W. H. Johnson & Sons

The above firm composed of W. H. Johnson and Clarence and C. P. Johnson, have done perhaps as much towards developing the resources of Grant County as any of her citizens. They are all men of sterling character and more than ordinary business ability. They settled in the Big Basin on the John Day River in 1872, and became engaged in stock rising, which they followed until 1883, they then went into the sheep business, and today own in the neighborhood of 15,000, and have about two thousand acres of land on the John Day River. In 1894 they became … Read more

Taylor Brothers

John and Solomon Taylor, composing the term of Taylor Bros., who operate the Prairie City Roller Mills, are natives of that grand old commonwealth Ohio. The older brother, John, became a resident of the county in 1862, and for a number of years was engaged in mining on Canyon creek. In 1881, on the arrival of his brother they became engaged in farming three miles from Prairie City, and today have 640 acres under cultivation, all of it being highly improved. Their home being one of the nicest in the county. In 1891 they bought the mill property which is … Read more

Red Boy Mine, Granite Oregon

Four miles southeasterly of Granite, on Clear Creek, is located the Red Boy, the property of Messrs. Godfrey & Tabor. It came into their possession about four years ago, and hardly any work was done on it up to that time; In fact, there was only a 180 foot tunnel which cut the property about 75 feet below the apex of the hill. On the other properties the Congo, Gold Monarch and Blaine, there had hardly been enough work done to establish their true value. These are all patentable properties, as well as the Climax, which has been located since. … Read more

Niven & Ditmars

Niven & Ditmars, of Granite, is it large mercantile firm who not only supply the family trade, but also meet the wants of miners and mining companies in the line of lumber, tools, steel, powder and till kinds of mining supplies. Their store, which we show by an accompanying illustration, has a frontage of 44 feet, and a depth of 54, with a fire proof wardroom attached. Their line is a complete one, including drugs, and by courteous and liberal treatment, they have built up a trade that speaks volumes for their personal popularity. They also are engaged in the … Read more

Neal, Henry S. – Obituary

Fatal Accident Henry S. Neal, well known Grant county cattle buyer, was fatally injured Saturday night, and died at Prairie City hospital Sunday afternoon, as the result of an automobile accident on the road between Canyon City and John Day. Mr. Neal, in his machine, was attempting to pass another automobile when his car left the road and he was pinned beneath it when it overturned. He was rushed to Prairie, but died on the operating table before his wife could reach him. Mrs. Neal was at Conden when notified. – La Grande Observer. North Powder News Saturday October 4, … Read more

McCallum & Bayley

Among the leading business firms of the county, McCallum & Bayley, of John Day, occupy a well deserved position. Established in 1892, they have steadily grown until their reputation is assured not only for the volume of business transacted but for their integrity as well. They cater to both the stockman and miner, and their facilities have enabled them to buy direct from the Eastern manufacturer, the benefit of which is given their customers. They also own and control the John Day Telephone Line, running a distance of thirty-five miles from John Day to Dayville. Mr. F. I. McCallum is … Read more

Humboldt Mining Company

The Humboldt Mining Company, who control our of the largest and best hydraulic properties in this section, was organized in 1881 by Horose Sloan, Ira Sproul, Herbert Hunter, Fred Frey, Harry Heppner and Fred Yorgenson, to work 320 acres lying adjacent to Canyon City. The properly had been worked by the drifting process since 1862, with an average success yearly of nearly a million dollars. The nature of the property is that of an old river channel running with gold. A ditch has been built on it 8½ miles long, with a capacity of 1,000 inches of water. The present … Read more

Grant County Oregon Genealogy

The Grant County Oregon genealogy and history has been derived from different sources and combined here to provide a convenient way for you to access the data.

Cunnington & Horsley

The establishment of the above gentlemen, dealers in general merchandise, is a credit to Canyon City. Selling their goods at as close it margin its possible, believing in making small profits and having their customers well satisfied, they have an enviable reputation for fair and honest dealing. W. R. Cunnington, the senior member of the firm, has been in business here since 1803, and F. P. Horsley since September last, although both gentlemen were previously engaged in other pursuits In Grant County. At present they are operating two stores, the stone one 26×50, the frame, 22×30, both having fireproof cellars, … Read more

Brown & Simpson

The above firm composed of C. W. Brown and F. S. Simpson, although just organized last September has rapidly has rapidly forged to the front. This is largely due no doubt to the fact that both members are very popular, but more so to the liberal treatment they show all patrons. Their line embraces groceries and flour, gent’s furnishings, notions, hats, caps, boots and shoes, in the two latter lines malting a specialty of Buckingham & Hecht’s goods. Both of the members of the firm nice young men of enterprise and good business ability, and we feel safe in stating … Read more

