Biography of Alexander E. Montgomery

Alexander E. Montgomery, well and favorably known for a generation past in Moline and Rock Island, was born February 2, 1831, in County Down, Ireland, and died in the City of Moline, Illinois, at his daughter’s (Mrs. Thornton’s) home, on Twelfth Avenue, July 17, 1906. His father and mother, James and Margaret (nee Swart,) were natives of Scotland, descended from Scotch-Irish ancestry, of honorable history. Mr. Montgomery received a common school education in his native land. In the year 1849, at fourteen years of age, he immigrated to New York City, and entered the service of the United States Hotel … Read more

Biography of Albert M. Beal, M. D.

The technical education of the doctor of medicine avails him but little unless he has laid a foundation for it of broad general knowledge and made a careful study of human nature. When he took up the practice of medicine Doctor Albert M. Beal brought to the profession a mental equipment such as few men acquire in a lifetime. For years he had been an educator, teaching the common branches in the public schools and later specializing in college. Having as a student earned the degrees of Bachelor of Arts and Master of Arts, he later found opportunity to perfect … Read more

Biographical Sketch of William T. Coyne

William T. Coyne is one of the enterprising and up-to-date agriculturists of Rural Township, Rock Island County, and a member of one of the pioneer families. He is a native son of the County, having been born in Bowling Township June 16, 1861. He is a son of William and Margaret (Morrison) Coyne. Born on the farm, he has always followed that vocation. With a limited schooling he, by study and close observation, has gained through his own efforts a ready fund of general information, as well as a good working capital of special knowledge of use to him in … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Warner L. Eddy, M. D.

One of the successful medical practitioners of Rock Island County is the subject of this review, who for fifteen years has followed his profession at Milan with a steadily increasing business. Dr. Eddy is a native of the Empire State, having been born in Madison County, New York, December 17, 1869. He is a son of Homer and Edith S. (Townsend) Eddy. His father was born in Madison County, New York, May 22, 1842, and his mother in Cape May County, New Jersey, May 17, 1846. The parents were married in New Jersey, and after a residence of several years … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Presley Greenwault

Presley Greenawalt, cashier of the Rock Island Savings Bank, was born May 31, 1858, at Wyoming, Stark County, Illinois, the son of Henry Andrew and Maria Calwell Greenawalt. In the public schools of Wyoming he obtained his education, leaving his studies at the age of fourteen to enter the printing office of the Wyoming Post. In 1882 he removed to Rock Island and secured a position as bill clerk with the Rock Island & Peoria Railroad. After a few months he was made cashier in the local freight office, from which position he was successively promoted to agent at Toulon, … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Peter F. Trenkenschuh

Born in Rock Island in 1875, the above named gentleman, young though he is, has, by persistency and application to his chosen vocation, forged to the front until he is now one of the best known and capable contractors and builders in the City. Many structures throughout the City attest his mastery of the building trade, and the several large contracts which he now has on hand indicate that his ability and workmanship are fully appreciated. Mr. Trenkenschuh is a son of Phillip and Elizabeth Trenkenschuh, who were of German descent. In 1902 he married Louise M. Nold, of Rock … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Morris Geismar

Morris Geismar was born April 7, 1868, at Freiburg, Baden, Germany, his parents being Nathan and Frederika Geismar. In 1885 he came to America and immediately located in Rock Island, which city has ever since been his home. In 1886 he entered the employ of the Moline Wagon Company, taking a position in the collection department of that concern. Ten years later he was elected secretary and treasurer of that company, a position which he now holds. As a part of his duties Mr. Geismar has assumed what may be called the publicity department of the Moline Wagon Company. By … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Maurice A. Hollingsworth

Mr. Maurice A. Hollingsworth, a veterinary surgeon, now practicing his profession in the City of Rock Island, was born December 10, 1872, at Cincinnati, Ohio, and has been a resident of Rock Island for a number of years. He is the son of Abraham and Celestia S. Hollingsworth, who gave him an education in the Ontario Veterinary College at Toronto, Canada. After completing his studies there he took up his residence in Rock Island and commenced the practice of his profession, which he has gradually built up so that he now ranks among the foremost of his profession in this … Read more

Biographical Sketch of James Coyne

The man whose name appears at the head of this sketch is known as one of the most industrious and enterprising farmers of Bowling Township, where he was born and has spent all his life. He first opened his eyes upon this world November 19, 1867, his parents being William and Margaret (Morrison) Coyne. He attended the public schools of the County, and February 18, 1896, was married to Miss Eilza A. Bauer. The latter is also a native of Bowling. She was born September 3, 1869, the daughter of Jacob and Mary (McDonald) Bauer. Her mother was a native … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Hugh A. J. McDonald

Mr. McDonald was born in the City of Rock Island, Illinois, November 13, 1862, the son of H. A. J. and Sarah J. McDonald, of Scotch-Irish descent. He was married to Mary C. Gall June 5, 1889, in Rock Island, Illinois. The offspring of this union are Hugh Earl and George Hobart McDonald, both resident in Rock Island. Mr. McDonald was a member of the State Infantry of Illinois, Company A, Sixth Regiment, from 1884 until 1893, when he resigned with the rank of Captain, which he had held during the last eighteen months of his service. He was manager … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Honorable George W. Johnson

