1851 Bytown Canada Directory

The County Town of the County of Carleton, is situated on the River Ottawa, in the Township of Nepean, Canada West. The Town is divided into two parts, known as the Upper and Lower Town. It is connected with the village of Hull, Canada East, by a handsome Suspension Bridge, and both that village and New Edinburgh, which is about a mile southeast of Bytown, may be considered, in a commercial point of view, as identical with the town. A railway to connect Bytown with Prescott is now in progress, and when completed (which will doubtless be at an early day) it cannot fail to be of immense advantage to the fine country which it will intersect, as well as to Bytown and the extensive and fertile country drained by the Ottawa and its tributaries. Bytown is distant from Montreal, 120 milesusual steamboat and stage fare in summer, 20s. usual stage fare in winter, 25s. distant from Kingston, via Rideau Canal, 142 miles usual steamboat fare, 25s. Population about 8000.

In the following Directory the names which appear in CAPITALS are those of subscribers to the work.

Agencies Of Assurance Companies, Banks, &C.
Bank of British North America, A. C. Kelty, agent, Wellington St., Upper Town. Bank of Montreal, George Dyett, agent, Wellington St., Upper Town.
Bank of Upper Canada, J. T. Leggatt, agent, Wellington St., Upper Town.
Canada Life Assurance Company, G. W. Baker, agent, Wellington St., Upper Town. Colonial Life Assurance Company, J. B. Lewis, agent, Wellington St., Upper Town. National Loan Fund Life Assurance Company, H. V. Noel, agent.
People’s Building Society, F. W. B. Hely, agent, Rideau St., Lower Town.
Union Mutual Life Assurance Company of Boston, Thornton Westley, agent, Sussex St., Lower Town.
Washington Mutual Fire Assurance Company, F. W. B. Hely, agent, Rideau St., L. T. Bytown and Montreal Telegraph Company, Joseph Aumond, president, Rideau St., L. T.

Public Officers, &C.
Armstrong, Christopher, judge of the county and surrogate courts.
Baker, G. W., postmaster.
Barreil, John, revenue inspector.
Burke, T. G., registrar for Carleton.
Coombs, Joseph, jailor.
Durie, John, crown lands agent.
Fraser, James, deputy sheriff.
Fraser, Simon, sheriff.
Friel, H. J., deputy clerk of crown, clerk of county court, and registrar surrogate court.
Powell, F. C., clerk of the peace.
Malloch, Edward, M. P. P. for Carleton.
O’Connor, Daniel, county treasurer.
Scott, John, M. P. P. for Bytown.
Smith, Isaac, coroner.

Royal Engineer Department.
Captain Canada East Ford, commanding the district; Lieutenants T. W. King, W. L. Morrison, R. D. Kerr, S. B. Farrel.
CIVIL BRANCH. Nelson Walker, surveyor and draughtsman; Charles Lancaster, surveyor and draughtsman; Charles H. Harvey, clerk of works; James Fitzgibbon, foreman of works; Thomas B. Cockburn, foreman of works; William Clegg, senior clerk; George H. Peake, clerk; Paul Cooper, office keeper and messenger.

Royal Ordinance Department.
Peter Monsell, ordnance storekeeper; Thomas M’Donald, ordnance clerk; James Duff, ordnance clerk; James Forsyth, ordnance bailiff; John Callaghan, office keeper and messenger; William Addison, lockmaster on Rideau Canal at Bytown.

Town Council
Charles Sparrow, mayor
Alexander Workman, town reeve;
IL W.. Scott, deputy reeve;
J. G. Bell, town clerk;
Isaac M’Taggart, town surveyor.
COUNCILLORS. Charles Sparrow, Alexander Workman, James Leamy, centre ward William F. Powell, Edward Sherwood, N. Sparkes, west ward; Richard W. Scott, Robert Bell, Charles Laporte, east ward.

Crown Timber Office
James Stevenson, collector;
A. J. Russell, surveyor of timber licenses;
Archibald Douglas and J. R. M’Vicar, clerks;
J. Paterson and John Cameron, timber counters.

