1851 London Canada Directory

Last Updated on November 19, 2020 by

The County Tows of the County of Middlesex, is situated in the Township of London, and is surrounded by the finest farming country in Canada. The Town is well watered, lying between two arms of the River Thames; and the Great Western Railroad, now in progress of construction, will pass through it. London is an electoral District, returning one member to the Provincial Parliament. and being the principal Town west of Hamilton, appears destined to become one of the main depots for the commerce of the west distant from Toronto, 25 miles from Hamilton, 81 miles from Brantford, 57 miles from Woodstock, 31 miles from St. Thomas, 17 miles from Port Stanley, 26 miles from. Port Sarnia, 61 miles from Goderich, 60 miles from Chatham, 70 miles from Detroit, 120 miles and from Buffalo, 152 miles usual stage fare to Chatham, 17s. 6d. to Wardsville, 10s. to Goderich. 15s. to St. Thomas, 3s. 9d. to Port Stanley, 5s. to Woodstock, 6s. 3d. to Brantford, 11s. 3d. to Hamilton, 15s. to Port Sarnia, 15s. Population about 6000.

In the following Directory the names which appear in CAPITALS are those of subscribers to the work.

Agencies Of Assurance Companies, Banes, &C.
American Insurance Company of Amsterdam, New York, F. B. Beddome, agent. Bank of Montreal, John Fraser, agent, Ridout St.
Bank of Upper Canada, James Hamilton, agent, Ridout st.
Britannia Life Assurance Company, Alfred G. Smyth, agent.
British America Fire and Marine Insurance company, W. W. Street, agent. British Commercial Life Assurance Company, H. C. Hughes, agent.
Canada Life Assurance Company, W. W. Street, agent.
Colonial Life Assurance Company, Charles Monsarrat, agent.
Columbus Insurance Company, Henry Groves, agent.
Equitable Fire Insurance Company, James Hamilton, agent.
Etna Insurance Company of Utica, Alexander Macdonald, agent.
Empire State Insurance Company of Saratoga Springs, New York, Lambkin and Scovell, agents.
Farmers’ and Merchants’ Insurance Company of Rochester, New York, Lambkin and Scovell, agents.
Franklin Insurance Company of New York, Lambkin and Scovell, agents Globe Insurance Company of London, England, D. J. Hughes, agent.
Gore Bank, W. W. Street, agent, Ridout st.
Hartford Insurance Company, Henry Groves, agent.
Hudson River Insurance Company of New York, Lambkin and Scovell, agents. Kingston Fire and Marine Insurance Company, Alexander Macdonald, agent. London Savings Bank, W. W. Street, actuary, Ridout st.
Merchants Mutual Insurance Company of Buffalo, Joseph Franklin, agent. National Loan Fund Life Assurance Society, James Hamilton, agent.
New York Protection Insurance Company, Henry Groves, agent.
North Western Insurance Company, Henry Groves, agent.
Poughkeepsie Insurance Company of New York, Lambkin and Scovell, agents. St. Lawrence Insurance Company, Alexander Macdonald, agent.
Trenton Insurance Company of New Jersey, Lambkin and Scovell, agents.
United States Mutual and Joint Stock Insurance Company of New York, Joseph Franklin, agent.
United States Insurance Company of Potsdam, Alexander Macdonald, agent. Washington Insurance Company, Henry Groves, agent.

Public Officers
Asken, J. B., clerk of the peace and county court, and crown lands agent.
Becher, Henry C. R., registrar of surrogate court.
Brown, John, deputy sheriff.
Burwell, H., county registrar.
Clench, J. B., revenue inspector and Indian agent.
Hamilton, James, sheriff.
Farley, J., town clerk.
Gill, W. C., deputy county registrar.
Goodhue, Hon. George, M. L. C.
Goodhue, Hon. George, postmaster.
Hanvey, Daniel, deputy revenue inspector.
Harris, John F. J., agent for marriage licenses.
Haywood, J., bailiff.
Hughes, D. J., master and examiner in chancery.
Meredith, John, clerk of division court.
Morrill, S., mayor of London.
Notman, William, M. P. P. for Middlesex, Dundas.
Park, Samuel, jailor.
Shanley, James, junr., master and examiner in chancery, and deputy registrar at London.
Small, James E., judge of the county court.
Strathey, J. B., clerk of county council.
Street, W. W., county treasurer, and secretary to the London building society.
Talbot, Freeman, county engineer.
Wanless, Dr. John, McKenzie, Dr. A., Moore, Dr. Charles, coroners.
Wilson, John, M. P. P. for London.
Wilson, John, superintendent of education.

