Biography of George Ball, P.M.

Last Updated on August 6, 2012 by

George Peter Man Ball, treasurer of the county of Lincoln, a descendant of the Ball family who came from Saxony, in 1692, is a grandson of Jacob Ball, a United Empire Loyalist, who left the Hudson river country, New York, with four sons, Jacob, Peter, John and George, and four daughters, at the time of the struggle of the Colonies for independence, settling in the Niagara District; and son of George Ball, in his day successfully engaged in farming, milling and lumbering, and was born in the township of Louth, county of Lincoln, September, 19, 1815.

His mother before her marriage, was Catharine Overholt, of Buck’s county, Maryland. When he was five years of age the family moved into the town of Niagara, where he finished his education in the high school. The winter of 1837-38, he spent at Chippawa, as a volunteer, it being the opening of the rebellion. Immediately afterward he went into business in the township of Louth, and was there engaged in farming, milling, lumbering, and manufacturing woollen cloth for many years. During that period he served, at different times, in the township council, and was reeve and justice of the peace a long time, being sixteen years in the county council.

In January, 1867, Mr. Ball became treasurer of the county, moving to St. Catharines with his family in November following. He has a good reputation for business habits, and trust worthiness of character, and these qualifications secured him the office which he now holds. He is a strictly reliable man, belonging to the church of England, and was warden of the church at Louth, and has the same office in St. Catharines, being a man in whose Christian integrity the community has the utmost confidence.

In January, 1842, Catharine Ann, daughter of Ralph Morden Long, of Niagara, was joined in marriage with Mr. Ball, and they have had nine children, losing three of them. The two sons and one daughter are married. Mortimer Augustus, is a barrister, residing in St. Catharines; George William is deputy treasurer under his father; Mary E. G. is the wife of William Merritt Ingersoll, of North West territory, and Fanny A. Laura E. and Kate M. are at home.

Mr. Ball is a man who interests himself in local matters, and has usually shown a good degree of public spirit. He was a Director many years in the County Agricultural Society; has held other offices in that organization. and, as far as we can learn, has done what he could to encourage a spirit of emulation among the members of the agricultural class. He is a director of the St. Catharines Loan and Savings Society.



Ontario Canada,

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