List Of Officers And Directors Of The Bytown And Prescott Railway Company.
John McKinnon, president;
Alfred Hooker, vice-president;
Robert Bell, secretary;
Edward Masse, treasurer at Bytown;
C. H. Peck, treasurer, Prescott.
DIRECTORS: Joseph Aumond, John Egan, Charles Sparrow, N. Sparkes, Wm. Patrick, John Moran, D. McLachlin, Joseph Bower, J. S. Archibald, Alpheus, Jones, Wm. Creighton. Office Aumond’s building, Bytown.

Alphabetical List Of Professions, Trades, &C.
AUMOND, JOSEPH, lumber merchant, and dealer in dry goods, groceries, hardware, &c., Rideau St., Lower Town.
BALDWIN, W. H., Albion hotel, Nicholas St., Lower Town good accommodations for travelers, and yard and stabling attached to the premises.
BARRY, JON As, plasterer and stucco worker, Besserer St., Lower Town.
BEAL, ROBERT A., chemist and druggist, York St., Lower Town a general stock of drugs, chemicals, perfumery, dye stuffs, &c., at reasonable prices.
BEAUBIEN, ACHILLE, M. D., York St., Lower Town.
BELL, ROBERT, book and job printing office, George St., Lower Town.
BLASDELL, T. M., Bytown axe factory, foundry, and general machinist; Wellington St., Upper Town.
BORBRIDGE, WILLIAM, saddler, harness, and trunk maker, Wellington St., Upper Town every article in the line constantly on hand at reduced prices for cash.
BOURGEOIS, DAVID, Quebec House, Sussex St., Lower Town travelers will find good accommodations and moderate charges.
BRYSON, ALEXANDER. bookseller and stationer, Rideau St., Lower Town a good stock of books and stationery, at very low prices, constantly on hand.
BURPEE, C. A., dealer in groceries, china, glass, &c., Rideau St., Lower Town.
BURROWES, W. N., boot and shoe store, Rideau St., Lower Town a good stock of every article in the line constantly on hand at low prices.
BURWASH, N., grist and saw mills and lumber merchant, Chaudiere, Upper Town.
BYTOWN GAZETTE, weekly, W. F. Powell, proprietor, Sparkes St., Upper Town.
BYTOWN PACKET, weekly, Robert Bell, pro or, George St., Lower Town.
CLEGG, WILLIAM, barrister and attorney at law, George St., Lower Town.
CLEGG, WILLIAM, clerk, Royal Engineer Department, Lower Town.
DENNISON, JACOB, wholesale and retail furrier and cap maker, Sussex St., Lower Town cash paid for every description of fur skins and shipping furs.
DORAN, JAMES, Doran’s hotel, Wellington St., Upper Town travelers will find a comfortable house and moderate charges.
Duff, JAMES, ordnance clerk, Royal Ordnance office, Lower Town.
DURIE, JOHN, dealer in dry goods, groceries, &c., Rideau St., Lower Town.
DYETT, GEORGE, agent Bank of Montreal, Wellington at., Upper Town.
EGLESTON, A., oyster saloon, Rideau St., Lower Town fresh oysters, steaks, chops, &c., and good wines and liquors, always on hand.
FARLEY, JAMES, & SON, dealers in groceries and provisions, Wellington St., Upper Town.
FITZGIBBON, JAMES, foreman of works, Royal Engineer Department, Lower Town.
FORGIE, JOHN, dealer in dry goods, groceries and provisions, Rideau St., Lower Town.
FORSYTH, JAMES, ordnance bailiff, Royal Ordnance Department, Lower Town.
FOSTER, ARCHIBALD, tanner and leather merchant, York St., Lower Town cash for hides.
FRELIGH, JoHN, dealer in dry goods, furs, hats, caps, and groceries, Rideau St., Lower Town.
FRIEL, HENRY J., clerk of county court, deputy clerk of the crown, and registrar of surrogate court, Courthouse, Lower Town.
