1851 Quebec Canada Directory, Bakers to Butchers

Last Updated on November 12, 2012 by

In the following Directory the names which appear in CAPITALS are those of subscribers to the work.

M’CONREY, E., bread, biscuit and ship bread baker, St. Vallier st., L.T.
PARKE, THOMAS, bread, biscuit and ship bread baker, 56 St. Paul st., near the market.
Non Members
Allard, P., King st., St. Rochs.
Allard, J., Desfossés St., St. Rochs.
Amiot, J., St. Joachim st., St. Johns.
Bedard, P., Crown st., St. Rochs.
Bedard, J., St. Margaret st., St. Rochs.
Boivin, Jean, St. Francis st., St. Rochs.
Chamberlain, C., Desfosses st.. St. RochS.
Campbell, William, St. James st.. L. T.
Cogle, D., St. Paul’s Market-place.
Davidson. J., Fleury st., St. Rochs.
Dion, Joseph, Desfossés st, St. Rochs.
Dion, D., Church st., St. Rochs.
Dostie, E., St. Joseph st., St. Rochs.
Falardeau, Louis, Fleury st., St. Rochs.
Falardeau, Louis, Crown st., St. Rochs.
Gingras, J. C., St. Vallier st., St. Rochs.
Gregoire, F. X., Desfossés st., St. Rochs.
Hethrington, J., St. John st., without.
Hill, R., Artillery st., St. Louis.
Johnston, R., St. Francis st., St. Rochs.
Johnston, G.. 39 St. John st., U. T. Lepine,
Joseph, St. Gabriel st., St. Rochs. Lepine,
Joseph, Queen st.. St. Rochs.
Lortie, A., Crown st., St. Rocks.
Martel, Joseph, Coteau, St. Genevieve, St. Rochs.
Moffatt. J., Crown st., St. Rochs.
Mulholland, J., Artillery st., St. Louis.
Nelson, H., Nouvelle st., St. RochS. Racine, L.,
Nelson st., St. Rochs. Racine, C., St. Joseph st., St. Rochs.
Routier, P., St. Joachim st., St. Johns.
St. Hilaire, A., Church st., St. Rochs.
Tourangeau. J. G., St. Joseph st., St. Rochs.
Trudel, J., Desfosses st., St. Rocks.
Williams. D., St. Francis st., St. Rochs.
Wood, William, St. John st., without
a general stock of dry goods, &c., always on hand.
ROWBOTTOM, JOHN, auctioneer, accountant and commission merchant, 10 Sault au Matelot st., L. T.
O’Doud, P., 9 Sous le Fort st., L. T.

Berlin Wool Stores.
Charlton, Mrs., 6 Garden st., U. T.
Eadie, Mrs., Couillard st., U. T.

Billiard Room And Bowling Alley
Bailey, J., 14 Palace st., U. T.

Block And Pump Makers
GREIG, ROBERT, block, mast, and pump maker, Champlain st., opposite the St. Lawrence foundry rough oars, handspikes, &c., always on hand.
Brown, Robert, 75 St. Paul st., L. T.
Duval, F., 13 Cul de Sac st., L. T.

Boarding Houses, Private
CALDWELL, (MIss) & RoSS, (MRS.) IS Rampart st., U. T. This house is very pleasantly situated, and offers the comforts of a home to families or gentlemen requiring either transient or permanent board.
Couzens, Miss, 281/2 St. Anne st., U. T.
Gillard, W., 18 St. Anne st, U. T.
Goode. S., 12 Couillard st., U. T.
Goodwin, H., 14 St. Anne st., U. T.
Green, W., Mount Pleasant, St. John’s Road.
Hughes, Mrs., 42 St. Louis st., U. T.
Lane, Mrs., 41 St. Ursule st., U. T.
Poncy, Miss, 12 Mountain st., L. T.
Pouliot, B., 18 Couillard st., U. T.
Richie, Miss, St. Ursule bill, U. T.

