Biography of A. N. Bain

A. N. Bain, proprietor of the Charleston Foundry, Charleston; was born in Erie Co., Ohio, April 3, 1828; his father was a ship-carpenter, with a family of nine children; at the age of 14, Mr. Bain began working on a farm, which he continued until the spring of 1845, when he entered the Mad River & Lake Erie Railroad shop at Sandusky, Ohio, as an apprentice, remaining there until 1852, and thoroughly mastering the machinist’s trade. He then went to New Albany, Ind., where he was married, Feb. 3, 1853, to Miss Catharine Caldwell, of that city, who was born … Read more

Biography of A. H. Prevo

A. H. Prevo, farmer and stock-raiser; P. O. Charleston; was born in Randolph Co., N. C., Jan. 5, 1833; he is the only son of Alson H. and Pheriba (Phelps) Prevo, both natives of that State, the former of whom died when the subject of this sketch was a child, and the latter of whom now resides with her son, at the age of 70 years. At the age of 18 years he left the farm, and obtained employment in one of the lumber mills in the vicinity. In 1854, he came West as far as Fountain Co , Ind., … Read more

Biography of A. A. Dunseth

A. A. Dunseth, Police Magistrate and Justice of the Peace, Oakland; born in Fleming Co., Ky., Oct. 12, 1821; he removed with his parents, when 6 years of age, to Ohio, where he learned and worked at the carpenter trade until 1843, when he came West and located at Peoria, Ill., working at his trade until 1852, when he removed to Georgetown, Ill., where he kept hotel two years, when he purchased a saw-mill, which he ran in connection with his trade until 1858, when he removed to Danville, and engaged in contracting and building until 1861, when he raised … Read more

Biographical Sketches, Coles County, Illinois

Coles County Illinois Homestead

The 484 biographical sketches presented here highlight many residents of Coles County, Illinois, at the turn of the 20th century. These sketches often include essential biographical details, offering valuable insights for genealogical research, such as birth locations, parental information, and details about their children. Biographies serve as prime research materials for bringing family history to life, as they frequently provide rich, narrative details that go beyond mere facts.

Biographical Sketch T. J. McMillin

T. J. McMillin, farm and stock; P. O. Rural Retreat; the subject of this sketch was born in Clarke Co., Ind., April 6, 1840. He married Miss Margaret J. Combs Dec. 16, 1862; she was born in Clarke Co., Ind., June 17, 1841; they had three children – two living, viz., Rosella and Maggie F.; he lived in Indiana twenty years; he then moved to Illinois and settled in Coles Co. near the Humbolt line, where he engaged in farming, and remained until 1863, when he came to his present place, and has lived here since. He owns 240 acres … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Z. Robertson

Z. Robertson, farmer and mechanic, Mattoon; was born in Bourbon Co., Ky., Oct. 22, 1830; he obtained his education in the common schools of Paris, Ky.; his early life was passed upon the farm; at the age of 22 years, he left Kentucky and moved to Greenfield, Ind.; here he followed the trade of plastering for about six years; in the winter of 1858, he came to Illinois, and settled in Mattoon, where for a number of years he continued his trade, and that of farming; in 1865, he purchased and improved a farm of eighty acres, near the city; … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Wily Matthews

Wily Matthews, farmer, Sec. 21; P. O. Johnstown; owns forty acres; was born in Morgan Co., Ind., June 27, 1842, and lived with his parents on the farm until the year 1859, when he came to this county and has resided here since. He was married Oct. 27, 1863, to Margaret Jackson; she was born in Owens Co., Ind., Oct. 17, 1844, died Jan. 1, 1871. He then married Eliza T. Balch Aug. 13, 1871; she was born in Madison Co., Miss., Jan. 15, 1857, and has had seven children, six of whom are living, viz., Oscar M., Lizzie, Cary, … Read more

Biographical Sketch of William Wrightsell

William Wrightsell, farmer; P. O. Turner’s Point; was born in Jefferson Co., Tenn., Oct. 9, 1811; came to this State and settled in Coles Co., in 1856. He was married to Miss Permelia White Oct. 31, 1844; she was born in Jefferson Co., Tenn., Nov. 15, 1825; they have four children, viz., Sarah J., James M., Louisa E., and Margaret Ann. The farm of Mr. Wrightsell consists of sixty acres valued at $1,800. He was a participant in the Black Hawk war, and is quite an early settler in the western part of Coles Co.

Biographical Sketch of William W. Apperson

William W. Apperson, farmer; P. O. Mattoon; was born March 19, 1834, in Paradise Tp., Coles Co., Ill. Owns 240 acres of land all well improved but 40 acres, probable value $9,000 or $10,000; public offices held-Supervisor, one year, Commissioner of Highways, three years. Maiden name of wife Barbara Ann Rhoads; names of children – boys, George H., Frank B., William E., John J. and Charley B.; girls, Selsworth; Wm. N. Apperson is the son of Dr. John Apperson (deceased); was born in Culpeper Co., Va., Jan. 8, 1794; moved to Coles Co., Paradise Tp., Oct. 14, 1829; died June … Read more

Biographical Sketch of William Tinsley

William Tinsley, farmer, deceased; born in Anderson Co., Ky., March 10, 1807, where he learned the cooper’s trade, which business he followed until 1831, when he came to Illinois and located in Edgar Co., where, after farming several years, he removed to East Oakland Tp., Coles Co., and located upon Sec. 4, where he lived until his death, and where his widow and two children still continue to reside; his first land he purchased for $3 per acre, to which, during his life, he added, as he was able, until at the time of his decease, he owned upward of … Read more