Resident Clergy
Rev. B. Cronyn, Church of England.
Rev. J. T. Kerwan, Roman Catholic.
Rev. M. Scott, Church of Scotland.
Rev. John Proudfoot, Free Church.
Rev. M. Pollard, Wesleyan Methodist.
Rev. N. F. Clark, Congregationalist.
Rev. R. Boyd, Baptist.
Rev. D. A. Turner, Colored Church.

Alphabetical List Of Professions, Trades, &C.
ADAMS, EDWARD, wholesale and retail grocer, Dundas st.
ANDERSON, DANIEL, merchant tailor and clothier, Dundas st.
ANDERSON, MURRAY, tin and copper smith, Dundas st.
ARNOLD, JOHN, ladies’ and gentlemen’s boot and shoe store, Dundas st.
ASKEN, CHARLES, flour and provision merchant, Dundas st.
BEATTIE, JOHN, carpenter, builder and contractor, King st.
BECHER, H. C. R., barrister, land agent and registrar of surrogate court, Ridout st. BEDDOME, F. B., land and general agent, auctioneer and commission merchant, Dundas st. See card, next page.
BEDDOME, MRS., ladies’ select school, Talbot st., North.
BENNETT, J. M., Robinson Hall hotel and general stage house, Ridout St. a house possessing every requisite comfort and convenience.
BIDDLECOMBE, W., temperance hotel, Ridout St. good accommodations and moderate charges, lunches and refreshments at all hours.
BENNETT, SAMUEL, practical machinist and engineer.
BURWELL, H., registrar for Middlesex, office, Court House.
CARLING, W. & J., brewery, corner of Waterloo st. and Pall Mall.
CARRY, JAMES, wholesale and retail grocery and provision store, Dundas st.
COLOVIN, M., general merchant, 33 Dundas st.
COTTRELL, GEORGE, auctioneer, commission merchant, and land agent, office, Covent Garden Market.
DANIELL, JAMES, barrister and attorney at law, King st.
DARCH, JAMES F., manufacturer and dealer in every description of saddlery, harness, trunks, &c., Dundas st.
DARCH, ROBERT, saddler, harness and trunk maker, Dundas st.
DEADMAN, JAMES D., house, sign and ornamental painter, corner of King and Ridout st.
DEWEY, WILLIAM, working gold and silversmith, and jeweller, from London, (England), 6 doors east of Robinson Hall all kinds of repairs neatly executed.
DIxoN & Sox, hat, cap and fur manufacturers, 27 Dundas st.
EMERY, EDWARD, auctioneer and farmer, Westminster Township, P. O. address, London.
ESSERY, W. H., ladies’ and gentlemen’s boot and shoe store, Dundas st., opposite the Market.
FRASER, JOHN, agent of Bank of Montreal, Ridout st.
FREE PRESS, THE, newspaper, W. Sutherland, publisher, Talbot st.
GILL, W. C., attorney at law and land agent, office, Court house.
GILLEAN, JAMES, bookseller and stationer, 61 Dundas St. a good stock of books and stationery of all kinds, constantly for sale upon favorable terms.
GLASS, WILLIAM, grocer and tea dealer, Dundas st.
GLEN, WILLIAM, dealer in groceries, wines, spirits and provisions, Dundas st.
GLEN, JAMES, tailor and clothier, Dundas st. keeps always on hand, west of England, broad cloths, cassimeres, vestings, &c. Riding habits and military clothing made to order on short notice.
GOODHUE, Hon. GEORGE, M. L, C., postmaster, office, Ridout st.
GRAHAM, J. M., bookseller and stationer, 25 Dundas st. a choice stock of books and stationery of every description always on hand, and for sale on moderate terms.
