Names who entered the legal profession from Pictou County, Nova Scotia

Bell, Isaac, New Glasgow; Winnipeg, Man. Son of late Hon. A. C. Bell.

Blanchard, Hiram, Hon., Pictou; Died 1874. Premier for the province.

Brown, Robert, Saltsprings; California.

Brownrigg, Wm. H., Pictou; Deceased.

Cameron, John Mckinlay, Scotch Hill; Calgary, Alta.

Dickson, Wm. A., K.C., Pictou; Pictou, N. S.

Douglas, John C., B.A., LL.B., Stellarton; Glace Bay, C. B. Member of the Legislative Assembly.

Doull, John, L.B., New Glasgow; New Glasgow, N. S.

Elliott, Geo. H., Pictou; Deceased. Mr. Elliott was the son of the Rev. Charles Elliott, the first Episcopal minister in Pictou. Born in 1842, admitted to the bar in 1868, died in 1904. He practiced law in Pictou.

Fitzpatrick, H. K., B.A., LL.B., Scotsburn; New Glasgow, N. S. Brother of Rev. Jas. Fitzpatrick, New Annan, N. S.

Fogo, James, Hon., Pictou; Died 1897. Judge of Probate.

Forbes, James G., Hon., Blue Mountain; St. John, N. B. Judge of The County Court.

Fraser, Alister, B.A., Ll.B., New Glasgow; Moose Jaw, Sask.

Fraser, Duncan C., Hon. B.A., Ll.D., Churchville; Died 1910. Lieutenant Governor of the Province.

Fraser, James A., New Glasgow; Deceased.

Fraser, James H., B.A. Harvard Univ., Alma; Toronto, Ont.

Fraser, Thomas M., Ll.B., Hopewell; Saskatoon, Sask.

Graham, Robert H., B.A., K.C., New Glasgow; New Glasgow, N. S.

Graham, Roderick D., New Glasgow; Graduated, 1914. Brother of Robt. H. Graham.

Gray, Wm. S., B.A., Ll.B., Hopewell; Macleod, Alberta.

Gunn, Alex. D., LL.B., East River, St. Mary’s; Sydney, C. B. Mayor of Sydney.

Holmes, Simon H., Hon., K.C., Springville; Halifax, N.S. Prothonotary of Supreme Court.

Huggan, M., Ira, Avondale; Boston, Mass.

Ives, Welsford B., Ll.B., Pictou; Pictou, N. S. Lane, Charles W., Pictou; Lunenburg, N. S.

Langille, Robert M., M.A., Ll.B., River John; Sydney, C. B.

MacDonald, Alvin F., B.A., Ll.B., Hopewell; Halifax, N. S. Editor, Morning Chronicle.

MacDonald, Chas. D., B.A., Pictou; Died in 1908.

MacDonald, Donald D., Bailey’s Brook. Grad. of Law School, Halifax, 1914.

MacDonald, Edward M., K.C., M.P., Pictou; Pictou, N. S.

MacDonald, John W., B.A., Pictou. Son E. M. Macdonald, M.P.

MacDonald, William C., B.A., Bailey’s Brook; Halifax, N. S.

Wm. C., and D. D. MacDonald are sons of late D. D. Macdonald, Bailey’s Brook.

McDonald, A. C., West River; Died in 1869.

McDonald, A. J., Lismore; Died at Mabou, C. B.

McDonald, James, Hon., Bridgeville; Died in 1912. Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Nova Scotia.

McDonald, William, Pictou; Pictou, N. S.

McGillivray, Angus, Hon., Bailey’s Brook; Antigonish, N. S. Judge of the County Court.

McGillivray, John, McLennan’s Brook; Died in 1901. Born April 2, 1847. Educated at Dal. College. Began the practice of law in New Glasgow, 1877.

McInnes, Hector, K.C., Lyon’s Brook; Halifax, N. S. Lecturer on the Practice and Procedure of Law, Dalhousie University, Halifax. Firm McInnes, Mellish, Fulton & Kenny.

MacKay, Adams A., K.C., River John, Halifax, N. S.

MacKay, Alex. T., B.A., Pictou. Grad. Halifax Law School, 1913.

MacKay, Ira W., M.A., Ph.D., Scotsburn; Saskatoon, Sask. Prof. Political Economy, Univ. of Saskatchewan.

MacKay, Harry B., Ll.B., Scotsburn; Westville, N. S. Mckay, Neil F., West River; Kaslo, B. C.

McKay, Roderick G., Ll.B., East River, St. Mary’s; New Glasgow, N. S.

McKinlay, John, Pictou; Died In 1888.

MacKenzie, Geo. A., Four Mile Brook; Deceased.

Rev. Chas. E. MacKenzie, Galliopolis, Ohio, and A. Stanley Mackenzie, President of Dal., University, Halifax, are sons of late Geo. A. Mackenzie.

Maclellan, R. W., B.A., LL.B. Mr. Maclellan was a son of W. E. Maclellan, Post Office Inspector, Halifax. He was seriously injured in a game of football, from which he died November 10, 1910, at the age of 23. He was a young man of great promise, clever, manly, and to all appearances had a brilliant career before him.

Maclellan, W. E., Ll.B., Durham; Halifax, N. S. Post Office Inspector for Nova Scotia.

McLeod, John D., K.C., West River; Pictou, N. S. Judge of Probate.

Maddin, Jas. W., Ll.B., Westville; Sydney, C. B.

Martin, John J., B.A., Ll.B., Stellarton; Cranbrook, B. C.

Matheson, David, West River; Died 1886.

Munro, Henry T., B.A., Pictou; Cambridge, Mass. Asst. Prof., International Law, Harvard University.

Patterson, Geo. G., Hon., M.A., LL.B., Green Hill; New Glasgow, N. S. Judge of the County Court and Lecturer on evidence at Dalhousie University, Halifax, N. S.

Power, John J., M.A., K.C., Pictou; Halifax, N. S.

Ross, John U., K.C., Pictou; Pictou, N. S.

Sinclair, Donald C., B.A., Ll.B., New Glasgow; New Glasgow, N. S.

Stewart, James Mcgregor, B.A., Pictou. Grad. Halifax Law school, 1914. He is a son of James McGregor Stewart, who took his degree of B.A., from Dalhousie in 1876; afterwards practiced law in Pictou. Dr. John Stewart, Halifax, and Rev. Thos. Stewart D.D., Presbyterian College, are brothers of the last named. Their father was Rev. Murdoch Stewart, Whycocomagh, C. B.

Tanner, Chas. E., K.C., M.P.P., Pictou; Pictou, N. S. Leader of the opposition in the House of Assembly, Halifax, N. S.

Turner, J. W. M., Merigomish; Died In California.

Tweedie, T. M., Ll.B., Stellarton; Calgary, Alta. Harvard Law School, Member Legislative Assembly.

Vair, James D., B.A., Pictou. Grad. Halifax Law School, 1913.


MacPhie, John Peter. Pictonians at home and abroad; sketches of professional men and women of Pictou County its history and institutions. Boston: Pinkham Press. 1914.

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