received his preliminary education in the schools of Prineville, and later in Portland. He graduated from Jefferson Medical College of Philadelphia in 1894, and then practiced for a while in the hospital there. In January 1895, he located at Prairie City, where he is still practicing. He is married to Miss Clara McHaley, and his home is the … Read more

Biographical Sketch of D. I. Asbury

The well-known and popular editor of the Grant County News is one of those jovial, genial fellows that it does one good to meet. His first work was at Union, Oregon and later at Baker City. In connection with J. T. Donnelly he purchased the “News” and two years later bought out his partner’s interest. From time to time he has added to the equipment of its office, until to day it is the peer of any in this section of the State. The policy of his paper is of an independent character, and as he wields a facile pen … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Albert Hinsch

In journeying through life we occasionally run across some young man who in business circles has fairly distanced competition, endowed with greater advantages perhaps, but still lacking some qualification possessed by himself. This qualification may be embraced in a single word ambition. The young man whose name heads this sketch is endowed with ambition, coupled with industry, integrity, and holiness sagacity. Locating at Canyon City in 1889, for a period of two years he followed watch making, which he had leaned in the old country. He then began merchandising in a small way, and by studying the wants of the … Read more

A Brief History of Grant County Oregon

Lying immediately west of Baker County, which forms its eastern boundary, is Grant, among the richest in natural resources and one of the least developed of any of the counties in Oregon. It is nearly square in shape, and contains a superficial area of over 5,00 square miles, equal to the combined area of several of the Eastern States. Its population (some six thousand) is engaged chiefly in mining and stock raising. The educational advantages of Grant County will compare favorably with those in any county of like conditions, sparsely settled communities, and long distances between school houses. But its … Read more