Biography of John G. Stevenson

Last Updated on August 6, 2012 by

John Gustavus Stevenson, Judge of the County of Haldimand, was born in the Township of Niagara, County of Lincoln, June 1, 1818, being a son of John A. Stevenson, a native of Dublin, and an officer of the 99th Foot, dying at “Oakwood,” Niagara, in 1832. The mother of our subject was Mary Allison, daughter of Rev. Robert Addison, who was established at Niagara in 1792, being a pioneer in his profession in Upper Canada.

Judge Stevenson was educated chiefly at Upper Canada College, Toronto; studied law with Judge Campbell, of Niagara; was called to the Bar at Trinity term, 1840, and after practicing two years at Niagara, moved to St. Catharines, where he was engaged in his profession from 1843 to 1851, holding, part of that period, the office of Clerk of the United Counties of Lincoln, Welland and Haldimand, resigning this office in 1851, on his removal to Cayuga. Here he was appointed Clerk of the Peace, and in 1855 succeeded Judge Bernard Foley as County Judge of Haldimand.

As a lawyer, our subject is sound and thorough, and when in practice was one of the fore most advocates in this part of the Province. As a Judge, he is very careful and accurate in making up his judgments, and in his addresses from the bench he is very impressive and often truly eloquent. In all the relations of life he is affable and courteous, and exhibits all the traits of the polished gentleman. His character and career honor the ermine.

Judge Stevenson is a member of the Church of England, and has the reputation of having lived an unblemished life.

Judge Stevenson has been thrice married; first in 1814, to Mary Butler, great-granddaughter of Colonel Butler of “Butler’s Rangers,” she dying in 1847, leaving one son, Dr. Robert Addison Stevenson, of Strathroy; the second time in 1848, to Sarah Street, daughter of Samuel Street, of Thorold, she dying in 1861, leaving three children, Dr. John Stevenson of London, Ontario; Agnes, wife of Dr. Charles E. Moore, of the same city; and one deceased; and the third time in 1863, to Mary Griffith, daughter of Robert Vicars Griffith, of North Cayuga, having by her four children.



Ontario Canada,

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