FRITH, ISAAC, provision and produce merchant, and Isaac Frith & Co., forwarders, Canal Wharf, Lower Town.
GILMOUR & CO., lumber merchants, and dealers in dry goods, groceries, hardware, &c., Wellington St., Upper Town.
GOODWIN, CALVIN, boot and shoe store, York St., Lower Town keeps always on hand or makes to order boots and shoes of every kind, warranted first rate, and upon reasonable terms.
GORDON, BENJAMIN, dealer in dry goods, groceries, liquors, and provisions, Sussex St., Lower Town.
GRAHAM, ALEXANDER, auctioneer and commission merchant, Wellington St., Upper Town.
GRISON, Louis, Sen., dealer in groceries and provisions, St. Patrick St., Lower Town.
HAMILTON, WILLIAM, agent for Gilmour & Co., Wellington St., Upper Town.
HELY, F. W. B., bookseller and stationer, Rideau St., Lower Town-a choice stock
of books and stationery, at the most reasonable prices, constantly on hand.
HENEY, ALEXANDER, saddler and harness maker, Sussex St., Lower Town-every
article in the line constantly on hand, of the best quality and at low prices.
HENEY, JOHN, saddle, harness, boot and shoemaker, Wellington St., Upper Town
every article in both lines of business constantly on hand, and offered at such prices as will be found satisfactory.
HERVEY, ROBERT, Jr., barrister and attorney at law, Rideau St., Lower Town.
HOLLAND, WILLIAM, hotel and general storekeeper, March road, Nepean, 10 miles from Bytown P. O. address, Bytown-travelers will find good accommodations and charges reasonable.
HUMPHRIES & M’DoUGALL, Bytown carriage factory, No. 1, Daly St., Lower Town every description of vehicles constantly on hand or made to order, equal to any manufactured in Canada.
HUNTON, THOMAS & WILLIAM, dealers in dry goods, hardware, groceries, china, glass, &c., Rideau St., Lower Town.
INGLIs’s general dry goods, hardware, grocery and provision store, Sussex St., Lower Town.
KELTY, A. C., agent Bank of British North America, Wellington St., Upper Town.
KERR, DAVIDSON, & Co., printing office, Rideau St., Lower Town.
LACROIX, DR. A. O., physician to the General Hospital and Nunnery, Clarence St., Lower Town.
LEAMY, JAMES, hotelkeeper, York St., Lower Town-good yard and stabling attached to the house, and charges reasonable
LEES, ROBERT, barrister and attorney a , George St., Lower Town.
LEGGATT, G. W., barrister and attorney at law, Wellington St., Upper Town.
LEGGATT, T. J. agent Bank of Upper Canada, Wellington St., Upper Town.
LEROY, ORRON, Ottawa Hotel, Sussex St., Lower Town-good accommodations and moderate charges at this house.
LESLIE, JOHN, watchmaker and jeweler, Rideau St., Lower Town a good stock of gold and silver watches, jewelry, &c., constantly on hand at low prices. Repairs done in the best manner, and with dispatch.
LEWIS, JOHN BOWER, barrister and attorney at law, Wellington St., Upper Town.
LOUGHRAN, MICHAEL, dealer in groceries, wines, liquors, and provisions, York St., Lower Town every article in the line for sale at low prices.
LYONS, ROBINSON, Chaudiere House hotel, Chaudiere, Upper Town.
M’ARTHUR, DONALD, British hotel and Montreal stage house, corner of Sussex and George sts., Lower Town.
M’CONNELL, GEORGE, Grand River hotel, Sussex St., Lower Town an excellent yard and stabling is attached to the premises.
M’DONALD, THOMAS, ordnance clerk, Royal Ordnance office, Lower Town.
