Biography of F. W. Galley, Dr.

Barnard and Galley, D. V. S. As veterinarians one of the best equipped firms in the State of Kansas is that of Barnard & Galley of Belleville. In a few years they have acquired a practice extending all over Republic County, and they are both accomplished young men, scientific and practical, and valuable adjuncts to the business of agriculture and animal husbandry in their section of the state. The senior member of this firm, W. R. Barnard, is a native of Kansas, born in 1880, and a son of W. A. and Hannah Barnard. His parents were Illinois people and … Read more

Biography of F. S. Cravens, Mrs.

Mrs. F. S. Cravens is the proprietor of the Cravens School of Music at Emporia, and for a number of years had been one of the leaders in musical circles of that city. She is a native of Kansas and one of the notable women whom this Sunflower commonwealth had produced. The daughter of a pioneer citizen of Manhattan, where she was born in February, 1866, she exhibited unusual musical talents when a girl, and by careful training and study both in America and abroad had long enjoyed a high position both as an individual artist and as a successful … Read more

Biography of F. H. Penley

Fortunate is the community which had citizens with the substantial conservatism of practical business men and yet are forward looking in matters of new development and improvement. In the matter of towns and communities there is perhaps more truth in Ingalls’ statement that opportunity knocks but once at the door, than in its application to individuals. Recently the oil district of Southern Kansas was extended into Butler County. By the good sense and public spirit of several local citizens, prominent among whom is F. H. Penley, president of the First National Bank of Augusta, this sudden development of great natural … Read more

Biography of F. Dumont Smith, F. Hon.

Hon. F. Dumont Smith. During his thirty years of membership in the Kansas bar, F. Dumont Smith has attained such distinction as to make him a well known figure in the life and activities of the state. Noted as an exceptionally well trained lawyer, he has also been prominent as a public speaker, editor and writer and has wielded an influence proportionate to his versatile abilities. For many years his home was in Kinsley, but he is now at Hutchinson. He is a man of fortunate endowment and of fine American ancestry. He was born on a farm near Kewanee, … Read more

Biography of F. A. Dickie

F. A. Dickie, of Mitchell County, had found that type of success which is a product of a well balanced mind, of sound judgment, of long and persistent industry, of straightforward dealings in all his varied relationships, and there are none who can begrudge and envy his prosperity. He belongs to some of the fine old pioneer stock in the state. He was born in Illinois April 4, 1862, a son of W. H. and Charity Dickie, both of whom were natives of Pennsylvania. About the time he was born his father was away fighting the battles of the Union … Read more

Biography of F. A. Cassady

F. A. Cassady is one of the most successful business men of his age in the State of Kansas. He is proprietor of one of the largest general stores at Neosho Rapids and is also vice president of the Neosho Rapids State Bank. He had reached this position in business circles before attaining his twenty-second year. He was born in Graysville, Missouri, September 24, 1894. His grandfather was a native of County Londonderry, Ireland, and in the old country spelled his name William O’Cassady but dropped the first syllable when he came to the United States. He lived a time … Read more

Biography of Ezra William Ober

Ezra William Ober. “Whenever a new railroad was to be secured, a new institution located, a new business brought to town, E. W. Ober was at the head of the list and generally headed the committee that landed the addition to Salina. There is probably not a permanent institution in the city today secured by general effort where Mr. Ober was not the leading spirit.” Such a tribute, voicing the general opinion of a community, can be paid only to the exceptional man. The late E. W. Ober was in every sense an exceptional man. He had good business ability, … Read more

Biography of Ezra King Longley

Ezra King Longley was one of the very early members of the bar of Elk County. He had not resided continuously in Elk County since he first went there more than forty-five years ago, but in recent years he had given all his time to his general practice as a lawyer with offices at Howard. Mr. Longley is now seventy years of age. Few men of that age have had such opportunities to know American life at the fountain head and have had experiences covering so many different and varied scenes and bringing them into closer contact with the men … Read more

Biography of Eugene L. Dimick

Eugene L. Dimick. The vocation of writing and selling insurance had grown to enormous proportions during recent years, not entirely because the people have come to a realization of the necessity for protection, but also because of the men who are engaged in this line of endeavor, who are educating the general public in realizing the benefits accruing from insurance. To succeed in this line of business a man must possess certain qualities not found necessary in other avenues of business, including a thorough knowledge of all the angles of his vocation, a keen insight into human nature, have the … Read more

Biography of Eugene Hipple

Eugene Hipple is one of the enterprising young business men of Hutchinson, and is actively identified with the extensive grain and other business interests controlled by his father, Frank E. Hipple, one of Hutchinson’s business leaders for many years. The Hipple family is of Holland-Dutch ancestry and settled in Pennsylvania during Colonial times. Eugene Hipple’s great-grandfather was George Hipple. He was born in York County, Pennsylvania, November 27, 1790, and was a farmer by occupation. In 1841, with wagon and team, he moved across the country to Eden, Delaware County, Ohio, and lived on his farm there until his death … Read more

Biography of Ernst Fredrick Pihlblad, D. D., Rev.