GUNN & GORDON, staple and fancy dry goods warehouse, 35 Dundas st.
HART, D. W., general printing office, Ridout st.
HENDY & CARTER, importers of staple and fancy dry goods, 62 Dundas st., opposite the Market.
HOPE, BIRRELL & Co., general merchants and importers, 17, 19, and 21, Dundas st.
HORTON, WILLIAM, barrister and attorney at law, and commissioner of court of Queen’s Bench, Ridout st.
HORTOP, T., butcher, stall No. 3, Covent Garden Market, Dundas st.
HUTCHINSON, CHARLES, law student, Ridout st.
JARMAN, WILLIAM, copper, zinc, tin and sheet iron worker, Richmond st., near M’Fee’s corner, roofing, guttering, hot air works and steam pipes, fitted up on short notice.
KORDES, HERMAN, professor and teacher of music, Talbot st.
LABATT & ECCLES, ale and porter brewers, south end of Simcoe St.
LAWSON & BURGESS, staple and fancy dry goods warehouse, 11 Dundas st.
LAWRASON & CHISHOLM, importers of dry goods, groceries, hardware, crockery, &c., corner of Dundas and Talbot
LAWRASON, LAURENCE, (of the firm of L. & C., residence, east end of Dundas st.
LEONARD, E., & Co., manufacturers of tin, copper and sheet iron wares, and dealers in stoves, patent pumps, &c., of all kinds, Dundas st.
LEONARD, E., iron founder, and machine factory, Ridout st.
MCBRIDE, SAMUEL, manufacturer of tin, copper and sheet iron ware, and dealer in
stoves, patent pumps, &c., Ridout Sob job work attended to on short notice.
MCDONALD, D., jun., dealer in staple and fancy dry goods, 43 Dundas st.
MCDOWALL, JOHN, Freemasons Arms hotel, Blackfriars bridge, Ridout St. the brethren of the order will find here good accommodations and choice wines and liquors.
MCINTOSH, J. G., & Co., importers of staple and fancy dry goods, hosiery, gloves, &c., 57 Dundas st.
MCVEAN, DUNCAN, tailor and draper, 5 Dundas St.clothing made to order in superior style, on short notice and moderate terms.
MACDONALD, ALEXANDER, land and general agent, publishes a printed list of all lands &c., given to him for sale, which is sent free to applicants. N. B., no sale, no charge.
MACFIE, DANIEL, & Co., wholesale and retail staple and fancy dry goods, Dundas st.
MACKLIN, J. C., wholesale grocery warehouse, North st.
MARSH, D. O., saddler and dealer in dry goods, groceries, hardware, crockery, saddles, harness, trunks, leather, &c., Ridout st.
MATHEWSON, HENRY, baker and confectioner, Dundas st.
MIDDLESEX PROTOTYPE, THE, weekly paper, F. Talbot, publisher, 53 Dundas st.
MITCHELL, B. A., chemist and druggist, 53 Dundas st. a general assortment of paint, oils, glass, dye stuffs, brushes, perfumery, &c., constantly on hand.
MOUNTJOY, R., & SoNS, cabinetmakers and upholsterers, Dundas st.
MURPHY, D., dealer in groceries, provisions, &c., 23 Dundas t.
MILLS, WILSON, general merchant and importer, Ridout st.
NEWCOMBE, H. A., book, job and fancy printer, Robinson Hall buildings ornamental printing in colours, bronze, &c., neatly and promptly executed.
OCKLEY, V., Royal Exchange hotel, corner of Dundas and Wellington. Sts. a very good house.
OLIVER, G., ladies’ and gentlemen’s boot and shoemaker, Dundas st.
O’NEIL, JOHN,. Prospect House hotel, the new brick hotel near Blackfriars bridge a good house, and goodliquors.