M’CRACKEN, JAMES, Sr., dealer in groceries, wines, liquors, provisions, &c., Rideau St., Lower Town.
M’CRACKEN, JAMES, Jr., & Co., dealers in groceries, wines, liquors, provisions, &c., Sussex St., Lower Town.
M’GILLIVRAY, EDWARD, dealer in dry goods, groceries, and provisions, Wellington St., Upper Town.
M’TAGGART, ISAAC, town surveyor, Lower Town market, house, Ottawa St., Upper Town.
MACKAY, HON. THOMAS, M. L. C., New Edinburgh-P. O. address, Bytown.
MACKAY & MACKINNON, cloth and flour store, Sussex St., Lower Town.
MACKAY & MACKINNON, cloth factory, grist mills, saw mills, and general store, New Edinburgh-Post Office, Bytown.
MACPHERSON & CRANE, forwarders-P. Robertson, agent, Canal Wharf, Lower Town.
MAIN, ANDREW, dealer in dry goods, groceries, hardware, &c., Sussex St., Lower Town.
MONK, J. B., barrister and attorney at law, Wellington St., Upper Town.
MONTGOMERY, ROBERT, saddler and harness maker, Rideau St., Lower Town every article in the line, and made of the best materials, constantly on hand; carriage trimming executed to order.
M’VICAR, JOHN R., clerk, crown timber office, Upper Town.
O’BRIEN, JOHN, dealer in groceries, wines, liquors, &c., Sussex St., Lower Town.
O’CONNOR, DANIEL, dealer in dry goods, groceries, and provisions, Wellington St., Upper Town.
ORANGE LILLY AND OTTAWA ADVOCATE, weekly paper, Kerr, Davidson, & Co., Rideau St., Lower Town.
PATTERSON & Co., dealer in dry goods, groceries, hardware, china, glass, &c., Rideau St., Lower Town.
PEACOCK, JAMES, hatter and furrier, Rideau St., Lower Town-a choice stock of hats and furs constantly on hand and for sale at low prices, wholesale or retail-furs made up for customers.
POWELL, F. C., barrister and attorney at law, Rideau St., Lower Town.
POWELL, W. F., printing office, Sparkes St., Upper Town.
PULKER, CHARLES, bookseller and stationer, Athenaeum Reading Room, Sparkes St., Upper Town.
ROBINSON, DR. JOSEPH, physician and surgeon, Sussex St., Lower Town.
ROBINSON, W. H., general commission agent, Elgin St., Upper Town.
RUSSELL, A. J., surveyor of timber licenses, crown timber office, Upper Town.
SCOTT, JOHN, M. P. P., barrister and attorney at law, Sussex St., Lower Town.
SCOTT, RICHARD W., barrister and attorney at law, George St., Lower Town.
SHOULDIS, GEORGE, bread and biscuit baker and grocer, York St., Lower Town a good assortment of groceries, and at low price
SMITH, EDWARD, dealer in dry goods, groceries, hardware and provisions, York St., Lower Town.
SPARROW, CHARLES, dealer in dry goods, groceries, and provisions, and tanner, and leather merchant, Sussex St., Lower Town.
STANLEY, ROBERT, Carleton hotel, and western mail stage house, Wellington St., Upper Town, good accommodations for travelers, and charges moderate.
STETHEM, ROBERT A., saddler and harness maker, Rideau St., Lower Town a superior stock always on hand at low prices carriage trimming done to order:
STETHEM, RICHARD, dealer in dry goods, groceries, hardware, provisions, &c., Sussex St., Lower Town.
STEVENSON, JAMES, collector, crown timber office, Upper Town.
SUTHERLAND, A. & W., tailors and clothiers, Rideau St., Lower Town, make to order every description of clothing in the best style, at moderate prices.
THOMSON, FRANCIS, confectioner and pastry cook, corner Sparkes and Elgin sts., Upper Town.
V ANCORTLANDT, EDWARD, M. R. C. S. L., medical referee Colonial Life Assurance Company, Wellington St., Upper Town.

