Biography of Fredrick Schofield

Last Updated on August 6, 2012 by

Fredrick Schofield, son of James Lancaster Schofield, nearly thirty years Treasurer of the United Counties of Leeds and Grenville, Ontario, was born at Smith’s Falls, Leeds, January 10, 1836. His grandfather and great-grandfather were United Empire Loyalists. The mother of Frederick, was Maria Campbell, a native of the County of Leeds, and of Scotch pedigree. Her father was an officer on the British side, during the American Revolution.

The subject of this brief sketch was educated at the University of Trinity College, Toronto, graduating in 1856; read law with Sherwood and Steele of Brockville; was called to the Bar in 1860, and practiced more or less for a few years, speculating at the same time, and assisting his father in the Treasurer’s office.

Mr. Schofield was in the Council of Brockville several years, and took his present county office, that of Treasurer of Leeds and Grenville, in 1873. He is President of the Conservative Association of Brockville, an active politician and an influential man, with a good share of enterprise.

His religious connection is with the English Church, of which he was warden for several years. He has also been a delegate to the Synod, and is among the leading lay members of that Christian denomination in the Diocese of Ontario. His standing in society is excellent.
He is a Master Mason, not often, however, meeting with any lodge.
The wife of Mr. Schofield is Letitia Lockhart, daughter of the late James J. Hargrave chief factor of the Hudson Bay Company, they being married in September, 1864, and having five children.

The father of our subject, whom we have mentioned as Treasurer of Leeds and Grenville for a long period, was born near Boston, Mass.; was a merchant, miller, and speculator, and a man of great ability, public spirit, and influence. He was for some time one of the Coroners. and Magistrates of the united counties before mentioned, and at one time the candidate of the Liberal-Conservatives of these counties for the Canadian Parliament, being defeated on account of railway connections, interests, and misrepresentations. He took an active and efficient part in the “Patriot” war (1837-38); was an officer at the battle of the Windmill; was a man widely and warmly esteemed, and when he died in 1873, the poor lost one of their best friends.



Ontario Canada,

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