PARK & SCATCHERD, barristers and attorneys at law, 9 Dundas st., London, and at Woodstock.
PATTINSON, CAPTAIN, residence, 3 miles from the town.
PETERS, F. W., butcher and distiller, Ridout st., and stall No. 6, Covent Garden Market.
PHILIPS, JOHN, importer of staple and fancy dry goods, Dundas st.
PORTE, GILBERT, ladies and gentlemen’s boot and shoemaker, Dundas st.
RAYMOND, EDMUND, hat manufacturer and furrier, Ridout st.
REID, ROBERT, bookseller and stationer, 45 Dundas St. bookbinding and paper ruling of every description done on the premises, National, classical, and other school books, and standard works always on hand.
REYNOLDS & GORDON, grocery, wine, spirit and English porter merchants, agents for Molson and Co’s., Montreal whiskey, 30 Dundas st.
ROBINSON, JOSEPH, butcher, stall No. 7 Covent Garden Market.
RowLAND, WILLIAM, Montreal boot and shoe store, Dundas St. has always on hand a good stock of boots; shoes, ready made clothing, &c.
Ridout, LIONEL, 41 Dundas St. importer of English and American fancy and heavy hardware, which he offers either wholesale or retail on advantageous terms. Rose, HuGH, grocer and tea dealer, 51 Dundas st.
SHANLEY, JAMES, jun., barrister at law, master and deputy registrar in chancery, office, Ridout St.
SHAW & VENNOR, importers of English and American hardware, saddlery, carpenters tools, &c., and agents for Montreal cut nails and wool carding machines, 67 Dundas st.
SMITH, J. & N., Hope hotel, 46 Dundas st.
SMITH, WILLIAM, watchmaker and jeweller, Dundas st.
SMITH, F., wholesale. and retail grocer, Dundas st.
SMITH ROGER, grist mill owner, residence, Ridout st.
SMYTH A. G. & J. B., wholesale and retail dealers in teas, wines, liquors, fruits, oils, crockery, glassware, &c., 13 Dundas st.
SMYTH, JOHN, Royal Exchange hotel, Ridout st. a comfortable and convenient house.
SOPER, W. H., gunsmith, sign of the “big gun,” Ridout St. gunsmithing and rifle
making in all their branches attended to, trap making, stamp cutting, &c., &c., car
STEWART, W. M., (late Stewarts Brothers,) merchant tailor, in the new brick building next to E. Adams, Pandas
STREET, W. W., agent Gore Bank, Ridout st.
SUTHERLAND, W., general printing office, Talbot st.
TALBOT, FREEMAN, county engineer and printer, over Mitchell’s drug store, 53 Dundas st.
THOMPSON, D. M., barrister and attorney at law, Dundas st.
TYAS & WILLIAMS, importers of dry goods, groceries, china, glass, &c., Dundas St. entrance to the market.
TIMES, THE, newspaper, D. W. Hart, publisher, Ridout st.
WANLESS, DR. JoHN, physician and surgeon, Dundas st.
WARE, D. T., & Co., watchmakers and jewellers. 31 Dundas St.-wholesale and retail dealers in watches, clocks, jewellery, silver plate, &c.
WARING & THOMPSON, importers and dealers in staple and fancy dry goods, 47 Dundas st.
WHEELER, HENRY, baker and confectioner, Ridout st.
WHITEHOUSE, G., grocery and provision store, Dundas st.
WILLIAMS, J. L., chemist and druggist, 7 Dundas st.
WILSON, JOHN, M. P. P., barrister and attorney at law, King st.
WILSON & HUGHES, barristers and attorneys at law, conveyancers, &c., King st.
WILSON, ROBERT, temperance variety store and dealer in dry goods, groceries, crockery, books, stationery, &c., 63 Dundas st.

