1851 Charleston, (1st.) Canada Directory

In the following Directory the names which appear in CAPITALS are those of subscribers to the work. Alphabetical List Of Professions, Trades, &C. BURRAGE, REV. H. G., Church of England. COOK, W. G., postmaster and dealer in dry goods, groceries, hardware and general merchandize. Gordon, Andrew, shoemaker. Gordon, William, Jr., harness maker. Harding. John. tailor. Kathan, L.. innkeeper. Kennedy, George. tinsmith. Lebanon, Japhet, blacksmith. McConnell, David, clerk of commissioners’ court. McConnell. John, M. P. P. Stinson, Miss, ladies’ school. Twilight, A. L.. teacher.

1851 Champlain Canada Directory

The Village of Champlain is situated in the Seignior and County of the same name, on the River St. Lawrence distant from Quebec, 75 miles. Population about 750. In the following Directory the names which appear in CAPITALS are those of subscribers to the work. Alphabetical List Of Professions, Trades, &C. Arcand, Norbert. storekeeper and stage house. Constantin. Adolphe, storekeeper. Dubord, Louis Edward. M. D. Dufresne, Joachim, miller. Larouette. Edouard J., postmaster and storekeeper Marchand, Alexis, storekeeper and mill owner. Marchand, Hyacinthe Vital, mill owner. Marcoux, Rev. Denis, Roman Catholic. Rousseau. Frs. gentleman. Toutant, Jean B., gentleman

1851 Chambly Canada Directory

A Village situated in the Seignior and County of Chambly, Canada East distant from Montreal, 18 miles usual stage fare, 3s. 9d. There is a fort here erected by the French Government in 1711, and the situation of the Village taken altogether, is very pleasant. Population of the Parish of Chambly about 5000. In the following Directory the names which appear in CAPITALS are those of subscribers to the work. Alphabetical List Of Professions, Trades, &C. Austen, Thomas, county registrar. Baret, Edouard, baker. Beausoliel, Narcisse, temperance inn. Bisonais, Alexander, general store. Booth, Ansel, innkeeper. Boyd, Mrs. William, innkeeper. Braithwaite, Rev. … Read more

1851 Chamberlain’s Corners Canada Directory

A Village situated in the Township of Kitley, County of Leeds, Canada West, distant 24 miles from Brockville. Population about 120. In the following Directory the names which appear in CAPITALS are those of subscribers to the work. Alphabetical List Of Professions, Trades, &C. Chamberlain, Wyatt, general store. Chamier. Francis, innkeeper. Herrick, Hiram, saddler and harness maker. Kilborn, Philander, shoemaker. Kilborn, Virgil, blacksmith. Livingston, Duncan, grist and saw mills. Livingston, John, carriage maker. M’Lean, Joseph, saw mills. M`Lean, Alexander, postmaster and general store. Mitchell, William, blacksmith. Robinson, William, innkeeper. Smith, W., tanner and currier. Stone, Asahel, blacksmith.

1851 Cedars Canada Directory

The Village of Cedars is situated on the River St. Lawrence, in the Seignior of Soulanges, County of Vaudreuil, Canada East distant from Montreal, 36 miles usual stage fare, 7s. 6d. usual steamboat fare from Cascades, (5 miles below) to Lachine, 2s. 6d. Population about 225. In the following Directory the names which appear in CAPITALS are those of subscribers to the work. Alphabetical List Of Professions, Trades, &C. Armstrong, Thomas, boot maker. Bedard, J. B., saw, fulling and threshing mills. Berthelot, Dr. A., commissioner of the court for small causes. Bienjouetie. Francois, general store. Charet, Dominique, general store. Coutlie, … Read more

1851 Cayuga Canada Directory

The County Town of the County of Haldimand, is situated on the Grand River, in the Township of North Cayuga, Canada West, distant from Hamilton, 25 miles usual stage fare, 5s. steamboat fare to Brantford, 6s. 3d., and to Buffalo, 8s. 9d. Population about 400. In the following Directory the names which appear in CAPITALS are those of subscribers to the work. Public Officers Campbell, E. C., judge of the county court. Claus, W., judge of surrogate court. Clench, J. B., clerk of county court. Farrell, A. P., registrar for, the County. Kingsmill, William, sheriff. M’Kenzie, W. L., M.P.P. Miller, … Read more

