1851 Mariatown Canada Directory

A Village situated on the Williamsburg Canal, in the Township of Williamsburg, Canada West distant from Prescott, 21 miles from Cornwall, 29 miles. Population about 125. In the following Directory the names which appear in CAPITALS are those of subscribers to the work. Alphabetical List Of Professions, Trades, &C. Beagle, Peter, tannery. Bowen, Henry, iron founder. Carriere, T., wagon maker.. Coyle, Rev. B., Roman Catholic. Hanes, Jacob, innkeeper. Hare, John, shoemaker. McMartin, Alexander, general store. Nash, Samuel, blacksmith. Nevens, C. S., general store, chair maker and potash factory. RAYMOND, WILLIAM, dealer in dry goods, groceries, hardware, crockery, pot ashes, &c. … Read more

1851 Kingsey Canada Directory

A Small Village situated in the Township of Kingsey, County of Sherbrooke, Canada East In the following Directory the names which appear in CAPITALS are those of subscribers to the work. Alphabetical List Of Professions, Trades, &C. Balfour, Rev. J. C., Church of England. Cloutier, Joseph, general store. Cox, Lieutenant Colonel, registrar for county of Drummond. Peoples, J., advocate. Wadleigh, John, jun., general store. Wadleigh, John, sen., general store. Wilson, Major, postmaster.

1851 Manchester Late Frankford Canada Directory

A Village situated on the River Trent, in the Township of Sidney, County of Hastings, C. W distant from Trent Port, 8 miles usual stage fare, 2s. 6d. distant from Belleville, 15 miles usual stage lumber merchants, &c. In the following Directory the names which appear in CAPITALS are those of subscribers to the work. Alphabetical List Of Professions, Trades, &C. Anderson, Robert P., blacksmith. Bennett, Charles W., cooper. Bliss, J. S., woollen factory and carding mill. Bowen, William, general store, postmaster. miller and commissioner of court of Queen’s Bench. Bowen, Daniel G., general store. Chase, Andrew, carrier to Trent … Read more

1851 Longueuil Canada Directory

A Village situated in the Seigniory of Longueuil. County of Chambly, C.E. distant from Montreal. miles-usual steamboat fare, 3d. the St. Lawrence and Portland Railroad commences here. Population of the Parish about 4500. In the following Directory the names which appear in CAPITALS are those of subscribers to the work. Alphabetical List Of Professions, Trades, &C. Achin, Madame Andre. general store, St. Charles St. Arian, Joseph, butcher, St. Charles st. Bartin, Aime, shoemaker, St. Charles st. Bourdon, Joseph, butcher, St. Charles st. Bouthillier, Clement, wheelwright, Chambly st. Bouthillier, Moise, Chambly st. Brassard, Rev. Louis M., Roman Catholic, St. Charles t. … Read more

1851 London Canada Directory

The County Tows of the County of Middlesex, is situated in the Township of London, and is surrounded by the finest farming country in Canada. The Town is well watered, lying between two arms of the River Thames; and the Great Western Railroad, now in progress of construction, will pass through it. London is an electoral District, returning one member to the Provincial Parliament. and being the principal Town west of Hamilton, appears destined to become one of the main depots for the commerce of the west distant from Toronto, 25 miles from Hamilton, 81 miles from Brantford, 57 miles … Read more

1851 L’islet Canada Directory

A Village situated in the County of L’Islet, 48 miles below Quebec, on the South Shore of the River St. Lawrence. In the following Directory the names which appear in CAPITALS are those of subscribers to the work. Alphabetical List Of Professions, Trades, &C. Aubert, Benoni, flour mill. Autille, Charles, carding mill. Ballantyne, Duncan S.. postmaster and land sureveyor. Casgrain. Oliver E., seignior and mill owner. Cloutier. Captain Benoni. Delage, Rev. F. X., Roman Catholic. Delage. Miss, general store. Dominique, Samuel R., deputy registrar. Fafard, Joseph, general store and ashery. Fortin, Captain Charles, mayor. Fournier, Pierre C., clerk of commissioners … Read more

1851 Milleroches Canada Directory

A Village situated on the Cornwall Canal, in the Township of Cornwall, C. Cornwall. 6 miles from Prescott, 45 miles and from Montreal, 85 miles usual treal, 25s. Population about 220. In the following Directory the names which appear in CAPITALS are those of subscribers to the work. Alphabetical List Of Professions, Trades, &C. Lesage, Francis, shoemaker. McConnell, Hugh, tailor. McCosh, Thomas. postmaster. Robinson. George, grist mill. Tait, Peter, storekeeper. Tait, David, saw mill.