Biographical Sketch of William Ricketts

William Ricketts, land agent and conveyancer, Charleston; was born in Alleghany Co., Md., March 3, 1813; his father, Joshua Ricketts was of an old Maryland family in Colonial days; his mother was Sarah Taylor, a daughter of John Taylor, of Connecticut, who was a soldier of the Revolution, and was wounded at the battle of Bunker Hill and afterward at the battle of Brandywine; Mr. Ricketts’ parents removed, in 1813, to Zanesville, Ohio; he is the seventh in age of a family of thirteen; he was raised on a farm. He was first married Sept. 11, 1834, in Putnam, Ohio, … Read more

Biographical Sketch of William R. Parker

William R. Parker, deceased farmer; born in Anderson Co., Ky., March 27, 1823; he emigrated with his parents to Illinois, and located in Edgar Co., in 1828, where he lived until 18 years of age, when he went to St. Clair, Co., Ill., and engaged in fanning two years, then to Minnesota, where he followed logging, rafting and milling for three years; returning to Illinois, he, with his brother, worked at blacksmithing one year, when, in 1848, he engaged in farming in Edgar Co., which business he followed until 1854, when he removed to Coles Co., and rented land, which … Read more

Biographical Sketch of William R. Jones

William R. Jones, farmer, Sec. 28; P. O. Mattoon; owns 726 acres; born in Harrison Co., Ky., Aug. 14, 1808; came to this township in 1834 and made a crop; then went to Kentucky and worked four years on his mother’s farm, his father having died when he (the subject of this sketch) was 23 years old; he then returned to this county in company with his mother and a sister, and settled where he now resides. He was married to Eliza P. Threlkeld (daughter of the late Rev. Thomas Threlkeld) Oct. 18, 1853; she died Dec. 31, 1856; had … Read more

Biographical Sketch of William R. Cox

William R. Cox, farmer; P. O. Hutton; was born in Bedford Co., Virginia, Feb. 25, 1832; when he was 16 years of age, his parents, Joel and Margaret Cox, moved to Ross Co., Ohio, living there eight years; they came to Coles Co. in 1856, and, three years afterward moved to Independence, Warren Co., where they died, his mother in 1874, and his father in March, 1876. While living in Ohio, Mr. Cox married Miss Hannah C. Thompson, April 28, 1853; she was a daughter of Nathan Thompson, who was a native of Virginia, and moved to Ross Co., Ohio, … Read more

Biographical Sketch of William Parker

William Parker, deceased farmer; born in Staffordshire, England, 1802, where he engaged in farming until 1835, when he emigrated to America with his wife, landing in New York Feb. 2, of the same year, coming directly West; they located upon a farm four miles from Cincinnati, Ohio, where they followed farming until 1840, at which date they removed to Edgar Co., Ill., where they engaged in farming until 1855, when, on account of ill-health, Mr. Parker retired from active labor, and, selling his farm, removed to Oakland, Ill., where he lived until his death, which occurred in the fall of … Read more

Biographical Sketch of William Leitch

William Leitch, farmer, Sec. 20; P. O. Mattoon; owns 115 acres; born in Highland (formerly Pendleton) Co., Va., Nov. 11, 1816; was raised a farmer; has also worked at blacksmithing and coopering; is also a millwright. Married Eunice Raines Nov. 18, 1841; she was also born in Highland Co., March 12, 1822 she died March 28, 1877 had ten children, eight of whom are now living – Andrew J., Huldah, Mary, Susan, Frank, Ingabo Ridley (Indian name), Irene and Charles; the names of the deceased were John Russell and Leva. Mr. L. holds the office of Justice of the Peace, … Read more

Biographical Sketch of William Land

William Land, farmer, Sec. 2; P. O. Oakland; born in Cumberland Co., Ill., Jan. 19, 1839; at 7 years of age, his parents both died, their death occurring within a period of four days; at their decease, he came to Coles Co., Ill., and, until 15 years of age, worked at different places for his living when he worked for three years by the month; then rented land, and engaged in farming for himself for about four years, in Ashmore Tp., and in 1862, enlisted in the 123d regiment, I. V. I., in which he served his country until he … Read more

Biographical Sketch of William Kiser

William Kiser, farmer; P. O. Charleston; was born in Botetourt Co., Va., March 11, 1814; the same year, his parents moved to Ross Co., remaining there until 1842. Mr. Kiser lived with his parents up to the time of his marriage with Miss Mary Ann Coon, of Ross Co., Ohio, which occurred Aug. 22, 1841; in October, 1846, they moved to Coles Co., and settled on Sec. 31, living there until the year 1851, when they came to the farm upon which he at present resides, on Sec. 33; his wife was born in Washington Co., Md., near ‘Harper’s Ferry, … Read more

Biographical Sketch of William Johnson

William Johnson, farmer and stock-raiser; P. O. Cook’s Mills; one of the early settlers; was born March 22, 1822; came to this State in 1850, and to this county and settled in North Okaw Tp. in 1857. He was married to Miss Mary J. Miller, who was born July 22, 1834; they have four children, viz., Robert M., Anna A., Sarah J. and Franklin. The farm of Mr. Johnson consists of 240 acres, valued at $7,000. Since his residence in the township he has held the office of School Trustee and Director several years.

Biographical Sketch of William Hunt

William Hunt, farmer and Justice of the Peace, Oakland; born in Coles Co., Ill., Feb. 11, 1845, upon the place where he has since continued to live; he is the son of James D. Hunt, who located in Coles Co., previous to 1838, where he died July 3, 1856; the subject of this sketch continued upon the old homestead, and attended school and assisted in farming, until the decease of his mother, which occurred July 3, 1865; after which he purchased the interest of a portion of the other heirs, and continued farming upon the old place upon his own … Read more