1851 Cavanville Canada Directory

A Village situated in the Township of Cavan, County of Durham, Canada West distant from Port Hope, 22 miles usual stage fare. 5s. distant from Peterboro’, 14 miles. Population about 150. In the following Directory the names which appear in CAPITALS are those of subscribers to the work. Alphabetical List Of Professions, Trades, &C. Allan. James, shoemaker, Armour, Rev. Samuel, Church of England. Davy, Thomas, blacksmith. Foster, James, saddler. Haygarth, Edward, wagon maker. HAYTER, HENRY H., general merchant. Irwin, Robert, cooper. Jackson, Christopher, cabinetmaker. KNOWLSON, JOHN, postmaster, notary, agent for the Provincial Mutual Assurance Company, commissioner of court of Queen’s … Read more

1851 Carrying Place or Whittier’s Wharf Canada Directory

A Village situated at head of the Bay of Quinte, Township of Ameliasburg, County of Prince Edward, Canada East is five miles from Trent 10 Miles from Brighton-stage fare to Brighton, 2s. 6d. to Consecon, 1s. 3d. Population about 100. In the following Directory the names which appear in CAPITALS are those of subscribers to the work. Alphabetical List Op Professions, Trades, &E. Biggar, Charles, & Son, general store. Biggar, Charles, postmaster. Haight, John G.. innkeeper. Vanamaker, William, innkeeper. Weller, Asa, lumber merchant. Weller, Benjamin, lumber merchant. Wilkins, Hon. R. C., lumber merchant. Young, R. W., tannery.

1851 Carouge Canada Directory

A Small Village situated on the River St. Lawrence, a short distance above Quebec. Population about 100. In the following Directory the names which appear in CAPITALS are those of subscribers to the work. Alphabetical List Of Professions, Trades, &C. Drolet, Charles, storekeeper and boarding house. Neyeux, Charles, grocer. Tivierge, Dominique, grocer.

1851 Carleton Place Canada Directory

A Village situated on the River Mississippi, in the Township of Beckwith, County of Lanark, Canada West distant from Perth, 21 miles, from Bytown. 30 miles, and from Smith’s Falls. 20 miles. Population about 500. In the following Directory the names which appear in CAPITALS are those of subscribers to the work. Alphabetical List Of Professions, Trades, &C. Pattie, David, carpenter and builder. Bell, R., & Co., tannery. BELL, ROBERT, & CO., dealers in dry goods, groceries, crockery, hardware, &c. Bell, Robert, M.P.P., agent for marriage licenses, town reeve, and postmaster. Bells & Rosemond, grist, saw, and oat mills. CARLETON … Read more

1851 Carillon Canada Directory

A Village situated on the River Ottawa, in the Seignior of Argenteuil, County of Two Mountains, Canada East distant from Montreal, 50 miles. usual steamboat fare from Lachine, 6s. 3d. usual stage fare from Montreal, 12s. 6d. distant from Grenville, 12 miles usual stage fare, 2s. 6d. In the following Directory the names which appear in CAPITALS are those of subscribers to the work. Alphabetical List Of Professions, Trades, &E. Barclay, James, stage owner. Davis, A., blacksmith. Galloway, James, innkeeper and wharfinger. Gaudry, Charles, baker. Jones, Edward T., advocate, Kelly, John, innkeeper. McCormick, P., shoemaker. Macleod, Malcolm, advocate. Martin, Edward, … Read more

1851 Cap St. Ignace Canada Directory

The Village of Cap St. Ignace is situated on the south shore of the River St. Lawrence, in the Seignior of Vincelet and County of L’Islet, Canada East distant from Quebec, 39 miles. In the following Directory the names which appear in CAPITALS are those of subscribers to the work. Alphabetical List Of Professions, Trades, &C. Beaubien, Octave, seigneur, mill owner. Bernard, Luke, miller. Bernier, Augustin, flour and saw mills. Caron, Zepherin, boarding house. Cecil, Rev. Etienne, Roman Catholic. Durand, Joseph, general store. Fortin, Louis, commissioner of court for small causes. Gamache, George, saw mill. Gamache, Louis, general store. Guimont, … Read more