Non Subscribers
Abbott. A. S., collector of school tax, 4 North st.
Allen, John. boot maker. Dundas st.
Allen, Thomas, boot maker, Dundas st.
Anderson, Farrer & Moore, doctors, Ridout st.
Anderson, M.. & Co., Globe foundry, Richmond st.
Ashton, G. W., boot maker, Dundas st.
Ashton, John. artist, Dundas st.
Askin, J. B., clerk of peace, Court house.
Bailey. Rev. B., grammar school, King st.
Barker, W., innkeeper and messenger to royal engineer office.
Barry, J., M. D., Dundas st.
Begg, W., boot maker, Dundas st.
Bentley. Robert, grocer, King st.
Birrell. John, residence, Dundas st., east.
Bissell. W.. cabinetmaker, Richmond st.
Boyd, A., innkeeper, Richmond St.
Bonser. J.. painter, Ridout st.
Brilliard, E.. cabinetmaker, Dundas st.
Buckley, T. H., grocer, Dundas st.
Burke, Mrs., innkeeper, Dundas st.
Burns, P.. printer, Dundass t.
Caddy. J. H., land agent, &c., Ridout st.
Carter, T., innkeeper, Wellington st.
Chisholm, H., residence east Dundas st.
Clark, W.. cabinetmaker, North st.
Clinch, J. B., Richmond st.
Clissold, A., provision store, Dundas st.
Code, Thomas, carpenter, Talbot st.
Collins, J., boot maker, King st.
Combs, Henry, cabinetmaker, King st.
Coote, John, livery stable, Dundas st.
Cox, B. & A., dry goods, Dundas St.
Colovin, C., general store, 9 Dundas St.
Craven, James, hair dresser. Dundas st.
Crookshank. J., cooper, Richmond st.
Crosby & Dart, smiths, &c., Richmond st.
Dalton, H., tallow chandler, Richmond st.
Darby. W., tailor, Richmond st.
Davis, Henry, watchmaker, Ridout st.
Devinny, W., baker, 42 Dundas st.
Diamond, John, brewer and distiller, North st.
Doyle, John, boot maker, Richmond st.
Durand, William, boot maker, Dundas st.
Egar, John, cabinetmaker, 26 Dundas st.
Elliott. James, builder, Ridout st.
Ellis, E. P., cabinetmaker, Dundas st.
Elson. John, butcher. Covent Garden Market.
Farrar, D., M. D., Ridouts st.
Fitzell & Elliott, general store, Dundas st.
Franklin, J., land and general agent, Ridout st.
Francis, Thomas, auctioneer.
Free school, Miss Haigh, N.
Wilson, P. Murtagh. teachers.
Gibbins, J., saddler and grocer, Dundas st.
Glass, David, flour store, Dundas st.
Going, Dr. H., physician and surgeon, King st.
Grannis, Miss, school, Talbot st.
Gray. W., innkeeper, King st.
Green, William, tailor, Dundas st., east.
Green, Messrs., builders, Dundas st., east.
Groves, H., general agent and auctioneer, York st.
Gunn, Alexander, boot maker, Ridout st.
Gurd, John, gunsmith, Dundas st.
Hall, William, tailor, 55 Dundas st.
Hamilton, Alexander, barber, Dundas st.
Hamilton, James, agent Bank of Upper Canada, Ridout st.
Hamilton, William, provision store, Ridout st.
Hamilton, James, sheriff, office, Court house.
Hart, R., tailor, Dundas st.
Hayden, Mrs., dressmaker, Richmond st.
Hayton, J., innkeeper.
Haskett, Thomas, painter, Wellington st.
Henderson. Mrs., milliner, King st.
Hicks, John, boot maker, Dundas st.
Higgins, B., innkeeper, Dundas st.
Hineman, E., grocer, Richmond st.
Hiscox, T., livery stables, Dundas st.
Holmes, Miss, ladies school, York st.
Holmes, M., carriage maker, King st.
Holmes, H.. M. D.. York st.
Hughes. H. C., notary and insurance agent, York st.
Hyman, E. N., tanner, Talbot st.
Irwin, E., innkeeper. Dundas st.
Jackson & Elliott. Eagle foundry, Ridout st.
Jeffrey & Sons, cabinetmakers, Dundas st.
Jeanneret, J., watchmaker, Dundas st.
Jennings, John, livery stables, King st.
Johnson, E., & Co., boot makers, Dundas st.
Jones, A. B., grocer, Ridout st.
Jones, A. T., drugs and herbs, Ridout St.
Junor, R., boot maker, Ridout st
Kelly, Samuel, cigar maker, Dundas st.
Keily, John, bridge builder, Dundas st.
Keily, W. F., livery stables, Dundas st.