1851 Laprairie Canada Directory

A Village situated on the south shore of the river St. Lawrence, in the County of Huntingdon, Canada East distant from Montreal, 9 miles usual steamboat fare, 71/2d usual stage fare, 2s 6d. Population about 1684. In the following Directory the names which appear in CAPITALS are those of subscribers to the work. Alphabetical List Of Professions, Trades, &C. Alexander, Dr. A. T., St. George st. Barbeau, Louis, notary public, old St. Johns road. Bizaillon, Bizard, wheelwright, old St. John st. Bogg, Mrs., milliner, old St. John st. Boucher. C., painter. Boucher. Mrs., dry goods store. Brainerd. A. H., superintendent … Read more

1851 Millcreek Canada Directory

A Village situated on the post-road from Kingston to Toronto, in the Township of Ernesttown distant from Kingston, 12 miles usual stage fare to Kingston, 2s. 6d. Population about 250. In the following Directory the names which appear in CAPITALS are those of subscribers to the work. Alphabetical List Of Professions, Trades, &C. AVERY, WRIGHT, hotel keeper travellers will find a good house and reasonable charges conveyances are furnished when required. Bills, Gordon, Blacksmith. Bonny. _____, Pump Maker. Booth, John, Saw Mill. Booth, Joshua, Cloth Factory And Fulling Mills. Booth, Phillip D., Grist Mill. Burke, Q. M., Shoemaker. CLARK, BENJAMIN, … Read more

1851 Lanoraie Canada Directory

The Village Of Lanoraie is situated on the river St. Lawrence, in the Seigniory of the same name, and County of Berthier, Canada East distant from Montreal, 36 miles usual steamboat fare, 3s 9d. In the following Directory the names which appear in CAPITALS are those of subscribers to the work. Alphabetical List Of Professions, Trades, &C. Balthazar, Rev. Marie Joseph Melchior, Roman Catholic. Beaugrand dit Champagne, Capt. Eli. Cuthbert, Ross, seignior and mill owner. Dalcourt, Captain Alexis. Desrosier, Leopold, agent for seigniory. DUFOUR DIT LATOUR, THIMOTHE, notary public, and commissioner of court for small causes. Faribault, Joseph Edouard, notary … Read more

1851 Millbrook Canada Directory

A Village situated in the Township of Cavan. County of Durham, Canada West distant from Port Hope, 18 miles usual stage fare, 4s. to 5s. distant from Cavanville, 4 miles. Population about 275. In the following Directory the names which appear in CAPITALS are those of subscribers to the work. Alphabetical List Of Professions, Trades, &C. Armstrong, Alexander, storekeeper. Armstrong, Archibald, storekeeper. Armstrong, James, wheelwright. Berry, William, blacksmith. Boyce, A. C., clothier. Brodie, Dr. Robert W., physician and surgeon. Brodie, James M., clerk of division court. Brown, Dr. James, physician and surgeon. Campbell. William. storekeeper. Clisdell, Robert, shoemaker. Dean, Andrew, … Read more

1851 Lancaster Canada Directory

A Village situated in the Township of Lancaster. County of Glengarry, on the river St. Lawrence distant from Montreal, 66 miles, from Cornwall, 16 miles. Population about 220. In the following Directory the names which appear in CAPITALS are those of subscribers to the work. Alphabetical List Of Professions, Trades, &C. Beattie, Dr. Alexander. CAMERON, ALLAN, farmer, about 2 miles below the village. Dunlop, James, shoemaker. Dunlop, James, tanner. Dunn. John, tailor. Finney, Peter, saw mills, about 1 mile below the village. Gillespie. William, blacksmith. Maxwell, Archibald. shoemaker. MCBAIN, WILLIAM, dealer in dry goods, groceries, hardware, crockery and provisions. McCrimmon, … Read more

1851 Stewartstown Canada Directory

A Village situated in the Township of Esquesing and County of Halton, C. W. distant from Hamilton, 34 miles from Toronto, 36 miles. Population about 350. In the following Directory the names which appear in CAPITALS are those of subscribers to the work. Alphabetical List Of Professions, Trades, &C. APPLEBY, WILLIAM, general merchant. CROSS, DAVID, tanner and boot and shoe factor. GRANT, ALEXANDER, general merchant. JONES, NEAVENS, cabinet and furniture manufacturer and agricultural implement maker. TRACY, RICHARD, postmaster, general merchant, agent for the issue of marriage licenses and commissioner of Queen’s bench. YOUNG, J., union flouring mills and saw mill. … Read more

