1851 St. Andrews Canada Directory

A Village situated on the North River, or Riviere du Nord; in the Seigniory of Argenteuil, within 3 miles of the River Ottawa distant from Montreal, 45 miles usual stage fare in winter, 10s. usual steamboat fare in summer to Presque Isle or Carillon, 3 miles distant, deck, 3s. 9d., cabin, 6s. 3d. Population, by the census of 1850, 1103.

In the following Directory the names which appear in CAPITALS are those of subscribers to the work.

Alphabetical List Of Professions, Trades, &E.
BEATTIE, DAVID, innkeeper, Iivery stables and stage house. Horses and carriages for hire.
DAVIS, NELSON, farmer and millowner.
DELARONDE, GASPARD T., notary public.
PARISH, FRANK, dealer in dry goods, groceries, hardware, and general merchandise.
JOHNSON, COLONEL CHARLES C., seignior of Argenteuil.
MCNAUGHTON, DUNCAN, agent for the seigniory of Argenteuil.
MCLEOD, MALCOLM, advocate.
Abbott, Rev. William, Church of England.
Bain. Rev. Thomas, Congregationalist.
Benedict, George, carriagemaker.
Bernier, Rev. S. A., Roman Catholic.
Black, John, carriagemaker.
Black, John, cabinetmaker.
Boyd, James, boots and shoes.
Canada Life Assurance Co., F. Farish, agent.
Chapman, Henry, auctioneer.
Clark, Leonard, fulling and carding mills.
Coursol, Gedéon, notary public.
Davis, Moses, notary public.
Davis, T. & G. W., tanners and leather dealers.
DeHertel, Daniel, county registrar.
Delany, John, blacksmith.
Dempsey, Rev. , Baptist.
Dewar & Fraser, general store.
Fenwick, Dr., physician and surgeon.
Fenner, Thomas, boots and shoes.
Forbes, Charles, jun., notary public.
Gareau, E. V., general store.
Gibeault, Etienne, innkeeper and saw mill.
Giles, Henry, saddler and harnessmaker.
Harrington, Eric, general store.
Henderson, Dr., physician and surgeon.
Henderson, Rev. A., United Presbyterian.
Henry, A., chairmaker.
Howard, Dr., physician and surgeon.
Hutchison, James, baker.
Labelle, Paul, blacksmith.
Labelle, Joseph, baker.
Laliberte, Pascal, chairmaker.
Lee, Daniel V., boots and shoes.
McArthur, A. F., postmaster.
McMartin, Finlay, general store and assistant postmaster.
Macdonald, A., notary public.
Macdonald, Ronald, innkeeper.
Marshall, Joseph, boots and shoes.
Meyrand, Dr., physician and surgeon.
Milligan, John W., carriagemaker.
Ogdensburg Mutual Fire Insurance Company, C. Benedict, J. P., agent.
Palliser, Joseph, white and blacksmith.
Parker, John, boots and shoes.
Robertson, Dr., physician and surgeon.
Rodden, Homer, carriagemaker.
Sharpe, George G., general store.
Simpson, Robert J. P., leather manufacturer.
Smith, Thomas, white and blacksmith.
Stafford, Samuel, boots and shoes.
Stackhouse, John. chairmaker.
Stewart, Hugh, tinsmith.
Sutherland, Daniel, tailor.
Wainwright, John, J. P.
Wales, Charles, general store.
Walker, Adam, model school.
Wanless, Thomas, boots and shoes.
Webster, Peter, tailor and innkeeper.
Wilson, William, tailor and furrier.
H. F. A. McArthur and Edward Jones, jun., municipal councillors.

St. Andrews Canada,

The Canada Directory containing the names of the professional and business men of every description in the cities towns and principal villages of Canada November 1851.

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