Biography of D. B. Rinehart

The subject of this article relates to D. B. Rinehart and his large orchard in the John Day Valley, Grant County, Oregon. He came to the John Day Valley in 1804, about the time that Grant County was cut off from Wasco. Hon. W. Lair Hill, was appointed County Judge by the governor of the State, while William Luce and E. S. Pernfield were appointed County Commissioners. The above board constituted the first County Court of Grant County. At the first sitting of the court, D. B. Rinehart was appointed county superintendent of public schools until the next general election. … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Newt Livingston

Newt. Livingston, the present sheriff of Grant County, is a native of Missouri. When he was barely a year old, he came to Oregon with his parents, and lived in Douglas County until 1886. Moving then to Willow precinct, on Granite Creek, in the northern part of this county, he took op a homestead and became engaged in stock rising. In 1896 he was nominated by the Populist Party for Sheriff, and was elected by a handsome majority. He has proven to be a capable and efficient officer, and is popular with all who know him. In 1875 he married … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Minot Austin

The sterling citizen whose every thought is for the good of the community, in which he has reared his home and cemented his associations, must always command the respect and esteem of his fellow citizens. Of such metal and commanding such respect, is he whose name is inscribed above. Born in Sacramento, California, in 1853, at an early age he moved with his parents to the Willamette Valley, where he resided until 1867. Coming to Eastern Oregon, he lived in the John Day Valley until 1878. He then moved to his present home, which at that time was still a … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Joseph D. Combs

No citizen of Grant County stands higher in the estimation of his fellow men than Mr. Joseph D. Combs. Born in Fulton County, Ill., August 25, 1851, he came to Linn County, Oregon, when only a year old, and received his education there. At the age of nineteen, he came to Grant County, and followed teaming and several other callings. In 1892 he was elected sheriff of the county on the republican ticket, and by his affability and close adherence to duty secured the good will and esteem of the public to an extent that caused him to be re-elected … Read more

Biographical Sketch of John A. Powell

The present efficient and courteous County Clerk is a native Oregonian. He received his education at Monmouth, having moved to Yamhill County, with his parents at an early age. In 1886 he moved to Grant County, locating on the middle folk of the John Day River, near Warm Springs, taking up a homestead and following stock rising. In 1892 he was appointed deputy sheriff, and in 1894 receiving the nomination for County Clerk from the Republican party, of which party he is a life long member, and was elected. As a public official, he proved eminently successful, due to his … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Isaac Guker

People are always interested in men, especially in successful men. This is the case with “Ike” Guker, the discoverer of the celebrated “Great Northern” mine in Grant County. He is a miner of considerable experience, having gained it in Colorado, Idaho and Oregon. March 28th, 1800, he began in this county, and just six months later he discovered his present property, which bids fair to make him famous. It is a placer property, although he has since located three permanent quartz ledges. His daily returns amount to $220,000 on an average.

Biographical Sketch of Howard M. Basford

One of the best and most successfully managed flourmills in this district is located at John Day. It is owned by the subject of our sketch, who has been a resident of Grant County since 1879. The mill has it capacity of fifty barrels, being equipped with a full roller process of the latest type. Although doing some custom work, Mr. Basford makes a specialty of the merchant trade making a leader of his family flour “The Best” and in the opinion of consumers it does not belie its name. Every sack is warranted extra quality, and full weight. He … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Hon. George Hazeltine

Among the many pioneers of this county none stand higher in the estimation of their fellow citizens than the subject of our sketch. Born in New York in 1838, he came to California at the age of 17 with his oldest brother and resided there for a period of nine years. On the 4th day of July 1862, he arrived in Grant County, and became engaged in mining. In 1804, in connection with A. R. Callum, he built the John Day flouring mills, being the first one built east of the Cascades in the State. He operated it until 1874, … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Hon. F. C. Sels

Mr. Sels was born in 1837, in Merschede, Westphalia, Germany, which place he left while yet a youth and came to America. December 31, 1854, he arrived in California, and July 1, 1862, reached Canyon City, where he still lives and enjoys the fruits of a life of honorable business activity. In the summer of 1802 he mined at Prairie diggings, about four miles northeast of Canyon City, and in the spring of 1803 opened a general merchandise store in Canyon City in partnership with Mr. E. J. Stemme, under the name of Sels & Stemme. In the fall of … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Hon M. D. Clifford

M. D. Clifford, Circuit Judge of the Sixth District, was born in Ottumwa, Iowa, in 1859. He came to Oregon in 1870, with his mother, settling in Grant County, and is virtually a self-educated man. In 1880 he began reading law in the office of Hill & Mays, at The Dalles and was admitted to the bar in 1882. Returning to Grant County he began the general practice of his profession. In 1884 he was elected district attorney of the Sixth Judicial District, and again in 1886 at the expiration of the latter term he resumed general practice until January … Read more