Booksellers, Stationers And Bookbinders
BROUSSEAU, J. T., bookseller and stationer, wholesale and retail, 9 Buade st., U. T.
CARY, THOMAS, printer, wholesale and retail bookseller and stationer, head of Buade st. stairs, U. T.
COTE, & Co., printers, booksellers and stationers, wholesale and retail, Clouett’s buildings, Mountain st., U. T.
CREMAZIE, J. & O., wholesale & retail booksellers & stationers, 12 Fabrique st., U. T.
FRECHETTE, E. R., bookseller, stationer and printer, wholesale and retail, 13 Mountain st.. L. T.
JACKSON, W. S., stationer and bookseller, wholesale and retail, 16 St. Peter st., L. T.
MIDDLETON, printer, binder, and wholesale and retail bookseller and stationer, IS Mountain st., L.T.
PATTERSON, JAMES, bookseller, binder and stationer, 10 St. Nicholas st., L. T.
SINCLAIR, PETER, wholesale and retail bookseller and stationer, 11 Fabrique st., U. T.
STANLEY, GILBERT, printer, bookseller & stationer, wholesale & retail, 4 St. Ann st., U. T.
WYSE, JOHN H., wholesale and retail bookseller and stationer, 26 Mountain st., L. T.
WYSE, FREDERICK, dealer in fancy articles, stationery, jewellery, perfumery, &c., 21.St. John st., U.T.
Burke, P., 6 Fabrique St., U. T.
Lemire. J., Craig st., St. Rochs.
Cosgrove, B., 64 St. John st., U. T.
Proulx, E. N., 13 Couillard st., U. T.
Hamel, C. F., 49 St. John st., U. T.
Stanley, 22 St. John st., U. T.
Farquhar,. Alexander, St. John st., without.
Todd, A. & Cc., 14 Couillard st., U. T.