1851 St. Charles De Quebec Canada Directory

A Village situated in the Seigniory of Beaumont, County of Bellechasse, C. E. distant from Quebec, 15 miles. Population of the parish about 1800. In the following Directory the names which appear in CAPITALS are those of subscribers to the work. Alphabetical List Of Professions, Trades, &C. Boulanger, Alexander, miller. Carrier, Captain Amable. Chabot, Captain Louis. Chabot, Mrs. Antoine, general store. Fournier, Louis, saw millowner. Labreque, Francois Xavier, M. D. Landry, Ambroise, saw millowner. Larochelle, Jean Baptiste, miller. Larne, Gilbert, notary public. Lefebvre, Alexis, miller. Marcoux, Louis, saw millowner. Nadeau. dit Labry, Pierre, saw millowner. Prendergast, Joseph, notary public. Prevost, … Read more

1851 Stephensville Canada Directory

A Village situated in the Township of North Gower, County of Carleton, C. W. distant from Prescott, 35 miles from Kemptville, 15 miles. Population about 200. In the following Directory the names which appear in CAPITALS are those of subscribers to the work. Alphabetical List Of Professions, Trades, &C. Barrass, David, saw mills. Beaman, William, wagonmaker. Beaman, Uriah, wagonmaker. Craig, Alexander, general store. Gilbert, Enos, innkeeper. Gilbert, Ira, blacksmith. Griffith. Thomas, innkeeper. Hartwell, Alex., general store and postmaster. Johnston, James, grocer.. McEwen, Nadeb, blacksmith. Pettigrew, William, tailor. Wright, John, tanner and shoemaker.

1851 St. Sylvestre Canada Directory

Village And Parish situated in rear of St. Nicholas, in the County of Dorchester, C. E. distant from St. Nicholas, 30 miles. Population about 2000. In the following Directory the names which appear in CAPITALS are those of subscribers to the work. King, Rev. W., Church of England. Nelligan, Rev. James, Roman Catholic.

1851 Stanstead Canada Directory

A Village situated in the Township and County, of Stanstead, District of St. Francis, C. E. distant from Sherbrooke, 35 miles from St. Johns, 75 miles and from Montreal, 100 miles usual stage fare to Sherbrooke, 8s. 9d. to St. Johns, 15s. and to Montreal, 20s. In the following Directory the names which appear in CAPITALS are those of subscribers to the work. Alphabetical List Of Professions, Trades, &C. BUTLER, T. C., dealer in drugs, medicines, &c. and agent for Cheney & Co’s. express at the Line Store, Rock Island. COLBY, WILLIAM B., tavern, hotel and boarding house keeper. WOODMAN, … Read more

1851 St. Prospere Canada Directory

A Small Village And Parish situated in rear of St. Anne de la Perade, in the County of Port Neuf, C. E. distant from St. Anne de la Perade, 71/2 miles. Population about 150. In the following Directory the names which appear in CAPITALS are those of subscribers to the work. Massicotte, Captain Augustin, trader. Tourigny, Rev. Louis, Roman Catholic.

1851 Springfield, (2nd.) Canada Directory

A Village situated in the Township of Brantford, and United Counties of Wentworth and Halton. C. W. distant from Hamilton, 32 miles from London, 52 miles usual stage fare from Hamilton 6s. 3d. from London, 12s. 6d. Population, by census of 1850, 200. In the following Directory the names which appear in CAPITALS are those of subscribers to the work. Alphabetical List Of Professions, Trades, &C. MACPHERSON, JAMES, Old Chequered Shed inn. MILES, WILLIAM, boot and shoe manufacturer, and leather dealer. MOTT, DAVID dealer in groceries, provisions, &c. PERRIN, THOMAs, jun., general merchant. PERRIN & SON, general merchants, lumber dealers … Read more

1851 St. Paulin Canada Directory

A Village And New Parish situated behind Rivikre du Loup, in the County of St. Maurice, C. E. distant from Montreal, 81 miles. There are large flour and saw mills, and at Hunterstown a short distance from here, 200,000 to 300,000 planks are annually manufactured and exported to the United States via the Chambly River. In the following Directory the names which appear in CAPITALS are those of subscribers to the work. Lattonville, Rey. Honore, Roman Catholic. Kimpton, Truman, saw and flour mills.