1851 Cap Sante Canada Directory

The Village of Cap Sante is situated on the River St. Lawrence, in the Seignior of Port Neuf, and County of Port Neuf, Canada East In the following Directory the names which appear in CAPITALS are those of subscribers to the work. Agencies Of Assurance Allard, Francois, boarding house. Alsopp, George, M. D., commissioner of court for small causes.. Alsopp, Robert. advocate. Aylwin, Charles, notary public. Bernard, Joseph, N. P. and clerk commissioner’s court. Dery, Henry. postmaster. Garnaud. F. X., boarding house. Hamel, Joseph, miller. Larue, Eugene & Charles, mill owners. Lelievre. Roger. registrar of the county, and clerk of … Read more

1851 Canning Canada Directory

A small Village situated in the Township of Blenheim, County of Oxford, Canada West, distant from Paris, 5 miles usual stage fare, Is. 3d. In the following Directory the names which appear in CAPITALS are those of subscribers to the work. Alphabetical List Of Professions, Trades, &C. Allchin, Thomas. postmaster, notary, Land surveyor and flour and saw mills. MORE, JAMES, general store of dry goods, groceries, crockery, hardware, &c. cash paid for country produce. Turner, A. J., axe factory. Williamson, A. N., tannery. Reins, Nelson, woolen factory.

1851 Canboro Canada Directory

A Village situated in the Township of Canboro, County of Haldimand, Canada Westdistant from Hamilton, 33 miles usual stage fare, 7s. 6d. Population about 200. In the following Directory the names which appear in CAPITALS are those of subscribers to the work. Alphabetical List Of Professions, Trades, &C. Bennett. John, tailor. CLINT, JOHN, Clint’s hotel. Cook, Rev. R. B., Episcopal Methodist. Dunkin, Michael, general store. Effick, Jacob, blacksmith. Fitch, William, postmaster. Folmsbee, John, general store and saw mill. Hazleton, John, shoemaker. Higgen. James, tailor. Kell, James, M. D. Kirk, John, M. D. Scott, William. wagon maker. Wriggley, E. C., grocer … Read more

1851 Caledonia Springs Canada Directory

A Village situated near the Ottawa River, in the township of Caledonia, County of Prescott, Canada West, distant from Montreal. 72 miles usual steamboat fare, 11 s. 3d. The place is celebrated for its medicinal springs, and is a favorite resort of invalids, and pleasure seekers during the summer. Excellent hotel accommodations are to be fond here, and the reading rooms, bath houses. billiard rooms, ball allies, &c., furnish ample sources of amusement and recreation to the visitors. The permanent population of the village is about 160. In the following Directory the names which appear in CAPITALS are those of … Read more

1851 Caledonia Canada Directory

A Village situated on the Grand River, in the Township of Seneca, County of Haldimand, Canada West, distant from Brantford, 20 miles usual steamboat fare, 6s. 3d. distant from Hamilton, 14 miles usual stage fare, 2s. 6d. Population about 800. In the following Directory the names which appear in CAPITALS are those of subscribers to the work. Alphabetical List Of Professions, Trades, &C. Alldridge. James, tinsmith. Bains, David, carpenter. Barnard. P. C., general store. Barry, Thomas, saddler. Brown, George, general store. Buck, A. C., chemist and druggist. Campbell, J., tailor. Chageriff, A., grocer. Cormick. J., shoemaker. Dougherty, Hiram, innkeeper. Dougherty, … Read more

1851 Bytown Canada Directory

The County Town of the County of Carleton, is situated on the River Ottawa, in the Township of Nepean, Canada West. The Town is divided into two parts, known as the Upper and Lower Town. It is connected with the village of Hull, Canada East, by a handsome Suspension Bridge, and both that village and New Edinburgh, which is about a mile southeast of Bytown, may be considered, in a commercial point of view, as identical with the town. A railway to connect Bytown with Prescott is now in progress, and when completed (which will doubtless be at an early … Read more

1851 Bury Canada Directory

A small Village in the Township of Bury, County of Sherbrooke, Canada East In the following Directory the names which appear in CAPITALS are those of subscribers to the work. Alphabetical List Of Professions, Trades, &C. Holley, Thomas, innkeeper. McLantich, _______, storekeeper. McIver, Lewis, storekeeper. Pope, L., postmaster and storekeeper.