Biography of Francis Marion Abbott

Francis Marion Abbott. Prominent among the men who have been helpful factors in the development of Southeastern Kansas, is found Francis Marion Abbott, president of the Neosho Valley Bank, of Chanute. Mr. Abbott came to Neosho County in 1867 as a veteran of the Civil war, and for many years was engaged in farming, and at the same time lent his aid in various ways to the building up of this part of Kansas, where the best years of his life have been spent and where his enviable success had been gained. Whether as agriculturist, banker, public official or private … Read more

Biography of Francis M. Spencer

Francis M. Spencer. During more than a quarter century’s identification with the building and contracting business in Kansas, with headquarters at Topeka, Mr. Spencer has established a reputation for responsible financial management and systematic and accurate execution of every contract which he undertakes, even down to the last detail. Few men in the business in the entire state can exhibit a finer record in buildings actually completed and now conspicuous in various cities as Mr. Spencer. While a complete list would be impossible, the more notable of his contracts are the following: Topeka Manual Training School, the Capper Building, the … Read more

Biography of Francis M. Perkins

Francis M. Perkins, president of the Perkins Trust Company of Lawrence, had been a prominent factor in financial and business affairs of that city and of the state at large for more than forty years. He was the first of his family to come to Kansas. Mr. Perkins was born in Racine County, Wisconsin, on a farm June 21, 1846. His parents were Otis Goodspeed and Julia Ann (Bender) Perkins. His father was a descendant of John W. Perkins of Ipswich, Massachusetts, who came to Massachusetts Colony in 1631 and was originally from Ufton Court, the large family estate of … Read more

Biography of Francis Joseph Scherman

Francis Joseph Scherman. A leading representative of the agricultural interests of Shawnee County, Francis Joseph Scherman is also a member of the Kansas bar and had taken more than an ordinarily prominent part in public affairs. His present fine farm, where he is engaged in general and stock raising operations, is located not far from the City of Topeka, and Mr. Scherman had a number of business interests at the Kansas capital, where he is widely and favorably known. Mr. Scherman was born November 6, 1872, in Johnson County, Kansas, and is a son of Andrew Scherman, who was born … Read more

Biography of Francis Johnson

Francis Johnson. What the Kansas pioneers went through in their efforts to establish homes and build up a commonwealth of material greatness and high ideals is a subject of knowledge known to Francis Johnson not from books or what other people have told him, but is part of his individual experience and recollection. He was one of the first settlers from Sweden who established homes in McPherson County in the years following the Civil war, and had always been one of the strong men of that community. His strength of body enabled him to conquer the forces of the wilderness … Read more

Biography of Francis Huntington Snow

Francis Huntington Snow. High in the list of names that Kansas honors, statesmen, soldiers, business and industrial executives, farmers and homesteaders, must be placed the name of a scientist and educator, Francis Huntington Snow, one of the greatest of them all. He came out of New England to Kansas. He was born at Fitchburg, Massachusetts, June 29, 1840, a son of Benjamin and Mary (Boutelle) Snow. He attended the public schools of his native city, and then entered Williams College, from which as valedictorian of his class he was graduated in 1862. He received the degrees B. A. and M. … Read more

Biography of Francis Hibbard Lamberson

Francis Hibbard Lamberson has been a factor in the agricultural development and business affairs of Rice County for a great many years. He came here comparatively poor, had prospered by his own efforts, and still owned a large amount of farm land in the county, though he is living retired at Lyons. He was born in Allegany County, New York, May 24, 1847. His people in the paternal line were of Holland Dutch stock and were settlers in New York in colonial times. His grandfather, John Lamberson, was born in Herkimer County, New York, spent his life as a farmer … Read more

Biography of Francis H. Taton, Rev.

Rev. Francis H. Taton, pastor of the Catholic Church of St. Michael’s at Axtell. Marshall County, is a native of the old Hoosier State, but had been a resident of Kansas ever since the early days of his ordination to the priesthood, a period of nearly thirty years, during which period he had performed a wonderful work in the mission fields of this state, a labor that had endeared him to the hearts of many in various portions of the state. Father Taton had been in charge of St. Michael’s parish at Axtell since the summer of 1903 and had a record … Read more

Biography of Francis C. Herr M. D.

Francis C. Herr, M. D. One of the most widely known physicians in Franklin County is Dr. Francis C. Herr, who graduated from one of the oldest medical colleges in the country forty years ago, and had been in active practice at Ottawa since 1884. Born at Lancaster, Pennsylvania, December 1, 1852, he is a son of Amos F. and Anna (Frantz) Herr, both of whom are natives of Lancaster County. This is a very old and prominent family of early colonial German ancestry. Doctor Herr is a descendant of Hans Herr, who represented a Suabian family of Germany, where … Read more

Biography of Francis C. Dwinnell

Francis C. Dwinnell is a leading business man of Frankfort, Kansas, now proprietor of the electric light plant which supplies electric current not only to that town but to the town of Vermillion. Besides his own important business connections he represents a family that had been identified with this section of Kansas since territorial days. He is of New England and Revolutionary lineage. His great grandfather fought gallantly in the struggle for independence during the Revolution. His grandfather, Francis Dwinnell, was a soldier in the War of 1812. He was born at Charlestown, New Hampshire, in 1792, and was quite … Read more

