Harriet Ellen Todd Strauss Wallingford CT

STRAUSS, Harriet Ellen Todd8, (Orrin K.7, William6, Simeon5, Joel4, Ithamar3, Michael2, Christopher1) born April 19, 1860, married Nov. 16, 1888, Henry John Strauss, of Middletown, Conn., who was a successful business man in Wallingford, Conn., where their interests grew and they accumulated quite a property. The Rev. Mr. Reynolds, her pastor and friend of much of her girlhood, of the First Baptist Church officiated at the wedding.

Mrs. Strauss received a thorough common-school education and became a shipper and later an inspector in the finished goods department, first at Hall and Elton’s and afterwards at R. Wallace and Sons, where for years her services were retained. Her children were all born in Wallingford, Ct., but were some years later, confirmed in the Protestant Episcopal Church of Hamden at Centerville.


I. Jane Caroline Todd, b. April 8, 1889, received a high school education and engaged as expert bookkeeper for her father and brother. She is also a very successful teacher of the pianoforte, having graduated several large classes. Jane Caroline was married Sept. 16, 1920, at St. Paul’s Episcopal Church in Bridgeport, Conn., to Mr. Granville J. Houle an estimable and popular young man of that city, and they resided in Stratford, Conn. This new family is ideal and their future most promising.
II. Kate Clifford Todd, b. July 14, 1894, graduated from high school. She became an adept in the art of fine needlework and in many of the comfortable, practical ways is an accomplished young woman. She was married Sept. 25, 1919, at St. Paul’s Episcopal Church in Bridgeport, Conn., to Mr. James Nell, who is an automobile merchant. They have a beautiful home in that city. Kate is a regal beauty and a most attractive young matron.
III. Henry John Todd, b. July 7, 1896, graduated from high school just prior to the beginning of the world-war, in which he served with the Motor-truck Branch and was honorably discharged as a sergeant. He is now (1920) associated with his father in a garage business in Bridgeport, Conn., having a floor space for nearly 100 automobiles.

Houle, Nell, Strauss, Todd,


Todd, George Iru. Todd Family in America. Gazette Printing Company. 1920.

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