1851 Quebec Canada Directory, Sail Maker to Woolen Draper

Last Updated on December 30, 2012 by Dennis

In the following Directory the names which appear in CAPITALS are those of subscribers to the work.

Sail Makers
BLAKISTON, R., 15 Notre Dame st., L. T., sailmaker, &c., is always prepared to attend to orders in his line of business.
HUNT, WILLIAM, 53 St. Peter st., and Lower Town market sail canvass, twine, biscuit bags, &c., constantly on hand.
Robeson, & Son, India wharf, L. T.

Berlinguette, L. T.. Desfosses st.. St, Rochs.
Morgan, F., St, John st., without.
Berlinguette, Ls, Fleury st” St, Rochs.
Pariseau, Edward, Desfosses st., St. Rochs

Ship Builders
BALDWIN & DINNING, Prés de Ville, Champlain st., L. T.
Cotnam. William, Grant st.. St Rochs.
Gilmour & Co., St. Peter st., L. T.
Jefferey, John, Prince Edward st. St.
JONES, H. N., New Waterford cove.
Lee, E. P., Hare point. St. Rochs.
MUNN, JoHN, Grant st., St. Rochs.
OLIVER, J. E., Prince Edward st., St. Rochs; office, Dalhousie st., L. T.
OLIVER, T. H., Prince Edward st., St. Rochs; office, Oliver’s dock wharf, L. T.
PARKE, ANDREW & Co., Arthur st., India wharf.
Tibbetts. James, Dalhousie st., L. T. and Pointe Levi.

Smiths And Machinists
WHITTY, PHILIP, 80 St. Paul st., L. T., in the yard all kinds of machinery and smiths work done to order; repairs promptly executed on moderate terms.
MCLEAN, THOMAS H., St. Paul st., L. T. general smith, farrier and horseshoer.
Matte, A., St. Olivier st., St. Johns.
Murray, Marshall, St. Stanislas st., U. T.
O’Connor, James, St. Valuer st., L. T.
Porter, J., 20 St. Stanislas st., U. T.
Plamondon, Joseph, Richelieu st., St. Johns.
Routier, M., St. John st., without.
Swandell, Robert, 302 Champlain st., L. T.

Tin And Copper Smiths And Plumbers
ANDREWS, THOMAS, 3 St. John st., U. T. See card, page 336.
Bedard, Joseph, Desfosses st,, St. Rochs.
Bedard, Edward, Desfossés st., St. Rocks.
Bedard, S., St. Nicholas st., L. T.
Belanger, J., St. Nicholas st., L. T.
Campeau, L.. Mountain st., L. T.
Chartré, Z., St. John st., without.
Drolet, G., Craig st., St. Rochs.
Drolet, F., St. Olivier st.. St. Johns.
Dubord, N., St. John st., without.
Geuilteau, M., St. Joseph st,, St. Rocks.
Giguiere, M., Desfosses st,. St. Rochs.
Giguiere, C., Craig st., St. Rocks.
Gingras S Co., 23 Buade st., U. T.
Kane, J., 5 Fabrique st. U. T.
Lajeunesse, A.. St. Paul’s market, L. T.
Lefebvre, T., 1 Garden st., U. T.
McWilliams. J., St. John st., without.
Parrott. A., 80 St. Paul st. L. T.
Premont, B., St. Vanier st., St. Rochs.
Phillips. Charles. 5 St. Joachim st., U. T.
Phillips, F. X., St. Margaret st.. U. T.
Pye, John, 21 St. Ursule st., U. T.
Robitaille, A. St. Eustache st., St. Louis.
Robe. J., S Fabrique st.. U. T.
Soulard. Etieune. Dorchester st.. St. Rochs.
Swallwell, R St. Joachim st.. St. Johns.
Thibeau, E., 37 St. John st.. U. T.
Vandry, Z., St. John st., without.

Tobacco and Cigar Stores
MORRIS, EDWIN, importer of cigars, tobaccos, snuffs, pipes, snuff boxes, cigar cases and fancy articles, Fabrique st., 2 doors from St. John st., U. T.

Turners And Carvers
Burnett, James. St. Francis st.. St. Rochs.
Black, William, King st., St. Rochs.

Vinegar Factory
QUIROUET, EDWARD & BROTHER, 15 .Notre Dame st., L. T.

Woollen Draper
HENDERSON, W. S., 12 Buade st., U. T.

Quebec Canada,

The Canada Directory containing the names of the professional and business men of every description in the cities towns and principal villages of Canada November 1851.

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