Non Subscribers
Ahearn. James, blacksmith, Wellington at., U. T.
Armstrong, Peter, hotelkeeper, Elgin St., U. T.
Ashfield, Jas., cabinetmaker, Wehlington St., U. T..
Atkins, William, shoemaker, Rideau St., L. T.
Balbirnie, James, innkeeper, Wellington St., U.T.
Bangs, C. W., hats and furs, Sussex St., L. T.
Barrett, Edward, innkeeper, York St., L. T.
Baskerville, Thos., chair maker, Rideau St., L. T.
Baucaire, B., shoemaker, Sussex St., L. T.
Beal, Richard, carriage maker. York St., L. T.
Beauchamp, Joseph, innkeeper, Sussex St., L. T.
Bedard, John, innkeeper, York St., L. T.
Bennett, Richard, tailor, Sussex St., L. T.
Berichon, Isaac, innkeeper, Clarence St., L. T.
Blasdell, N. S., axe factory, Wellington St., U. T.
Blackburn, _______, general store, New Edinburgh.
Booth, Dudley, watchmaker, Wellington St., U.T.
Bowles, Wm., boots and shoes, Sussex St., L. T.
Brophy, Mrs., grocery, Sussex St., L. T.
Brough. James, & Co., general store, Wellington St., U. T.
Broughton, H. L. & G. S., lumber merchants, Rockliff.
Burke, George R., brewer, Rideau St., L. T.
Burpee, Silas, Rideau hotel, Rideau St., L. T.
Burns, Thomas G., bailiff, Besserer St., L. T.
Byrne, Thomas, tavern, George at., L. T.
Campbell, J. L., general store, Rideau St., L. T.
Carpenter, Peter, innkeeper, Sussex St., L. T.
Chitty, John, general store, Wellington St., U. T.
Christie, Misses, milliners, &c., Rideau an, L. T.
Clemow, Francis, forwarder, Canal Wharf, L. T.
Cochrane, Andrew, forwarding agent, Canal Wharf, L. T.
Cole, Mrs., tavern, Clarence St., L. T.
Corcoran, Thomas, innkeeper, Sussex St., L. T.
Coughlan, D., blacksmith, George St., L. T.
Cowan. Wm., boots and shoes, Rideau St., L. T.
Cross, J., carpenter and turner, Chaudiere, U. T.
Cunningham, Edward, tailor, George St., L. T.
Cuzner, M., boots and shoes, Rideau St., L. T.
Duffy, James, shoemaker, Rideau St., L. T.
Egleson, P. A., grocer, Sussex St., L. T.
Elliott, John, boot maker, Wellington St., U. T.
Fitzpatrick, J., grocer, Nicholas St., L. T.
Frazer, Wm., boot maker, Wellington St., U. T.
Gaffney, Bernard, tailor, Sussex St., L. T.
Germain, V., tinsmith, Sussex St.. L. T.
Gibb, Alex., barrister at law, Rideau St., L. T.
Goode, D., innkeeper, Nicholas St., L. T.
Graham, David, paymaster at the timber slides, Chaudèire, U. T.
Graham, Andrew, innkeeper, Rideau at., L. T.
Graham, Robert, innkeeper, Sussex St., L. T.
Grant A. M’P., general store, Rideau St., L. T.
Grant, Mrs., innkeeper, Sussex at., L. T.
Grant, Francis, innkeeper, York St., L. T. Hay,
George, hardware store, Rideau St., L. T.
Heath, ________, blacksmith, New Edinburgh.
Heney, John, boot maker, George St., L. T.
Hewitt, Wm., grocer, Rideau St., L. T.
Hill, Harnett, M. D., Wellington St., U. T.
Hutchinson, Mrs., tin shop, Wellington St., U. T.
John, Daniel, innkeeper, Sussex St., L. T.
Johnston, Geo. R., innkeeper, Sussex St., L. T.
Johnston, Wm., chop house, Rideau St., L. T.
Joyce, John, carriage maker, Wellington St., U. T.
Keir, S., painter, Wellington St., U. T.
Kenley, James, cooper, Kent St., U. T.
Kennedy, James, tavern, Kent St., U. T.
Kennedy, Cornelius, grocer, Sussex St., L. T.
Keogh, Mrs., innkeeper, George St., L. T.
Kipp, Wolfred, tinsmith, Sussex St., L. T.
Lang, Dr., physician and surgeon, Sussex St., L. T.
Laporte, C., innkeeper, Rideau St., L. T.
Lettimer, Wm., boot maker, Wellington St., U. T.
Little, Watson, innkeeper. Rideau St., L. T.
Loux, J. W., storekeeper, Rideau St., L. T.
Lyman, E. S., chemist and druggist, Rideau St.,L. T.
Lyon, Geo. B., barrister at law, Rideau St., L. T.