Rev. Ernst Fredrick Pihlblad, D. D., president of Bethany College, is an educator of long and successful experience and had been connected with Bethany College more than twenty years. He was born at Kansas City, Missouri, March 18, 1873, a son of John and Louise (Nord) Pihlblad. Both parents were born in Sweden. His father came to America in 1869. He followed merchandising all his active career, and lived at Kansas City, Missouri, and at Lindsborg and Marquette, Kansas. His death occurred March 14, 1889. In 1872 he married Miss Nord, and they were the parents of two sons. The … Read more

Biography of Ernest N. Bailey

Ernest N. Bailey, a brother of former Governor W. J. Bailey, reference to whom is made on other pages, had largely concentrated his efforts and businees enterprise at the Town of Baileyville, named for the family, in Nemaha County. Mr. Bailey had been an extensive farmer and stockman, and in later years a grain merchant, and owned the principal grain elevator at Baileyville. He was born in Carroll County, Illinois, June 15, 1857. The Bailey ancestry is English and the Baileys were Colonial settlers in New York. His grandparents, Joshua and Eleeta Bailey, were both born in or near Tieonderoga, … Read more

Biography of Ernest Fritchof Swanson

Ernest Fritchof Swanson. While Kansas gave its approval by liberal majority to the national administration in the election of 1916, it is noteworthy that the normally republican counties retained their political complexion and with few exceptions returned republicans to local offices. One of these exceptions occurred in Saline County, where with a normal republican majority of 500, Ernest Fritchof Swanson, the democratic candidate, was elected sheriff by a majority of 1,243 over his republican opponent. Long experience in the sheriff’s office, unusual qualifications for his official duties, and strong personal popularity were no doubt the principal factors in Mr. Swanson’s … Read more

Biography of Ernest F. Day, M. D.

Ernest F. Day, M. D. The work of Doctor Day as a physician and surgeon had met with cordial appreciation and patronage since he came to Arkansas City over fifteen years ago. He is in every way a most competent and thorough professional man, and in recent years had extended his opportunities for service by his management, in association with Doctor McKay, of the Mercy Hospital there. Doctor Day is a native of Indiana but had spent practically all his life in Kansas. He was born at Rensselaer in Jasper County, Indiana, October 20, 1876. He is of very old … Read more

Biography of Ernest Everett Stonecipher

Ernest Everett Stonecipher. A Kansas educator of fifteen years’ experience, Mr. Stonecipher has taught in country schools, has been principal of village and city schools, and with increasing capabilities and growing reputation has been preferred to some of the larger responsibilities connected with school work in Cherokee County. He is now county superintendent of public instruction in Cherokee County, and his place in the profession is well indicated by the fact that he is also serving as president of the Southeastern Kansas Teachers Association, the largest organization of school workers in the state. Mr. Stonecipher was born in Cherokee County, … Read more

Biography of Eric Sundgren

Eric Sundgren. One of the best educated of the early settlers in Falun Township of Saline County was Eric Sundgren. In his native Sweden he had received the benefits of a liberal college training. For six years he had taught school. However, the horizon of his opportunities did not seem to widen in the old country and in 1868 he set out for America. Mr. Sundgren located a tract of Government land in Falun Township, and he applied his energies to the stubborn task of breaking the virgin sod and growing crops. With many adversities and with many experiences of … Read more

Biography of Enoch Hassebroek

Enoch Hassebroek. As proprietor of a large general store, at Riley, Kansas, Enoch Hassebroek is a leading factor in the town’s commercial life. The business of modern merchandising is a more or less complex one and experience counts for much. Mr. Hassebroek was carefully trained by his merchant father and for the past fifteen years has been at the head of his own establishment. The modern merchant needs large capital behind him because, an account of the awakened demands of twentieth century customers, he must go to the ends of the world to secure his goods, and he must know … Read more

Biography of Enoch Chase

Enoch Chase was one of the founders of the City of Topeka. He was actively identified with the free state movement in territorial times, and for years was a man of prominence in the state capital. While these reasons make his career a part of Kansas history, it is also noteworthy that his daughter became the wife of the war governor of Kansas half a century ago, while his granddaughter is the wife of the present war governor of Kansas, Arthur Capper. Enoch Chase was born in Newburyport, Massachusetts, August 29, 1824, a son of Nathaniel and Harriett Ann Chase. … Read more

Biography of Emmor J. Sheldon

Emmor J. Sheldon, former mayor of Paola, and former county attorney of Miami County, had been an active member of the bar for over a quarter of a century. He was born on a farm in Osage Township of Miami County December 23, 1862, and is a member of an early pioneer and very prominent family in this section of Kansas. He is the third of the four children born to Dudley M. and Ruth B. (Hall) Sheldon. His father was born in Pennsylvania and his mother in Massachusetts. The paternal grandfather Sheldon came from Germany, was a farmer, and … Read more

Biography of Emil Kuder, M. D.

Dr. Emil Kuder (b. 1851, Stuttgart, Germany) was a distinguished physician and surgeon who practiced in Kansas for over thirty years. Educated at Tübingen University, he graduated in 1876 with a top medical degree after a rigorous seven-year program. He served in the Franco-Prussian War before moving to the United States in 1879, where he practiced in Pennsylvania before settling in Kansas in 1883. Dr. Kuder was highly respected in Coffeyville, where he established a successful practice. He was married to Elizabeth Wagner in 1881 and had six children. His contributions to medicine and community life were widely recognized.