Honorable George W. Johnson, of No. 1440 Twelfth Street, Moline, was born in Henry County, Illinois, October 9, 1857. He was raised on the farm and the training he there acquired fitted him well for the public career he later attained. As a youth he was persevering and studious and made the most of the public school teachings he had the advantage of May 31, 1882, he married Miss Caroline F. Hogg, of Andover, Illinois. For two years they conducted a farm and then, Mr. Johnson feeling himself fitted for a business career, moved to Orion, Illinois, in the Spring … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Herbert B. Hayden

Herbert B. Hayden, Superintendent of City Schools of Rock Island, is a native of Massachusetts. He was educated in the graded and high schools of his native state, and at Wesleyan University. Since 1883 he has been engaged in public school work, either as high school principal or superintendent of city schools, and has been in charge of the schools of Rock Island since August, 1900.

Biographical Sketch of Henry E. Brown

Mr. Henry E. Brown was born and uneducated in Elmwood, Peoria County, Illinois, until his sixteenth year when he moved to Peoria and entered the high school, afterwards entering Grinnell College in Grinnell, Iowa, from which he graduated in 1899, with the degree of Bachelor of Physics. Since then he has been connected with the Rock Island Public Schools, starting as a teacher and five years ago becoming principal of the high school. Mr. Brown has always been greatly interested in all educational matters and has received much recognition for his interest by educational associations. He is at the present … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Harry Landon Chapman

Harry Landon Chapman, a native of Illinois, was born at Jerseyville, in this state, on October 29, 1875, and was the son of T. S. and Sarah E. Chapman. His mother was formerly Miss Sarah E. Landon, of German parentage, while his father was an Englishman. Mr. Chapman is now prominent in banking circles in the City of Moline, where he holds the honorable position of vice-president of the Peoples Bank and Trust Company. He took up his residence in Moline February 1, 1904, and since that time has made many staunch friends. After obtaining a public school education he … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Harry Ainsworth

Among the leading manufacturers of Moline, Illinois, is Mr. Harry Ainsworth, vice-president of Williams, White & Company, manufacturers of heavy machine tools. Mr. Ainsworth was born at Geneseo, Illinois, May 9, 1862. He is the son of Henry A. Ainsworth (whose biography appears in this book) and Sarah A., his wife. He was educated in Oberlin College (class of 1884) and Harvard Law School (class of 1887). Although admitted to the bar of the State of Illinois, Mr. Ainsworth never practiced, but instead entered the office of Williams, White & Company with his father, where he has continued ever since … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Frank H. Kelly

Frank H. Kelly, one of the younger members of the Rock Island County bar, is a native and a lifelong resident of the city in which he now practices his profession. He was born in Rock Island, February 8, 1870, the son of P. H. and Ellen Kelly. After completing a course in the public schools and then attending high school, he chose a career before the bar and began the study of law in the University of Michigan Law School, from which he graduated in 1891. The following year, February 1, 1892, he began practicing and has been actively … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Frank B. Hawes

Frank B. Hawes, son of David Hawes and brother of Major Charles W. Hawes, was born in the City of Rock Island on November 14, 1844. (See biographies David Hawes and Major Charles W. Hawes). Since April 13, 1891, the subject of this sketch has been prominently connected with the head offices of the Modern Woodmen of America. For years he was the society’s statistician, but of late years he has discharged the responsible duties of chief of the final accounting department. He has supervision over the most important set of accounts maintained by the Modern Woodmen Society-the financial. It … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Francis Coyne

One of the prosperous young farmers of Rock Island County is Francis Coyne, son of William and Margaret (Morrison) Coyne. He was born in Bowling Township, where he now resides, March 8, 1876. He received a common school education in the County and started out for himself in 1902, following his marriage, when he established himself on the old homestead. In the Fall of 1904 he removed to the farm he now occupies. He now owns two hundred and twenty acres of well improved land and is considered one of the well-to-do and substantial citizens of the County. Mr. Coyne’s … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Elmer E. Morgan

Elmer E. Morgan is a lineal descendant of General Morgan of revolutionary fame. His grandfather, Isaac Morgan, was born in Kentucky in 1879 and fought in the War of 1812. Later he built the first slab house at what is now Dayton, Ohio. He came to Davenport in 1836. Isaac F. Morgan, father of Elmer Morgan, grew to manhood in the vicinity of Davenport, married Sarah E. Williams, a Tennessee lady, and settled near DeWitt, Clinton County, Iowa. There the subject of this sketch was born September 13, 1861. His early life was spent on his father’s farm and his … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Edward S. Coyne

A well known native son of Rock Island County is Edward S. Coyne, son of William and Margaret (Morrison) Coyne. He was born on the old homestead in Bowling Township, on which he now resides, October 25, 1873. Tilling the soil has been his sole occupation. In the Spring of 1896, he settled on one of his father’s farms in section eleven, Bowling, where he resided till the Spring of 1900. Then he removed to the farm he now occupies in section one, same township. He now owns two hundred and sixty acres of good land, which he cultivates with … Read more