1851 Quebec Canada Directory, Public Departments

Last Updated on November 12, 2012 by

In the following Directory the names which appear in CAPITALS are those of subscribers to the work.

Public Departments
Permanent Officers Of The Executive And Legislative Departments Of The Government Of Canada.
Governor General And Suite His Excellency the Right Honorable James, Earl of Elgin and Kincardine, K. T., governor general of British North America, and captain general and governor in chief in and over the provinces of Canada, Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, and the Island of Prince Edward, and vice admiral of the same, &c., &c., &c.

Lieut. Col. the Hon. Robert Bruce, military secretary and principal aide de camp;
Lord Mark Kerr, military aide de camp;
Mr. Grant, 79th regiment, and Captain Cotton, Royal Canadian Rifles, aide de camps;
Lieut. Col. E. Antrobus, provincial A. D. C.;
Lieut. Col. the Hon. A. de Salaberry, extra provincial A. D. C.

Executive Council The executive council is a ministry for assisting the governor general in the administration of affairs. The members are summoned by the governor general, and must hold seats in either house of the legislature.

Hon. Jos. Bourret, president and commissioner of public works;
Hon. attorney general (east); attorney general (west)
Hon. Francis Hincks, inspector general
Hon. James Leslie, provincial secretary
Hon. J. H. Price, corn. of crown lands
Hon. E. P. Taché, receiver general
Hon. Jos. Bourret, chief commissioner of public works; clerk
Wm. H. Lee, assistant and confidential clerk
Samuel Boles Smith, Flavien Vallerand
Wm. A. Himsworth, and Oliver Cote, clerks
Thomas Byrne, and F. Himsworth, extra clerks
Michael Naughton, messenger; David Ryan, door keeper.

Officers Of The Legislative Council:
John F. Taylor, clerk and master in chancery
Robert Lemoine, assistant clerk and French translator
J. Fennings Taylor, jun., assistant clerk, and chief office clerk
E. L. Montizambert, law clerk, clerk of committees and English translator
Rev. W. A. Adamson, chaplain and librarian
W. A. Maingy, J. E. Doucet, James Adamson and J. Couillard, clerks
F. S. Jarvis, gentleman usher of the black rod
O. Vallerand, sergeant at arms
J. Brook, door-keeper
Ml. Keating, chief messenger and house keeper

Officers Of The Legislative Assembly
W. B. Lindsay, clerk
G. B. Faribault, assistant clerk
G. K. Chisholm, sergeant at arms
G. W. Wicksteed, law clerk and English translator
W. P. Patrick, chief office clerk
William Ross, chief clerk of committees
H. Voyer, French translator
P. E. Gagnon, French journal clerk
G. M. Muir, English journal clerk
Alfred Patrick, clerk of committees
Thomas Vaux, second office clerk and accountant
Alfred Todd, clerk of committees
W. B. Lindsay, junior, assistant law clerk and English translator
G. Levesque, assistant French translator
D. P. Myrand, assistant French translator
J. Huston, assistant French translator
W. Winder, librarian; Alpheus Todd, assistant librarian
H. Hartney, third office and engrossing clerk
W. Spink, clerk of routine and records
Thaddeus Patrick, clerk of committees
King Barton, clerk of petitions
W. H. Lemoine, junior clerk
J. P. Leprohon, clerk of committees
H. B. Stuart, engrossing clerk
E. Denechaud, junior clerk
W. C. Burrage, junior clerk
Alpheus Todd, caretaker of parliament buildings

Governor General’s Secretary’s Office
Lieut. Col. the Hon. Robert Bruce, acting governor general’s secretary
Henry Cotton, chief clerk
W. R. Bartlett, 2nd clerk
M. Turnor, 3rd clerk
Philip St. Hill, office keeper
George Boxall, messenger

Provincial Secretary’s Office
Hon. James Leslie, provincial secretary
Edmund A. Meredith, assistant secretary, west
Etienne Parent, assistant secretary, east
T. D. Harrington, chief clerk
Grant Powell, H. E. Steele, Charles John Birch, C. St. George Yarwood, clerks, western section
Thomas Ross, Henry Jarmy, W. H. Jones, A. R. Roche, W. R. Wright, S. Tetu, clerks, eastern section
John Gow, John Twamley, messengers.

Receiver General’s Office
Hon. E. P. Tache, receiver general
C. E. Anderson, confidential clerk
T. Dufort, 1st clerk
J. B. Stanton, 2nd clerk
E. C. Bourret, 3rd clerk
William Hedge, George C. Reiffenstein, Jos. F. Pellant, extra clerks
James Thomson, messenger

Inspector General’s Office
Hon. Francis Hincks, inspector general
Joseph Cary, deputy inspector general
Matthew Ryan, confidential clerk
David A. Ross, chief clerk William Dickinson, book keeper
N. Goddard, book keeper
J. Drysdale, A. Cary, clerks

Customs Brancher
S. M. Bouchette, commissioner of custom
A. S. Menzies, 1st clerk
H. H. Duffill, 2nd clerk
J. R. Audy, John Boyd, and J. A. Green, extra clerks
P. Gaul, messenger.

Office Of Registration Of Statistic
SerBoard, the honorables the inspector general, receiver general, and provincial secretary; W. C. Crofton, secretary and statistical clerk to the customs branch of the inspector general’s office.

Public Works Department This department exercises a general superintending and directing power over harbors, canals and public works generally.
Hon. Jos. Bourret, chief commissioner
Hon. H. H. Killaly, assistant commissioner
Samuel Keefer, chief engineer
E. P. Rubidge, assistant engineer, and principal draftsman
Thomas A. Begley, secretary
E. Hamilton, st clerk
Charles D. Shanley, 2nd clerk
S. Strang, book keeper
Michael Walsh, messenger and office keeper

Crown Lands Department
Hon. J. H. Price, commissioner
Survey Department, C. E. Joseph Bouchette, sen., surveyor and draughtsman
E. T. Fletcher, 2nd do.
P. L. Morin, 3rd do.
Charles J. Bouchette, extra draughtsman
W. F. Collins, J. C. Gibb, accountants
E. Labrosse, copying clerk
Jean Langevin, chief clerk
N. F. Laurent, Thos. Hammond, J. C. A. Poitras, clerks

Jesuits’ Estates And Royal Domain
Felix Fortier, Clerk
Survey Department, C. W. Andrew Russell, sen., surveyor and draughtsman
Thomas Devine, assistant do.
William Spragge, chief clerk
T. Hector, W. J. Jones, E. T. Roche, J. Alley, clerks
J. C. Tarbutt, accountant
Charles W. Shay, Charles W. Macon, assistant accountants
W. F. Whitcher, James McDonagh, clerks.

Quebec Canada,

The Canada Directory containing the names of the professional and business men of every description in the cities towns and principal villages of Canada November 1851.

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