1851 Caledonia Springs Canada Directory

A Village situated near the Ottawa River, in the township of Caledonia, County of Prescott, Canada West, distant from Montreal. 72 miles usual steamboat fare, 11 s. 3d. The place is celebrated for its medicinal springs, and is a favorite resort of invalids, and pleasure seekers during the summer. Excellent hotel accommodations are to be fond here, and the reading rooms, bath houses. billiard rooms, ball allies, &c., furnish ample sources of amusement and recreation to the visitors. The permanent population of the village is about 160.

In the following Directory the names which appear in CAPITALS are those of subscribers to the work.

Alphabetical List Of Professions, Trades, &C.
Brock & Cushing, general store.
Caledonia hotel.
CANADA HOUSE hotel, E. Kennell visitors will find every comfort and convenience at this house.
Cousineau, Joseph, shingle maker.
Cushman, S. M., reading room, billiard room, and ball allies.
Decair, S., carpenter.
Laframbois. P., cooper.
McIntosh. William, tailor.
McMaster, Angus, butcher.
McMullen, Rev. Mr., Episcopal Methodist.
McPhee, A., postmaster.
Peck, Hersa, bricklayer and boarding house.
Pennoyer, G., Ottawa hotel and carriage maker.
Sabourin, Joseph. joiner.
Shields, Samuel E., blacksmith.
Taylor, John. shoemaker.
WILKINSON, J. L., proprietor of the springs. See card, next page.
Wilson, David, baker.


The Canada Directory containing the names of the professional and business men of every description in the cities towns and principal villages of Canada November 1851.

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