King, Thomas, flour store, Dundas st.
King, William, saddler, Dundas st.
Kitchen, John, provision store, Ridout st.
Lambkin. H., insurance agent, Dundas st.
Lee. W. B., innkeeper, Dundas st.
Lindsay, W., innkeeper, Dundas st.
Lord. T., weaver, Wellington st.
Lovelace, James, temperance innkeeper, Richmond st.
Lowrie, Alexander, carriage maker, Talbot st.
McBride, W. & J., carriage makers, Richmond st.
McCann, Peter, innkeeper, Richmond St.
McClary, W., surveyor, Wellington st.
McClary, O., tinsmith, King st.
McCue, J., innkeeper, Richmond st.
McDonald, John, provision store, Richmond st.
McGill, Francis, general store, 15 Dundas st.
McKittrick, P., tailor, Ridout st.
McKenzie, Andrew, M. D., King st.
Macleod, Robert, cabinetmaker, Richmond st.
Magee, G. G., general store, Dundas st.
Maginnis. J., innkeeper.
Magill, M., dry goods, Dundas st.
Martin, Mrs., dressmaker, Dundas st.
Mosby, Joseph, barber, Dundas st.
Mathews, J., innkeeper, Wellington st.
Meredith, John, clerk of division court, Court house.
Merrill, J. B., cabinetmaker, Richmond st.
Moore, William, distiller, North st.
Morrell, S., tanner, Ridout st.
Mowle, John, provision store, Dundas st.
Murray, R. S., dry goods, 29 Dundas st.
O’Brien, T., cooper, Richmond st.
Oxenham, J., smith and bell hanger, Dundas st.
Parkinson, R., flour store, Dundas st.
Paul, Anson, grocer, Dundas st.
Payne. C., innkeeper, Dundas st.
Pegler, G., butcher, stall No. 2 Covent Garden Market.
Peel, T., tailor, Dundas st.
Perrin, L., jun., baker, Dundas st.
Philips, Thomas, M. D., King st.
Pettegrew, Samuel, butcher, stall No. 4 Covent Garden Market.
Plummer & Pacy, wagon makers, Ridout st.
Pomeroy, S. S., commission merchant, Dundas st.
Reynolds, Mrs., milliner, Dundas st.
Richardson, Thomas, butcher, stall No. 8 Covent Garden Market.
Roark, John, carriage trimmer, King st.
Robinson, Mrs., innkeeper, Dundas st.
Robinson, J., cooper, Richmond st.
Rowley, M. H., recess, Ridout st.
Ryan & King, painters, Clarence st.
Scatcherd, Thomas. barrister, Dundas st.
Scanlan & Smith, chandlers, Clarence st.
Salter, John, chemist and druggist, Ridout st.
Seger, M., stage office, Robinson Hall.
Shepherd, T. W., auctioneer; Dundas st.
Short, Reuben, boot maker, Dundas st.
Siddons, John, printer, 53 Dundas st.
Sisterson, T. M., innkeeper, Ridout st.
Skinner, Mrs., dressmaker, Dundas st.
Smith. Moses, baker, Ridout st.
Smith, Edward, butcher, stall No. 5 den Market.
Soper, P., gunsmith, Ridout st.
Steeds, William, painter, Ridout st.
Stone, A. C., surgeon dentist, Dundas st.
Strathey, J. B., clerk of district council, Courthouse.
Strong, A., innkeeper, Dundas st.
Summers, G., provision store, Dundas st.
Summers, R., innkeeper. Ridout st.
Talbot & Son, auctioneers and land agents, Ridont St.
Thompson, Richard, shoemaker, Ridout st.
Tibbs. John, grocer, Richmond st.
Till, William, cabinetmaker. Dundas st.
Vanier, -. blacksmith, Dundas St.
Vannorman, A., tailor, Ridout st.
Watson, D., school, Ridout st.
Webb & Elliott, blacksmiths, Wellington st.
Westland, James F., agent for the Globe newspaper. York st.
Wheeler, B., boot maker, Dundas st.
Wigmore, William, boot maker, Dundas st.
Williams. W., blacksmith, Richmond st.
Webb, Thomas, innkeeper.
Whitney, M., innkeeper.

Military Departments
F. B. Field, assistant commissary general.
F. S. McGregor, treasury clerk.
Lieutenent B. A. Wilkinson, royal engineers.
T. Wilson, barrack master.

The Canada Directory containing the names of the professional and business men of every description in the cities towns and principal villages of Canada November 1851.

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