M’Carty, John, grocer, Wellington at., U. T.
M’Cree, Felix, innkeeper, Rideau St., L. T.
M’Cullough, William, boot maker, Wellington St., U. T.
M’Cullough, Robert, grocer, Wellington St., U.T.
M’Dowall, Rev. D. C., Wesleyan.
M’Laughlin, Daniel, lumber merchant, Chaudiere, U. T.
Macnider, John, merchant, Canal wharf, L. T.
Macpherson, Angus, grocer, Clarence St., U. T.
Maher, Denis, tailor, Wellington St., U. T.
Merrill, H., engineer at timber slides, U. T.
Mills, Thomas, watchmaker, Sussex at., L. T.
Monk, , innkeeper, Clarence St.; L. T.
Montgomery, James, tailor, Wellington St., U. T.
Mosgrove, Robert, saddler, Rideau St., L. T.
Mowatt, Alex., tailor, Rideau St., L. T.
O’Donnell, P., boots and shoes, Sussex St., L. T.
O’Keefe, William, saddler, Sussex St., L. T.
O’Meara, John, dry goods, Wellington St., U. T.
Penard, Louis, tavern, Sussex St., L. T.
Perkins, Lyman, foundry, Wellington at., U. T. Post Office,
Baker G. W. , postmaster, Wellington St., U. T.
Prou, Edward, blacksmith, Chaudiere, U. T.
Rait, James, tailor, York St., L T
Real, Pierre, tinsmith, Sussex St., L. T.
Rice, Robert, boot maker, Wellington St., U. T.
Robb, Rev. J., principal of the Grammar School.
Robinson, James & Son, groceries and provisions, Wellington St., L. T.
Rochester, James, brewer, Richmond road.
Rochester & Cobb, tanners, Wellington St.,
U. T. Roman Catholic Bishop of By town, Right Rev. J. Eugenius Guigues, corner Sussex and St.Patrick sts. Resident clergy Revs. P. Aubert, N. Mignault, William Corbett, D. Allard, Damase Dandurand, Michael Molloy, Jeremiah Ryan.
Rowan, Charles, innkeeper, Ridean St., L. T.
Scott, A., inspector of flour and meal Sussex St., L. T.
Sherwood, Edward, barrister at law, Wellington St., U. T.
Shouldis, Henry, grocer and baker, St. Patrick St., L. T.
Shepherd, Rev. E., Wesleyan.
Skead, Jas., lumber merchant, Chaudiere, U. T.
Skead, Robt., lumber merchant, Chaudiere, U. T.
Sparkes, Nicholas, lumber merchant, and grist and saw mills, Chaudiere, U. T.
Spence, Rev. Alexander, Church of Scotland. Story, Geo., dry goods,
Rideau St., U. T.
Sterling, Geo., brewer, Rideau St., L. T.
Story, Thomas, tailor, Wellington St., U. T.
Strong, Rev. S. S., Church of England.
Sumner, Charles, chemist and druggist, Wellington St., U. T.
Swalliwell, Anthy., land surveyor, York St., L.T.
Swangler, George, innkeeper, New Edinburgh.
Taylor, Alexander, innkeeper, Sussex St., L. T.
Thomson, John, lumber merchant, Nepean, P. O. address, Bytown.
Thompson, Phillip, grist and saw mills, Chaudiere, U. T.
Thompson, John, general store, Sussex St., L. T.
Thompson, W. H., general store, Sussex St., L. T.
Tract Society’s Depository, John Durie, agent, Rideau St.. L. T.
Tracy, William, watchmaker, Rideau St., L. T.
Turgeon, Joseph, blacksmith, York St., L. T.
Turnbull, James, storekeeper, Nicholas St., L. T.
Valiquette, Joseph, boots and shoes, Sussex St.,L. T.
Varin, Eusebe, general store, Sussex St., L. T.
Villeneuve, _______, boots and shoes, Sussex St., L.T.
Wade, John, boots and shoes, Rideau St., L. T.
Walker, J.. innkeeper, Wellington St., U. T.
Wardrope, Rev. Thomas, Free Church.
Whitty, James, tavern, Sussex St., L. T.
Wills. W. J., boots and shoes, Sussex St., L. T.
Woodbury, T. E., tinsmith, Wellington St., U. T.
Wood, F. B., hotelkeeper, formerly of St. John’s C.E,
Wright, H. G., beer house, Wellington St., U. T.


The Canada Directory containing the names of the professional and business men of every description in the cities towns and principal villages of Canada November 1851.

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