Biography of Francis A. Kiene

Francis A. Kiene, of Dover Township in Shawnee County, had lived more than three-quarters of a century. His had been a long life of wholesome industry, strict integrity and more than ordinary achievement and experience. The fruits of such a life are not to be measured in material prosperity alone. He had done his part as a patriot soldier, as a citizen, and as a father and husband. The declining years of himself and his noble wife are being spent in comfort and peace at their fine country home in Dover Township, and they are blessed not only with memories … Read more

Biography of Foster Dwight Coburn

It is no disparagement of the rank and file of that host of Kansas militant farmers who bore the heat and burden of the day and by their aggregate efforts raised Kansas to front rank among American agricultural states, to say that Foster Dwight Coburn is the distinguished leader of them all. He has long held secure a place as “one of the really great men of Kansas.” And like other Kansas great men, his achievements and influence have translated him to a place among the nation’s great men. His position in life is the more interesting because it is … Read more

Biography of Forrest M. Hartley

Forrest M. Hartley’s talents made him foremost in the activities of college life while he was a student in Baker University. For a number of years he was actively identified with Kansas journalism and then returned to Baldwin City where he is now one of the leading merchants. Mr. Hartley was born at Indianola in Vermillion County, Illinois, July 26, 1874. He is one of the three children of George S. and Caroline (Vayhinger) Hartley. George S. Hartley, now a resident of Arkansas City, had for many years been a conspicuous figure in the political, banking and civic life of … Read more

Biography of Floyd E. Harper

Floyd E. Harper. During his residence at Leavenworth since 1905 Floyd E. Harper had come to rank as one of the leaders of the bar, and had attained many of the substantial honors of the profession. Mr. Harper is still young, and had the promise of his best years and best work before him. He was born at Ross Grove, DeKalb County, Illinois, March 9, 1879. He grew up on the farm with his parents, James and Bertha (Patrick) Harper. His father was a Scotch-Irishman and his mother of English ancestry, and both parents are still living, now residents of … Read more

Biography of Floyd E. Doubleday

Floyd E. Doubleday. It has been the fortune of Floyd E. Doubleday to realize many of his worthy ambitions, and through the exercise of good judgment and business ability to wrest from his opportunities financial and general success. For many years he has been interested in the coal industry, and at the present time is accounted one of the leading operators of Pittsburg. Mr. Doubleday was born at Italy, New York, June 23, 1859, and is a son of Guy L. and Caroline (Hobart) Doubleday. The Doubleday family is of English origin and traces its ancestry back in America to … Read more

Biography of Floyd C. Flory

Floyd C. Flory is postmaster of Grenola. He is also widely known among the newspaper profession in Kansas, and gave up his duties as editor of the Grenola Leader to accept his present office. Mr. Flory is a native of Kansas, and the family have lived in this state for many years. Fred C. Flory, a well known citizen of Howard, Kansas, and father of the Grenola postmaster, was born in Iowa in December, 1858. He grew up in that state, came to Kansas when a young man, his first home being at Independence, and he soon afterward became editor … Read more

Biography of Floyd B. McBride, M. D.

Floyd B. McBride, M. D. Among the young and enthusiastic professional element of Montgomery County is found Ford B. McBride, who, within the short space of seven years, has built up at Liberty a medical and surgical practice as gratifying personally as it is successful financially. The fearless, questioning attitude of the twentieth century nowhere is more strikingly apparent than among the exponents of medical science. The tendency of the latter-day physician is to avoid, above all things, hasty jumping at conclusions or too ready dependence upon formulae, a tendency that is rapidly destroying ancient delusions and thereby placing the … Read more

Biography of Flavius Ralls Smith, M. D.

Flavius Ralls Smith, M. D. Identified with one of the most important and exacting, as well as one of the most useful of professions, Doctor Smith had become widely known for his remarkable skill as a surgeon; and easily holds a place in the front rank of the surgeons of Kansas. Doctor Smith is one of the proprietors of the Winfield Hospital, an institution of more than local scope, since its patients come from several states and its reputation is largely due to the personal ability of Doctor Smith. He had spent most of his life in Kansas, and his … Read more

Biography of Fernando A. Parsons

Fernando A. Parsons. The career of Fernando A. Parsons, of Chanute, is remarkable in many ways, but principally because of the number of fields which it had invaded and the success which had attended the ventures in which its author had been engaged. From his youth, when he paid his own way through college, Mr. Parsons had pushed steadily forward, always assisting his community’s interests while advancing his own. With a handsome fortune gained through his good business ability and persistent labors, and at an age when most men are content to retire, Mr. Parsons still continues as an active … Read more

Biography of Father Berthold Staubach

Father Berthold. That the Church of the Sacred Heart at Emporia is now one of the strongest and most efficient Catholic parishes in Kansas is due primarily to the devoted services of its pastors, and more particularly to Father Berthold, who had been in charge there for the past ten years. The record of the parish during this time is sufficient evidence of Father Berthold’s excellent ability as pastor and church executive, but with these qualities he also unites an equally important one of spiritual adviser to his people. A small number of Catholic people located in and around Emporia … Read more