Boot And Shoe Stores
CRAIG, ROBERT, 20 St. John st., U. T. keeps on hand a good stock of every article in his line at very moderate prices.
WHITE, MICHAEL, 13A Buade st., U. T. a superior stock of boots and shoes always on hand, or made to order, on very moderate terms.
WOODLEY, J. & J., 2S St. John st., U. T. boots and shoes and India rubber goods of every description, and of the best quality, always on hand, or made to order, upon moderate terms.
Non Members
Adams, G., Artillery st., St. Louis.
Alain, E., corner Notre Dame and Sous le Fort sts.
Anderson, William, Craig st., St. Rochs.
Barbeau, Joseph, St. John st., without.
Barbeau, H., St. Joseph st., St. Rochs.
Beaupré, C., St. Joseph st., St. Rochs.
Bennet, D., Lachevrotiere st., St. Johns.
Bentley, Charles, St. Madelaine st., St. Rochs.
Bethel, J., 68 St. John st., U. T.
Bentley & Horan, Desfosses st., St. Rochs,
Bilodeau, Joseph, Desfossés at., St. Rochs.
Bilodeau, Joseph, Richelieu st., St. Johns.
Blanchet, C., Crown st., St. Rochs.
Boiley, Joseph, DesprairieS at., St. Rochs.
Bolduc, Francis, Cote St. Genevieve, St. Rochs.
Bolduc, Felix, St. Jerome st., St. Rochs.
Boucher, F., Nelson st., St. Roche.
Bourbeau, Xavier, Church st., St. Rochs.
Bowles, S., 45 St. John st., If. T.
Brouard, F.. Crown st., St. Rochs.
Brouard, Francis, Fleury at., St. Rochs.
Burn, G., St. Genevieve st., St. Rochs.
Campbell & Bird, St. John st., without.
Corriere, Joseph, Desfosses st., St. Rochs.
Caulfield, T., Claire Fontaine st.. St. Louis.
Chevanel, A., St. Francis st., St. Rochs.
Clavet, Joseph, St. Genevieve st., St. Louis.
Choales, J., St. Joachim st., St. Johns.
Coolican, James, corner St. Paul and Canoterie sts., L. T.
Contant, P., Desfosses st., St. Rochs.
Cote, Joseph, Desfosses st., St. Rochs.
Corneil, C., St John st., without.
Couture, A., 10 Notre Dame St., L. T.
Couture, J.. St. Francis St.. St. Rochs.
Cantin, L., Fleury st., St. Rochs.
*Couture, Joseph, Commissioners et.. St. Rochs.
Cowan, Thomas, 11 Buade at., U. T.
Davis, F., St. Gabriel st., St. Johns.
Dery, Louis, St. Gabriel st., St. Johns.
Dion, Edward, St Genevieve st., St. Johns.
Dion. Jean B., St. Dominique st., St. Rochs.
Donoghue, Peter, 16 Sous le Fort st.. L. T.
Dube, Joseph, Desfosses st., St. Rochs.
Dassault, Francis. St., John st. without. Allan, J., S:. Eustache st.. St. Louis.
Finn, Robert. 1 Champlain st., L. T., and 11 Buade st., U. T.
Fluck, R., St. Eustache st., St. Louis.
Fournier, F. X., 6 Notre Dame at., L. T.
Fournier, F. X., Craig st., St. Rochs.
Fournier, Louis, Desfosses st., St. Rochs.
Fraser, F., Desfosses st., St. Rochs.
Gamache, F., 9 Notre Dame st.. L. T.
Gamache, C., Desfosses st., St. Rochs.
Garneau, C.. St. Gabriel st., St. Johns.
Genes:, Joseph, d’Aiguillon st., St. Johns.
Gillis, William, 16 St. Peter st., L. T.
Gingue. N., St. Ann st., St. Rochs.
Godbout. J., Desfosses st., St. Rochs.
Gordon, James, Nouvelle St., St. Johns.
Hamel, l., d’Aiguilion st., St. Johns.
Henderson, Thomas, St. Joachim st., St. Johns.
Hammond. Matthew, 32 St. John st., If. T.
Hunter, R.. Lachevrotiere st:, St. Johns.
Jackson, ThomaS, Craig st., St. Rochs.
Jacques, Louis, St. Ours st., St. Rochs.
Jobin, S.. Champlain st., L. T.
Jobin, Charles. Fleury st., St. Rochs.
Kelly, M., St. Louis st., U. T.
Keogan. M., 23 Champlain st., L. T.
King, S., Desfosses st., St. Rochs.
Laprise, J.. Desfossés st., St. Rochs.
Larivée. Edward, Desfosses st., St. Rochs.
L’Heureux. J. B., Desfosses at.. St. Rocks.
Lortie. J.. Desfosses at., St. Rochs.
Louis. Joseph, 14 St. John st., U. T.
McGinn, A., 201/2, St. John st., U. T.
McMullin, S., Craig at., St. Rochs.
Marticotte; 31., St. John st., without.
Mathieu. Joseph, Desfosses st., St. Rochs.
Macdonald, A., S. Joachim st., St. Johns.
Methot. E., 2 Notre Dame st., L. T.
Miller, J Artillery st., St. Louis.
Maine, G., St. Vallier st., St. Rock
Maykam, J.. St. Francis st., St. Rocks.
Parana, J., St. George st., St. Johns.
Perrault, Ls.. St. Joseph st., St. Rochs.
Portugais. Joseph. Craig st.. St. Rochs.
Potevin, J., St. Dominique st.. St. Rochs.
Purkis, D.. St. Eustache st., St. Johns.
Reynard. E.. Glacis st., St. Johns.
Reazen, H., Grande Allee, St. Johns.
Rheuame, Etienne, Desfosses st., St. Rochs.
Rheuamé, A., Crown st., St. Rochs. Rheuamé;
LouiS, Crown st., St. Rochs.
Rheuame, N., Crown st., St. Rochs.
Richardson, Robert, 23 St. John st.. U. T.
Rodden, E., St. John st., St. Johns.
Rousseau, Joseph, 4 Notre Dame st., L. T.
Roy, Joseph, 8 Notre Dame st., L. T.
Roy, Charles, Desfosses st., St. Rochs.
Roy, N., Desfosses st., St. Rochs.
Russell, J., D’Artigney st., St. Johns.
Savard, F., Desfosses st., St. Rocks.
Seeffers. Joseph, St. Genevieve st., St. Louis.
Smith, Joseph, St. Eustache st., St. Louis.
Stillman, Richard, 12′ Mountain st., L. T.
Stephens, G.. Cote d’ Abraham, St. Johns.
St. Laurent, Joseph, St. Francis st., St. Rochs.
Taylor, Charles, Artlllery st., St. Louis.
Teasdale, Thomas, 27 Buade st., U. T.
Trudelle, Charles, St. Genevieve st., St. Louis.
Trudelle, G.. St. Olivier st., St. Johns.
Turcot, Edward, Crown st., St. Rochs.
Turgeon, D., St. Dominique st., St. Rochs.
Valee. P., St. Ann st., St. Rochs.
Valee, O., Desfosses st., St. Rochs.
Welch. P.. Lachevrotiere st., St. Johns.
Worthington, J., St. John st., without.
Wright. J.. St. John st., without.

Boswell, Joseph K., 28, 29, and .30 St. Peter st.,
Jamieson, H., St. Peter st., St. Rochs.
L. T. McCallum, D., St. Peter st., L. T.
Lepper, Paul, St. Paul st., L. T.

Butchers And Victuallers
DINNING, JAMES & WILLIAM, corner of St. Peter and St. Antoine sts., L. T.
DORAN, THoMAS & EDWARD, L. T. Market place.
Croker, J. & W., L. T. market. Husband, James, St. John st., without.
Finch, James, L. T. market. Wilkens & Burgess, L. T. market. Hesse, E., St. John st., without.

Quebec Canada,

The Canada Directory containing the names of the professional and business men of every description in the cities towns and principal villages of Canada November 1851.

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